(, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Om Month $ .25 Fan, Months 1.00 Bw MwlW .. . ...!? W On* Tear 100 , Suheeriptioes must W paid for in advanoe*, If paper ia not re ?lui premptly, telephone or write this offlo*. Snkaoriban desiring the paper discontinued. wiU pleas* notify this ofloe, otherwise it will ha eontuned at ngular subscription ratee. JAKES h. MAYO. Psemaro* CARL GOERCH. ? WASHINGTON-, NORTH CAROLINA, FEB. 2, 1916. .? Its ralher strange. But true, nevertheless, that one of theee new skirte a girl look so much shorter and that the same skirt can mate TTivah- look consiSerably longer. Although Prudent Wilson is well on his way around the circle, Bryan and Roosevelt are still to be heard from, Both have evidently followed the example of the ground hog today. One of the little tragedie? of life is to walk half a mile to the poetoffice, find that you've forgotten your keys, walk back home and get them, unlock your box and then find nothing but a notice that your box rent is due. THEY'RE ALL THE SAME. When one eomee to think of it, there isn't so much variety in this little old world after all. A native of Florida may feel that he'll never get used to a city in Maine and a North Carolinian may believe that ho never covld stand it in Oregon, but when one knocks off the climate, the geographical location and one or two other little things of minor importance, Washington, -N. C., is vory little different from Oshkosh, Wis., Orange, Tex., Woosiket, Vt, Bayou LaFouche, La., or any other town of its size in the country. Every town has some one 6tore where the loafers congregate to regulate the universe. Every town has a poetoffice and a lot of folks who call for mail every day atid never get any. Even- town has a horrible example. He gets drunk, won't work, Tnit bis wife supports him and loves with a dog-like fidelity which no decent man can ever hope to receive. Every town has it* own skin-flint, who discounts notes, buys up land, dresses like a tramp and won't get his wife a new stove. Every town has some fiery-tongued gossip, who keeps wives and husbands in hot water. Every town has its arguer, who will challenge any statement, you iuav make and prove it's not so. Every town has its loud-mouthed citizen who can't talk without making a tuji?e like a megaphone. Every town has its leading citizen, who heads every committea and always ha* a >cat on the platform when there is anything going ou. Every town has its grouch-face, who is unfailingly confident that the worst is yet to come. Every t..wn has it.- group of men who know that the town is morally the worst in the State. { Every town has a man who never wears a collar and a dude who pastes down his hair and sports a pink-striped shirt. .Ewry town has men who know all about the European war and the government at Washington, but do not know how to make a dollar a day. Every Town has men and women who hate the place and are always wishing they had lived somewhere else. In other word-, every town is as chuck full of human nature as is every other in.vn. And if you just go over the above list again, you'll rind thai <u'll have no trouble ,iii finding people you know who will tit tin* ?.urioiia descriptions. GOVERNOR CRAIG'S INTERVIEWS. Governor Craig stirred up quite a sensation" in Washington the other day whfii lie made the statement that ninety per cent of North Carolinian- favored President Wilson's preparedness program. Either the Govern* ir did not know what he was talking about, or else he was trying to worm hims? lf> into the good graces of the adminis tration. Probably many Tar Heels would like to know where Mr. Craig received the authority fur his statement and how he happened to arrive at ? ei inclusion that such an overwhelming number, the majority of wlc-m have never expressed themselves ono way or the other ou the question, are in favor of tho president's plan. We Mi eve iha? the Governor did not think seriously of what he was saying. The fact that he was in Washington, that a prominent newspaper man was interviewing him, and that his word#* would be read by thousands all over the country, evidently caused Mr. Craig to lose his head. If the rfcpnrier had asked him whether all North Carolinians weren't wob-foo'ed. ho would probably have answered in the affirmative. SET A VALUE ON "PUFFS." The editor of an Eastern paper has grown peevish. lie haS been pestered so mm-h by peopl desiring free puffs that he facetiously refers fo himself as tho Peerless Prince of Puff Purveyors." He ' .inks lie has d* ? enough (? r society queens, people who are looking f irfreaiv , jv?opl?* lave legislative fads they wi?b to push! ir -1 t - *.vi id. v free publicity. So he has evolved ?' f f ! of p I - f *r ell future puffs: F> r l '21 : t ' ? ? public that a man is a successful citizen, when e-erynw lcjov r ip as lary as a hired man, ?2.70. I' rr'r? 1 ? >.4 easi-d citizen as one who is mourned by the entire c ?. :iu ii* /, .. he will only ho missed by tho poker circle, $10.13. Referring to s man as o no who wilLftand by his honest convictions, w fien evcryWly"1nvvrrs thftf To would sell out for thirty cents, M.|]J Referring to pome gallivantin' female as art estimable lady "whom Giving a br<f!e a good ?d-oif by calling W "sweet and daintr, i Ugjpl a face that would make a bjilMog en-a the street, > ,i. ? % ? 3 ? ? ,_ ? ? ? , nai ?)*? gui HH _ , , , 92.86. - Keferriog to the groom u ft "rising vounjr bu?ini"*? he soulilaH raise enough to pay hi* ?<*&'? K>?rJ, $7.00. hu?iiii-~. mmn," when MCMULUN RAPS SMALL ' (Oeatlaued fre? HC? aae) he came to this Stat* from -Florid* aftCL-1900. (Bat IJr. Pendleton wu Chairman of MV. Small's congres sional committee!) 1 mention this to show Mr. Small's utter inconsistency- If 1 have done him an injustice let htm right It through the columns of this paper by refuting what I hare eald. If I am misinformed I will apologise, otherwise I shall later on 'tell* tha public something else that 1 know about their congressman. But ifr.. Small's law partner, who Bhasdfc for the profits of Mr. Small's retainers by nearly every railroad in the dis trict, nearly every lumber company, nearly ewry express and Interstate telephone and telegraph company.' in Tact of -nearly every public service corporation in Eastern North Caro lina, knowing Mr. Small better than It seems Mr. Smsll does himself, has given It as his opinion thst one Of the ressons actuating Mr. Small was the fact that had he appointed me' to the office he could not count upon me us a permanent political suppoi^or o i his. In other words Mr. MacLean estimates that Mr. Small considers the postoffice a personal asset with which to build up for himself a little political machine. a machine which will do his bidding, and support him >wheth<>r he allows the people or the, | corporations to control him. Is it | {possible that Mr. 8tnall realizes that the people have found him out, and] cow that he must resort to thejneth ods of all down and out politician*.! and place his reliance in POLITICAL: (MACHINES rather than in the peo ple? have no doubt Mr. MacLean realizes that all of the publiq ser vice corporations have not flocked i to Mr. Small because of his superior legal ability. For if Mr. Sm*ll is attentive to his Congressional duties I can hardly understand how hf can find the time to give value revived in the way of legal services Jor his multitude of Public Service clients. I take it that Mr. MacLean realizes that Mr. Small's political, to^ajls but a bid for his immense corpofatPprafc tice, and so he becomes excited when anything happens which might re move from his firm the corporation bait with which they have had such wonderful catchlnga. It's a pity, however, Mr. MacLean got bo excited and rushed into print before he had conferred with his chief as to the] reaaon which k? *11 going to aa s*gn The truth of the mat tar is. there la no truth whatsoever, In my opinion, in tha reason aealgned by Mr. Small, therfe la some bat not all tha troth la ^fr. Mac Lean's reaaoa. bar way down at the bottom of tlix thln< la tha fact that looally Mr. Small !e absolutely dominated and controlled by the Braaaing Manu factarinf Company and hl?; best frieod and political adviser. iir. J. H. Wheeler. Wheeler la the man who put it over the reat of the -com. ,m unity and wo should take oar haul oft/ to hiia< But I wonder If Mr. Small cab ride over the people for re- nomination on the bank of Wheel er and hit kind. I My friends, I'm not dlagruritljed. I^can Tery well get along' without the o01<*. I eaif certainly look John Small atraighter In the face than he cau either me or this community. 1 have Written thla for fear some of my friends might not underatand the real situation in a matter which concerns them deeply. The office should be yours ? you hare been de nied the control of i( ? and you are entitled to know the reason why. Yours truly, J. H. McMULLAN. JR. MEETING OF THE WAYOME CLUB Initiating Committee Appointed, i IWiyn Are Wanninjc to (Jive Hhow in Near Future. The Wayome Club held ihfjir reg ular monthly meeting In ttielr rooms last night. The president' being ab sent the rice-presld nt presided. Several important toplca were brought up and discussed. Among! them was the kind of stationery to ba purchased for the club and an em blem which If to be engraved on It. This was left In the hands of the Finance Committee. The names of two young men w re brought up as applicants for mem bership, and It was decided to invite them to Join. The president then appointed an Initiating team composed of six club members. The duty of this team Is to Initiate all new members while the rest of the club looks on to see publican state convention to not dom inated by former po*tn?a*ters and former revenue officers, tt wtll de clare unanimously for Colonel' IRooeevelt for President." said Zeb ulon Vance Wetaer last night "Tl^fank and file of the Repnb Ucan party to for the celoneT In Jfaet. nine out of every ten Republicans In North Carolina are for Colonel Roosevelt for another term to the Whlu JLooee." . V, Mr.r Waleer% aald that ^ prised to find Jn Wash In* ton _ ao many prominent Republicans who <e ?*or Colonel Rposprelt a* the nest Republican presidential nominee. He hat Uftgd., w?h-;?**nf_ Republicans here and thlaks he ha# sited up _tfce sentiment, correctly. The Progressive state committee will meet Jn a few weeks snd will call a state convention to meet at ?a1 early date, possibly the first oir Mnyj-j* i -y LOW ROUND-TRIP FAltttl ? Via ? NORFOLK HOITHEKX ?To? f 0REKN8BORO. FEBRUARY 0-10, ? Account? NORTH CAROLINA CONVENTION Laymen'* Mlaefcoaary Movement Tickets on sale February i-10. bearing final return limit February 14th. ? ?*?.. - I For additional Information con suit Norfolk Southern Ticket Agent* or sddress the undersigned. H. S. LEARD. O. P. A.. NORFOLK. VA. | 2.2 to 2-? Took the Tip. Promoter? DU1 you take my tip noil get in on the ground floor in that new movW company f , 1 lnvs?t?ir? Yes. I got in on tbe ground floor sll right, but I've lauded Ln the cetyar.? Judfft. . .. New Treatment for Croup and Colds P.fltrrM br blukUoa ud flt.n.p.l.a No StaKk Doof. riaatr of frMh tir la tk. bodnxn mi * E-d application of Tick's "Vap-OJtab** va ovmr thm throat and rfi? 1 is th? b?at dafsnas sgalast aU eold troublsa. alrpssssassaad soothe th? inflamad sssaa. mcTNcaiiw THE FINEST .EXERCISE FOR RELIEVING BRAIN AND STOMACH FAG Bowling is a stomach exercise, a food degestor, a blood maker and a brain re-creator. It Is proof against rheumatics and is a safe and pleasant flesh reducer for the corpulent. Appenticitis(Never Gets Bowlers. Our alleys on market street are gaining in popularity daily. Both men and ladies enjoy the pleasure of spinning the balls down the alleys for a strike. A five dollar pijze is a standing offer to whoever beats 166 with duck pins and 243 with the big pins. SPECIAL NOTICE A meeting will be held at the alleys tomorrow night at 8:30 at which time a bowling league with several teams, will be or ganized. ?/ 4 'Ladies day every Wednesday from 3 to 6 P.M. Two Alleys - - Pool and Billiard Tables. Ihc Monarch Bowling Alleys Market Street Washington N.C. A.D. MacLean, Waahlnjton.N.O. W. A. Thompson, Aorora.N.C. Mclean & Thompson ?ttorn47?-*t-LAw - Anrora ud WaAlnftdn. If. a ?. Lc Stewart F. H. Bryan < STEWART k BRYAN Attorn eyi-^t-Law WASHINGTON, N. 0. Day H. A. Da ale 1, Jr. J, L. O. Warren Practice 1b and Sapreme N. L. Simmons W. L. Vsngbsn 1 SIMMON8 & VAUGHAN LAWTBR8 Rooms 11-14-11, LaniMnthoiiM Bulldln*. Wi.hlntlon. N. O... G. A. PniLLTPS k BL.O. FIRE INSURANCE WASHINGTON, N. C. JOHN II. BONNER Attoroey-at-Law WASHINGTON. N. C. STATE OF NORTH OAROUXA limn fort Oownty. To Susie Ann Darirf: You are hereby notified that at a Tax Sale by W. B. Windley, Sheriff of Beanfort County, at tha Court House door fn the town of Washing ton, N. C. ,on the trd day of Hay, 1916, I purchased on said data' at said sale the property that was sold for delinquent tuxes for the year 1014, due on eald property, which was listed In the name of Susie Ann Davis, Including coat ot said sal* amounting to $3.10. Said property being described as follows: 4 acres, Yeates, South Creek, Bchool Dfstriot, Richland Township. You are further notified that yon con redeem said property by paying nald amount prescribed by Jaw on or before the 3rd day of May, 1919# payable to tha undersigned or W. B. Wind ley, Sherlfr of Beanfort County. If It Is not paid by tha said time the undersigned will demand a Dead Sor said property. This January 28th, HOWARD IRTINPIELJ* * l-y-JW. , -.jC,

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