-- MORS LOCAL NEWS THAN ANY OTBSB PAPER IN THE STATE. - - A STRANGE QASE dollar bill. HKPOHE THE RECORDER.' The follow ins cams wore brou#fe^ Up y?terd?y: Robert Green?, col&red. - Mealing shirt from store of Jam?) V. Claf k. ^ fined cost 4 and ordered to be hired out. ?-*" A. 8. Wallace, Intoxicated I |4.00 ?n<1 mil <***?*/>*' .? . W. Goddard. ditto; ooete. BELLMO TODAY MARIS WAhQAW'r, :i In a thrilling MAMttdKOKru In 8 p?|pV2 tRM "A FIOHT t6 jfifWmFU ' ? ?? T MAX AS&bft' '? In ? funny Joker 6om$tfyw "PETE'S AWFUt fcftl>TE" ? Ti, " '. MATINKK DAILV^r-4 P. U. SCHOOL UHII^BKN 3c - ? u ?md affirmed T}ti* would seem to be enough I do not think that statistics not reinvent to the decla. ion of the cause, and which are of fing misleading have any plaoe la a Judicial- opinion, i6t do I concur ia the indictment against the pnayle of: the state, or the administration tit her laws, I sin well assured that facts and conditions existant da not fmjftNi''"' * ?"This statement mads by Justice AJlen was concurred in by Justice? Walker, Hake and Brdwn. "The men who are apologlslog for had attempting to paHlate this Washington Building & Loan ? k ' * *? ' *? Association ..*?? -v WASHINGTON, No. Car. ~ 0Tf."' I B ' ** TO THE PUBLWr The first aeries of the Washington Building * Loan Association will oouenck ftb. 1st, 1916. The sub scribers to. stook will make their first payment Saturday, Feb. 6th. The payaent on itMk is 20o per week on eaoft share. Stockholders oan withdraw their deposits aade with the As sociation at any tlae by giving fdtffr ? weeks notioe, and wlll.be paid lntfreet ? at the rate 'Of FOUR PER CINT per annua j?n payments aade . Anyone that deslree to take advantage of tble exceptional op portunity to save in small subs are cor dially Invited to subscribe for etoek. Applications wiU.be received tor one to one hundred shares . v Apply to. John A. Mayo, See., at First National Bank. B. F. B0W1R3 , ??? ?A- . ? ... .. SLAYER OF MOTHER, FATHER AND BROTHER, M LYNCHED ikana, T J in. !?.? W.|> rf*6ald.'axed about 50. was t*k?0 from the Jail at Boston. ex., ibomy b?fore midnight and lynched by 16 BMk?d men, according 4o reports lier?. Mayftek) ?M held In .jail charted with the killing of his, father, mother, and brother recent* tj with an ui. DRAIN 2?,m AGRESOF LAND drain toy large nutnbar of persons and each one will pay hia proportionate part of the cost. The work of drainage U Mtbe started Just as soon as slblh- and wlM be rnshed to comp? tlO%'Jost as soon as ffonible. ?? lynching, are not accessories after the fact, fer they have committed no f\ju?tlce, and ,the^ weaksn the restraint of law on jjfeialon* when communities are en tmf* d by deed* of horfror in thdlr h nWit. The lawless element wel Mm aach aKerantoee. The~5?gan^ i#Mfoa of future moba la made a as fa?r Bat It la anmlatakable that th, MlHtaH of North Carotin* U ?M agalait a?eh tMnn, ud the p*o ft*. km?* aeokw lbs 1m; copyIc t(?n? of the Hmt? ud of the ?*?." Decide Tilings After Reading the Ads. WlrtH to look to r > t?u?r room or. koordlx BUM ? for work ? for ui larMUtoot ? for ? for bargain* la 'wd thlaa*' *11 of tkooo mlon *r* bottor dooMt* ?tf?r * ttt*T of tko tut *4*. To* '11 oeror find an lam of ftl* Nff Ihlt boa oot lot it laait oo. H lo It that TO$ UOPOI?TT<) AKIWmtl" I* ? . , . . ? ? . ? ... IEAP YEAR. ? -King in Chicago Tribun*. HIE OF DEMITS Will DEFEHD pi UTS HIP Believed That President's Coming Activities Will De cide Outconfe of Election Next Fall ?"? I Washington, Jan. 16. ? Will PreE-| ideat Wilson get away with it? Many of the dyed-ln-the-wool Democrats bay not. This la the Qacetlon, coached In the language of the street, that la in Ci>|p are asking themselves and each otA*. wfc?WY?r they think f* Mr. WrUsn's forthcoming trtp > vd wtog which the chief executive hopes, both; tx> 'Stir ap enthusiasm for national i defease and st the same time get the hyphenated Amercans and some of ihe Catholic brethren a little more ^enthusiastic for the President him. self. Upon the result of this trip, which in the minds of many of his closest advisers is ill-advised, hangs the fat? of the Democratic party in the coming election, and every Demo crat in Washington knows It. . The President has so far been un able to control the members of his party in Congress and. by going be fore the people he hopes to start a back ffifo of popular enthusiasm that will ajfbmplish what ho was Enable to do as the titular head of his psr ty. nsmely weld together in Congress jl foroe strong enough to put through his defense program. " The**est and most influential m*?n in CtfBjgrees do not agree with Mr. Wilson lh his preparedness policies. Such men as Robert N. Page, Major GOOD SINGING AT MINSTREL SHOW MM? Fcwtore Niunbfm on the Bill Which Will Be Preneated at , the Xew nw?tr? Thurmta)'. No mlsitrel show- is complete without' ita company of funsters and Jok mMts, and the Oreater New York tompanyis no exception to the rat? that hilarity most prevail. The aofosdlsns of this combination are Hk the front f*nk of mtnatrtls t; thels toot*. Jokas and fannyoelties Important factor In tho auc osaaoftha parformanc?. Only ih? lattat, brtglitent and Mat of material la *on? and analoal Klu km balnj usad, the porformanoa In* trffty tarmned tha "Bl( Laufb log Show.*' f NOTOlty, ftlggllQK and acrobatic aeta. alnglng and dancing ninbtn with an aaaambla of t?a aatlx aom paor. a gragd drat part and a far law flaala aaita to maka tku pro duction a triaibph In minatralar Tkla company ?om*a keraldad br pralaa from 4th m- parta a? giving a good, claan parformanoa, antlreljr fraa from ralgartty aad morttortaua In tka htghaat dagraa. antral. ThurwUr. J?? liWi# 4t >lty eL&der Kltchin. James Hay, of Virginia, and many other men of re cognized ability and a following that must be counted In on any important legislation in Congress, are not oniy minus enthusiasm* but they firmly believe the defense program la bad for the country. politically and ot&tr* wise. Many o fiheso men would .toll the President not to make thia should he hin*^lf -a&K th lr Advice. Thoy fear- thar Mr. Wilson la to be deceived- again. Hla It^rrxry, for the mo?|^oart, calls for the 1 g;. er cities. Theh^ify will And veati ment for hla progrfcriKfrut he will not have reached the pferole back In the "sticks" as some of die .follows call those Americans who live on th? farm and till the soil tor 'a livelihood. He will come back to Washing-' ton. therefore, believing that th? country is with him, when, as a mat ter of faot. he will not have soupded the real sentiment of the people. If letters -oming to senators and con gressmen are to be counted for any. thing they certainly show a lack of ^nthsulasm for either the President's foreign policies or his national de fense program. Hence. it is contended, un'.eas Mr. Wilson can produce ' figures to show that the country la in danger of be ing attacked by a hostile foe, and produce conclusively evidence to substantiate his position, he cannot get away with 1*. HEAVY ART1IXKKY '^WriNO IN WEST Paris Reports Rfnulte of Pir? F?r on?bto to ffcp FVeorfc. Paris, Jar. J8.-^-The French war office statement given oat today says that last night there waa con tinned artillery activity In the vi cinity of Nleuport In Belgium. The results of the Jlre were described an favorable to the French. German troops at one point pen etrated the first line of Freneb trenches, bnt were at once driven o?t. In the Artols d! strict yesterday ?yenlng German forces attacked tho French forces. 7:80 i>. m. In front of th? fh ?atr?. - - : ' ? 4 , f. ?.?. ? ?> rh WASHINGTON TO ^'cE FOND TO | ASSIST ^ WILL HF v** ^OKJU WORK I THAT HE CARRIED ^ OCT OK XOMMfkOW. ENDORSED BY MAYOR Mnyor Kugler Urges Liberal Contri bution#. Committee Has Been Appointed to Bolide Funds in the Ckjr. 'Editor. Dully Newa. Dear air: 1 note in th paper* January 27 tli haa be*.;; a*t .vi-t 'as n lay for the C0'lvC( .c . Oi f_wC*.s 10 be >eut to the J^wuh r-f;..o wiiO hav* suffered so a vere.y In R--?la and Tola^d from the effects uf t i?e war. These people have possibly suf fered more than any othera on ac count of the war. having been driven from their homes, being given such short time to leave that they were unable to take anything with them, only their personal belongings and In many eases being robbed of these on the ronrfc? ^EJiey are In great dis tress an? ne-d assistance from all pe rtle. and 9 lit for this fund and I hope the? *111 receive a liberal contribution. Very ruly yours, FRA.tK C. KUGLER. Mayor. NORTH CAROLINA / LAW 18 INVOLVED Washington, Jan. 26. ? The ap> W- of the Southern Railway from a ijeolsloc of Lthew-Norrh 'Carolina 5uprrme Coort in: the case 6f"W. C. Ttnrmtor vrba k^Lthb railroad for ?jywcharg*s on cotton shipped from Houston, Texas, to points In North Carolina was argued today bsfore the Supreme Court. Th? shipper was awarded ponal ?Lifr, un?I r a North Carolina law ro Q'. ng 'illroad? to pay penalties to ?1 ;pper* tor failure to pay promptly just clal: la aga nat them. The rail way cont tods UiAt the North Caro lina statute wa* Inapplicable because ove-y Dolnt c^"?:c:ning the shipment was ocvered by Interstate commerce laws. Under the decision of the State Supreme Court It was held that the question of penalties had nothing to do with tranaportation and therefore the St Ue law applied. T):\. MJRY WALKER MAKRfl AN * NTT -PR EPA REDX EB8 SPEECfl Washington. Jan. 26. ? The pre p' "dn?M heartngs of the house n? vti :rmm1ttee were enlivened toda by an "ntl" spooch by Dr. Ma? V**>p? .v;?rSng h r famous trou* . nJu r l-at and white oottor glovea. She declared Japan Is America'? only poaaih^e fo* and that American women should be sent to Japan to adopt th? native kimono ooetume as an American etaadard fashion. MR?. ELIZIBBTH TINCH'E DIEH. Wif* of Jowph Tingle Pawmi At Oljrmpls. Kaneral I'odsy. New Bern. Jan.' 16. ? Mrt. Ellxe ff'v. * !?? of T'n?rl*. of OlTm 'pit, >ll'-1 at )?or home at that plne? laat *lfht. ard 76 yearn. Th ? fanera' service will M* eon duct? J from the home thle afternoon and the !ttermetfl made to the har tal ground at that place. , "GOOD TASTE " CRY STALICE CREAM * Makes bad feeling people feel good. And good feeling people feel better Thl# good sunny weather. j;' TliY IX. CRYSTAL ICE COMPANY Phone W Wmhtngtrm. N. C. BELIEVED M ?U III IMPROVE MUS RESIDENTS OP THAT TOWN^HIT ARK GREATLY INTERESTED'. ^ OVER THE PROJECT, TO HOLD MEETING H?t? Not Vw Doddod Wl??Ui?r ZlSfc. ?vet lu or Bond June Will KuK Bluh B??t Method for Um X rcoiMr) Ko venue. Although Chocowlnlty ma y b? i OU enthusiastic about good road wpr* '.ho cxact opposite Is true of the rffe Idem* in Rich. and township. In *nl about Aurora, during the last twi or thie* w ek". the good roads pro* Jcct has received considerable dlH cuEsion aud very t&S persons havflt expressed- themselves as b?t4 against Improving the roads of ttttfk section It Is expected that a meeting will be held within a few days and tM matter decided upon at that tlma. At the pr^sen*. therr is some dabftOt over the best method In raisin* the necessary funds. Soma have ex press! d themselves as being tn favor of a bond Issue, but many othwra b# wev that a direct tax will be beef* plan. At the meeting which Is to be th" date o! which has not yet betjl announced, prominent residents of Washington and other parts of county will be asked to be pres and give their views on the vaii d tails of road work. GREENVILLE TO STUDY BABIES M*jor Dub u Imam ProcUmaUorf Ilogajxlln^ the <)hft(>n?ncti of Iteby Week. (By Eastern Press) Ore n\. lie, Jan. 26. ? Mayor Dana has given out the following announ? ment regarding the observance at Daby Week In this cly: The Federated Clubs, composed or ladles of our own. have requested me to call attention to Baby Weefc. March 4th to lltb. 1916. The movero- nt Is for more babtik and better bablos, and 1916 is to faft,, known as Baby Year. Daring week the study of Infant mortality will be taken up all over the coun try, with a view to decreasing tfce death rate by learning and creating? bette rllving conditions for bablea. ? A program of vast interest to Ah of our people Is being arranged for that week. and It Is desired that tfre fathers and mothers, and tutor* fathers and mothers of our town, . shall lend their hearty cooperation to a movement which means so mach for future generations. It Is stated that one baby out %t . ery five. North Carolina babies die -.'ore It In on. year old. It Is nod ;g less than crlmioa? for our peo ple to remain Idle under such cJr umstancfR. when conditions can b? r> Improved as to reduce this m4r allty to a minimum. I am sure, that without asklAf, our people. who compose the llvsat town In thft State, will lea** nothlti* undone to make Baby Week a rast success. ALBION DUNN. Mayor. [tAKTC ADVANTAGE; BUT, HO#j ' Everything al cost. Bock man Broils. 1 26.1te. Subscribe to fks Oslly News. TO-NIGHT 7 ? Good RMta? >7 An Rsunay Fable "THH BLOOD 9BRDLINO" J S r*?l S?lic drama "LJFK 8 BTRBAJC" 1 r*?\ Btofrtpk "The EvorlMtlnf Trteatt*" 1 r*l Bdtton "In Dutcfc" tom*dy PrteeM410