THE OAfLY H*WB PRINTS MOB* XOCAL JTCWS THAN ANY QJHKB PAPER tN THB STATE. WASHINGTON, N. CfcfTHUBSBM' APTERNQON, JANUAKY S7, 181?. P*! miL ruinnino TO ORCIIIIIE, 1-CipBE . WASHINGTON TO BE INCHTDKH W BALL, [.ram e III this ?" 8?eno* Of STATE. PLANS UNDER WAY I Crreuvlile, KIMw ud i*' That a baseball leaiue. consisting ? I Washington. Qreenrllle. N?w Bern. Klualon and poealhly Etila ke lb Cltf, Edenton or Plymouth, ?UI k? formed la thla section during ?he coming season, now appears tO-'Se an assnred fact. It M understood t bat there haa teen comldereWai correspondence goihK on betWeOa " the above-mention' d rtttea and that preliminary pl**s far'the e?abUsh-j ??nt of the leftgoe are veli o oder ,V. WKjwf' "' ."?< Thoae who are tatWaated In "the Cormatloo of the league, believe that It will ha hlgftft' audeeaaf ?f, espec ially In WaehlngtMCOraanTllle, New Bern and KlneUm. "T^eaa rules are ?11 Mroar baseball tijwns ind tli? (ana always lato -evt" In goodly numbers at all jffc/Vkmm. They also have fenced^AffVbunds. __ Washington e^ta^n have a jiark completed by esrty faring. stop, la that direction being taken at pree at. . ft Is expectri'ttiat farther de tails regarding thsleagoe will he vade public in the future. AMKHH WS LEAVING MEXICO, j Washington, J*n;11.?American ?mploycs at Yooojitvo Development Company at MlnM^.f&itiauhna, (left there wtertfcr on a special. train guarded by Cirranxa ?oldlers for Chihuahua City, State 'Department advices today (from El PaeO report Am' rlean * Consul Spllllman at Queretaro reported ?Geueral Carran ?a showing an apparent desire to comply as far as possible with th* demands of the United States *to }rot<-ct Americans ant* their Inter esu. BELLMO T OP AY BROAOWAY-UrnVBRSAL - ? FeAto?** ? 'present! MIS8 &JL* H4.U. *' -j^wkh- .u.A i parts V Adapted from Louie? Burhna/n'f : famous* norel of lha san^f #W>?. , ; i. M.4TVNKK DATDY?C I* M. WCROOC CHILDREN Or Washington Building & Loan '. ' i . v Association WASHINGTON, No. tfti*'. ' ..V, .\ J ' ? TO THE PUBLIC: The first series of the Washington Building A Loan Association *111 ooameno? Feb. 1st, 1014.. Ths sub- ? sorlbers to stook ?111 sake thai*1-first paymertt Saturday, Feb. tih. .<,v ? - . The payment on stook'fs 80c^ per week on eaoh share. " Stockholders oan withdraw their deposits aade with the As sociation at any t1me by giving four week* notloe, and will be paid interest at the ratfe of FOUR PER CENT per annua on payaerits aade. Anyone that desire* to tak?utdvantage of this sxoeptlotial op portunity to save In sMtll sobs are oor dlatly Invited to subs?rlbe for stock. ^ "Appilcation's will be reoelvsd for one to one hundred shares. Apply to John A. Mayer, Sec., at First National Bank. b. f., bowers ? BEING ORGANIZED TO FIGHT MR. SMALl Reported That Washington Men are Kfeady to Help Finance Judge Whedbee's Campaign m Hi? Race for Congress INTERESTING FACTS MADE.PCIBUC ;> wwn m I'llOW |> out JK (MA. for 4 day or two tod |ets back., he certainly cu hoar a lot of news," remarked <^o of the prominent btn lnaee men of ttp city this moral*? whan a Dslly New? reporter drop ped Into bit office an? asked him if th*re wa? "anythtn* doit)?." 4 "How eomaT." queried the report er, taktn* out h la note book. ' Well. I came In laat night snd Mom I went to bad I'd heard that adotber determined effort waa beta* made on the part of men here ?n Waetila*toa-and other point* in the Ffttt Congressional district, to create oppoaltlon to John H. Sm^l In ttae peat' Congressional election. 1 have heard that letters war* Mot from here ymteftwy to Judge Whed bee, asking him to enter the raoe. 1 h ser also heard- that l(r. Small's appotntmnet of Mr. Bond. Instead of Mr. McMullan, aa postmaster at up. It is Mid that Mr. McMullan had a larger number of siffnatarea to hie petition *aod that 'he also had done more for the party than Mr. Bond." "What do you think about the propoeltion?*' queried the reporter. "To toll th< w?th. I'd* *<* twilar? :&-a HERE TONIGHT .Norel Attraction to be 8e??t at the Now Theatre. Parade Thfcr Nom. hte ('oowrt Thl* Evmln*. A large audience la expected at the 'New Theatre tonight U) witness the performance of Price' 4. Bon uelii's mlnntrel show. The show brings an excellent leputa'.ion from other eltles and haa h en favorably | received wherever ahown. / A big parade waa given at noon today by the performers and a eon cert wltl be given this evening in froat of the New Theatre at T:80; o'clock. The curtain wit! go up' promptly at 8:80 o'clock. So OVEW PROJECTS IX 1 MVIMjUiaOM ?a<l Washington, D. C., Jan. 27.-Jfhe I illvers ind Harbors committee voted ' today to include hO new projects In J Its forthcoming bill, but to confine I appropriation solely to projects si-1 ready authorised thus limiting thej 'total to approximately 4b ml Ml on I [dollars. W* Jud? Wkedboa wtR ran. Q*iS primary ayntem, 1 ?m Inclined to lu ll?? will k <?? h Itn out' OtCb? tTift co*?raui<nlM dlMrtrt, tt>W"inr m. txxit one haoOr<4 polHpg 'tfkcwtL'Jt a teas want* to mtMf uy'tto# of * r*c?, h? will have to kbd| two or tfcrr* moo ?hoach polll?'tf?'l??e to look after lJh&torarta. HV1I ?od ? bird Job llM theae men for In* He W^Cfcleo hare to 0ar~tiU >1 and traTolling espoaeoi ill?*? tkat WtMlM it It tor leafr tbair tke old arsAni, ke able to get H>ut for of that envount." eard anything ala?," rumored that men ?re it work in Washington at present In the eodearor to rate? the money to ft nance Judge Whedbee'i campaign, I also andartygtnd that th#y have al-, from Whedfcee?" "A? far a? I know, not a word, but 1 am of the opinion that he yili not ran."-, "And if ha does run?T" "Oh, get ant, I've gflfefa you Inough dope eow to" ftli your old; ?kiW - u SHAf KLEFORD BILL Chamber of Commere* M?j Wire Keiurtor Wminoiu, Asking Him to Support the Mmaori. . That the Shackleford road Mil, which passed the Hour? Tuesday, #111 meet wltfc'strenuous opposition !n the Senate, was the general set> L(ment espreeeed by local men, who itre interested In the hill and who have.been following Its progress. The Mil. a* It passed t?e Ho qalls for an annual approaplatlaf $2 5,000,000 on the part of the emm^nt towards the npffip of rural post roads. This Vould Iforth Carolina between three tbhr bundled thousand dollars a| year for her roads and Beaufort *ouniy would get over three thOtoand 40 * *<' Some of the local men are urging tfiat the Chamber of Commerce tele graph Senator 8immons, urging bin] that be do everything Id bis po^ei to see that the bill ia carried. Cap. 3In Leach, when seen regarding th? itter tWs morning, stated that h? bilio*ed the suggestion a good One and that It would probably be acted upon within the next day ot* two. RATTUNti NKLHOX MTB8 FOR DIYORGJB! a g NW-1 liwelcntj Chicago. Jan 17.?Battling Mtv former jjefcamplon H g tit w? pfgillat ohgrjjlhg d?Mrf1oo toda/, petition??! the Circuit Ofttirt ?folf a1 divorce trod ^fra. ra/ JCtng Netaon. cartoonist aa^ ftpeclal ^writer for a{ Denver, Ctfl;, newapaper. *' Adrertli? Id tb? Dally New?. When You're Ceased To Need It * P-rhapa Vl a de>k?and rou te bought a hw on?: or * paarrttar, or a. motor, or a eaaa, or a cabloat, or a eaaji ?rttn moral, bo t dot to TOO. RmIIm aomothtait Ilka the Value pf adrartialaf It I? tka 'Tor.fldo" colon*, To. pan -qalckly. ehaaply! V ClaaaMUd ail< lalha !JMf? wluvalMra roar t>oobla? WHSON BEGINS FIGHT FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE - r-'-f *?? T?rt, ? 17.?President Wilson arrived bare this morning and will deliver, bis first spcech in. favor or preparedness at the annual meeting of the Railroad Busing? Association. Later in the evening .Mr. Wilson jrllt speak, before a ban quet of tbe Motion Picture Board of rTrade of America. \ ^e is expected to.mention tha Mattes^ and Euro. ',?wan situation to IM addraaaca. ^eavfnij. fiei# york ai mMnlght the president will art-Ive here eatl/ -Fri day mora ing. Mrs. /Wilson. Secre tary Tumulty, and Dr. CArey T. Grayson will accompany him. The iKWi of Mr. Wilson'? coming was evidently well known her? for a large crowd aast-mblod at -the Pennsylvania station at eight o'clock this morning to catch a glimpse of him and hie party. He was loudly cheered as he stepped into the wait log automobile. Mr. Wilaon waved his hand and smiled at thj^fettoVfL' ' j The President haa tfcMughlJ ,?ipped put the addi?M he ' nvjf 1 " oq j which ho wil. ?which"" will be delivered Saturday morning in PittsbOrtffr, will be dif fcrent?. V' ; WASHINGTON AIDS JEWISH SUFFERERS! Today has been tot- aside by Pre?-; ident as National Relief Day for Jewish sufferers. To many fltiea In he United 8tatea, contributions are ping taken up to relieve the dis i of th^. Jews who have lost >fme? and fortune?. The work is jelng carried on in Washington and ; )then citels in this section of the ' 3tate>-?Although no report 6f the! amount rafted here ?as available I his noon, It is believed that a oodly sum will be raised before light. ? ?-nJ The following facts si to -cobdl lons among the Jews Ih the Various earring nations of Europo aro au horltative and unezaggerated: KiurU. n - Nearly three-Quarters of a million men, women and children of out j faith are homeless. - ? ? ^he explunions started last May wers systematically followed up with decrees covering a 'Very much -wider territory. (.. Jhe .notices', th# Jowish resi dents to Jnavp their home? varies (hMb three-to twenty-four hours. In addition to the phytic*] and nvenui agony - caused by the*# ex. pnlstons, a far mora. serloof result wsp the breaking up of thousaada of famillta. members of which wers lost pi their way/ ' Old men dropped oik the ~ rosd from exhaustion. Women In travail died. Children took ill. r la Poland aloae htere ara nearly three hundred towns that hkve^f ff red materially from tha war. Over thrae million towaspaa?te are,destitute i Tha destitution la M wldaepfeaH that no ona provinca can V? selected as typical of the want. #B?p?e1all* miserable ara the *esldeata of - thfe provinces of Kavno and Orodno, the provlacaa of Bessarabia. Podali a an# Volynia A Commission of tha Jawlah GoW JUraOik Association traveled through section# of Osllcta, and they reported that tha escnfSMle waste and ruin In thoae sastidwa wvsn greater than th? fugce?. The*? refugees are .huddled lu Im provised lodging bouse?, In . stables sod basements, and iu the ruins of former buildings. The soup kitchen? are mobbed every day and while they give aid to a few hundred, needy thousands are or line clamoring for the elem entary needs of existence. The situation of the Hungarian Jews In thoa* countries bordering on OaUcla, U deplorable. The orthodox rabbis In those sec tions have written the most heart rending letters, descriptive of con ditions, and referring to the num ber of .women .and children who are sick and dying from the want of '? The misery of Palestine Is an old #tory. Cat off from communication tflth Europe, upon whose capital It live?. Its crops wasted Its fl el da fal low and "the plague destroying the organic crop?the Inhabitant? of Palestine hive Indeed been In a sorry plight. .Mr. Lonit H. Levin, who recently made a personal trip "With a Commission through that sec tkra, reported unequivocally that the Immediate want of th? Inhabi tant? there I? for food. MfcKVICKft AT PAVXK CHtTKTI, Thte.e will be service* at Pa/ne Memorial Pre?brt?rl*n Cbnfrch lo^ nf*ht at 7:20 o'clock, eoodncted by fl?r. IT. B. Searlglrt. Resident* of that vicinity oordiatfjr tnvitad' to at tend. - ALL CHOCOWINITY IS NOT AGAINST A BOND ISSUE V*? f ?H?? !? 1? Favor of Im prorlac fto*4f. Saj? FrfcUy'. MeeOaff Vm Not Properlj AdrertUod. I Editor Dally Ne*i, IOmt air: -? j The road meeting held laat Friday night at Chocowlnlty which wu spoken of In Tuesday's issue of the 4>ally News, moat not have been properly advertised. What I saw In the Newa la all I hare ever heard of It.- There might hare been one more there who favored the bond leeae had 1 know anything of It. The fact that there haa been so much aald In regard to bad roadt and th< fault been placed entirely qnthe officials prompts me to ear tha^hla la a mistaken Idea. There 1? Dothlng unusual in regards to I conditions of roads I travel that can be traced to anything other than the weather, which began aO early with eno* and then freezing caus ing them to go to njeher at once. Roads that were bftjlt and built rllht not more than a year ago did the aame as ours which have had practically no work In twelve months or over. N. W. LATHAM TO ORGANIZE COUNTRY CLUB PUn la Baling Connidrred for Open, ing a Club at Broad Creek, Five Miles from Town. Effort? are being made to estab .iah a oouniry club at Broad Creek, about five miles from Washington. A number of mea have expressed their willingness to par their part of the cost of tbe grounds and bolldl.ngs and It Is believed that the. proposition will be carried through -soocessfully. Those who are at the tnitl?r "expect" Tlie club ,to 'b*r*?4X tpr u*9 this saipbier. FROM CAMPBELL'S CREFK. The sentiment for good ''roads la one of the moat 4tocussed topics In Richland township at the present time, and the roads are In bad shap**, but the progressive people of our township are fast beginning to real ize that this condition If affairs can not exist. Something must be done. \^e believe that It will be but a very short tlmo before something Is done In the way of making good roads. We have good schools and now we need good roads. * ... MONTENEGRO MAY AGAIN QUIT] Report?] That RnuJl Country T1?.i A*re**l to Lay Down Arms In t ho War. Berlin 27.?The delegate* of the Montenegrin government, at Poc tock last night signed article? pro viding for the laying dQwn of the arms' #f the Montenegrin forces, ac cording to an announcement made by the Austro-Muilgiirlan headquar ter?. ? ' 1 The text of the statement says :n part: "TesteTday at six p. m., the dele gates of the Montenegrin govern ment signed articles regarding the laying down of tha arms of the Mon. I tenegrin army. The disarming is! fcoing on without <Wfll<*ulty and has ' extendo dto the dlstrlctn of Kolasln and AndHyevlca."" ? From the Italian front tl' In re- i -ported that Austrian Hungarian troops in a battle near Oalavita oc cqpl'vd part of the enemy's positions, i trt*? prisoner 1^197 soldiers, tn-1 clpd'ng 45 officers. Two machine guns alto were captured. !> "GOOD TASTE" CRY STA LICE CREA M ?" .'t' i ? '? ? ?? Makes bad feeling people feel good. And good feeling people feel better ?v, This good sunny we^tber? . TRY IT. CRYSTAL ICE COMPANY Phorm 89. . . . ? , Wa?hingtcn, N. C. HUD M. K. L. STEWART BJELIKYE8 #OUN TY OFFICIALS BHOLLD HAT1 ^ KXTIRE BAY IH %flfl 11^ ARE RESPONSIBLE CommlMrioppw Will Be He|f J sponsible for the Work *1 Therefore Have (Ike Right tp Ap point the Men Whom they tkiaii u. lorplng. E. L. Stewart, socretary^of tM wuh ington Township Good Road? elation, made the statemeat ha believed the count? mmiBil^frniisi ? should have entire Jortedictfoa re garding the appointment of the com. ruttiee of three men who will hara the supervision of the expeafltare of the bond lsaue on the road* of the township. "The commissioners will ba held responsible for the final outcome of the work," stated Mr. Stewai^ "and 1 believe that they should tberafore have the right to appoint softl a committee as thej desire. Than, if the work Is not dona right? theucoja missioners will be responsible. '?a the other hand. If tho people JgfcJf bead and get mixed up 1b tfaa mat ter of appointing this committal and something goes wrong, the com missioners can say that they am not responsible because they did not make the appointments. "If the advocates of good4; attempted to select a commit) a view o. making recommendations to the county oommlsslonera, It la not likely that they wonld btf able to agree upon any speclflo three men. This would cause conelderabla ?ta eension and argument and mlfffct Jn a way disrupt oar orgsnlaettaa It is better for us to remain ia har mony and keep our associativa in tact an dconcentrato our undivided effort towards seeing that the money is wisely and economically speat.aad that the best results are ohlalaad. rather than to run the risk of belar separated now over the selection of a committee." ARE ORGANIZING A DRAMATIC CLUB Stejm lining Taken to Perfect Or ganization and oS*-^ Scrim of Plays Here and in New>Jf/' Cities. A number of the young people of the city are intf-reeting themaelv? In the formation of a dramatic olub. Namei* of those who desire to Join the club are being secared and a meeting will be held within a few days at which definite plana will be made. It I? the plan of those, wjio are behind the movement, to ?Tm*n\? sere I s of plays, which will On* shown in Washington and then t*k. en to some of the near-by cltlaa. Quit" a number have pledged them selves as being willing to join tba organization. WORK P1JCASE8. Raleigh. N. C., Jan. II. 1?H. Mr. W. H. Baker, Dear #P?rJgy tfcf?km Just received. I vU|MUri you I could not hi*6 r.leaned with the work * Ver* ttW. O. O. Mann. MA NT BARGAINS HITI,L fO BI had. Buekman Br<*. Cost Sal*. 1 27-ltc. Bahacrli* to ifcllf t

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