PA1I.Y NTWB PRINTS MORE LOCAL NEW8 THAN ANT OTHER PAPER IN THE STATE. WASHINGTON, X. C., FRIDAY AFTERNOON. JANUARY 88, 1?1?. rim ail ism mini muHh> that facts gives OCT YE8HTKDAY VERB KX r ' T1RKI.V TRVK. WHEDBEE THE MANi That yesterday's announcement through the press regarding oppoal ? tlon tp Congressman Smell wu nelth ec exaggeration or fabrication, was the statement, made by another prominent cltlten of Washington thin morning, who ia acquainted with soma .oft he details of t^e proposl. t tlon. "Tftsre if no personal flgbt being madeiagslnat Mr. Small," stated our Informant, "and there Is nothing underhand about the operations of those who favor Judge Whetfbee to . succeed Mr. Small fca congressman - trom ithis district. Whether the judge will come oat and announce hlj candidacy for olllce is something which ia causing the groaust amount of dsbate and speculatlo nat the present time." . j J "Suppose Whedbee refuses . ta rum,*' queried the reporter, "Is there any other nan in the district who could oppose Mr. Small?" $01 don't know of any. . Whedbee is unquestionably the strongest man there is and if he refuse* to enter into the race I don't believe any other .man in the district will consent /to haye his name put up as a candi date. Whedbee is known in ? ~ part of the oOunty and be has a large following. As you fcintedh{fc/J*ieter. day's paptrr, Qnanciad reasons are a: bout the only ones that would cause J Mm any resltancy in accepting the nomination." IS FINED FOR STABBING NEGRO Major Blliaon !? Found <4uil(y and Fined $*8. May Be Heot to the Roods. "Major Ellison, colored, charged] with stabhllng Joe Pope, an-, other negro, wu yesterday fined $75 I and ooeta. He has been tlye*,uoiil| Monday to secure the amount of 1 fine and If It la not brought forward. J hr will be aeot to the roads'... KMieon was also found resisting an ofllcer.and w?a Jloed.. and costs OFFICERS GAY! - DINNER fARTY Imi RtwfctoftU Kut*ri*lri?1 by Of leer* of Utd Pamlico *W?1 nemdm/ Night. The officers of^-the coast guard I ctftter, Ptnv'ico. )Wfi hosts at at neven-eourae dinner. which was I gl*sn Wednesday night and at which ( h number of local ladies and goatle- 1 men were present. The Occasion ; proved a molt enjoyable one. Those p res 'at were Misses Winifred Nich olson, Janet Whet more. ?' Mildred Davis, Miss Pag an. KobeiHT Carter. Mary Clyde Haasell. Mr. and Mrs. Mamld Waahburn and Mr. and Mra. George Hackney. Jr. ? BELLMO TODAY J W>RHEN K1CRRKIAN la ? Imm, he?r(-lnter?at Aim '?A (JTO AT STAKH" - y r-h^T I.Bfc MORAN la ? NmIot Comedy ' ? "ALMOST A KNOCKOUT' V ? ; ' , ? AL.1CB HOWBLL In an l*KO Comrtfy "HUN9HTNK AND TKAR8" WITHOUT A PLAYGROUND [No Lapd is at Present Available for Baseball or Otherl I \ Forms of Recreation. ? eitj' wlthi.t i iKHbtll (laid, playground, park or place for recre ation. will be Washington' condition thla spring and brings up a problem whick eome or th~e ' public-spirited man In the city are endeavoring to, aolre. With the dlvlalon Into- lota of Fleming park, which baa fomerlj need ae- a baaeball and foot ball field and with the bu rating of the deal for the property on Fifth and Inorlott? atreets. the finding of a eoltable piece of property tor a field la an extremely difficult one to [ .It la udentwKt that a plan of property. belonging to Mr. Hackney at the extreme vaat end of town, ta belag considered. His tract of land consists of ahoat thirty acres and la large enough tor alther an athletic Held or fair grounds. Whether the property will he purchaaed-ts some, thing that has qpt yet been decided, although the mailer Is aader ad visement. " V- , -".("-jr--- -'' If tills proposition falls through, the odds are that the high achoil boys will be without an athletic SeU and that there will be no baseball In Washington this summer. > QUESTION OF EMBARGO BROUGHT HP IN SENATE Monster Petition, Eight Mile* Long, Wa? Presented in the Senate Today. Washington, Jan. 28. ? Carried (to 20 clothes baskets. with an addi tional bundle besides, a monster pe tition for an embargo on arms and mnpltions was pr seen ted to tho sen ate today. This petition was presented by Senator Kenyan and was prepared by the organisation of American Wo men for Strl(?t Neutrality, of whlcti Mlse M. L. Miller, of Baltimore, Is the head. Each of the baskets contained, a Jot of rolls, tied up with red. white and bine ribbons. In all. the^e were IcOOO rolls, and each roll was abont, 40 feet long, or nearly eight miles ol petitions. The petition was start- J RESPONSES ARfcb J COMING IN FOR CHARITY WORK 8fm?l DmcIu Hare Almadjr B?ra j IlecflTCd by Tmaurcr. More Are Needed. | In response to the clrcutar let ters recently *ent out by J. B. Spar row. treasurer of the local Associat ed Char)tle?. a number of checks have been received fro"hi residents of the city. Tho association will require con siderable funds with which to carry on the work of rtttevlng the needy In Washington and It is hQped that the responses will he liberal. |f the prraent campaign for funds la not successful, the .charity work done In Washington will have to be consid erably. reduced. Among the checks that have been received up to date are the follow ing: James E. Clark. ?t Judge Geo. H. Brown. |fr. Mrs. Laura EL Brown, 15. Ward * Grimes, $1?. WARREN *H ARRIS Popular Couple Took Friend* By RarprjM Md Wpre Qulrtlf Married Lam* Xlfftit. Lindsay Warren and Mlsa Bmlly Hsrrl* were quietly married laat light atl o'clock at the home of Rev. R. M Bnlpes, pastor of t!?e First Methodist church of tills dty Tb- c^emony ?m performed la the pretence of Miss KMsabeth Warren, slate> of the groom and F. 8. Worthy a close friend of the groom. The rouple left on the midnight train tkr Norfolk, from where th4y will go to Washington *C1ty, New York .and other northern cities. Miss Harris Je one of Washtag ton'simost popular young ladles add has ths wishes of her host of friends for a happy married Ufa. 8 he is the daughter of Captain snd Bra. Jam's H. Harris. The groom a prominent member ?I the Washing ton bar snd Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Warren. His father, who has been dead for several years, was one of the leading lawyafs In t^lJUte. ''?''rk.i- ~ Mr. and Mrs. Warren, upon their return home, will make their ed from Baltimore In & hu*e van this morning at 7 o'clock and re ceived at the capitol a little beforo noon. Senator Keoyon presented the petition with a beautiful .speech, lu which he approved an embargo cn arms. 6?uton -Clapp ud 8hep pard approved the notion of an em bargo. Senator Works said: '*1 'believe if It had not been for this nefarious trade in arms the people who went down on the Lusitanla would never have lost their lives." Senator Townseod spoke for an embargo on arms, and declared that cn the other a)6e "we are regarded oen of thelites." GlVI fK$s LAST NIGHT Members of t're?dt? Club ud Friends Enjoyed Affair at Homo of Mr. and Mre. Hackney. The men hers of the Creaclte Book Club and their hlendv. were enter alned at the home of Mr. Gcorg Hackney. Jr., UGh' night. Bridge was enjoyed until after ten o'clock, when the oyatera were brought on. During the course of the evoafng, Mra. Bk M. Carter aang aeveriP'se lectlona and Mlaeea Mary Clyde Has. aeU.-Jtnet Whetmore and Miss Mc Mullan of Edonton rendered aelec tlona on the piano. * LAST NIGHT'S SHOW PLEASED AUDIENCE Mtaatrels Wei* Well Received. Ex-' cell? I tUmglmg m Feature at the PMfran. Price k. BonnelM* minatrele at the New Theatre last night pleased a tarf* audience. The performance waa a distinct variety and novelty. The firat half of the show was devoted to tha regular mlnntrel performance. The stuging was ex eel lent and the rendition of several ae actions by the quartette proved an etpecltlly enjoyable feature A nambar of vaudeville acta. Includ ing are county. About 50 mmr-3 men left the following day. For six days the mills of the Dare Lumber Co.; at Elizabeth City were without were compelled to shut doiTtr. Yesterday tho mills were at work again, with about three dayV> supply of logs in its pound and the strike not settled. The Dare Lumber Co. lias kept Ita troubles io "itself and news of tho strike began to reach Elizabeth City only last Saturday. The exfcet facts are still hard to determine. One big fact in undeniable: the big strike Is on and there may be ser ious corocquences. Unless t'.e strike is terminated at once the mills at Elizabeth- City will be compelled to shut down indefinitely, throwing prtWatriy 100 men out of employ ment. a short vketch ofth* life of Kdmund. Booth'. t>y the president. Miss IJ da T. Rodman, concluded the program pf the meeting. Mrs. Hodges, a*_ elated by Miss Mary Tankard, served dellclotu refresfirflents, consisting of a salad coarse and coffee. Select Your Own Employees If you hare peed of another worker, of Any sort, make up your mind to use your own Judgment of people in select ing someone for the Job. Tot* I! do better than you would do if you hired someone because someone else urged1 yon to. Most of the inefficient work-folk* ere foisted on em ployers r by friends And ac quaintances Most of the ef ficient oens are selected from iMBong applicants who answer mini: field -fNMlUffi Boston Capitalist Talks of Wosperls of Establishing Boat Line Be tween Iler? and Baltimore. ( By Eastern Press) New Ben). Jan. 28. ? C. E_ Ellis, epresenting a party of Boston cap tallats, spent a rew days In New Bern a wek or more ago making In vestigation In regard to the prob ible support that would be given a boat line which the men whom he represented were planning to oper ite between New Bern and Balti more. He left the city after a short plait here and so far nothing has been heard from the matter. Mr. Ellis -was In Elizabeth City a day or ttoro ago and the following dispatch was sect out from that place in regard to his activities there, wll be of Interest locally: "C. E. Ellis, a Boston capitalist ha* been In Elisabeth City for a few days Investigating the possibilities for the establishment of a line of light draft freight boats between Baltimore and North Carolina coast, al towns. Mr. Ellis, who Is a prac tical man In water transportation, says this Is an Inviting ffeld for such an undertaking. It Is his purpose to navigate a line of freight power craft between Baltimore. Elisabeth 'City, Washington and N?w Bern, N. C., touching at Norfolk as the main point. He states that they will be gin with one boat and will trade through the Albemarle and Chesa peake canal, and that this boat will be followed by others as *opn as the volume of fretght Justifies. "The wholesale merchants ol BElliabeth City are especially Inter ested. and have given Mr. Bills the aflsnranre of their active co-opern tlon and patronage. They r-gard the project as an Invaluable boom to all dealers in what Is regarded at heavy freight." ? AdvflrtiM Id the Dill; Nm HIGLEM EXPRESSES VIEWS REURIIK QUESTION IE BPPDSITION TO MB. SMUT BELHAVEN FIRM IN BANKRUPT Petition Hm ? * T?j*l ->rj an Ap P IWme. (By Eastern Press) Belharen, Jan. 29. ? A roluntsry petition of bankruptcy has been filed by Connor ft Taylor of this city and judication has been made by Judge Connor,, the matter being referred to FraA Bryan of Washington, N. C.. aa referee. The unsecurod creditors of ibV firm are $10,413.36. Assets, 110.000.00. Store accounts. $10,683 63. 8,175 BALES HAVE BEEN GINNED Quantity I? Almost Three Thousand L?mi Than Amount Ginned Laat Year. A report of the cotton crop Jn Beaufort county shows that 8.175 ba>s have bern. ginned up to Jan uary 16th, as compared with 10,897 bales for last year. A very small percentage of the crop still remains to be ginned and It Is expected that this will be brought In within the next week or two. SMALL AMOUNT * "RAISED FOR JEWS Committee ('.an vanned Oltf Yraterd*} K veiling and Did Not Quite $100. Although the committee Id charge of raising contribution* to the Jew ish relief fund worked for several hours yesterday afternoon, the re sponses to their requests for aid wer- not libera] and when they fin-' i6hcd their canvass, they still lacked j considerable of having one hundred , dollars. The amount raised Is eomewhat; discouraging as Rocky Mount raised over $500 for the same cause and Goldsboro also raised quite a sum. The money raised here has been for warded to the relief committee. POURED OUT 150 PINTS OF LIQUOR Police Officials Held Baptism V(* trrdjij-. More I* IMug Hold In Reserve. The poller official* yesterday after noon held another "baptism" and poured- out 150 pints of liquor Into the gutters. The ceremony wan performed with the greatest of dig nity and solemnity. There are still about 100 plnta of b6ose In the police station. This amount will also be poured out in the near future. SPTjKNDIP program at NEW THEATRE TONIGHT, J The New Tbeetre will offer th?*ir , aeons tonight nn oxe?*j>llonaTlv strong bill, consisting of seven reela. The 12th episode of "Neal of the Navy" will be shown, en well as Ave other reels of extra good com [ edy and drama. " GOOD TASTE" CRYSTALICECREAM 'Makes bad feeling people feel good. And good feeling people fdel better This good sunny weather. try rr. CRYSTAL ICE COMPANY Phono 89. Washington, N. C. CONFESSES HE WAS "RILED" BY I ARTICLE WHICH APPEARED f IN Y RSTERDA Y*S ISSUE ?" OP DAILY NEWS. GIVES OUT REASONS ExpUiiu Matter of Appointment of Mr. Bond w Postmaster of Prlcw td Here. Washington. N. C-, Jan. 18, ltit. Editor Daily News. Washington, N. C. Dear Sir: Notwithstanding he is lay friend and partner, I have Tarely takes any active interest in Mr. Small's politi cal eoncerua^-??r~Kr~niuch beeaus# of Indifference. as because of my own ineptitude qr ^disinclination to en gage in such matters, as also be cause 1 have generally had some thing else to do ? but I confess It "riled" me not a lttle to see lo yes terday's issue of your paper that local opposition is sought to be aroused against Mr. Small and money contributions solicited to encourage such opposition for the reason that he Is about to recommend one pllcant for Postmaster at Edenton i? place of another. It Is the first time, In mv recollection, that home town and home county of a menHxr of Congress have been so licited to contribute funds to flnan^* opposition to him because Jxe reo ommondod someone in anofner coun ty for appointment to a position In that cunty. I venture the opinion that the staid citizens of Edenton will not contribute any very consid erable" cum on tbts account. Judge WTiedfcee, it appears, Is to be made thf beneficiary of these contributions, although I shall las surprised If he approves this sort of mercenary Bupport. He Is an able and excellent Judge and occuple* (Continued on page four) THE ADDISCO CLUB tttig Making, Tnpwtry and Potte*y Among flip Subject* Brought I'p and DlscuMed. (By the Club Secretary) One of the moat pleasant meeting* of the> season was the gathering ef the Adrllsco members at the home of Miss Marcla Myers. The paper* for the afternoon were, "The Art of Rug Making and Tapestry," by Mrs. W. B. Morton, and "China and Pottery of our Forefathpra." It is to be regretted every mem ber was not present to hear thefe wonderful papers, as beautifully woven In words as the dlscrlptlon of the wonderful tapestries woven for the Persian potentates. This art %t rug making has found Its way Into our own State. Among the moffft tains at Valley Crusls dwells a most wonderful yeaver. It was also with considerable !? ler?st one listened to the story ef the developnvnt of the pottery aad china Industry and of the beautiful specimens that can be found In this country. Experienced user* of claaalfled ad vertising know that deairablv *1*1 estate may be sold "in" or "out" of season. RAVE MONEY ? BUY NOW A? Pn'r^min Drot. CV>?t Sale. 1-28-ltc.