WASHINGTON _?A1CY NEWS pcBuenro xtkkt ajtzhnook BIOKPT StnTDATS. August t. 1908, at the N- 0, idf, <t?? at* of Hmnk t, 18T0. BtTBgORTPTION RATES: ^ Ob* Month ? .35 JP .. F?ot Mentha :...'.i.eo r 8?* Monthi 1.(0 Own Tetr .....8.00 ? 1 ?? ? ? 1 ? ' ? 1 fldt? iytii.au most be paid for in If paper i?not r? uiHii pmmptly, telephone or write this office. Bnbeeriben desiring the peper discontinued, will please notify this office, oihevwis* it wiP bb ecittUned mk reyalar subscription ratea. ? JvAlfM L. MAYO PioFtBTot CARL QOERCH ? ? . Edxto* WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FEB. 8, 1M6. Judging from the way the oystermen are said to be destroying the crop of bivalves in this section, it ^*6n't be long before the price of oysters will vie with that of gasoline. It is hoped thut a largo number of citizens will be present at the Chamber of Commerce meeting that is to be "held tonight. The question of securing factories for Washington will undoubtedly bt brought up and this is too important a matter for two or three iuec to consider bv themselves. In spite of the fact that Germany has one view of the Lusitanin case and the United States an entirely different one, both appear to be absolutely positive that they are right. If there's going to be so much fuss over that word "Illegal," we suggest that they spell it "ileegal" and let it go afc^hat. The war department has vetoed the improvement of the upper Neuse river. We "sup pose that the Kins ton Free Press and the Golds* boro Argus will veto the department's army plan, just to be spiteful. New Bern evidently thinks that there is a good deal of profit to be derived from Proffitt's talk. We feel the same way over here about it. ^r% It'll about time for the gong to ring and announce die beginning of the local political campaign. Judging from present inactivity, most of the prospective candidates must fed that it's too cold to throw their hats in the ring and go bareheaded. CHOCOWINITY'S DELEGATION. Yesterday a delegation of fifty men appeared before the board of county commissioners to protest against the board issuing $50,000 bonds for road purposes in Chocowinity township. The affair has been turned into a huge joke and probably a large number of those who were included in the d? legation are somewhat ashamed of themselves today. ? Instead of investigating matters, those who wero at the head of the delegation acted upon vague reports and rumors. They evidently | made no attempt to find out whether their source of information was accurate or not. If they had, the body of men would never have appeared a? the court house yesterday and made themselves the sub jects of ridicule and laughter. ^ There been many humors ? most of them without foundation; ? circulating throughout Chocowinity recently. One of them was that ex-Sheriff Ricks was to be engaged at a sum of one or two hun dred dollare a month and all he would have to do would be to drive around and keep a general eye on things. Other reports, equally absurd, were passed around from mouth to mouth. No one is going to force good roads upon Chocowinity. Wash ington township is willing to do all it possibly can to assist Choco winity in securing better roads, but if the people across the river cannot see the advantage of improved highways, if they are afraid to trust themselves or their neighbors by voting for a bond issue, if they want the same condition of roads as they have now to continue forever, why, thsy are perfectly at liberty and welcome to have them. OBITUARY NOTICES. W reoeive, from time to time, a number of obituary notices with the request to publish them. Many of those who sent in these notices j are tmdoubtedly wondering why they never saw their articles in print. For their benefit, we desire to explain. Most of the obituaries which wo receive, begin something on tihe following order:4*4 "As the King of Day arose from his nightly couch and slowly made his ruddy face to appear above the dusky horizon, the immortal soul of Mrs. left ita place of worldly abode and, winging its way aloft through the azure skies, passed through the pearly gates of the Heavenly Kingdom where throngs of angels awaited to greet it." The proper way to have expressed the above idea would have been to say: "Mrs. died early this morning." The notices we receive are often ten or fifteen pages in length and continue in the same strain as the above. Towards tKe close, they usually contain several verses of poetry. Tt is well enough to pay some tribute to a departed friend in one or two sentences, after having given a resume of his life and those who survive him, but when some account appears in which the de ceased is written up in the style we quoted, it not only makes the writer of the article but also the departed one appear ridiculous. Tn the future, we will have to request that when articles of the "flowery type" are desired to be published, payment for same, at the regular advertising rates, be sent therewith. We have one or two notices on our desk at the. present time. The following obituary, according to our view, is to be preferred: "A. A. Smith, aged 74, died at his home on Main street this morning. Death was due to pn<*umonia. The funcvil service* will be held from the Methodist dinrch tomorrow at 2 o'clock, Rev. B. B. Jones officiat ing. Interment in Woodlawn cemetery. "The de$ea*wd was a prominent business man of this community. He was born in Btaksville ? (account of life and business career). He ia survived bf ?V" DVERT1SEMENTS IN THE DAILY NEWS GIVE RESUll Need of Conservation of the Health Men of Middle Age B, IX EL H. LEUTNS!OCORWIN.N~ Y?i Acacias? o< M?* ?? T^ICF ? CM AREFCL governmental and private statistical atudiee hire astab lithivl beyond doubt that the comparatively higher tendency of tfcort.ilitv begins in middle life AND IS ALREADY STRIK INGLY NOTICEABLE, AT THE AGB OF FORTY, AT THE PHBI OD OP GREATEST "USEFULNESS AND EFFICIENCY OF THE AVERAGE PEHSOJf. The experience of li Jr insurance companies confirm* the infill falls , which an to be drawn ffom official mortality reports. Students of this grave sociological phenomenon estimate that in the last thirty yean fit* mortality Tate of this oountry has increased at least >0 per cent among .people above the age of forty and th&t the increase has not yet reached a culmination point, aa deaths ffom degenerative maladies are increasing from year to year. A MILLION INSTANCE* COULD U CITED TO WOW THAT A MAN It AT HIS HIT IITWItN THC AON OF FORTY ANO UXTY-PIV*. < The youngest president of the United States was forty-two Then be was inaugurated, and, with five exceptions, all the net were between fifty and sixty-five. The world's greatest writers, muaiciana and ect?n have practically' all done their best work after forty. An ever increas ing death rate at forty and over, ia s tremendously serious subject for I mankind to ponder. Trade Struggle WitK Europe Bound to Come When War Is Over Br WILLIAM & KJES. Vice Present NuduI City Bwk. New York City EUROPE is already anticipating the future and is arranging for the trade struggle that is bound to take place when the war ends. The significant and ominous fact that, stands out above all others in the present situation is tfcat we will be confronted with a rising wage 6cale and a tendency toward increased living standards at the very mo ment when our competitors bv force of necessity WILL BE OBLIGED TO REDUCE LI VINO STANDARDS AND TO KEEP WAGBS AT A MINIMUM. Unless it iB solved or unless some means are found of offsetting our great handicap in labor costs we shall, when the nations of Europe again become active competitors, lose not only, the foreign markets now open to us by force of circumstance, but our domestic markets as well. WAGE8 MUST BE FIXED IN ALL INSTANCES WITH THE IDEA Q? ENABLING PRODUCTION TO TAKE PLACE ON SUCH A BASIS AS TO PERMIT 8UCCE88FUL COMPETITION WITH FOREIGN MANUFACTUR ERS AT HOME AND ABROAD. ?* * *t WEEKS ML 111 Ml Is First of Republican Candidates for President to Retire From the Race. Washington, % Feb. 8. ? Senator John Wingate Weeks, of Massachu setts, has developed the first pair of "cold feet" among the Republican aspirants for presidential honors. If reports are to be credited the Bar State man figures himself out of the running and is about ready to quit. It wsb learned from a reliable source that Senator Weeks has held numerous conferences witlfc friends during the last few days"^wtth the re I suit that he has convinced himself he does not possess the qualities nec essary to attract support in 'the Chi cago convention. j Senator Lodge and Former Sena , tor W. Murray Crane, of Massachu setts, are said to be among those who reluctantly advised Senator Weeks that he wan riding to a fall. While having great respect for the opinions of Lodge and Crane, Sena tor Weeks is said to have sought the views of others. As the story Is told. Senator Weeks was shocked to learn that nearly every one with whom he talked agreed that his chances of landing the Republican nomination were a bout one in a thousand. 8ome, how ever, advised him to stay In the race for a while longer on the theory that his retirement now would further complicate an already muddled sit uation. SAVES DAUGHTER Mrici of Mother no Doubt Pro Teats Daughter'! Uatirsety Eoi Ready, Ky.? " i w*s not able to 4c anything lor ntariy six months," write! Mrs. Laura Bratcher, of this place, "and was down in ted tor three months. I cannot tell rou how ! suffered wit* my head, and with nervousness and womanly troubles. Our family doctor told my husband h< could not do ore any food, and be had to give H up. We tried another doctor, buttie did no) help me. At test, my mother advised me to take Cardul, the women's tonic. I thought H was no use for 1 was nearly dead and nothing seemed to do me any good. But I took eleven bottles, and now I am able lo do at) of my work Md my ows washing. I think Cardts ? fbs best medicine Is lis world. My wefgM Ma KlUtotd, and I look the picture ok health. " If TOO suffer from say of the ailments icoUar Jo wome^ get a bottle.# Csrdui la the past 50 yrira. M(0 CUT THIS OUT ? It Is Worth Mamej DOhTT MISS THIS. Cut out thl? slip, enclose with 6c and mail It tc Foley & Co., Chicago, III., writing Four name and address clearly. Toe will reoelve In rfeturn a trial pack age containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, (or lagrlppe, coughs c&lds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for lame back, weak kidneys, rheu , matlsm, bladder troubles, and Fqle> Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, foi constipation, biliousness, headache snd sluggish bowels. Davenport'* Pharmacy. Rebuttal. Employer ? How dareyun tell tueyu can'l live ou your salary? You haven' a car. huve yon? Employee? No, ab Employer ? Sufficient! Every fellov who really can t live on his malar; ha*!? New York Globe. NOTICE OF SALE, j By virtue or execution to me is sued out of the Superior Court ol Beaufort County on Judgment In Carolina Distributing Company vs E. T. Harris and L. P. Harris, trad , Ing 'as E. T. Harris & Company, 1 will sell at the Court House door of | Beaufort County, at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, s' noon on March 6. 1916. all the right title and Interest of the said L. P Harris and E. T. Harris In that tract of land whereon L,. P. Harris and wife now live, containing 110 acres, more or Iobs, beginning ^n tp Washington and Leachvllle road jt J. W. Jefferson's Southeast corner, being at the Oden lead'dltch, and running with said road in a South erly direction to Llnde Wlndley'f corner in the division among the heirs of John I. Rowland, thence with her line in an Easterly direc tion to the line of J. T. Nicholson, thencc In a Northerly direction with the line of J. T. Nicbblson to J. W Jefferson's oorfier, (hence In a West wardly direction with JefTersou's. line to the beginning This January 28, W. B. WIK Sheriff of Beat l-?9-4wc. NOTICB OP HALB. Under and by virtu* of power of sale contained In a certain mortgage from John Foreman to the under signed Frank H. Rollins, dated Oot. 8th, 1908, which la duly recorded la the office of the Reglater of Deede of Beaufort County, In Book 128, page 242, to which reference la made, the! undersigned will, on the lat day of I March, 1916, at 12 Nooa, sell, at | public auction, before the Court Mous* door ot Beaufort County, for caeh, the following described real "estate, rla: In that part of the Town of Washington/-, N. 0.. known aa Van Nord' n Town, and on the North aide i of Fifth Street, between Van Norden Street and Bridge Street and begln nlng on the North at de of Fifth Street at the Southeast corner of the land wold by Fanhto H. Bryan to Nlcey Foreman on June 2 lat. It 04, see deed recorded In Book 128, pace 248, Beaufort County reeorda; therce Northwardly with Nlcey Foreman's line to the To-wn TMtch; thence iast wardly with the aald ditch 41 feet and 4 Inch**! thence Southwardly parallel with Van Norden gtreet to (Fifth Street: thenoe Westward ly with Fifth Street 41 feet and 4 In ches to the beginning. Jt being the ?urn- lot of land oonveyed by Fan. nle H Bryan to lots Foreman by recorded In Book 128. page 848, Register^ 0?ee ef Beaufort County, *?lch l? her shy referred to for fcrther deearlftten Thle Jan. IMS, 111! RT Ktf It 1 ' <ih^e<>,32?e'e?mwl and .11 otben ssirsss: T. U??. th. ftbove-named petl ?Jonor AM la the office ot th* ( at the Superior Tourt of Boa Coutj ? petition to have Mrt.io load, (herein dMcrltwd reffttered and confirmed pursuant to Chapter 96 of the Public Lew* of 19 IS. end -hat summon* has been issued, re turnable at th* office of the Superior Court of Beaufort County on the 3rd lay of April, m?. when and where 1 he eald parties are required to be ind answer eald petition and assert! *nj interest or eiaim they may hare n and \o said iand. said land being iltuate in Washington Township, Seaufort County. State of North Carolina, and is particularly describ ed as follows, to- wit: Beginning at a water oak and Iron ixle in the edge of the Lagg'tt* ?anal; running thence down the Canal the various oourses to Shooi ng Swamp; thence down Shooting 3wamp to its mouth; thence down Poplar Branch to its mouth In Hors Pen Swamp; thenoe Northward op Horse Pefe Swamp to the mouth of * branch; thence Westwardly up the Branch to an Iron post, corner be tween the Eureka Lumber Company ind the iand formerly owned by M. 1. Cratt; thenoe North tl 3-4 de. trees West 66 S-B polee to an Iron -?ost In Long Pont; then North 17% East 96 po'.es to an iron post; thro South 87 U East 191 2-5 Doles t r an iron post; thence South 82 hi East 80 1-6 poles to an iron poet; thence South 66 East 88 3-6 poles to two pines, a futn and Iron stake la the Buck Pond; then North 89 Bast 18 8-6 poles to an iron stake: than North 46 1-4 East 18 polos to an Iron stake; then North 48 ft East 9 1-6 poles to an Iron stake; thenc* South 66 1-4 East 86 H poles to ar !ron post*, thence South 41H Wee I8H poles to an Iron poet; thenc South 68% Bast 31 1-8 poles to ar ,'rcm poet; thence South 66 8-4 Ess 88 1-6 poles to an iron post and rock; thence to the beginning, con talnlng 816 acree, according to so* rey made by 8. Peele and John B Reepass in July 1918 and Norem ber 1916. Igie defendants abore named and all others to ittRrar It mar concen tre hereby notified that the petition er will apply to the Court upon thr return day of eald summons for such relief aa it may be entitled. Witness my hand this the 30th da: of January, 1916. GEO. A. PAUL. Clerk Buperlor Court. 1-88-8WC. NOTICE OF ?ALE. Under and by virtue of the auth orlty contained In a judgment of the Superior Court of Beaufort Count} . n an action entitled W. B. Rodmar >?. J. T. Bland, rendered at the Jan 1a ry Special Term 1916, tbe under tlgned Commissioner will on lion lay, February 21st, 1916, sell at th< Court House door In Beaufort Coun y to the highest bidder for cast hat certain property la the town o. Washington on the South side o: Second street, being Lot No. 10 o: he property formerly owned by 6 T. Nicholson which was subdivided ?ap of said property being of recor* n the offlce of the Register of Deed if Beaufort County In Book fo6, at ?age 600, said lot beings bounded o. he East by the property of C. F vVarren, op the North by Secom street and on tbe West by Lot No. 11 This the. 20th day of January 1916. W. B. RODMAN, JR.. Commissioner. 1-20-4 we. NOTICE OF BALE. Under end by virtue of the autb orlty rested In the qnders(gne< Commissioner, duly appointed 4n s special proceeding pending In the Superior Court of Beaufort County, entitled Washington-Beaufort Land Company, Inc., vs. Caroline Wilkei et al, the undersigned will proce* to sell at the Court House do or o Beaufort County ta^fhe highest bid. der for cash o^Tuesday, Februar 22nd, 1916, at IS o'clock noon, all of that- certan tract or parcel or land In Washington Township, whlc! Is described in tie petition filed ti said cause, as follqjgsr Situate in North Carolins, Beau fort County, Washington Township beginning at a poplar, John L Phillips' corner (formerly Beth La tham's corner); running thenc Northwardly with said Phillips' Un to a lightwood stake In Beb*e'? line thence Northeastwardly with Bebee'? line to a pine stump; and thepc Southwardly to a gum, the David La tham corner; theoce Westward!? with the run of a branch to the bp ginning, containing fifty (SO) acret more or leee. It being that tract o' land conveyed and described by th following deeds, all of which ar? made a part hereof and recorded li Beaufort County records in book' and pages referred to, and are hert in referred to, for a more complete description of ' said lands. (1) Edward P. Leggftt to Arch bell Whitley, deed dated Dec 21 1264, recorded la Book 22, at pagr (2) Arehbell Whitley and wife to "Ashley Ball and wife. Emily E BaU. Under and by virtue of the power of tele contained in e deed or trust txecutrd to m?. the undersigned trustee, by Mareellus Wallace and wife. Lucy Wallace, said deed being dated February 6th, 19 IB. '.and ef record tn the offlco of the Register of Deeds of Besufort County tn Book 165* pate 6*9, I will sell at public auctiop. to the highest bidder for cash at the Coprt House door In Beaufort County en Tuesday. Feb ruary IS, 1916, th? property con veyed tn said deed of trust, being therein deeerlbed as follows: ? Beginning at the mouth of the little branch on the West., sidp 9t Martin's pooosln, running tbenoe with said pocoeln Westwardly to O. D. Myers* line, thence with his line to the Washington and Ply* mouth Road, thence with the ssJd road Woetwardly to the division lfsr of Thomas L. Waters and Artillery Waters, thenes with said line South to the Sol. Blount branch, and thenfce with said branch to the PubHc Road No. 14, thence Bast with said road to J. O. Jefferson's line, thence with said Jefferson's line to Andrew Woolard's llns. thsnee with Wool ard's line to the little branch, thenoe with said branch to the beginning, containing 160 afrea more or lsea, and being the sams tract of land conveyed by T. I. Waters cud others to Aritllery Waters by deed dated February 2nd. 1909, and duly re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds in Beaufort County in Book 161, page 49*. SECOND TRACT: All of their right, title and Interest In that cer tain tract or parcel of land which was oonveyed to the partlee ef th?" ! flrst part hereof by the Washington Beaufort Land Company, by deed, which Is duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Bean fort County In Book 166, page 160. ? Saving and excepting out of the Irst described tract or parcel of land that small tract conveyed by Artil lery Waters to -W. H. Waters b deed dated Jafeusry 16th. lOili and recorded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Beenfort County In Book 171, page 641. This the SOth day ef Jaanery, 1916. v W. B. RODMAN, JR.. Trustee l-H-4wo. By vlrtoe of the power of sale oontaincd In deed of trust to me ex ecuted by Stephen V. Sawyer and wife, dated March 16, 1906, and re corded in the Register's office of Beaufort County in Book 166, page 176, which Is hereby referred -to, 1 will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the Court House door of Beaufort County, on. Monday. Fsbruary 28, 1916, at noon, hat tracb or parcel of land in- Rich land Township, Beaufort County, Adjoining the lends of L. R. Mayo, Whllldln Springer and others, ds. Scribed as' follows: Beginning on ths Springs Creek oad at the center of a new road called the Campen road, and run ning with said Campen road North 17 Bast to a branch of Peach Orch ard Out, thence a Southeastward ly ?ourse with the branch of the gut ?.o the fork of said gut; thsnee with 'be other branch of said gut to Its headf* thence with the Northward prong of a branch making into said gut to a bridge "where said branch crossee the Springs Creek road; thence with said road to thn Campen ?oad, the beginning, containing welve acres, more or less. This Janusry II, 1916. WHILLDIN SPRINGER, JR. Trustee. l-t9-4we. H C. CARTER. JR.. Atty. - l-7-4ws. By virtu* of * power of sale con 's Inrd in a mortgage dM<l txMaUdi b y Sylvester Btston and wif - to Howard Wlnflsld on Jan nary 25th, 1916, which said mort*a*e dead it recorded 1b the Register of Deed's office of. Beanfort County In Book I#4. pag* 298, I will, on Monday, ?he 28th day of February, 1918, aell *t pottle auction, at the Court ffon?p door In Beaufort County, at It o1 clock M, for oaah, to tha hlgh??t bidder, the following described tract of land. to-%lt: Adjoining John Williams and oth era. beginning at. a pjne. in David Moor^'e lloe. and runl South 2 West 81 poles to a stake; thence South J 8% Weat 81 poles to a black" gum; thence North 88 Weat with J. A Beebe'e Una 48 poles to a stake In said lino; thence North 48 H Ksst 110 polee to tho beginning; tt being a part of the laat aold by Jacot* Brown and wife to Ashley, Ball, If deed recorded In the Register's of fice of Beaojtort eounty It alio be r?p W48HVK0T0N, N C. I 8. Ward Junta. O. (Mm WARDt^ORLMBB WASH WO TON. N. C. practice la the oourte of tha ruwt Judicial District end tie Mini court* R. 8. SUGG. B.8..D.V.M. WASHINGTON. A. 0. Veterinary lirfm Phjeldan and Dentist Office Wtnfleld'e SUM* HI Market St >?r Phone it. Nl?ht Phase III ?. A. Daniel. Jr. J. B. Uaoalaa L C. Warren W. W. Kltnhla DANIEL & WARBEN, MANNING & KITCHIN Attorneje-At-Law Practice In Superior, Federal ind Supreme courts of this itate ? ? e ? ? e ? e ? C. U Stewart F. H. Brrai STEWART A BRYAN Attornere-at-Law WASHINGTON. N. C. ? ? ? . ? ? ? 4- ? N. L. Simmons w. L. Vauckaa SIMMONS * VAUGHAN LAWYERS Rooms U-I4-1(. Laniblnihooae Building. Waihlnjton. H. a JOHN H. BONNER AUorn.r-et-Lew WiauiKinrrtM u ?? ADMINISTRATOR'S WOTIOB. Hiving qualified m administrator of the eaute of C. A. Hollo wall, de cM??d, Ut? of Baaufort County, North Carolina, (hi. la to notify alt parsons having claims against the MUt* of the ?ald dieuMd to Mhlbtt them to the undersigned tt Wash* ington, on or bafora tha 14th day of January, 1?17, or thl? notice will iba pleaded In bar of rocorery All persona Indebted to laid estate wilt , pirate mako Immediate payment. Thin 14th day of January, tftlt. E C. HOf.ljOWBLL. k Administrator of tbo estate j* C. A. Hollo wall. >**'. r: l-14 4w?. . , $ - ? xorttfc. At a meeting o t ?h" Board of Aldermen nt the Cltr of W??hln? lon. K C . held January II. 1*1*. the ffiUowfpK ordlrano* wa? ?Darted . "That It ihall be unlawful far any pereon. firm or corporation to uae, lorn on. or In anr manner tamper ?Uh the ire hydrant*. or <rat*r/ ' omlar through the clly hrDranu. exoeptlnl In the ?re?t o' r violation of tMi . firm w corporation i

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