DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NJCWB PRINTS MORE LOCAL NEWS ANY OTHEK PAPER IS THE STATE. WASHINGTON, N. C., MONDAY ATTERNpOX, JANUARY 24, 1918. NUMBER 178. RATE IS UNEQUAL lfttere. It ia estimated by experts at W iggtoa that the locally ter oeats U? *o??r*?apX W - ceate on ever y letter whifcV^baa ,it4 origin and delivery The oaly wpenie ts the handling o t the letter In oar local Oflee* whtefc haa been provided tor tbla 'express purpose among others^/* J47.lt volt ee no railway or steamshlaMnraaaports profit. | The National One Cent Letter Poatage Aaaoctation, with headq nar tars in Cleveland, baa beea drawing Htt ntioa for aometlme to the dja ?arlty la ratee new charged on first ulaaa letter mall. Over twenty bills tailing for one ?ent local poatage have been Introduced In eongreee by eminent senators and jrepteeenta tivea. and a sera of letter pontage throughout the country are a nnlt .a demanding that their repveeentattvee ft waahlngton support this move ment. . V BELLMO CtlKO MiXXMN p. playing ? dulirol* |? ? sap?rb 8-part ttalare ?'A MotW. Aiwilllt." HARRY OtUBBOMS Id * ffcrosmlnc I-KO comedr "DOES fLIRTWO RV" Tomorrow ? tlnd chapter ?"n? numrnd ttun Um iky" MATINSK DAILY ? t r. M. SCHOOL CHILDREN V ASSOCIATED CHARITIES UP AGAINST IT FOR FUNDS Urgent Plea Being Made to Citizens. Contributions Needed With Which to Carry on the Work. . 'Th, Aiaodil^d charities of Wash ington tre Bikini an argent pl?? for fundi with which u> carry on their work. A Urge aamfer of let tare are being Mat oat aakiag for contributions. The letters rud u follows: ? : Washington, N. C., Jan. 14, 1?1?, Those of aa who ara urine to keep tha Aaeoeiated CkaillHil ' together ara again op against It for'fapds. We kard nma aim) aa oar fundi ar? abont eakaaatad. J V If the peopla of oar town had any Mat how aaih ratiaf haa haaa (ires to tha needy poor la Washington ?laea tha Aa^clatioa was. organised, '?? would not ytf% any tronbie in ?tearing fi^dfuThelp those who are iteedy aiid worth^at It. and that la one thlag which w? are particular ataui: .we always try to help only thoaa whom we believe to be wor fp-- * ? ? ? - thy. and never the professional beg gar; no you can rest assured that the money you put in our hand* la suc cessfully %pent on just the needy poor of oar city. We want to keep this work going, and we arei writing you this letter, hoping that you will see jrour way clear to contribute to this worthy eauae. Ton may send ua whatever amount you like In any way you choose to give it; or you may sign the enclos ed card for any amount you feel like giving, and pay it monthly for the next twelve months. We will have tho collector call on you for some. We encloae stamped envelope for reply. THE ASSOCIATED CHARITIES OF WASHINGTON, N. C. P. 8. ? Make all cttecke payable to j. B. Sparrow, Treasurer. A NEW RECORD FOR I TH? BARACA CLASS] U? Qm Visitor Pre*. J R. A. Dukl ? A new record la attendance was hllahad by ike Baraca dui . oj the M K. cberA yesterday. lio brought in by the Nary and htw ] bj tho Army. ? moat iatereatlnf laaaon vu taught by E. A. Daniel. Mr. Daniel la the aaaUtant teacher of the claw aad hla azplaaation of the teaaon ^ras particularly good. The Bar*ca ..class baa oytde.a proposition to other claifreo at one dollar if they hart l Attack of ' Miaa Eva Thompson.' dnucht r of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompaon. of I Pantecifc. tUad 8atnrday evenin* of acut#littfke*Uon. She was taken 111 Friday. M Deceased waa a sister to Mrs. Romnlns Silver thorn, of this city. Mr. and Mr*. Sllverthorn will attend the fnneral at Pa a tec o tomorrow. This ie?mi an opportune time to correct this Inequality in postal rates. It Is estimated by gorero ment officials that the Increased mall business created by the lower pott age rate will more than meet the d Ifferenca. In coat. Thar* la a strong sentiment (or the change throughout the entire coantry and It seams only reasonable that we In this commun ity should do oar part toward help lag secure this rery Important re. fprm. Respectfully yours, J. K. HOYT. CEDAR GROVE LOTS NQW OFFERED FOR SALE. BARGAIN PRICES-EASY TERMS. ^ Buy Now*Pri,ces Arc Going to Advance. Select Tour Own Lot ? '".'-"v ONE PRICE TO ALL Noi Lots South of Sixth Street SoU to ted People. Show Property Any Time. Me At Once. $ WILEY C. RODMAN. I S^East M? in Streets ? - PLAN TO HAVE BABY CAMPAIGN Gnoirllk Mating Anaagemeou to Oboerve Community Baby Week in That City. (By Eastern Press) Greenville, Jan. 24. ? A commit tee rompoeed of the president and three members from each of the woman's elubs In the city of Green ville. met at the* home of Mrs.Qulu orly, on Friday afternoon. The object of this meeting wa3 to discuss ways and means whereby tho community could be aroaaed to Its responsibility for the welfare of its babies. ( "The Babies of todsy are the Men of tomorrow." Tfefs commlttne has taken the ini tiative by Inaugurating a "Commun ity B4fey CMRP^lgn" for the week of March 4 to 11, that week having been set aside aB a Nation-wide Baby Week. Tho purpose of this cam paign will be to give to" the fathers and mothera the opportunity of learning the facts with regard to tho care of their babies, and to make known to the community the impor tance of its babies and the realiza tion of the ways In which it must protect them. WENT TO RALEIGH Party Ixtft Here This Morning on the Kearly Train to Hear Geraldlne Farrar. A number of Wanhington residents left this morning for Raleigh to hear Geraldlne Farrar sing in that city tonight. They left here on the early morning train end expect to return borne tomorrow morning. Among those who took . the trip were Mrs. J. L. Mayo. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Phillips, Miss 8Mla Phillips, Miss Louise Bright, Miss Esther Kessln ger,; Miss Elisabeth Tayloe, Miss Hsncock and William Bangham. " ALLINU SUPPORTER** HAVE STRONG HOPES Believe If Justice Come* From Fourth Circuit He Will Be Their Candidate. Washington, Jan. 24. ? The friends ,here of Judge W. R. Allen were highly pleased when they discovered among the numerous letters and pe titions froto thj^tate asking Presl Ttowt^Jieerr'To name the North Car olinian to the United States Supreme Court Justiceship a strong letter from A. E. Holton, of Winston-Sa lem, Republican and former attorfi?y for the W'sstern district. Immediately upon Its receipt the letter wai transmitted to tbe White Hoote." It Is said to bo one of the s^ronfeet/etidoresments Judge Allen has reeelved. His friends regard it as one of the flneet tributes that he should receive the warm support of representative* from all parties of lite stete. Representative Britt sis) having entered heartily Into the ef forts to win President Wilson's ap proval, both writing hla endorsement nnd going with the delegation to the White Hovee. Hopes are strong that fir. Wilson will give ths appointment to the fourth circuit, .and -friends believe (bat If he names any one from that efrcuit. Judge Allen win be the ? & -'ik&Jz-'*. - sL? THE MEXICAN HABIT. ?HubbarJ in Balt.mar* Amo. c. rj. ASK CONGRESS TO TAX MAIL ORDER HOUSES Petitions to That jfcffect Signed by Business Men o | Many Stated Should Siiare in the Burden of Taxation. Washington, Jan. 24,= ? Business men of the several SuRbfc are peti tioning members of Congress 10 enact some legislation that will tax mail order house#. The plea la made t&at all local enterprise* are com. pelled-.to keep bp tiie ?lo?Ututlons and public Improvements In the communities they serve while th-? mail order houses pay nothing, al though benefiting very largely from the great public Improvements. ! I The petitions, although coming lrom States that are widely Beparat- j ed in somo Instance*, are of the same form. The petition reads, in part: | "As it is now, every business cor)- j corn in our town and county must' bear a part of the expense in thej building and keepiug up of good ; roads and bridges, in the keeping up ' of our schools and in the establish ment and keeping up of our farmers Institutes, agricultural colleges and Institutions of learning, that all liv ing in the Stat^may be benefited and made more prosperous. | "We. the local business men, In Ittye past have borne this expense and ! [we do not feel that It is fair that KHocnrns srinn? entirely liy rra J direct to consumers, should be pc initied io reap the ben -Tits o f th wor't and expense v.*e have gono to without contributing thc:r portion toward fur her development "Ab it is cow, individual State., or counties, have no right Vor auti;_ arlty to fix au averment, oj^4o col I ct in any way from th -re concern a because ol their h-'r.g exerop* through tb?* workings of the Inter slate commerce laws. "Every hone3t. legitimate mer rliant fee!- that ho has been ser iously ha* Jk-apped. and his efforts discounted, because of drc-^tloit, fraud, and mierepresen ation being used in advertising matter spnt out by certain concerns. This is another matter that we find li hard to res - edy or correct, because of the recer * provision of the interstate commerce laws. Wo fool this, too, should b^ taken Into consideration and legis lation enacted which will covpol all concerns to glvo a tru*? and hone- ? description of merchandise as to tbr> value and quality of goods advert: . ed by them." MUCH DEBATE OVER 'ME RURAL POST ROADS liiEL] Measure Brought Up in the House Saturday and Con tinued Today. .Congressman Tilln.au Expresses | His Views. Washington, Jan. 24. ? In defense of the rural post road bill, which was debated in the House Saturday and contluuod today. Congressman Tillman ef Arkansas, put up a strong argument for the bill and urged that It be pa#sed. He Raid In part: Mr. Chairman, this seem* to be quit* a field day for the freahmon. I Quite a number Of new membera are ' plunging In thla afternoon, and It well enough to give them an op portunity to be heard. I was somewhat* disappointed by ' the speech of the distinguished gen tleman from New York (Mr. Magee). 1 apeak with respect of him and of hia great State. Bat the doctrine which he enunciated If applied to rhe Booth-would be considered by us an unfortunate ?no. and would be considered by many cltlsens of New York aa an unfortunate doctrine. The gentleman used the expression that New York ought not to be mulcted In the svtn ot $8,000,000 < for the purpose of building up htgh wsys thousands of miles from. Newj York. If we applied that doctrine to Arkansas, to tb? Southern States, where the negro population is larg?, we would be erIUetsed by. the gen tktUm.tnm fork, ..1 prop. nately pay but llttlo tax, pay but a small school tax; asd yet, whonevt r an effort Is made by a southern le- - islator to Bfgr gate ti.n Uxor, paid tho white people for the benefit white schools oniy, Democratic leg islatures a' ways vote nuch measures down ovcrwnelralngly. You ought not to desplno Btat-s! becAliee they are email or bocauT>| Hi^y arc prior. Ti e st rr h:mr* are raoro beautiful becnu:,o the l;tv star* shine there along with the big j start, and no one would want to blot out a star because, though It i* i bright. It la small, and becfrneo there pre larger and more brilliant con sulfations. Now York has received much at the hands cf the Federal Govci uv-nt, as hav? other Slates win Hopr-seniatlvoi crltidre this meia- . ure. Millions of dollars ! -ive been expended all Ot*r tho co try by pouring Into streams that nro dry half the year millions of dollars and by pouring millions of dollars Into harbors that are n ver whitened by the sail of a ship or blsckened by ' the smoke of 4 s earner; and now, when the country asks fyr * meager appropriation for good road* . tor the (purpose of bulldla* tip (he whol~ country, we Aad gentl^nten lit the larger fciatee. where m'Ulone *r MIW | H1TIEES Ji.fjuit t " lid of Sou tli Crc?k N>po Iturm'ti to LK-ath. House and Conu-ntn Also Lo*?t. ^While Ita parents were away from lu me y<>ateiday atfernoon, the ninc muths-o'd child of Israel Morning, color- d, of South Creek, waa burned co deat.. >n a lire which also^r^f plelely dratroyed Morning's hoV" and coj ' -nts. Tho building was owned -ty W. K. Austin. Tho fct ' y ?: i left at hom | oii--e NEW B. & L. ASSN. STARTS SATUPDAY } -uforr ouni) building nncl I.onn It. lit*;' a I' Until* ss This Week. ,"..e ' ufort County Building & u.J I.onn Association will open (or Uf::eRs Saturday, with offices at the tiank of V ashlngton. Flm payment jn pharos are to bo made then. | . The association p'ats to extend itH work not only in the city of V. uihington, but through every part if the county. Many shares have ?c-n coU to residents In the ruril istricts and ovrr one thousand ares o: stock hav?rpoB In, n who *aw any, part of tthat won. lerf t! Un!jjcraal serial, "The, Tr?y j cf' Hearts," will remember Ibe rt- ' marLable acting 'of M!ss Madison, j flaying the two w.dely diff rontj harictcra. She seems to have aj ??pec al abfil-y to Vay two parts at j he Mime M;ta Madison -w!ll mj? ? :ti Jua: such a characterize- J ti'-n at .. it t*-< '.irao this afternoon. and , ? nipht. :;U.e play* the wayward and 1 wicked mother, and later the daugh. ter, following the hereditary !n -tir.cf'x given her by licr mother. The t tie of this most remarkable drama "A Mother's Atonement,"- and It h 3 lull parts. A rousing L-KO i>;aedy cr>mpM<*s the bill. K(?1rra Mrney have b en wafted as, nl'tv? - .led, rals'ng the question that th > ougl.t net to be required *o ?cnd n.cre rron'-y 'ban can be used . ?! "!r *>wn. >aHv.-;e)c$ or In their '*?. %r?. ?ir ft*-, m^a! Important .? l?*eji . .in^'lerpd by tl?!s ? cn ? v. v t.; it wP! be considered !>;' th prc-^nt Coagiess. More peo ? 1 ? nre it erested !a this measure mil more people desire Its speedy 1.8 -sag". My orly objection to this lii'.l Is that It doe* not go far enough. iTEOOlf AND Bill [Mill FOLLOW WfLSONON TRIP WILL PLAV TAG ABOUND CIRCLE, DISCUSSING PRp PARHDXES8 QUESTION. START THIS WEEK rimt Will <"<*ne tlie Prmldrmt, them !trj;.n r-d Teddy Will Hri?m Up I in- n.-Mtr. Lively Time* Are Ex I'i^ i * J. Wat : '.nr*on. Jan. 24. ? In a dee :a'c effort to pnve his national de f n&e program for his party, Presl ! *nt Wilson will tc o before the conn try. beginning this week, to earey to ?h?* people his appeal for support. W Hi the Democrats In Congress ' urplet lj* disoreanlrod on the sub ?-? ?i of preparedness, the President has be?*n rartde to realize that nn >?s he aeaum's an aggressive lead, ?rfliip in the flKbt, the one IsBue up iu which the- administration has ?oncr.t-ated every efTort in the preo nt Corgrosa would be lost, and that >? the eve of a national election. Emerging from the spell of tecla r!on that has surronnded him almost from the time he became President, Mr. Wilson will leave Waahiajton npst Friday to carry the flght Into 'he middle west. Subsequently there will be other trips. Upon the extent ?jf which, by this means, he can a ouse public support for his program, cuny depend his chances for reelec tion next November. ' And with the prospect, freqnently *i*1d out of late. that he will be ???all^d by Bryan and Roosevelt, pol r* l eel obs rvers in Washington are antlcipaiing a lively season. BAYS BAKER. I You are at liberty, wherever you ?>'vMli(ir e%er yen go, whenever yonr iCuriofti'y i* aro-f. 'd enough to irake jio as to actual flnlsh, smooth* r.e?s. roundn?o?. nlc ly modeled f hotcgravhi, lay anything yoa can i "nd fcesirt ' ours; take them out 'n direct sunlight if you please. Do it i today. Once for all It will be set tled. BAKER S STUDIO. | l-24-2tp. Advertise in the Daily New*. TONIGHT First epl&ode of that .wonderful serial "THE BROKEN COIN" Wlfh Francis Ford and Oykc Cunard ri ;c- ?3&io 4D97 The First National Dank WASUiNG I C. C. M. BROWN, Pre?. ~ J. B. FOWLE, V. Prc?. A. M. DUM AY, (/'ishler W/ ^luNGTON EUILDING A LOAN ASSOCIATION WASHINGTON, No. Car. TO i IE public: The first series of the fas'; ?,nr? on Building & Loan Association wiii Oominjuce Feb. 1st, 1916*. The sub scribers to Stock" will make their first, payment Saturday, Feb. Cth. The payment on stock is 20o per week on ea'oh share. Stockholders o&n withdraw their deposits Bade with the As soc Lation at any time by giving four .-9i<3 -ioti_oe, and will he paid interest at the rate of FOUR PEh CENT per antrum on payments made. Anyone that desires to t.aks advantage of this exoeptlcnhl op portunity to save in small sums are oor 4Tally invited to subsoribe for stock. Applications will be received for on* to ;>n