I'hoto by American Trraa Association^-^! Noted (or ber Nkill In the saddle and in driving high mettled horses 1m Miss Redmond I'iuchot. daughter of Amos K. E. Piucbot' of New York city, fa- 1 mou* for bis sociological work. Ever slu-e she watt big enough to Hit ou a i buck lluMU. lias been in- I strutted In the art of handling horses | uuti! she Is an capable of saddling ber mount or harnessing her driver us well a* -?ny groom- wot llmt she usually peii^riua si)', h tatk*. hut she can do so if occasion requires. In llie saddle, l!Of tiiond L* jsM.'ectly at boine. and at ttoe recent horse show sbe drove ber ponies In cotn|K>tirton iu t lie ring. "Ships of Fats." As 'nuts are plentiful at t Ills time of the year, the following game fan easily be played; | Pripure as many half shells of wul mi!i us there .-.re gue*ts. Iu each fas ten a small candle with a drop of wax. Fill a tub with water, and before Mil? ;; 'be boat* the water should be ?g'* ted. so a- t<i u.-.vc It wavy. Two at ?i tirue ma> hall their boats, light, iug their cnudle^as they do so. The life of the owner la prophesied by the M-'a/wrtby qualities of ills ship. P *o storm overcomes the ship the ?'W r will U* wrecked by adversity. Tt. hip salting across the tub s'.gnb flW>- long sea voyage, while those re fi. . :ig hy the side show that the per ?on -ves Imme better. If the two ablins stay together tl)n- "'lout the trip the couple owning tbei will have a happy marriage. If ix he." bump togs' her that signifies s qui- 'I. and if they sail in opposite dire t ons each person will lead a sin gle 1 e. Boy Scouts of Hawaii. T.'t.? er the heading "Scouting In Ha wal " Scouting prints the following: A A. Wilder, sjteclal field scout com miss I >ner for Hawaii, reports that wcov. t iug 1* booming In these island |mism-<s1oiis of the United States. 1'inn- ore being made for raising a to carry on the work In a mors systematic manner and to extend the item :.tJ of the movement to a greater num. *r of hoys. of ?l - ??00 !???? been received us a sfciner fur thS* rind. Ph ;is are nl.-m tudng made for the slr.th annual rnlly t?i be held ?n Wash !nj,'P?ii's Idrthd.'y. It has been sub* trusted that S.OUM from all tlie Islands in i ?-?? grou|> l<e Invped to attend and th.\t this he made the first of a series <-f li:teiis!nnd gatherinc*. Hi': In the tee A trume tbnt i-? Bvcnt fun to play Is rail. ?! "b'de In tl:-' iee." The hole or crock. In the l-y Is repre-cuted by two chalk lines on th<? flour. One r<?w of ? ' IMren at i> rife ntrs or Jumps In t -rn. fryp g (?> j?* ::i; , over the lude. If any one touches 'he floor between the i'nos Instead of going home to his n*.C' **. ? tuu?t first come to the front of tlie .'oom, while the others are Jump In v aid dry his feet by running on tiptoe "on the Ice" The width of the m?'K may be gradually Increased so as to :nal;e this gunie more difficult. The Two Misses. Ll" ile Miss Hurry, AH tustle and Hurry, Corn?t? down to her breakfast ten minute* '. oo late: Iti?r hair Is a-rumple, U?r if own is u-erumple. Fbr'? no time to button and hook herself stralKht. hunts and !?he ru?hes Fur needles and brushes, - For t I'lks and for pencils (lies upstairs ?nd down. If e.er you And her Jus* .'ollow tm hind her A In'l of shoe buttons and shreds of hw if own. Rot I' (tie Miss Rtendy Bv s- hoot time la rendy, 111 sr llnfr and shining and n*at In tier ,-laoe: W th no need to w>rry, Hti#? , 'ties Ml us Hurry. iTho ? >t yesterday snt her# with shame tn ?-er face. Her '-art hiatias lightly V.'tr duty done rljfhtlv. lh? ? ? ved ahe will nover airnln chni?? i.?r name. For ' ? ">unh you'd not me?? it I'm Ifund to confess it. tttiee ? I wo little msld?n* ar* nn* and tha an me. ?St. Paul Plon?*r-Frasa. (By tereet Is being taken in Ing meeting of the cnstratlon agents, for the district of North Carolina, ernbrac. Ing thirty-three counties which Is to be held in Elizabeth City on Feb luary 8. 9, 10 and U.' This meeting will bring to this* city the largest number" of agrlcuK tural experts that have ever visited this section, and the program which has been prepared for the occasion will present a wide range of sub jects. while the discussions, on ac count of the number who will take part In them as well as on account ot the fact that those who will ?peak will talk out or their own ex perience in this eastern part of the | state. will be of unusual Interest. Farmer* who will attend the meet ing may expect to hear something nf4 an Intensely practical and helpful] nature. I : nil road Company Prepare* f or | Heavy Freight Business During Sprint; ?nd Summer. (By Eastern Pre?>) New Bern, Fob. 2. ? Anung other improvements which the Norfolk Southern Railway Company are planning to make on this J- vision of '.heir road In the near future, is the addition of six large locomotives which they will use in handling their treight trains. These locomotives were ordered | several w< eks ago from a Philadel phia conctrn and will be in readiness! :or delivery within the week or | '.wo. The d c'.slon to purcha comotlves was made wh pany decided to Improve t. service from Eastern Ca ing the spring and suuui ; these !o the com. r freight Una du* . months. \Vu> T..1 micco Sale at Kin t:in Durlnu Pa-t S?tu>cn. I*rin^ -ported t?? Have Been f;- d. t liy Eastern l'r, Although It Is nqt an old concern ? as far as years ar* r-?ncraed ? the Ideal Press'ug Club, under the able anil efficient ma* gershlp of E'hert Wcst-jn, has in<-rea* d rap y In ;hp paiionage wh'ch has been d P 1 >y *he public of Wash-' lugton and vicinity. The care with .M.Kii ali o; ijn cleaning and press ?ne is done and the dispatch with vhlch poods Are returned to the homes of the owners, has done much ? owards making this establishment a leslrable one with which to do bus iness. Mr. Weston has mode several n^w Improvements In the business of late and Is better than ever equipped for, handling the celaning and pressing ] jsin ps of thla city. The Crown of England. From the financial standpoint the crown of Eneland Is worth at>out half a million dollars. No, Indeed. The man who himself travels In the wny his child should go wop't have half th? trout?le.--< hrlRtlan lt?*rald. SMILES. A ?mil* ia ? joyful aight. W? do not know what ripplaa of hasling ara ut in motion wharf wa simply amila on ona anothar. Chriatianity wanli nothing ao muoh in tha world aa tunny paopla?? Hanry Orummond. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BeaaCprt County. To Robt. Peele, Washington Town-i ?hip: Tou are hereby notified that at a Tax sale by W. B. Wlndley, Sheritf of Beaufort County, at the Court' House door In the town of Washing ton. N. C., on the 3rd day of May.l 1915, I purchased on said date at said sale the property that was sold for Delinquent State and County Taxes for the year 1914. due on said property, which was listed In tne name of Robt. Peele. Including cost of said sale amounting to 110.74. Said property being described as follows: 87 acres, old home. You are further notified that you) can redeem said property by paying | said amount prescribed by law oi ot before the First Monday In May. 1916, payable to the undersigned or W. B, Wlndley. Sheriff of Beauforl County. If it Is not paid by th&cald time the undersigned will demand 4 deed for said property. - This January 14th, 1916. W. L. ODEN. 2-1-Stc. STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. The regular annual meeting of tKe stockholders of The Savings A Trust Co. of Washington. N. C.. will be held at the banking house of the company. In the Savings A TruH building, on Tuesday, February *, 1916, at 12 o'clock M. JNO. B. SPARROW, Cashier. '1-12. 4 wc. ?ia 'J. ",?.c jr,3 Delinquent State iq j County Taaes for the y?*r 1914, <tv* on anld property. whl-h was Hated l? th? aam. of O. N. Wallace Halra. In rmdyig^coet of aald Ml* amounting .Saltf property belnc described >? follows: 100 tcm, old horn*. Ton in farther notlded that n< can Worn Hid property by pay lac ?aid amount prescribed by law oa ?r before the Flr?t Monday In Mar. I?"1 wable to the undereifned or W. B. Wlndley. Sheriff of Beaafort Connty. if 11 to not paid >7 the eel J time the undersigned will demand a dead for aald property. Thle January nth. 1)11. I ' . - W. L. ODEN. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of execution to me Is sued out of the Superior Court of Beaufort County on Judgment in favor of W. J. Pippin and F. T. Woolard. trading as Pippin it Wool ard, against E. T. Harrla and L. P. Harris, trading as E. T. Harris & Company, 1 will sell at public auc-i tlon for cash to the highest bidder j at the Court House door of Beaufort! County on Monday, March 6, 1916, at noon, all the right, title and In terest heretofore owned by said L. P. Harrla In that tract of land In Long Acre Township, Beaufort Coun- , ty, which is described In a deed from J John J. Bowen to Thomas W. Har ris, dated April 1, 1874, and record-; ed In Book 41, page It being: the same land described in deed from L. P. Harrls*and others, dated ? June 16, 1914. and recorded In Book 181, page 385. which deeds are re., f erred to for description, *h?? Judgment having been roTjd.*r. u auu docketed prior to the execution of * the last mentioned deed. This January 28. 1918. W. B. WIND LEY. I 8heriff of B?aufort Count r l-I9-4wc. Having qualified aa administrator of tbe estate of Mra. Lam* B. O' Neal, deceased, lata of Beaafort County. North Carolina, this Is to notify ail persons having claims a galnst the estate' of the aaid de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Washlngon on or before the 18th day of January, 161T, or thle notice will be pleaded In bar of! recovery. All persons Indebted to I paid estate will please make Imme diate payment. This 18th day of January, 1916. A. O. O'NEAL, i Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Laura B. O'Neal. 1-11-fiwc. Such is the fate of the man who his FIRE INSURANCE. Be on the side. * ; INSURE TODAY. C. Morgan/Williams Main Street. ? Office Phone 24 Residence Phone 258 HOW TO CtfBB GOLDS. ? v Avoid exposure and draft*. Eat r r&t. Take Dr. King*. New Dis covery. It to prepared firom ' Pine Tar. beaUng balsams and mild lax Dr, King's New Dieeovery kills and expels the c3ld terms, soothes the foliated throat 'and al lays Inflammation. It hatkr the mucous membrane. Search a* yon will, yon cannot find a better couth aad cold remedy. It# use over 45 years Is a tuarantee of satiefactlon. l?lt. At all druRtlste. " NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the power of sale contained In a mortgage deed, exe cuted by T. E. Cutler and wife to Q. A. -Phillips, dated February 7, 1014, and recorded In Book-No. 174, page 449, Register's office and here in referred to, I will offer for sale to the "highest bidder for cash at public auction on Saturday the 36th day of February, 1916, at 12 o'clock noon' at the Court House door of Beaufort County, the followlnt property con veyed and described In said mort gage. to-wit: That certain tract of land lying and being in Beaufort County, State aforesaid, in Long Acre Townsblp. adjoining the lands of Moses Cutler, now James Braddy, beginning at a pine, the Boyd patent, running wlttaj the Boyd line N. 88 degrees W. 62 poles to the Leechvltle road at a( stake; thence with said road S. 34 ? degrees W. 86 poles to a stake 4| feet south of James J. Cutler Sr. ! avenue; thence parallel with the a*<\ nue 4 feet from it souta S: degrees; E. 28 poles to a stake standing In a , bran eh that crosses the bald avenue; , thence with the run of the said branch to a gum standing In tho mouth of "*al<f^ branch in the west prong of Goose Creek swamp; thencn up the said swamp with the run of said swamp to a maple ea*t of the B?vd corner; thence weat 6 poles lo the first station; containing 26 acres' more or less; It being tho =".ime lan.I, conveyed to said T. E. Cutler V- ! di ed recorded In Book 14 f. ^-ge 60 1 AXLd herein ' rtierreri to.' Alsd onrf horse purchased ot ?V ashing ton Horee Exchange Company. This January 24. 1916. o A rr'LLXM. l-lt-4wc. Come to The GARAGE That guaran tees you Satis factory Service in everything. Whether, you store your car with us perma nently or just buy occasional supplies, we guarantee to please you in both quality & Price. The Best Grade of Gasoline at the lowest '! market price, Try our Service once I and notice the differ | nice. Washington Motor Car Co. Oct Busy ? k4dk to mti ?p tm *, I Iiutll the c loads > "ipgnitl, TO THE BUSINESS MEN OF BEAUFORT CO. 'lake our word for it, real estate vplues will double in this county within the next three yearn. With improve ments in roads, our tobacco markets growing rapidlyj drainage improvements, Western development and capital coming in, and ivirh Eastern Carolina Tphacco Belt Farmers, buying our cheaper tobaeco lands here, improved lands from $25 to *50 an acre, that in their counties sell from $50 to $100 an acre, we are safe in stating that values will double in three years. Fortunes are being made daily in real estate and you had bettor get on tho "Band Wagon." Tho safest investment in Xorth Carolina today is .real estate in Beaufort County, at tho present prices. High prices are coming rapidly. If you wait until tomorrow it may be too We offer the following, and can honestly state that it js the biggest bargain in Beaufort County today. Come and look at it immediately. It will go quiclc. It has never been offered at this price before. V , . 537 acrcs, in Chocowinity Township, on Norfolk Southern Railroad, two mile? from Hackney Station, with good frontage on county road, about 75 per cent good high land, light gray soil, with clay subsoil, and good natural drainage, and 25 per cent, good rich fertile swamp land, which can be drained, with hand ditches. This tract will cut 3000 feet of mill size pine timber per acre, stumpago cheap at $3 per thousand, timber value on this tract is worth around $10 an acre; that is mill timber now, with splendid young growth. With timber cut off this land is worth $15 an acre then. Fine farming land for improvement.* Adjoins Nicholson lands, with same character of timber, now bringing $4. Will take $7.50 an acre and reserve timber three years or will take $10 an sore land in fee pay able $1000 cash and $500 a year. This is really a genuine bargain and worth investigating. Washington Beaufort Land Company LaithiikoniA KaiMial Washington, ]>l. C. /NO E. COREY, Manager.

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