WASHINGTON PAILY NEWS1 fPBULBaBl) *TKRT ATTXKKOOX KxtatfT gmrPATB. ?U?,?attar, Aogui ?, 100t, it d k. a, th? ?c? < .35 1-00 jjOtlllfc 1.60 T Mr 8.00 Fhikauiprion* most be paid iw in tdniM. If paper ii aot r e?wd prMopd;, telephone er writ* thii office. Subeeriben 4miria? ?hep .per discontinued, wifl pletae motify this office, otherwise it wiP wtliued *t iBfnlar subscription JAMS E. MAYO P.oPK?o. Edito* OARL GOEBCH / ^ WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FEB. 11. 1016. Judging from accounts in the papers, that Gen nan cruiser must been the Roon of many a British vessel. Another victim of one of life*3 little tragedies is the man in * ?mall town who buys a silk hat ? and then there isn't a single wed ding for seven years. ? Greensboro Daily News. Still another tragedy is that of the young lady who purchases fig ured silk stockings ? and then it doesn't 0rui until they're entirely worn out. ; : | J We trust that in appointing the "advisory committee" to assist in taking care of the good roads work in the county, the commission ers will fir>t make cer.ain that their men are going to accept, before giving the names out to the public. This plan would undoubtedly U< more satisfactory all around. With Weeks out of the race and Hughes refusing to let the Re publicans use his name as a candidate, circumstantial evidence points a decidedly accusing finger at our little friend Teddy. And all that Teddy does is to sit quiet and look innocent. K. E. Hodges has announced his intention of refusing lo accept a place on the bond issue commission. We sincerely trust that Mr. Hodges will reconsider his decision and that he will consent to serve the township in the good roads matter. He is too good a man to br left off the committee. CIVIC INDIFFERENCE. A meeting of the Chamber'of Commerce was held Tuesday uighi. Various subjects were brought up and after they were discussed, the meeting adjourned. Srvernl members made the remark, upon leas ing the room, that they were disappointed because no action had bee: taken upon Mr. Proffitt's suggestions, which were embodied in n re cent speech that gentleman delivered before thp Chamber. Why no word was brought up regarding this matter is rather ?trange. It is true that Mr. Proffitt merely generalized and did not po very much into detail regarding the projects he mentioned, but that was no excuse why the Chamber should not investigate the pos sibility of securing small factories for Washington or why gome commirtee should not be appointed to look after this matter. T!v? word "factory*' was not even mentioned ar the Thi i* one of tin- iuoM important lines of work that the Chamber can take up at the present time. It is vital to the welfare of the city ?nd every resident of the city. To pass the matter over without oven the smallest kind of a discussion does not speak very well for the progressiveness of the members of tho organization. BEAT FORT COrXTY TOBACCO. One of the local tobacco men stated this morning thai while in Richmond recently and while conversing with prominent tobacco men of that city, he saw many samples of weed which had come f rjpn the Washington marker. Tie added that the tobacco men of V irginia were most favorably impressed with the crop grown in Beaufort county and that in their opinion it was of a better quality for certain uses than that grown anywhere eke in the country. This gentleman is not the first who has made this remark. Jt has i been conceded by a large number of tobacco men that Beaufort county ?oil is peculiarly adapted to the raising of tobacco. It can be made one of the most profitable crops that the farmers of this county can raise. The acreage is gradually being increased and as the Beaufort weed becomes more generally known it will come into greater de in'and. If the farmers and the local warehousemen co-operate and work together with the idea of helping each other it will not be long Wore Washington liecomes known as i?ne of the leading markets of the countrv. Palm Beach comes out with a new sensation, according to news reports from that city. Here's the latest: Conversation stockings are the latest in hosiery. Some I of these seen here are of hand-made lace and cost up to $100 a pair. One has a mouse at the skirt line, while j its mate says, "Watch your step." Another says "De V lighted," while its companion shows a clock face with the hands at 12 and the words "Good night." Of course all this "conversation" i? f??r the public eye r.> sc.*. Gosh, wouldn't it be awful if sotne of the holder ones came out with the Declaration of Independence neatly woven iirto the silk! HOSTILE TO AM. STDES. That there are times when whatever action the United States takes! on international questional hound to displease a U of the belligerent n/IWPiW In H1"-" ? ' v v * uiSpicantf mi ?i trie n powers in Europe is shown by the recent comment that has beenl made by both Germany and England over Secretary f.ansinir'-1 notel to Germany on" the submarine issue. Tho Berline Taegliche Rundschau says: "It could just a? well have been signed by Sir Edward Grey." The London Daily Tele graph says: "One might think that the note had been" prepared by Count Von Bernstoff.'* > There's a case where we were hr>stile to both sides, although how ?nch a thing is possible, is hard to understand. However, England el aims we were, and Germany is equally emphatic. What are we Doing to do about it ? ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE DAILY NEWS GIVE RESULTS How Mr. Woodpecker .Saved Hi. Food. 'Molly Cottontail. NO* upon ? tliue." dadd y began the bedtime story. "there *u a red A ^ basiled n .ml packer that lived in Uncle Ban's woods and *?? very food of a youug girl rabbit. Mtae lfaUy Cottontail. Tbej had tho greatest fuu coins shoot the lovely gr ores together. They knaw every bypath and hoil on thestnut and bug hoae In the woods. Bat one day while they ware oat strolling what do too think they came acroasr* The children gusesed everything brit the right one. Bo daddy told them? "One of Bobbie's trapel The boys had takes the greatest care making it oat of s Rinull dry goods box. with s door on hingee at one end, so that anything that went inside and nibbled an apple tied to a etrtng would spring the trap door. Then they set It right in the pleuaanteet rabbit runwsj under some snowbound alger bashes. Well as Mr. Woodpecker and Mlsa Molly were out for m walk one beautiful sonny moving Molly suddenly ?rlsd: '1 smell applesi Let * find em!' So they scampered all around till they found the little woodeu hou.se ?o attractively set in their path. *Oh. wha^h charming little home to begin housekeeping In!" hinted Miss Molly, walking right inside Bangl weoi the trapdoor the instant her aharp teeth settled tale Bobble's apple. She waa Just as much a prisoner as if abe bad been in a high tower." "What did her beau dof asked Evelyn. "Poor Mr. Woodpecker got terribly excited. He flapped his beautiful new black wings, begged his sweetheart to come oat, knowing all the time that she couldn't, and das bed round and roilnd the fatal little house. Then be set his wits to work, wits as sharp as bis loug black hill that Mother Natore gave him to drill bug* out of tree bark all the loug. frozen, hungry winter. Be squatted right down lu the snow before the trap door and drilled and drilled till hi* poor beak ached and bled. But the wood W?B soft pine and his love foe Mlsa Molly great Bo be kept at It till a small round bole big enough for Miss Molly to crawl through came in the trap door, and Anally the piece he drilled dropped right Into the snow betide him. *Ob. Molly, dear, Jump out!* be shouted. A.ud out Molly daahed. bringing Bobbie's apple with her. Bo, arm in arm. off they scampered through Uncle Ben'a pleasant woods, happy aa any two sweet hearts." daddy finished. "Oh. daddy, what a Bice story!" cried Evelyn. "Did Hobble set hla trap again?" Jack wanted to kuoV. "I believe he did," said daddy, "but you may be sure he never caught I Molly and Mr Woodpecker ggalnr And the children gave daddy two hugs and three klasea. Victory For Suffrage Will Come Through Congres sional Attion By Mr* O. H- P. BELMONT, Noted Suflragist A FAIR illustration of the busi nesslike methods pursued by the Congressional union was shown when, on the very day that the Sixty-fourth congress began it* work, we be<*an our work on its members. And when we realize ; that out of 2,000 bills introduced our6 took first 1 place in the sen ate we hove ev ery reason to look for success and speedy ac j tion on the euf j (rage amend ? ment. Although ; I lie strength of MR8. O. H. P. BELMONT. the suffrage movement has, been (irmly established and the states al ready won for the cause have been able to resurrect the national issue, women have learned it is not enough that great issues be initiated by the people of the nation. IT is NECESSARY that they BE URGED BY THE MEN IN POWER. We find loaders of political par ties and groups of other men decid ing on what shall be made an issue and forthwith proceeding to make an issue of that particular measure decided upon. It is therefore in cumbent upon the suffragists of the countrvj^#?llow this time honored custofTTTrtnd the Congressional un ion has therefore gone to the prop er source in its efforts to secure the enfranchisement of women. College Athletics Teaches Fair Play and Un selfishness By WALTER CAMP, Formerly Athletic Dir?ctor 41 Y.1!# WHAT fathers?yea, and moth ers ns well ? waiifr to make of their hoy more than any thing else is a thoroughbred ? A BOY WHO WILL WIN IF ITE CAN, LOSE IF HE MUST, BUT WHO WILL TAKE A WHIP PING WITHOUT A WHIMPEH AND THEN COME BACK. It's bred in the boys to esteem ithlotic strength and prowess, and that's the principal reason why you can't get them to make a hero of the prize etudent of Greek. The valedictorian of my class never went out of doors ? studied all the time, in fact ? and for five years after he graduated we tried, to help him back to health. But he died. It's so with every one who overwork* and underexerciecs. PARENTS JACANT THEIR BOY TC HAVE NERVE. TO BE SANDY AND COURAGEOUS. THEY WANT HIM TO ESTEEM PAIR PLAY ANO BE UNBELPIBH. THAT'S BRED IN*HIM IN TEAM WORK. Very R*4ourc?ful. "And I ? your wife a good hotiit* keeper r "Oh, perfectly', mother! Shp cau bent coffee perfectly lovely -with an elertrlr mrilng Ire*."? Loulevffle Cow rlcr Journal Lots of Ways to Kill Space Besides! Choking It With Thought. Our blessings go to him, by Jlng, Who first invented rime; It la such a spacefilling thing, 4 And saves us so much time. ? Columbia State. Man, you don't know the^game at all, In filling your alloted place; Boas editors for this stuff fall ? How 1? this for filling space? ? ? Savannah Press. To fill space some other day When Ideas are coming slow; And you're in haste to net away T r yspaclngthlBway. bo ? An 1st on Star. Time minus Space pi uk. Wo often Do't thus. ? Greensboro News. Oh. Joy! Oh. Bliss! We do Like this: The jucxintan Code. Tbo Justinian rode whs. as the uume Implies. u eom| illation mid rearrange ment of exfctlug lows rather than a j body of new laws. Justlnlau's com mission authorizing tlie work whs giv en A. L>. 0128. To the code the emperor added the pandect*, the institutes and the novels. These compilations were known ah the Corpus Juris Civiles, or body of civ]] law. The Justinian code Is still the baala of all French law, and many of lt? principles are even to this j day o|keratire In the state of LotflxianH. ; ?New York American. Rp of the ring Is cut into sq uaies. on each of wltlcb was shown Home scene iu the history of California. The ltezel. bearing the seal. ha!< engraved upon It the arms o' the stale of California, snrmouuted lij the star* and stripes of the United States and the name of Franklin Pierce. This ring w us vuiued nt $2. 000.? Wash tngtgp Post. school* Of medlclae seem to t?r?? is tfeat normal regularity of tho bo vol ? Is ma esaentlal to good health. The importance of thli la Impr seed par ticularly oa^ mother* of growtag children. A Tery valuable remedy that should be kept In every home for uh as occasion arlsoe Is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, a compound of ^aim pie laxative herbs that has been preacrlbod by W. B. Caldwell, of Ipoiitlcello. 11L. for more than IS >ears. and which can now bo obtain ed lu any well stocked, drug ator for fifty oenta a bottle. In a recent letter to Dr. Caldwell, Urs. H. C. Turner. >44 Main St.. | Buffalo. g^T., saya: "I bought a oottle of Dr. Caldwell's 8yrup Pep sin for my baby, Roland Lo? Turner. :Ld finds It works just like you aald II would. It la floe for the atomaeh ROLAND LEE TURNER and bowels." ? bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin should be Id every borne. A trial bottle, rrso of eW|^' can b? obtained by wrltiag to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 464 Washington Street, Montlcello. 111. WAITED 22 YEARS THEN SHOT LOVER After Loaf Walt, Woman Becomes lteatlMB and ShouU. Man Who Promised to Mtfrj Her. Flndlay, O.. Feb. It.- ? Just before Mis* Ada Warn r. 4). was to hare t>een p'.aced on trial here today on a charge of shooting her former lover, Morris H. PowTfl, 4 3, November 13 last, it was announced that the charge 'had been dropped by Powell jn condition that Bfisa Warner tbandon her breach of promise ac tion against him for $10,000. Miss Warner was charged with having entered Powell's home where he-llvobydrate*, should be succulent hi clinracter. n?. for lnatanr-c. corn fllajce or roots. These elapses of rongbnge shot-Id provide from 70 to 80 j?er cent ?f the necessary I carbohydrates and froui 50 to <10 per cent of the protein. The remaining portion of the ration should be supplied bv the addition utf grain concentrates. I two or more kinds l?elng preferable and | ranging In quantity from thret^toundx to ten of twelve |>ouud? dalt^Ti de| tend ing upon the quantity of milk ylcldej] and the st-?ge of the ln< tntion fierlod. Keep a Few Cows. A few good dairy cows ?n the farm will rellovp a mnn from mn^h anilely and much worry an to where the mon ey Is cornln? from to meet the regn lar hills that nre Inevitable. SHOE POLISHES BLACK-WHiTE-TAN - IO oocted if Wa Try. Many a wnnuin living In a tiro room and bath apiirtuient end taking her meals in an adjoining public dining, room yearns at ftmen for something "homemade" and delicious-chocolate layer cake, for inutauce. or scalloped oysters. or old fashioned molaaete cake, or aoda bh*cnit." tender end piping bot and made rich with little shorten-! Inc. One woman condemned ? as aba expresses It? to live to a luxurious hotel ajortinent most tf the year sat isflea her housewifely Instincts by get ting Sunday night lea In ber own apart ment by aid of a chafing dish, a coffee percolator and a one burner gas stove with a little oveu abo'it as big aa a baby's batbox. It la aurprlglbK how many delectable things can be baked in this absurd lit tle oven. Ont of k come small layer cukes, pans of 11k ht biscuits, toothsome little drop cokes, small nana of piping bot 8ally Luuti and rich gingerbread for the Sunday night supper. The lit tle oven bakes only u small quantity enough biscuits for four |?rsona, twice around, and layer cake which makes six good aired slices- -but the 8uuday night opportunities to have a taste of real home cuotdus are much appreci ated by privileged guests who also dwell in boarding ptac en. No woman with fnstldloui taste? and thought for her neighbors? would venture to cook ? teaks or fry potatoes in an aimrtmcur house where odors of cooking are not KU|>|>oxed to permeate, fcut creamed, en I roes, salads, baking of the aort referred fTr aiicT various appe tlzing scalloped entree* may lie pre pared by aid of a chafing dish and a lit tle oven of the sort- These small ovens may be used ou electric grills also, and rare is the woman who does not fcajoy an occaalonal "eooklng fast." NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of a D- ed of Asaignment made by the Jefferson furniture Company, a corporation, to the undersigned Trustee, dated January 4th, 1916, and or record In Beaufort County Records, the un dersigned Trustee, will on Monday, February- 14th, 1918, at the hour of 12 M. at the store of the Jefferson furniture Company, a corporation, on Ma'n Street In the City of Wash ington. N. C? offer at public sale, to ?be highest bidder for cash, the fol io ving property: All of that stock of furniture, stoves, merchandise, fixtures, sup plies, and all stock of said corpora tion located in said store building, and also all stock of said corpora tion located in the warehouse ou the North aide of Third street, in the City of Washington. N. C.. together wi4h all team, accessories, and fix tures. together with all book ac counts. notes, choses In actions and title retaining contracts of the said corporation. The right Is reserved to fix a first bid, and to reject any and all bids made, and to sell the stock In part, and In bulk, and to accept that bid aggregating the moat, whether It bo in parcel or In bulk. The purchaser will be required to deposit 10 per cent of bid at tlmr of sale, In cash, or bid will be m Jected, and next highest. bid accept ed. Balance will be parable upon delivery of bill of aale. Tftne of sale Monday. February 14th, at Twelve M, at the store of the Jefferson Furniture Company, or Main Street. Washington, N. C terms of sale caah. This January Slat. 1916. NORWOOD L. BIMMONH. Trustee, JEFFERSON FURNITURE CO A corporation. NOTE ? A complete and detailed Inventory of all atock In store and warehouse of all accessories and fix tares, and a complete detailed state, ment of all book accounts, contractu and other evli^enec* of indebtedne with the names of d'btors. po^t o? ftce, balance due and how secured. I on rile with Oeorge A. Paul. ClerV I of the Superior Court or cun be er ' amlnrd or copies obtained from th office, of Simmons A Vauehan, A* ; torneys, Washington, N. C. 1-St-ede NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualiffed as admlnlstntfor of Corne.Jhis Hlackledge, deceased late of Beaufort County. Nerth Car ollna, this la to notify all person having claims, attinst the estate o' said deceased t.d^xhfblt them to th ? nderolgbed on or before January 19. 1917, or thla notice will be pleaded In bar of thetr recovery. All peraona indebted to said eatate will pl'aee make Immediate payment. Tbls January 19, 191?. JONATHAN HAVENS. Administrator 1-12.1*0. * BKAOAW & J AUornejTS at Uw 0?t?v?* k>u ..i4rk*l St.. Opposite Ciijr Han Wasalagtao. N. 0. H. w. carter h. d. Practlcs limited to II EYE. EAR. NOSE ft THROAT ?ad tbo FITTING OF OLAOU* Offlce o*ar Brown's Drag Stors. Hoars 9 to It id.; t Ui * p.m. sxcept Mondays. WASHINGTON, N. C. H. 8. Ward Juntas D. Or Unas WARD k GRIMES a Attorneys-at-Law I WASHINGTON, N. a W* prMUe* Is the oaarto ol the Fin* Judicial District ud the Federal court*. ????????? W. a RODMAN Attorney-at-Law WASHINGTON, M. 0. HARRY McMULLAN ATTORNET-AT-LAW Leughlofhoase BslMlng. Corner Second and KutM Sta. ? ???? ???? ?/ ? R. S. SDOO. B.8..D.V.M. WASHINGTON, A. 0. Veterinary Sarteoa Phmclan end Dentist OOoe W tail eld's Stable *41 Market 8t D?j Phone II. Night Phone lit B. A. Daniel. Jr. J. a. Muilif U C. Warren W. W. Kltchla DANIEL & WARREN, MANNING & KITCHIN Attorneys-at-Law Practice la Superior, Federal and Supreme courts of tkla itate ????????? A.D. MaeLean, Weehlncton.N.O. W. A. Thompson, Aurora.N C. McLEAN & THOMPSON Attornsjra-at-Law Aurora and Wartlngton. N. 0. [? E. L. Stewart F. H. Bryan ? STEWART & BRYAN ? Attorneys-at-Law 9 . WASHINGTON. N. C. ? ? N. L. SimmoDi W. L. Vaughaa ? SIMMONS k VAUGHAJT ? LAWYERS ? ? Room* 18-14-16. LaughinghotiM ? ? Bonding. Washington, If. O. ? **???????# O. A. PHILLIPS 4 BT.O. ? FIRE INSURANCE ? WASHINGTON, N. G. ? JOHN H. BONNER Attorney-at-Law WASHINGTON, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICB. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of C. A. Hollowell, da ceased, late of Beaufort Connty, North Carolina, thla la to notify all person* having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the uud^rsigned at Wash ington, on or before the 14th day jf [January, 1917, or thie notico will be pleaded in bar of recovery All persons indebted to said estate will 'pkase make immediate payment. This 14th day of January. 19IC E. O. HOLLOWELL. Administrator of the estate of C. A. Hollowell. 1-14. Swc I * NOTICE. ? At a mooting of th* Board of Aldarmen of the City of Washing ton. N. C , bald January tl. 1*14. he following ordinance waa enacted: "That it shall ba unlawful for any person, Arm or corporation to use, turn on. or In any manner tamper with the Are hydrant*, or water omlng through the *lty hydrants, excepting In the event of flfe. "Any violation of thla ordinance, the portion. Arm or corporation shall ba Gaod fll.OO. or thirty days In jail." Thla fist day of January, 1911. W. A TEAS. City Clark. ??burik* to tk. Dally K,?