WASHINGTON IDEAL LOCATION Flfl TOY AND PAPER FACTORIES XH. PROFKITT MADE INTEREST. INO TALK BEFORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE LAST NIGHT. V ?V GOOD LOCATION ?ftj Xia That Washington fs^ost strateg ically located for factor Ida and has advantage* la the way of general resources mad transportation facill tie* that are unsurpassed anywhere in the Untied States, was the state, meat m*de last night by Edward W. J. Proffltt, advertising expert of na tional reputation and community Im provement worker. Mr> Proffltt, who Is visiting the various cities of North Carolina in company with Col. H 8. Leard, spoke laat night at a spec ial meeting of tbe Chamber of Com merce, at which ovee,;(ifcy men were present Mr. Proffltt began his talk by stating that he had lust come from embarrassed lb that jm to have about half of his au'^lmee composed of promtnent ladles, jfe was great ly pleased with this n^fj^of interest on their part and vr^ff the mom berv or iho local Chamber of Cobb merce to enlist tbe ladles In civic work and to make all el i2e various organisations in Ae city, subsidary to tbe Chamber of Commerce. In order that nil might co-operate and Wt with . >?ttor rMulj* in speaking of condJUlo&i through put tbe 8outh generally, Mr. Proffltt stated tbat be had notWed the i tabUshraent of nioro faojorles and more mills all along U>e lines of thi different railroads P* be bad ] HHHHBftjlipipH "This is ae a he cou-j tinned; "tor no e*etusfV*ly agricul tural country can rrer hope to be; suoeessful. During tbe last ten years . tbe South bas realised xttore than BELLMO TOD A y HELEN HOLMES "The dare-devil of the Mm*" 1a a thrllllBf railroad ttorjr In 1 parti ?The Mettle of J*rry McOulw" : Max Asher and Gala Henry In ??Hie aoth Century SusJ?" Ben Wilton In a Rax drama of Lone Mountain" MATINEE DAILY ? ? p. M. SCHOOL CHILDREN 5c 17,000,000,000 from Its cotton crop. What becomes of this mono*? The greater part of It goes up North to purchaso article* that are maaufac. tured In northern factories. How ever, the South Is beg Inning to real ise Its mifttake and everj r section is now endeavoring to secure mills and lactorlea. A factory will employ more persons and yield a greater profit than 10,000 acres of your most fertile land. The great problem Is how to attract theeo industries. A gigantic adver tising campaign has Just been start ed by the'Souihern Industrial Asso ciation and It Is planned to spend $150,000 In advertising the resources of the South In other parts of the country. This campaign Is bound to bring a number of Inquiries and ?t is up to you people here In Washing ton to connect up with this project. Vou -ought to have very little trou ble In inducing factories to locate here. Everything in the way of geo graphical location and trinsporta tion facilities is In your favor. I went over a part of your city this afternoon and I can truthfully say that Washington Is as desirable a site for certain factories as there is to be found in tho United States. ~ "The best way to get in touch with some of the smaller factories, the kind yon want to get. Is to Insert advertisements In some of the trade papers, to acatter booklets and lit erature where they will do the most good; In short to do everything you can to put Washington, North Caro lina before the class pf people yoa want." Mr. Proffltt stated that with the vast amount of timber 'that goes to waste in this soctlon, a toy factory ought to prove a big success here, aa the row material could be obtained i?o cheaply. Ho also gave Mr. Flynn, dietary of the Chamber of Com O&nik/t he .name. and address of a large New Bogland paper mill, which he understood intended Changing Its location and might be lnduoed to *como here. . , Mr. Proffltt was ' introduced by! Col. HI S. Leard, general passenger agent of the Norfolk Bouthcrn, whor also made a few interesting remarks, promising that the railroad would do everything possible to assist Wash, ington in securing new factories and industries. Several of thoae present enjoyed nn Informal in'k with Mr. Proffltt after tho mooting aud aakei. him nujnerouk questions regarding the type of factories that might ba sreured and the best steps to take towards getting them for Washing ton/ . ~ . lUa.lalk was a highly interesting one and was received with the clos est of attention and interest on the part of those present. Advertise In the Dally News. Solve This Mystery for Yourself ' M ?> Somewhere, in til is city, in a person with whom you have business to transact* It may be that'yottr business this person if to sell or to rent properly ? to sell usod furniture, machinfery, fi* turea, an auto ? to interest this person in some enterprise of your own. Or, it may bit that this person, aniojrg all the people of tho oity, 'is your "logical" employer. But the person is elusive. Ton do not know the name or address. Yon do not know whether the person is man or woman. Yoru do not know whether you tfave ever met the person. So far as yon may know it tnay be someone whom > you do know personally. 4 ' It's a real myatery ? one calling for your own solution. And, if ybu have a little of vision, a little of o6urage and I persistence, you can soIyo the Uly*t?ry ? get acquainted with the person with ?whom you have business to transact Tou can solve it through your intelligent use of clasaified advertiaing. Your offer or "your qnfeat, segregated with others of like character in the classified columns of this newspaper, will attract the_ attention of ^our elusive "some ltswt-sr ?' 'KWiy* . ...: - .*.??? _#y ? ?Vol. perhaps, in a day ? although that frequently hap pens. . Bu{ jvith the same persistence which you apply to other, perhaps lesser, tasks yon will be anecesafnl. Tt'? an amacingly interesting experiment ? this matter of making a classified advertisement a tVacor, a detective, an investigator ft.-r ytm-r-and a salaaman, a* w?|ll The DAILY NEWS will bring result*. , t* .i - : / -? ? 3? . HIGH OFFICE - OF COASTLINE DIES SUDDENLY Word wm received hrre to day of the sadden death of Alexander Hamilton, general counsellor for the Atlantic Coast Line aqd First VlcerPreeidont of that railroad- Death occurred at his home In Petersburg. Va. Mr Hamilton was well known to many residents In Washing ton and had sevoral Intimate 1 friends in the city. BoiiiiED GHM6EMHRDEH In Accused of Having Burned Body of Wife. Grand Jury Has Found ? True Bill Against Hint. (By Eastern Press) Elixsbath City, Feb. 4. ? At the session of tho Superior court for Washington County. Just adjourned, the grand Jury returned a true* bill agsinst James O. Bowen. charging! him with having, murdered his wife, Mamie L. Bowen ou Friday night. | November 19, 1915, and burning tho I body near Plymouth. Bowen wa? j admitted to ball In a bond of $2,000. This case attracted much atten tion at the time throughout Wash ington aud adjoining counties. Mrs. Boewn's burned body was found under her house, having dropped through a bole burned in the floor by her sister at 10:80 o'clock Satur aay morning, November 20. Circum stances pointed to foul play, but the charred remnants of the body were burled on Sunday without an In ?iuest. Later suspicions were expressed publicly and so much feeling war worked up. that a special coroner was appointed", "the Vtfify exhumed and evidence taken by a Jury. The Jury declared that murder had be~n committed but did not 11% the blame on anyone. The' husband was sua. pected, but was not arrested because the county ofnc{.a-s who could mako the comifiaint declined to do so. Ev idence of a Very strong character wre brought out at the coroner's investigation, but of an entirely cir cumstantial nature. BOARD WON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY One of City* Official* State* He Doe? Not Believe Hmt# Is Any Ex planation Doe. In speaking this morning of an editorial, which appoared in yester day's issue of the Dally News regard, log the delivery of the contract for additions to the city hall annex, onej of the city officials stated that tho board probably would have no ex planation to make. He added that the board had taken everything into consideration and that they felt that they had been tfeftking for the best IntereVf of the city in awarding the contract as thyo had done. Most of the cltlsens, he claimed, would real ise this fact without any explanation: .jThe difference the figures of the two bidders^ was not "several hundred dollars" as was state^ in ;he edttorial yesterday, but only fty?elght dollars. HELEN HOLMES OK THE ^USIVBRSAL PROGRAM Helen Holmes, tho former star of , Kalera's f?moun serltfs of railroad stories, "Tho Hatards of.Hftlen," has lift the employ of the Kalem Co. and la now appearing on the Universal program. Her Qrat appearance frith T?y? Target Aim maniAoftfrtiif^ conoern in tha universe" l<f. entitled The Mftttl* of Jsrry McOulro" and It to In two huge reela. It 4s a real reel thriller, one of the scenea show ing Miss Holmes Jumping from an automobile to a freight train, whlli both arc runnlrg < ag break neck spaed. There la "punch" to this ptcture. The old time favorites, Ben Wil son and. Dorothy Phillips ar^ appear ing 1* a strong Rex drama, "Los 'of Lone Mountain." and Max Ashsr is again making them langhx with a Jokar -comedy. "Hie 10th CeatMT GOING UF! ? Chapin In St. Louia Republic. IS CHARGED JV1TH EMBEZZ^EMEK'l Elizabeth City Mad Under Arrest 01. Charge of Misappropriating Firo Company founds. (By Eastern Press) Elizabeth City, F^b. 4. ? Glen 'anl Is, formerly of tljis city wher? or a number .of yean* he heid a rosition with Kramer Bros. & Co., ?s brought to this city last nigh: jider a charge of embezzlement The 8heriff was met at the train by \ numbr of Daniels' friends, who aaked that the prisoner be taken o the court h/ju&e until they couhi arrange to give bond for his ap pearance at the March term of court. This was fixed In the sum of $800, and I. M. Meekins, W. O. Saunders and J. H. LeRoy are his bondsmen. { ~The charge agalSkt Daniels grev. out of hlB handling of funds belong ing to tbe_Ellzabeth City fire com pany of which Danl ls was treasurer. The grand Jury fou^d a true bill | against Daniels at the September term of court; but the sheriff ea/s that the capals was not put Into his hands until Friday. Daniels left Elizabeth City some! Limn after the charge that he had misappropriated fundB -which he held in trust was made, and, It is stated, has been at work as bookkeeper for a sash and blind factory in Ports mouth since that Clme. The Sheriff says that he found Daniels In Ports mouth. REPUBLICAN MEETING HLLD County Executive Committee Met | Today. County Convention Will Be Held on February 20th. The Republican executive commit tee for Beaufort county met today The meeting was called to order by county chairman, Hugh Parfil. Upon motion of J. A. Buck, J. C. Meeklnn, Jr., was elected secretary. A motion was carried that the I county convention bo held at tho I court h'ouao on Saturday, February | 2$th, at 11. o'clock. The object of, trie convention will bt> to elect del- ' 'gates to the State convention ai . Raleigh on March 1st and to tho| Congress'.onsl, Judiciary and Sena torial eon vefttlon* whenever they j l; %o\nllM. K, HL.. I _ , If yoiur tenant la delinquent and destructive, become a classified ad vertiser at oncel "Greatness" on ths Film. i It la never wise to predict that the miraculous will not occur.* There may coom a time wheu careful critics will award to some movie players the tree* used adjective "ffeaL" But at the present time certainly any snch oee of the adjettive would be absurd. The movie drama has uot yet shows Itself nor given the allghtest lndfca U ever tmn ebow Itself enpa an actor the chance to wtfSlter PrVchard En Urt JUDGE WHEDBEE SITTING TIGHT (By Eastern Prrss) Greeny. He, Feb. i. ? While many rumors are going the rounds and the press has had much to say about the prospec tive candidacy of Judge Whed b e against Join H. Small for the first district congressional nomination, nothing has been heard from him. He keepa his own counsel and refa*M to eren discuss the situation. "XEAL OF TIIE NAVY" AT NEW THEATRE TONIGHT The New Theatre will no doubt ;>e packed to the doors tonight with a crowd that seems as anxious to see that great serial that this house is running, "Neal of the Navy," as they would to see the entire Ameri can fleet of warships come up the Pamlico river. This great serial has certainly proven to be a great draw power for thl? house, and aa the mst episode of tho picture will by ihown on next Friday, the New Theatre has made arrangements with the Pathe Co. to start on the same night their latest and most success ful serial, "The Red Circle." From reports from cities that are now run ning the "Red Circle" this serial will equal, if not pasB any that the New Th'atre has ever presented to tho<r : customers. Tonight * there will also be five other reels of exceptionally strong plays, and should prove to be among ihe best bill* yet shown at this hous<\ Of course every one In the city ksowa that "The Broken Coin" with Francis Ford and Grace Cunard, now running at this house on Mondays la some serial. MRS. JENKINS DIED r?*wrl Away at th? Homo of Her Mother In Tarboro Laat Night. Mrs. H. M. Jenkins died last night at eight o'clock at the home of her mother in Tsrboro. Mrs. Jenkins lias been la 111 health for some time tnd during the last two or three weeks was quite seriously 111. She Is survived by her husband snd ?hr?? childna. Fun raj arrangements have not y*t been announced. MUCH WTEREST OVER PURCHASE by col. noDie ? I has BOUGHT 0VS-'- 1-VVEXTV ACHES OF* ..I EASTER- I LY E.VD .,r' THE CITY. DEED BEEN FILED Report Has It Tliat Tract Ha# Been Purchased for Norfolk Southern j 1 a Order to EiuMe Co mpany co Straighten Its Tracks. A lajjg^purchase of land at the easterly end of tho city limits, sold by the Beaufort Farm Co. of this city to W. B. Rodman of Norfolk. ; has aroused considerable talk and speculation on the part of local res idents who have become acquainted: with the trews of the purchase. This land Is located between the two creeks, the Pamlico river and an extension of Third street. Var-j lous surmises have been made re- j garding the purchase and It has been i generally reported th?t the land has * been bought by the Norfolk Southern) railroad. One of the prominent men of the city who Is In a position to] krow the details of the transaction, j said this morning that the railroad: company had purchased (he land for the purpose of str.irghlenlng out the many curves in Its tracks. The deed for the property, how ever, Is made out to Co'onel Rod man. The colonel Is general coun sellor for the Norfolk 3flV.hern rail road. MADE AUTO TRIP IN THREE DAYS VonEbersteln Pnrfy Motorrd From Heie to Savannah, Ga., in Good Time. A le:ter has been received by friends in the city from F. H. Von. Ebrst In who, with his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Willl^pi VonEbersteln left here a few days ago on an automo bile trip to Savannah. The letter states that tho trip was made without accident of any kind. The rngine never gave the slightest trouble and the party had no tire trouble. The roads, according to Mr. VonEberstein, were "fierce" In some places. The trip was made In three days. The car used was a Bulck Light Six,1 which was sold to Mr. VonEberstein by C. L. Carrow of this city. DIRECTORY IS ALMOST READY City Directory Will Bo Issued In About Another Month. Will Give New Census of Washington. It le expected that Washington's new city directory will bo completed and ready for delivery In about an. other month. Te canvassers. who have been taking the enrus of the ? city and securing tho different names, have practically finished t their work and expect to leave the | city in another week or so. Before ithry leave they will endeavor to give out the exact population of Wash ington at the present timo. , They have had very little trouble in getting up the directory and all those merchants, who have been s^en -regarding the matter, havo been "* !? " ? *.r spsce. ? I. com?' ?? *?<? u 111 ) *1 I he a | credit to the city. NOTICE Members of the Washington Building and Loan Association will please call at the First National Bank, and pay their Initial dues, Saturday Night, February Bth. Subscription to itock stilt open. B. F. Bowers, ? President John A. Mayo, Secretary prompt mm PREVENTS ANY MOB VIOLENCE CHIEF OP POLICE AT HERTFORD OUTWITTED MEN WHO WERE ENRAGED AT NEGRO'S ACT. CRIM'N'L ASSAULT Negro Arreeted on Chary* of A*, uultlof Four-Y ear-Old White Girl Is Now In Elizabeth City JaiL Special Term of Court Asked For. (By Eastern Press) Hertford, Feb. 4. ? Due to the prompt action and shrewdness of Chief of Police C. Ford Sumner, the l.fe of Goorge Berryman, colored, ..:arged with an assault upon the four-year-old daughter of Mrs. Sam uel C. Phi lips, was probably saved irom mob violence on the part of local citizens who were enraged over the circumstance and are said to have made thrcsts of lynching. Berryman Is alleged to have made the assault on the little girl Tuesday r.'ght. He was brought her<* for <afe-kcepSng but officials, hearing . eports to the effect that a lynching was being agl'.aied, determiaed to :ak" the ccgvo to Elizabeth City for asfp-keeplng. CK4rf Sumner made known his. In tention of removing Berryman to r.ome other town and had an auto mobile stationed in front of the Jail. Then, wbll^ the crowds kept theftr eyes on this car, he worked his mas out of the rear of the jail Into an. i-ther automobile and make a quIck tlrlve for Elizabeth City. Impassible roads compcll d the party to leave the machine at Chapanoke and beard :he Norfolk Southern south-bound ? lght express with their prisoner. The party fetched up at Edenloa ao^, kept B rryman there In jail until car'y yesterday morning, when Sheriff Bray brought him to Eliza beth City. The people of Hertford were completely In the dark as to he negro's whereabouts until early lioon yesterday. It was then too latq ior them (0 take any action, oveq had they so desired. Steps were taken yesterday to hav# Governor Craig appoint a special term of Sup rior court In Perqui mans for the trial of the Berryiman case. SENATE CAN'T HEAD OFF THE CHILD LABOR BILL Few Relieve the Effort* of Senator Overman or Any One Else Can Prevent Vote in Senate. Washington. Feb. 4. ? The concen sus of opinion among the North Car. olina congressmen hero today is that :he Keating child labor bill cannot be prevented from being passed by the sonate. Few, if any, being that w the efforts of Senator Overman of any one elsr> opposed to the passage of the bill can prevent a vote in thfct body. The overwhelming majority of votes cast by the house yesterday | shows that those advocating the bill ! have created an enormous amount I of sentiment and thai the senate Is I aJmdf? as strong for the bill a* the lower branch of Congress. I Congressman Webb, cha'fmtn of the house judiciary committee, end ' who has studied Interstate laws I more than any oen else here. Is will ing to wager most anything that the | law will be declared unconstitution al one it is taken to the Supreme 'court of th^Unlted States. In fact. ! this is about the only hope the eot mill m?n now have that the . tughest tribunal In the land will' de I clare the law unconstitutional. TO-NlGtfl 13th ep1*ode of "Neml of the Nary** "THB REHEARSAL*4 S reels "Fable of the Btatennfta Who Didn't Make Good" "Tho Peach at the tieach" "Th? Unknown Coon try" 1 r??l V PnoMAlo jg

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