N DAILY NEWS 4 O'CLOCK EbrrjoN 8 PAGES TODAY volume; i.. NUMBER 180. WASHINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 2, 1016. ^ _ SILL'S BILL GIIEIM BROUGHT UP BEFORE HOUSE COMMITTEE ON MERCHANT _MARI JfR AND FTBHpujfH. - IS IMPORTANT ?? ITU* Effect Kt?7 OoMt ClCy Be ?worn Florida ?d Virginia. Does A way With All Oonpolaoty Pilot Washington, Feb. f! ? Friends of the 8mall bill, which If passed will do away with compulsory pilotage' for barges la tow of tugs, had what they 'termed a very successful hear Ing before tho house committee on merchant marine and fisheries. The bill is of vital Importance to Wil mington and all ooaat cities between Virginia and Florida. Mr. Small believe* the bill will be adopted by both houses and that Its passage will I greatly stimulate and encourage | barge shipping to eastern Carolina points. Every seaboard state north of and including Virginal haa abolished all compulsory pilotage on coastwise i shipping of every kind. Congress L more than 40 ye*rs ago passed s law ijSJtempti' ?se steamers froip ? pilotage, Isaving cul, Hcftooners and barges. With the recent establishment ot barge frafllo from Wilmington, Charlestflin, 8arannah and Jacksonville, to *ipe relk. Baltimore "and Philadelphia ? through the NorfoIk^Beaufort inlet waterway inside of itatteras, It watf found that each of these aoufhern ports auemptcd to enforce xompuh sory pilotage on th? bnrfces In tow t of the tugs, although the tugs were I exempted under an tit of CongreAi. i' As an Illustration bf the burd n -thus Imposed, It may be stated thst on 4| tow of these barges having' a draft j of b^tMr jcn eight and r/.na'feet, that; tho charges in and out bf Bfcdufort. Inlet .amount to $135. The chargesi at Wt.uingtoo, Savar.afch, Charleston and Jacksonville as* substantially the same. \ f J | Tfc.# barge traffic Is In Its Infancy ; L and there has been a well grounded fear that this unnecessary burden* [ would operate hi the discontinuance & of these bargee. There were present Sfeoday at the hearing, and who advo cated the bill, sepakers from Phila delphia, Baltimore, Charleston and Savannah. Miyor Moore, of W1I-, ' onlngton, was also present iMr. Small also submitted resolu.l tloQi In favor of the bill from the Chambers of commerce of Norfolk, Wilmington, Charleston, Savannah' and Jacksonville. Thero were geb ^ eral expressions to the effect that the hearing made a strong' showing !n favor or th bill. It was demon strated by witnesses that state pilots; .en the barges rendered no sorvice | and were not necessary. It haa.alwsys been tended' that | the establishment of a free wsterway: Inside of Cape Ratteras would de-| velop a barge traffic between ports i south of Hatteraa .and those north ,/>f Hatteras, and Mr. 8mall emphasis ed the great Importance of encotr tbls trsfflc, and Insisted that not to be throttled for tho of affording a revenue Hots. bearlnf was contlnuod I IMPORTANT CASE BEING TRIED Involves 1,000 Acre* of Load. Roper Laatber C\>. gain* T. B. Allen. - Being Tried ToA ay. An Important salt. Involving the title to mor# than 1.000 acre# of land at the head of the Pungo river and In which nearly evill. ? WHEN YOU WANT TO FIND A TENANT it jo or meant property is desirable ? -If It Is the best place for some family to lire, or the Best place for eome man to conduct hit business ? then It Is "rentable.'* "Season" may have some thin* to do with the "demand" for your house, or for you* business property; but "a? won" doea not ?hut tor you the door of opportunity, or make your tenant-quest hopelesa. Rather than lose a few more months of reatal income, spend a part of one month's rental for classified advertising. Do not quit If the first Insertion, or the second insertion, of you# "ad" doss not find your tenant tor you. But HOLD TO TOUR TASK, and within a reasoanble time, and with a moderate expenditure, you'll rent your property, AN ADVERTISEMENT IN THE NEWS WILL H1LP. K ? . i I WHEN A FELLOW NEEDS A FRIEND. -yHgfl* In Ntw York Tribune MUCH COMMENT OVER THE OYSTEFt SITUATION / ' _ Th 6- condition of Am' oysters which are being brought Into Washington is causing considerable comment on th? part of those citizens who have watched the loads that the boats are bringing in. One man elated this morning that there were four boats in port and that three of th-.se boats ought to be sont back to the oyster rocka and be made to throw their ! cargoes overboard. He added that at the rate the oyatermcn were Rav ing at present, it would not be long before the oyator beds woul:i V en. :4?xely depleted. In speaking of the matter thlsj morning, R. B. Weston, who Is o y.-1 ter inspector for this port. maile the statement that he believed the car goes of the boats were alright, and that he was powerless, under the law to do anything. The law on the qurstion reads as follows: "All- oysters taken from the public grounds IT this State shall be culled and alt oysters whose shells l&easure less than two and one-half laches from hinge to mouth, except such as are attached to a large oyster and cannot be removed without deatrovtpr the small oyster, and alt i-t. taken with the said oysters t>n ''ough ovt-r . ..-nth* ?.h" natrons of the ofPco - :ed for ? Small ? ls?-i ? i ? rd that he ap point mA t ;.o. 'tljn. Ev^n ? ouijh thi iun y Demount .i .xicuti 7C ? '.*',cpt Mr. J. WheoSv' . rater f.'r>uoty i?jarU i j - ?'.? rv ?j&ty J-"" rr, 0.7 1u ' - J> "VA?? CO biii > tSiiie t?x<.op *. uu ? .in 'v '.trau ? * stor . tf?. I'. rectors fcnth b ?? ' u n'l Hie direc ts of c/fi. t. "t uu-jn, exwt.pt the Branning Cou?-?aiy. w.iu aot over ten exceptions termer of auy .. oMlnoiuv putroit of tho oiflce who voted for Mr. Cmal*. iu the county 1q tho laat clicth n lr all twenty, four more l) n