TUfc: MAILT imrs PRINTS more local news WASHINGTON, N. C., FRIDAY AFTERNO0N, FE3HUARY M, 1?16. NUMBER 188. J.B.FQWLEWILL SERVEON BDftRD SAYS WILLING TO ACT IF THE OTHER MEN , PONT DROP OUT PRAISES R.LHODGES ftorry to Learn Mr. Hodge* Has Declined to Serve on the Board Vh? Interviewed tMi iliornlcf aid "km whether he lateoded aertlng on the bond iMtM oomtale MPh, jobs B. Fowle Hated that uo leae the other appolataee dropped oat or eomathlag elae occurred that would pretest hie acceptlB( a place on the board, he would probably ceaeent to aarra. "I did hot eeok a place oa the bfard." aald Mr. Fowle, "and when Hr Warren broached the matter to !*e. I rafoaed. Now that aj aaae baa been pat on the Itat. howerer. 1 teller, that 1 via accept the honor It the ether don't drop oat " "Hare you heard that Mr. Hodxee haa refaerd to atKayt a place oo the beard?" ha waa aahad. "Tee, I heard that and 1 wai RlJsbtr aorry to hear It. Mr. Hodgei ja one ?* thw Snaat men to tba town afclp to aerae on the eommlaalM^ I alacrrelr hope that ha will ?id t hie deeleloa and will ooaaant to eerea oa the board." POLICE DESTROY. MONKEY RUM Of the Liquor \V*? Poured Out on the Geoand VcttmUj- Afternoon. Several citizens who pansed by the, cKy ball yesterday stopped suddenly a?d sniffed vigorously several times.' When th^lr olfactory nerve* had < been satisfied, they proceeded on! . their way, some of them staggering ?tfghtly. The cause of their action* was tie fact that the poljce yesterday did ?way with a large amount of mon | key rum, which they had seised on J various occasions recently. The odor of the stuff was evident several ( black, away ? I RECORDER'S COURT . v . *cgro Womb Gete Thirty Days la Jail for Retahiag. Other Case* Brought Up. Before the recorder yesterday af-j ternoon the following cases were brought ap for trial and disposed q t: Daniel Webster Goss, throwing bricks on the street; costs. John Wallace, assault; costs. ^ Elvy Bason, retailing; $10 "and oosts. The woman not being able to pay the fine, she was sentenced to jail for thirty days. Hess leas Uslsisi la Persia. Paris, Feb. 11. ? Russlsn troops ?re steadily pushing back the Kurd* and T?rk*s. commanded by Germans, throughout Persia, It Is reported. liADllS, STOP BY HMD 8KK THAT pretty Glass and China at Stewarts Jewelry Store. ' : 4 ? * i-iintc.. v* ?: BELLM O nrat SpliOde "Tint BLACK BOX" thrilling myitory Mrlal with Harb<*rt lUvlluod lit Anna Mule All (twr cut la a k?c* thre^ rael faptara "Whit the ^lr?r foretold" mill# Rhodaa In K^ator com d r ?rATHBRS U>CKV E8CAPB MATMM DAILY ? ? f, M. Cnil.DltKX lit BLa*w; ikiL COUNTY SCHOOL MATTERS ARE DISCUSSED BY BOARD >" . Board of Education Held Regular Meeting This Week. Several Important Matters Brought Up. The County Board of Education hold their regular monthly meeting this week and took up several mat ter* of importance lit connection with the school work la the county. The matter of nailing a special tax election la District* Nos. It sad 11, which was laid over from the Jaaaary meeting was disposed of. Nothing farther being presentd by those parties who asked that said election be postponed, the Board re* commanded to the commissioners that they call the election for March 11th. U appearing that district No. S, Long Acre township, had not receiv ed all that wis due It on the new building, the. Board appropriated &n ' additional 980 In final settlement, this to give s school term of Ave months. In balancing up the account with district No. 4. Pantego township. It was found that the building fond was due it to the amount of $13.80, which was ordered to be put to the credit of the district. Pgtrona of district No. 10. Choc, owinity township, having failed to PlffiD WITH HIS VISIT HERE Mr. Protttc Think* Washington Hu * Wonderful Vafan Before it. Coloaei Lmrd Write*. ,r- That Edward W. Proffltt, of Pro v Idtace, B. L, *ko prid Washington a Visit and made a short aftdresa a few days ago, waa very favorably impressed with the city and tta cit izens. la shown in the following com munication which b. A. Flynn, aes rstary of the Washington Chamber of . Commerce, yeaterday received from Col. H. 8. Loard, general pas senger agent of th? Norfolk South <rn Railroad Company, who acoom. pan led Mr. Proffltt on bis tour throogh the State: "Dear Mr. Flynn: "Mr. Proffltt and myself have Just returned to Norfolk from our trip through North .Carolina. "I wish to aaaure you that the kindness shown ua by youraelf and Mr. Leach, your president, was high ly appreciated. "Mr. Proffltt thinks that you have a wonderful city, and that with the energy and posh that la being ahown by your Chamber of Commerce, with the help, of the Ladles Civic League, that there la no end of the possibili ties of your progressive town. ^Hr. Proffltt is very much Inter ested In Washington, and I hope will be the means of bringing eome man ufacturing Interests to your city. I ? ant to thank you again, not only for ourselves but for the Norfolk Southern for the kindly way In which rou gave eo much pleasure to myaelf ind Mr. Praffltt." TO GIVE CONCERT MONDAY NIGHT! ' ?-* I'upUa o t Miaa Olaacow to Olv. E? hlbMoa of TMr Tak-nt at High f Hchod AtxVturhun. A coocrrt by the puplll of MIm Mac?* Olaagow -wtll be liven at tha lillh achool auditor! 11*1 Monday or. anlng, baglnnlng at ISO o'clock An aicallant prtgrfm conalatlng of name roue Inetramental and vocal ealaotlona wIlTte rendered. Admla alotr will lw fraa. The program -will bo aa follower V Dual. "Oh. That Wa Two War* Maying." Walter Warnar. Rrneet t. Sals. Sonata C Minor. Clinton Marah.<* I. Solo. "Bobolink," BMo Kelly i. Bo'.o. "Oypay Dance. Salbr far baa -4 I. Solp. "I Haaf Ton Calling Ma," Mra. Uao. Phffltpa ?. Qnartat, "Trt??:*| i Throu#?i tha Heatier," Flofance Harrla. Ethel 1 F.lllott. Kathleen l^tbaai, TfcclaM - - ' ? " **;~L - . 'Vfjl defray one-half of the expense of, erecting a new school building. and the term therein having been cot to i three month*, came before the bovd , asking tor additional apportionment jTb run their school four months. This i equest was turned down aa not be ing Just and fair to the other dls-j irlcta. In making ftnal settlement with district No. 1, Panlego township, the hoard found that said district was still doe $150 from the build in* fund, which amount was ordered placed to the district's credit. Deed for an old school bouse In district No. 15, Long Acre, was ex ecuted by the Board and turned over to the purchaser^H. A. Bo wen. upon payment of the purchase price of $20.50. On -account of the failure Of the sheriff to make proper settlement with the school fund It was neces sary for the Board to negotiate a loan of $1977 to meet current ex penses. This loan was secured at the First National Bank of Wash ington. No other husinees being brought up, tho Board adjourned. OYSTER ROAST FOR * JR. BIBLE CLASS Ktent' Wu Enjoyed Last Nigfac.! Came as a Reward for Increased Attendance In the Class. What proved bo be one of the *oat enjoyable occasions ever participated in In this city was an oyster roast given last night by E. R. Mlzon and JMand te- kbm Junior Wesley Biblsf' class of the Mfcthodlst Sunday School. Three weekB ago there were eight niembers in the class, and a propo sition was made that, when the class reached twenty in q?mber an oys ter roast would be given. Last Sunday the c!Ai had warmed up to whlto heat, and had even gone so far as to canvasa the town in an au tomobile In order to have the re nu'sltn number. There were twenty ' In be in the class last Sunday, so promptly at 7:30 last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bland, the fun began, with the following boys: Mac Robbtfs, Charlie Dailey, Lee Wynne, W. T. Bailey, Jr., Joshua Rhodes. Frank Bland. F. B. Lewis, Robert Dail, W. Norton. J. C. Wise, Geo. Howard, Jr.. Frank Baker, Earl Robbins, Willie Bragg. Edgar Rob. bins, T. p. Alllgood, Jesse Giles and Charles Harding. After participat ing In, and doing full Justice to. the oysters, pickles and crackers, served on a tabl* provided In the back yard the class was taken to the Bellmo | Theatre, where they enjoyed the motion pictures. ?? j The boys returned home about 10:80, with the dettormflbation of harlng at least thirty boys preeent next Sunday, at which time a pic It ure of tha class will be taken. 8. Solo, "Nspo'.l." Gladys Alll good. 9. Solo. "Sprlng'B Awakening," Mabel S. Dallay. 9fllo, "Valse Arabesque."' Re becca Orleans. 1). Quartet, "Bedtime 8ong." Miss Msaon, Mr* Phillips, Madeline Kllsworth, Bernloe Nlcboltoa. 12. Solo. "Souvenir," Annie Mae Harmon. 13. Solo. "So Saran Rom," (Mel ba Walts), Mr* Walter Wolfe. 14. Quartet. "From Calif of Bas ted." Annie Mae Harmon, Gladys Alllgood, ftoloy Forbes. Mr. Wallace. II. Solo (a) "What the Flowers Says." (b) "Fro of the Land of the Sky-Slue Water/' Jack Smith. 1?. I>no, "Thanhooser Grand March." CHaton Marsh, Rebecca Or leans. 17 Trio. "Mendelssohn Op. ?1." Annie Mae Harmon. Gladys Alllgoed, Selby Forbes It. Onet. "A Night m Venice," Mabel S. Dally. Elsie B. Kelly 1? Solo. "The Holy Oily," Annie Mae Harmon. SO. Chen**? Capri. II. Qusrtet, "Overture to Zam pa;" Rebeeea Orleans. Ball Wy Brlgl* Oladys AUIgoort. Katbleeu Jackson. sstesfjwes Ml* aioacow. Mt Sb?w. WHILE CONGRESS IS MAKING THE SELECTION THE EXPO SURE. MAY PROVE FATAL. ? Marcua In N*w Y?rfc Tim**. EPISCOPAL CHURCH PLANS TO PENSION CLERGYMEN I Steps Being Taken to Assure a Pension to Those Who Have Attained a Certain Age Tire Episcopal church of-' this cauntry has entered upon an under taking which la sal<f to he the great est. single financial enterprise over attempted by that church, and one that promises to work radical chang es for good. For more than six years a com mittee composed of some of the strongest men in the church ? bish ops. priests and laymen ? have bren engaged in working out a plan whereby an equitable, workable and stable pension may be assured the clergy of the church upon attainment of a certain age or In the -event of physical disability before reaching I che retiring ago. Realizing the usefulness of a sya Um based oh sentiment, this com mittee began 'by employing as its actuary Monel) Sayr--, formerly ac tuary of the Carnegie Foundation. iDd recognized as one of the ablest experts In pension matters in this country. After a mass of work in preparation this commlttn was ab'.e So present to trie General Conven lon of the church held In New York| n October. 1913. a p!an which has the approval of the most astute fi nanciers of the country and which t Is agreed will result in securing .he end desired. If properly taken up and carried out by the various dlo ceaee and parishes. General Convention adopted the plan and already a sufficient num. ber of dloceaqs have endorsed It to Vsnrc its being put into active op oration. Up to ihis time forty-four dioceses, all tbftt have yet aoted ? compulsing 4 SOft out of 680 D elergy i? have agreed to enter the fund. It is a scientific plan whleh, ? In brirf, assures a retiring fund to all ministers in active sorvlce when they reach the ago of 68. pays annuities I to those becoming disakM before rolling that age. and pays a pension I to wido#s and orphans of clergymen, j Ta^rovide thi# pension to those THE 0. HENRY CLURi Mrs. Carter Wan H oeUwe to the dub I at Enjoyable Mr^Ong Held t Yeetee<1ay. .y MTe. M. W. Carter *M b oaten* nj tWO. TMar* Beok club yeeterday ,afUrnoe?i A larga number of mero | bwr>* were preiK-nt and a moat toter oatlng meeting was held. ? After a diacuaaloo of several bua rnesn matter*, a Tory Interesting paper. "A aketeb of llamlet, was tiu ttadnw Ml or *'-.h ???? ?bl7 prepared. war rjfc. ?>? l|oy*d. A ?k!kk town ?*d tk\ who will becom<~qptltled to it 1b the future an annual aweumeot will be laid on each parish of about 7 per cent of the salary paid by uft parish to its own minister. In order to make the pension available, however, to those who are now or who will in the next few >ears become eligible for It, a fund of $5,000,000 must be raised, to covor what is known as "accrued liabilities." It is this task to which the Church Pension Fund Commis sion has now set its hand. The mem bers of the commission, being men of Judgment as well as of vision, have realised fully the size of the task and have gone about the doing qf It wltn characteristic energy. The chairman, Bishop Lawrence of Massachusetts ? worthy successor of Phillips Brooks ? has thrown him self into the work body and soul. His diocese has relieved him of his other duties for a number of months and he has moved to New York where he will devote his whole time to putting this great plan before the people of the whole church. 'The diocese of New York haa al ready appointed Its local committee, naming thereon J. Plerpont Morgan, Btephen Baker, President of the Manhattan Bank, Wm. Fellojree Mor gan, President of the Merchants As sociation, and others. Last Bundsy In Raleigh the Ini tial step was taken for enlisting the diocese of North Carolina, when strong addresse were made in Christ church and the church of the Good Shepherd on behalf <tf the project. It Is probable that the Dtoceee of Bast Carolina, which Beaufort county belongs, will likewise pre pare to do Its share In the matter, the council which met In New Bern last year having endorsed the fund. The subjcct will In all probability be thoroughly discussed when the ? annual council meets In Kinston noit I May. THAN a ATI ANTIC TRIP *T.f#fflL VK mtAdb tH VKRT FEW HOURS, PREDICTS London, Fab. 11. ? In twrety year* travelera will go from New York to London In fifteen hoar* on giant a^roplao** capable of flying 100 mtlea an honr, Claud? Graham-White declared In ft pabllahed article to. day. chocolate wea served Mra. Colin I Harding of Washington city, and Mrs J agger of New York, ware gueeta cl the clnh. fto next meeting will be held with t'A\ m i.ida Rednuin on February 14. OPPOHTHmn Ml) BE OFFERED TO BET MUTMT CO. HERE LOCAL TALENT PLEASES AUDIENCE Man r ' ^ _.r=n for tbe Cl?lc ^ w**uo Uat Night. The Civic Club realized a hud some fund from the benefit per formance which was given at the New Theatre last night and which was featured bj a number of home talent acta. The "kid", acts proved to be the favorite attractions for the audience. Mary Baugham and Ida Tucker, tinging "When a little boy ? #" made a big hit with the audience. Helen and Francis Dalley also sang a doll song In excellent harmony and were well applauded. Mary Thomas Stewart and Eva Haekney did a song and dance oomblnatlon with Mary Thomas doing the Terpslchorian fea tures. All of the girls were remark ably well possessed and not one showed the slightest symptoms of | stage fright or embarassment. Mrs. Harold Washburne recltejl "Bobby Shafto" in a manner which kept the audience Intensely Inter ested ? from start to finish. Mrs. Washburne'B Interpretation of the story, her gestures and delivery were extremely good. She - 4? - without question the best elocutionist in this section and her recitations are al ways deeply appreciated by her au diences. She was at her beet last | night. ?n exhibition of modern dances by Miss Llzxle Hill and Harold J Washburne concluded, the program. Both are excellent dancers and went 1 gracefully through the Intricate ] steps of the maxlxe and one-step. President Wilson Will Take No Ac- j tion In Effort to Induce Sccrtv tary to Change HLs Mind. Washington, D. C-. Feb. 11? That President Wilson will take no action | in inducing Mr. Garrison to recon sider hit resignation as secretary of | war, was learned today through of ficial circles. It is stated that the president expressed hlmsolf as re gretting to learn of Mr. Garrison's decision, but that he had nothing further to say. Secretary Garrison resigned from, office yesterday, giving an his reason the fact that President Wilson has refused to "Irrevocably" support the continental army plan and because be opposes the administration's pro gram of setting a definite time for Phllllphie independence. NEW EVAPORATED PEACHES 3 1 lbs. for 25c. E. K Willis. t-n-Ste. 1 NEW PRUNES AT 10c LB. E. K. WILLIS. 2-ll-2tc I BUSINESS MEN MEET TONIGHT Important Matter* to he Brought Up at Hewlon. Merchant* Urged To Br Present.. The Wash'ng'uu liuMiinit M'n'X Association will meet tonight In the Chamber of Commerce rooms. J. K. Hoyt, president of the associa tion, stated tfeTfc mornlnfc that there were a number of things he desired to bring up before the members of the association left for the North on their spring purchaalng trips and that be hoped a large number would be present at tonight's meeting. ANOTHER LOT OF FULTON MAR ket Corned Beef just received. E. I K. WTLLI8. Ill-Itc W* RECEIVED A NICE ASSORT meat of Cut Glass and Hand Painted China today at Btewart'i Jewelry ?tore. S-ll-l^a. WWW CORNED MACKEREL ? FOP 1 IS?. B. K. WUUa. t-U-St< COL. RODMAN URGES THAT WASHINGTON GET BUSY OTHERS IN LINE 28 Different Towns in State Want to Organize New Companies Washington. N. C., Fsb. 11, ltl?. Editor of the Dm.llr Newt. City. Mr. Editor. | It dow appear* possible that an opportunity maj soon be offered for Washington to ssoure a company of infantry. In order to do thla, It would be necessary to secure slxty.five men willing to enlist, and three men of [.requisite military ablTlty to l>ecome. | commissioned officers. Under the present law, a captain of a company receives from the stats for his services in maintaining the organisation J 100 per year; the quartermaster aergeant f&O per year and each enllated man 25 centa for <acb drill attended. For all actual service on encampments, both of ficers and enlisted men receive the tame pay aa officers and enlisted men of like grade in the regular army. It Is reasonably certain that Con gress will pass at this session what is known as the "Militia Pay Bill," which provides that captains receive about S600, first lieutenants $500, and second lieutenants (400 per year with full pay when on active ser vice. Non-commissioned officers an^ privates would receive 25 per oeut of the pay of the regular service. All would receive full pay wlille on duty. The opportunity which may be presented will have to be taken ad vantage of at once as thers are ap plications from twenty-eight differ ent towns now on file for consider ation. The National Guard of today^ls very different from that of yester day. It is now a service of duty and^ of patriotism and I believe that we of Washington are as patriotic as any poople in North Carolina or elsel where. Should anyone be Interested In the urganizatio nof a company, I would be very glad to hear from thom and would cheerfully render all the a? nlstance in my power. Very respectfully, WILEY C. RODMAtf, Col. 2nd No. Car. Infantry. In connection with the above let ter, the following article, which ap peared in this morning's papers, brings out several points of Interest: Washington, Feb. 11. ? President Wilson was told flatly today by Re publicans of the House military committee that they believed the committee was practically opposed to the continental army plan spoflL Bored by the War Department. They said they believed the committee fa forevd strengthening the National ? Guard and empowering the Presi dent to draft it into the regular army In time of war. The Republicans left the White house with the Impression that tho President still believed the continen tal army plan the best so far de vised. He showed no disposition, they said, to attempt to fores adop tion of any particular plan, but ex pressed the conviction that the com mittee would bring out a bill for an ndequale army. 8?b?crlt>- io tbe Daily Newa.

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