v * WASHINGTON, N. C., EIGHTEEN PRESENT At a meeting held Friday night at Chocowlnlty and at which eighteen men were. present. two men express ed themselves In favor of attempt In* to secure good roads for that township, three others did not vote at all and the balance expressed themselevs as being vsry much op posed to any kind of s bond lasue. The general sentiment on the part of those who were not In favor of taking steps to Improve the roads; was - that the money spent , o& the roads In the past years brought any results and . jmjpfVfcad ne assurance that results w6tf1d.^f6i ltfw the expenditure of sny future sum for this purpose. One of the prominent Cfeocowlnlty was In the pU^^ttils morning and' expressed hlAUfff^as being keenly dlsappolii^*y4myi*ibs eefctimjnt^a* .voiced by ^ho%Mpl^he nreetftg- ' He statid Oat It f a? his belief that the people Of Cbtvjvkln ky would .have &>. b?L coarfJM&d fey the Tesults In Washington township before they oould be persuaded to Lake any atape themselves towards improving the roads. The -roa? be tween here and Chocovtyfty, '. *fce added, was la- practically Impassible condition and bo had a hard time making the trip. ^ ? ? ? m/* ' nr, .? w?i itmi Mm Miami, Fla.. Jan 15.? William 1 Hryan today Issued a statement say* lng he bad no intention of following ln lhe'wake of President Wilson on his trip through the middle west making a series of speeches In an swer to jthoae of the president on preparedness. He said he Would re main In Miami until he left for L4a? i coin. Neb., on February SO to attend a birthday dinner. | BELLMQ TODAY ' ? ? j ct. 22nd Chapter ' ..C "Tb? Ubumd from tlk'p Sky" CHA8. OGLE IH "THE MEDDLER"; Imp drama in two parts violjst McMillan In a Victor coiwfy "THE MAGIC BON- BO .V" ?? 5 " ? >ftV MATIN BK . DAILY?* P. M. HCHOOL CHILDREN Ac Washington Building & Loan Association ^ ? >s. {, . VASHINGTON, No. Car. tO THE PUBLIC* The first aeries of the Washington Building * Loan Association frill ooaaenoe Feb. 1st, 1916. The sub scribers to stook will aaks thalr flrat payment Saturday, Fab. Sth. The payment on atook la ZOa per week on aaoh share. Stookholders can Withdraw their deposits Made with the As sociation at any time by giving four weeks notice, and will be paid Interest at the rate of FOUR PER CENT per annua on payments made. Anyone that desires to take advantage of this exceptional op-v portunlty to save in small soma are oor di#lly invited to subsorlbe for atoek. Applications will be received for one to one hundred shares. Apply to John A. Mayo, Sec.,, (it First National Bartk. B. F. President . ? - m -1- ?' . FORMER STENOGRAPHER NOW DRAWS $5,000 FEES / - Miss Pugfa Haa Made Enviable Reputation During Last Seven Years. Gives ' Leap Year Advice." atlon to bar. Proa hla th? accural her drat law books and began Ul? Itudr o( law. sine# that time ahe >a? prograaaed rapldlr and her rep utation hMr become nation-wide. She has b??n Int/rrtawwl br many news papers and articles referring to hir hare baan nubUabad In laadln? mag In*. article, under , tb? Year Advice." np lerday'a taaue of the ? iid was reprinted York Bun. In which It pouwi^msoN TO VISIT STATE l?ri|it-l May ?* ? -p- 1. fYrwn . Wenhtngtonr *?*. H*.? -RepHsten UUw Pou wtll to to the White House either tomorrow or next day ud ulX9 President Wilson to fWt North Carolina oa jilt second speech-mak ing trip on preparedness. Mr. PouJ I" strongiy in favor of the Prealdeitt's prepared Dew profram and he ?Att the chief execqtfte to state and tcl^lire plant. Mr. Wilson will probnbly vfvk Greensboro. nilitfh (tod possibly Wilmington, "tf he accepts the Invi tation. Representative Godwin has asked the President to visit Wil mington, his old home town and has promised him the bluest reception ever given to a President in the Old I North State, If .he will make-a visit !to the state's leading ?eacoast port. LADIES DAY AT THK HOWLING ALLKY8 WUI Be Allowed to Bowl One Game Afwrwooo Bo tweest HiMD and 81a. ; Tomorrow afternoon, between three and six o'clock, will be set aside as "ladles day" at the Monarch boajlos alleys on Market street. Ladlei'who desire a pleasant and enjoyable exercise aer cordially in vited. if they desire to bowl their first game will cost tfcfijn nothing, livery subsequent Wednesday after noon will be set aside as "Ladle# Day."- lT?i-ltc - 1 urrs BUILD II WAilUWtOM PARK. T lf-ll-tf- Tnec. tat. giat. and lawyer ? and also quite pretty ? is quoted as offering to all bachelor girls, absolutely without lee. for their Imp year guidance: "Propoee to the man" of joar choice, but look ap hie rating flrat" Short aad to the point. By the recourse to Bradstrnet'e It Is argsad that women may avoid the unhappy pea* frequently resulting from pen ollees marriages. Good! ? as far as it goea. Bat what eminent counsel or of the other sea will now stand forth to aid his trembling brethren? Such a one might well advise: "Accept the woman who propose* to you If yoa like- Mr. bat first look up her rating in the domestic arte." One prerequisite fb as fall1 as the other. For the woman: Do not mas ry for money, but lova where money is: fee ttte jnan: Do not marry to prorida yourself with a cook, l>ut frhlle marrying you might as wall marry some one who can make out df the place you live in a home. Somatkiaf more than a liberal In cojcte^ls required to produce "com. fortabte drcumstsncee" for two. f; ? ?? r . ? WEBB EXPECTS TO BRING IN BUI IN NEXT 30 DAYS ^ ' PvohlbttkL Will B? 60 More Tha^ IWore. Washington, Jan. 25. ? Represen tative Webb expectr-to get hlH bill for na&onwtde prohibition up-.in- the house withitt the next 10 daya. The North C irottna ijn jjjffifc Mian liaa a s "t*t the ixM^Tttre 60 more Vfttifc t?t? Um? tSao' tl <ll<! aa&ar thR leadership of former Congressman faobeon Mr. Webb also expects to get a vote on his bill giving the President power tb appoint additional Judges where judges who have reached the retiring age can be retired (or the good of the public service. If the bill Is passed Judge Boyd, of Greens boro, would in all probability be re tlr*d' /' MINSTRELS HERE THURSDAY NIGHT NoreJ Ajfcriofcfta* to be Given at the New llMtre, Proroisw to be Exceptionally Good One. It wlll^he of interest to theatre goers to learn that the PTice and Boaeili Greater New York Mlnatrela will appear at the New Theatre an Thursday, January 17th, for one bight, with a company of comedians, singers, dancers, musicians and Jug glera; Acrobatic and novelty acta. New aad novel acts of various kinds; comedians who are- really funny; the latest and beet In soiigs and dances; all combined to produce a show that Is pleasing to the public. BrigMC new costumes, special scenic fend electrical effects render the produc tion scene of-triaaty and splendor. yjpty* con^ay J*. known jp an or ganisation of merit, and pc?ppts a fpot?. clean performance. The mem v^.^l^ihe Greater New York, yin ntrelp. are .all young white men, thirty in aumber, who have se lected by the management as tfee best exponents of minstrelsy now? before the Several members of the late- Gee. Bvaaa'. Honey Btpr Mln stret? af* sow wit* Pribe and Bon. nelll and will contribute their share to the "genera} laud of Amusement. Mirth, music and melody, wit and satire* a*d noveltke galore will de light yob it the New Theatre oa Thursday. January 17. There will be a parade given at nboa by the entire company, with their fcpeolal baad. Don't alee it. |twi h. I I - I '?* V '* THEN AM NOW. - -1?* 7i^y .T^*C.HTr' * th?r? iwit that ak*ting ,rt?tructor dirnng a t mmt iw?trMUI that I u**d t*p*troo'i?" ^ 1 . ? -^.T" ? R?Hm in N?w York World. "SEND AROUND FIRE ENGINE BUT DON'T WAKE UP BABY" V- ?. ~ f Remarkable Presenc^ of Mind and Coolness Displayed ' b p Local LadyVhen House Caught on Fire Thar all woman are nol rattle brained. excitable, nervous or Hght Ueaded wan proven by a Washington lady Saturday evening. In fact this lady displayed a presence qf mind, which, had she been a mu^ would pfoblbly bave carried her to- some such tiljh position as gener^^sr the [ Unified States army or ambassador to Mexico. This lady's house, located on East Mtfin street, caught Are. Instead of rushing out into the middle of the street and waving her hands and GRIP ON DECREASE Fewer Cmmen R?port?<l la the Citjr. 8?ld to Be on the IncxcMf In - the Country. That the grip epidemic Is subsiding in thfc~*Hty but 1b on the increase in the rural sections of the country, was stated this morning by Dr. Joah iTayloe. | Dr. Tayloe remarked that he be lieved there wer? considerably fewer caws of thd grl^ here In Washing noon by the members Of the Literary ago and believed hat this number was rapidly being reduced. "There are an awfully large num ber in the eountry who are confined to their beds with the grip," he said. "More than I've ever seen bo fore. There are several causes for this; the frequent dumges in the weather and the muddy condition ol the soil. A person can hardly avoid letting his feet wet If he does arty outside work. This usually brings ton. from what there were two weeks then to bed with the grip." ~ HUNTING REASON IS NEAR? ITS CLOSE Wilt) Fowl mm] Deer 8fmon WU1 <Hos? Is the State on Tuesday, February 1st. The de*T hunting season in Bean, for county is rapidly drawing to a close, tb? law stating, that these leet footed ?hall oaly be hunted between September 1st and February t?t. The wild fowl season in Beaa fort also closes on February 1st and those sportsmen who desire to get a taw more cracks at these birds mast do so at once. According to statementa made by well known hunters, the- number of 4??r that abound In Baaufort coun ky. ? ?ot u Urgs tkla mmh u hu ba^a tk? tui In put wn. thin doabtlaaa Mac dH to tba fact that for tka Urn Miaou, many kaatara have apant waaka In tUa aaetlon kaatlng than. Tfcan la alaa a xareltr of wild fo*l, bat It la potaUd out that thin max not ha th? eaaa daring tha next Iscream'ng, as moat members of th? | female box would have done, sho I calmly proceeded to the tel phone and called up the fire depar ent. "This Is Mrs. . My bouse Is on Are and 1 wish you would send the truck aroiind here at once. It wake up the baby. Good-bye!" alarm and please tell the^ijnon to come quietly, 'as 1 don't waul them to' wake up the baby. Good.byed" 1 Th* truck came, the Are nas- put ^ cut, and the baby continued it* nap j without Interruption. MRS. DAVIS DIED lidatcri Report Received of Death of Former Resident of Dcaufor^ County. After an ll!ness of several weeks! and extreme feebleness of two years. Mrs. Margaret Hollowell Davis died December 29tfr at seven o'clock p. in. at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Chas. E. Thorp, in Ch'.pley. Fla. Mrs. Davis was born at Pungo Creek, Beaufort county, O.tober 10, 1830. 81; e has been greatly blessed with wonderful vitality for one of seventy-nine years. She has be*n a constant member of the Methodist church since early girlhood, was a woman of beatatlful cliaractor and had a disposition which endeared her to all with whom she came in contact. During all of her life she had helped thorn* In need, and often before she grew t6o feeble she was seen going out with hejr Bible, hold ing prayer meetings with those who could not attend church. She has always been ready to do good where most needed. She was married in 1859 to Col. A. C. Davis. Seven children were bora to bless their union. Her hus band and four children died years agb. She went to Florida In 1895 and has made her home with her yoyngest daughter Ida In Chlpley, where she died and went to her re ward In H even, to Join her loved ones and her dovoted bro her. Mr. C> A. Hollowell, ot Beaufort county, who died suddenly ten hours later, having been pick ohly^ seven hours of acute Indigestion. He l?d been planning to go? to visit bis sister. Mrs. DaVfe leaves ttoree daughters, Mrs. J. K Btllley of t Mllledgevllle. Oa.; Mrs. W. A Radditt, ot Citra, Via , add Mrs. <C. JC. Thorp, of Chip ter. with whom ehe lived; ore sl? t?T, Mr*. N'. K. Patrick, of '..old? ! boro. N. C.; two - brother*, a. F. HolioweU. of Aurora, ?nd A. L. Hol lo well, of Klnitoo. The funeral senlcvi ware held Thursday morning from th* M E. | church by b*r pastor lb Chlfriey. The body was Ibid to reet by 'that of her. eon. 9. A. Devle, who died three' jyeare ago. ? THINGS lot HA VK 'WANTED? I now at cost. Vtockmar Bros. ?t,Uite '? .. i ? 'rJ 5 ?!v ' WKSTRI EN. rSSSTIiilT NEW BERN TODAf MANY DELEGATES PKK8ENT AT SIXTH AX.MAL CONVENTION WHICH OPENED TODAY. TWO DAYS' SESSION I'roiuiaeoi Mm Aj c on the Program ftr .mm. IlhiMnUod Lecture acil (?) iter Hoaot Will H* Given I Tonight. (By Eastern Press) New B- rn, Jan. 25. ? The sixth unnual convention of the North Car olina Forestry Association convened' at 10 o'clock in the Chamber of Commeree rooms, with an invoca tion by the Rev. B. F. Huske. of New Bern. Thu visiting delegate* were welcomed on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce by S. M. Mrinson. r.i.d by ^imcs B. Blades ou ehalf or tlie local Inaib . rmen. The lomlng j rogram Included the names n Goven. ;r Craig; W. W. Ashe, of the U. 8. Forest Service; Capt. Na than O'Bcrry, of Goldaboro, presi dent of too Association; C. I. MIL lard of Norfolk, and others. At the a:~ >moon session the visit ing ludles will be welcomed by Mrs. Zebulon B. Vance, of the New Bern Women's Club, on behalf of that or ganization. After an address by Mr. R. E. Parker, Socretary of the North Carolina Audubon Society, a series of ten minute talks on live subjects connected with Forestry will be rnjoyed. Discussions are In vited after each address. Tonight's 6ec*lon will be held in the auditorium of the Public School building, where an Illustrated lec ture on "Forest Conser\ation In .North Carolina" will pe given by. the State Geologist. The teachers and childr n of the. .public school* are iUX 'ttiTl* leettfte: ..lJoli:um._L in dyater roast 4s .to bt, .provided J or -vlBltfrg (ieleg?:cB. by the New Berfl Chatf> !rr ol Commerce, at the flyman's Rjpp'y Company's place of business. SING I. ETON SCHOOL NOTES. Friday c'.oses the third month of I the Singleton school. The attendance has been good. . Tlvere was a rlebat" Friday after noon b ythe members of the Literary fcoclety. Query. "Resolvod that wd n en should have the right to vot*\" The Judges rendered tholr decision u favor of the negative. A pie va-ly w!ll be given Saturday night, Jaii. 29, for the benefit of the cbooL OBSERVE BABY WEEK From March 4th to Itlh Will Re (siven 0\er to U?? Study of Infiuit Mortality. 1916 is to be known as Baby Year. Tho attention of the whole Wilted States will, according to a recent bulletin fyom the National ( Children's Bureau, directed to- 1 ward the baby. ? to ptudy conditions affecting the baby. This movement sot to work by tho National Chil dren's Buieau at Washington, D. C. has for Its real purpose the strength ening of all activities for saving ba bies' lives acd for giving them a bet ter chance to grow to a healthy ma turity. From March 4th to 11th, 1 9 1 f? . ' will be known and observed through- ! out the country as Baby Week. 6ur. 1 .r;.T l?;t w !? I" c of Infant, I mortality will be taken up with a J view to decreasing the death rate l through knowing and creating bet ter living conditions for babies. The fact that 300,000 American babies dl?_ every year before they are 12 j month* old. shows thft something Is wrong with conditio^ and that It' ir. the parents' responsibility to ?t dy conrlltlrnn and Vrtow better how' to care for the^r bah If*. 1 "Two thounapd 5? the *00.000" babied that' die every year under one frrffcr of Me." says the State Board 'of Health, "are Nortb Carolina Ba bies. In other words, on" otit of r.tery Ave North Carolina babies dlea before It i? one year old- Con dltons for raiting babies In NorCV Carolina, aro evidently not what they should bo and any movement hav ing for 1U work the betotrto* of these conditions shouM bo welcomed Pi Ntfrtk Careliwa psnnu,"' SEW flllS KECOHTK .PUN M ROADS WILL PROVE MUCH MORE SAT ISFACTORY THAN HIKING CON TRACTOR TO DO WORK. I MORE ECONOMICAL ' Machinery C*n Be ???<? | telnbtg the ltoa<l9 mid Cm Be" j IV-tP" in Other To wo* hi p? Lb the futility Afterward*. I That the "force contract" plan for I building roads In Washington will ' prove much more satisfactory than allowing butue contractor to come Jure and doing the vork, was the view expressed by F. J. Berry this inornijic. "If a? contractor takes hold o* the job," said Mr. Berry, "he'll bring his farce and his tools here, do the work and then leave. As a result, when our roads are built, we'll have 10 purchase machinery for keeping them up and we'll have to find men who are acquainted with road work and who will be capable of keeping the road6 in good condition. Upder the force contract plan, we'll have the machinery here and wo wiU'1>e able to build up a kind of an organ ization of our own. We must re member too that Washington la not going to be Uie only township In the county that 1b going to vote good road bonds. Chocowinity or Richland will do the same In the near future and if we have the machinery, we fan let them use it also. "Every point regarding the work was cleared up at ^Friday's meeting. Ur. Fal is is uu exceptionally fine"' :uaa to look to for Information and d* Ice and I believe that we can fol low every susecsHon ho made at that u etlng to our own advantage." VILLA'S TRCOPS ARE SURROUNDED - Curranz* Furrrs .\r? Fndoavurlag lo Cut Off Food Supply of llebel Army. El Paso, Jan. 25. ? Francisco Vil la is reported to bo surrounded by Carranzisia troops In ibe Sierra Madre mountains of Chihuahua. This r port is believed to have resulted n th/ premature announcement thut he was raptured. It is believed he ran hold hia mountain fortress Indefinitely. Th* *? TarranziBtas are endeavoring to cut off hla food supply. RECORDER'S COURT Snml f'ows Were Ilnmcht Up kod DlH|*>?ed of Yntcrlay. Tlie following cbbcs wore tried before the recorder yoetorday after uoon: I- E'.Us Phillips. allowing dog at large; cost*. I Atnong the Intoxicated and dts. orderly charges ' that wire brought up, the following were found guilty: JV fc. Tetlerton. cos?t?; A. 8. Wallace, $10 and costs; Aleck Gaskill, $fi and costs. Major Ellison, charged with atab* bing another n<jgro, named Pope, waa found guilty. Sentence wiU be passed this afternoon. Jim Simmons, Intoxicated and disorderly; costs. \ John Harding, soliciting at the Norfolk Soulhern; costs. Advertise in the Dally New?. TO-NIGHT Tbo Foremen'* Chole* 1 reel Selig drama Kal*?m prefteota "Tha RUNAWAY ROgCAR" 1 re#! drama , "An Affair for tb? Pollca" 2 part Vltagraph drama "Th? Lnf* of a Widow" 1 rwl PliOcftSAlO

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