THE WEATHER. THE DAILY NXWft PRINTS MORE LOCAL ruuraES' IHESBPPOIT Of I MlliniRHEflS pbownbxt 0P THB ?ATB ?*? MAjnr TRLMiUjts TO ? *? roiwatsaniigi^ HIGHLY ENDOrId iWU*?" M- Hmrvret, Th** "" *<* Cm to Receive Any Recommendation* f< Place. of 1 ! BIKmZ 8?"<or. 1BUBM1, .ad Overman and member. trom' ">? state today trgiag Ucm to do al] in their tww.r to hat. Adjurant Oro.raJ Lawrence ">i ?! "" *' ot appointed aa c.m. i "fcr"^" of war. Thar ma from a.l erctloua of the Mate "Mir tho .^ pU 0,8 to hold w'' "** '"tlmatad from the ? ** Uut Ur wl"? 4o*. ihm r?*>?hian<atlon for e,,bla" w & fce knows that If- he deeliwa "J **"*?? non this .object ha ' **n* ,or ">? Person he haa In and look him ovsr p?raotnl]y t0^ r K?rU C*?"? -??? tow and qongr'ssmen want to nr. 0ea*ral Toun^ and ?""?"turn la leauod from the Whit, House forbidding .m-s I "*? r??o?itad etlfc, of Qen'l J -J?? Voon, ?m >0 ?**???. ? */"* - 1 * ? x --^>a MAN$Stt"fl?NDED - VALENTINE SOCIAL Af^'0,Tf? *y Uo, Ateha Proved Hoth Racial .,,4 PiuanriaJ 8 \.ccv*m. A Urge number attended ihe Val -nUn. 8?", ?hlch wa. u. y -?>" Preahrterlan ohnpb-at the Drown building '.ot ** were Mrv-d dnrln* the coume 0f thir.venlng and L0^03""1" B""'<:11 *,0*nm ?>< carried cot. .court ?tln, of aaleotlon. bf Forbes orchwtra and vocal nolo, bj Mia. Madeleine Ell.worlb, Mr. M. N. Berry and John Smith Tho rtnrcfK quartette. compo.ed of . *"? a"w'rt' "*? Stowift, John Smith and Linden Shaw ai.0 ?nr several selections. From both a .octal and Rnanclall standpoint, ths affair proved a big success and waa thoroughly fjOojvd | b r all who ^tended. WANT W.T. OLD ON RESERVE BOARD! ?Sort Betel Made to Have Norfolk ] Banker Appointed to High A. M. Dumajr, cashier of the First National Bank, this morning receiv ed the following telegram, asking him to use his influence towards hat ing W. T. Old of Norfolk, nominated ?gent of the Federal Reserve Board of Richmond. The wjre reads aa follows: Plymouth. N. C., Feb. 15. A. M Dumay: Please wire and have yonr influ ential friends also wire your ci grresman and Senators Simmons and Overman endorsing W. T. Old. who "la atlll a North Carolinian.1' aa {fatafct of the Federal Reserve "Board at Richmond to fl:i the vacancy caus ed by (he resignation of Mr. Ingle and rfsk them to uan their beet-ef forta In hts bdulf. Po this as personal favor to me. please, t ?/yV; CLAKXNCE LATHAM ' TAMENE8S. Ther^are ? v?et number of people who th'nk they irrWr tueus m?rsly (se^ausa they ?re teme awu iaef?*?isiv?. Tame- " neaa is not a v.*ue: it kf merely the absence of vfoe? John *lu art Birr EDITORS /DISAGREE WITH LIGILLE WJGH Muqh C^mmcmt Has Been Madetyi, Hfr Recent State ment VNew Bern l'*per Voices Strong Opposition to Sentimeat. . Various. papers bar* had comment I to imk* on tfco declaration recently 'volml by Miss Lucille Pegh. a" for mer Resident or "this city, now a leaA-( lng lawyer of New York Clty.-Mlse Pugh- a few daya ago" ataied that indiscretions in the attire of women had no bad effect on the morale of ; men. j Amqng the latest of the preee to proteat against this assertion la the New Bern Sun-Journal, which ra f rs to the matter ae .follows: "MIbs Lucille Pugh, a daughter of the Old Nort$ 8late who foraook her native heath, went to New York, studied law. secured a license to practice and now got a around dress ed In a fashion sorjt o* half way be tween a male and a female, has I secured considerable press dope of lste by making a statement in which she urges the fair and coy maidess \Xo go right ahead wearing low neek dresses, diaphanous gchrss and peek a-boo waists, declaring that air this talk about anch Indiscretion having a bad eff'ot on mere man is nothing but tommyrot. "Now, Miss Pu?h may believe that her advice aloof this Una may be comet bnt ire have onr doubts about It *nd more'n likely aha bead ed -ont thts little -eerfnl of chatter just to furnish "copy" for the aew* paper boys over in Gotham. % "No sensible gtrl Is cotng<to%fo to extremis In foilowlsp out the sof TO HOLD SERVICES FOR MRS. WILLARD - at the Methodist Charch Tomorrow Night. * Services In memory of Mrs. Fran ces- Willard, will be held In tho Methodist church on tomorrow even ing at 7:30. Mrs. WH'.ard Is one of America's greatest women, having been the originator of the Tamper- 1 ance movement In the United States asd the founder of the W. C. t!'U. I An interesting program has bren ' arranged by fhe leaders of the W. t!. T. U of- Washington. 'Thar.; will be J?p*cl$l . music tor the occasion, and a^aTk will be majle by E. A. i>anicl, on Mrs. Wlllard's life and character, it is hoped there will be a good audience and that each one present will come prepared to con tribute at least one nickel to the Willard Memorial Fund, which is lined for the educational Campaign against alcphol by public lectures. Posters, showing results of latest discoveries by scientific and medical reserch, will be exhibited feetlons of .this ftmale lawyer No jtlrl with a handfnT of brains Is go 1 1^1 to take b' r words Mrlonsly and : well might she not. Immodwt draw [ SWT Dot bate any effect on the men. jtmt tbe women want tba respect of tbe men and ua lean they Mock to lint a ; of decency in tbe matter of wearlnf | appare'., they will not secure or re 4ain this." w Girl Proposes By Wireless; "v. * f s Accepted New York, Feb. 16. ? Leap year proposals have taken a new twist. 1 he successful aid of tbe wire lesB waa aummoned on Saturday by Mia? Mllderd E. Whltehoase, who, hear ing that Howard Whltcomb ha-1 aalled on the United Fruit steamer lenadorea Cor a tour o t th Weal in 4. oa, radiographed as follows: "I bare changed my mind. Havo jjjuT Wiralaaa 1mnaa4lif y.M ATI yesterday morning Mlae Whlte hoi/M b' alsged t he offlNa of the United Fruit Company to learn II they had received a reply. At IS: SO p. xn. the following radiogram, ad dressed to Misa Wbltehouse, In care of the company, waa r ceived: "God bleak you. Tbe best Valen tine ever. Taking next steamer hacV from Havana." 8t. Valentine's Day, L ap Tear, and wire "ess telegraphy are tbe only three real wcaders in the world, ac cording to Mlsa Whlteh&uee *r)i> n ahe ^''wS^^^.^birs.vMi.". Whltehouse Uvea at Round HH1, Conn. ^ . . MAKES RECORD IN INSURANCE CO. Geo. H*cknrjr, Jr., lUnks Second of At] Ageutjt for Ilia Coropany During Month of J?na mtj. " A sensational record Id the Kile of insurance has Just 'been established hy George Hackney, Jr.. local agent of iho Union Central Life Insurance Co. Although Mr. Hackney has been engaged In this business on'.y a very short time he ranks second In the entire Hat of this company's agents for having sold the largest number of pollcAs during the last month. The Union Central employs hundreds of agenU and Mr. Hackney's success is one of which he msjTVell feel proud. NEGRO SUES SHERIFF , FOR A FALSE ARREST ll* "i* ' jtr * " " *' ? ? \v.- , ' ; K'.e.?jt ' Pasquotank Sheriff Secured Wrong Man. Plaintiff is y. Resident of XH:s County Chla. Raid. Sheriff et CumUlk I connty. la defendants > uiwtlonii: daniago.tult T?a plilu t.:-' ard M iffMt, eofol^ d, o: Kaiulort i county- CM. W. C. Hodnap 1* the I iila^tlff'e altorneyr. .jt, in the eupimer ot ltlf Ike combi nation task to ttae telle In -the Pit-, quotank )?1|' wet left oi?an. Jnrattot: of the Jallftfvlii* acfiets to the left threw tho IrtlU W their -coji *>d tnr?e made thoiy^ioece. ^ I Amo;ig the thr^*ke etcaped ??* one 3ot> Moore. ? Beaufort county n' ere, wanted tor * robbery, Sheriff Raid >u In for mod that Moon ww :n Norfolk end could bo found lp a c?ttnln locality et certmln honre. It M alleged that Sheriff Raid- went taJ Norfolk, found a man anewerlcg Mobre'a description, arretted hi* without warrant and brought htm bajk to Elltabalfc city But the ne gro that Sheriff Retd brought back wat Richard Morgan and net Ray "Moore. Morgan allege* that Sheriff Raid kepi hln. la Jail here (or t'veral wkeka agaloat hit proteete, without his mistake and' released feign, he we# ndt 'fftobihwd with eq . .much m the price of a ticket J>ack to Norfolk. it U bell *?d ihAt^Wik ?m oil tinuf ually atfdB^^ia.e. Ql^ef of -Po lice Booth ThVikl^^sji/vie few Mofgan after Boft^Wd Mm imfM NorMkt ?'lUtfd ?WMPty to look at him end fc? wfi life K^.i. Bfl4 to&pMr.typjMft *a*eAkeeptyour mo^th &? eJo't.^ eoys Chle!TTioi3ai7 T"I .ook ,ed ?t the negro V<i ooi^al' ohdf 1ha\ Sheriff. Held ha? Ike wtoir 'A'ft.** J Summons wsp|? eerred.on Oftrlff R Id \et waok^.Jt .U^unfipfujpod >that. the plaintiff will uk (or ?5,000 damages . There woa a man la our town, And ho was ^rondrona wine; He swore Ml wae his pdflcy) He #oat4 ftot advertise. But one day he did adTortleo, And thereby banga a tale ! r' OOTT WANT TO 00 TMi*" ?-Chart* In at Mi Rwtibll*. sthphlnI' ro d bill creating much interest Believed That Proposed Measure Will Meet With Fa vorable Consideration. Provides for National ' >J Defense Hit hway Washington, D. C?. Feb. 16.-? since the introduction ,of Congress man Stephen's "National; defense blgn way bill, consld ruble disc uhs Ion has ,uee n going the rounds Regarding the ( proposed nMeet -and ??rsr appears to be an . over-iocjeaslng seatiment . n favor of tho measure. Tho bill asks that a national de tense highway shall commence at Los Angeles. Cal.. and go eastward, oucbfng all of the Southern coast Slates and Eastern States, proc ed. | ing on up to Maine and then going westward through the northern boun dary States back to the starting ,iolnt. It also provides for the fol lowing: That rights of way for the national defensr- highway shall be' acquired from the several States on condition**' .-atlsfacUyy- to the President. j That tfeimstrnction, Improvement,* aud maintenance of the national do ' use highway shall be pnder the direction of United Ststes Army En gineers. and according to such spec ifications as the President may deem bdst for automobiles, .autotruck, and wagon traffic. That the use of the national de fense highway shall bo under rule# established by the President. That all persons employed, cleri cally or otherwise, in the construc tion, improvement, and maintenance of said national defense highway shall be able-bodied citizens of the MB. COZZKNS DEAD. W. R. Cozsens. aged 39, died at hi* home on West Third street Sat urdiy, February 5th. t>eath was due to pnsumonla. He haA hern in the 6mp>er rtarnt of the city for sot rral "fftars where Jie renderrd most rttlclent, aoTTlce until h!? death. He iras a member of th* C.. 9- H.< th?* ^'leiilafeM Fire Co. and of 'he Christian church of which he wa >n active psmber. Ha wi| th# son ' ?)t Mt. %ad .Mrs. W. M. Cesssns of this ^I^Vind Jearefi a wife and two ehVdVeh;' thr o brothers, Messrs J P., Gf jVand J. E Co6ens; one si* Cer i MHi Little Cozsens, to mourn th*r |o** r*J^tvm?nt was la Oak dale oemo ?v:: . . t ?'? W ? ~ - - ftttbftcribp to the Dally Nftrs. United State*, physically and men tally fitted for military duty, who ?hall during aald employment be drilled and Instructed for two -hours dally, except Sundays and national holiday*, by Unltad. States Army of fice ra, hi accordance with United Btateca Army regulation!. ;J% ? \ ?_ That in order to ?etab llsh, construct. Improve, and main tain the national defense highway, there be, and hereby Is, crrated a fund to be known as the national defense highway fund. Jfhat for the purpose of providing money for the national defrnse high way fund the Secretary of the Treas ury is hereby authorised fcnd direct, ed to Issue snd sell, on and after July 1, 1916, at par with accrued interest, coupon or registered bonds of tho United States in such form <ts he may prescribe, and is denomina tes of $20 ir multiples of that sum, said bonds to be payable in coin fifty years from the date of issue, and to bear interest, payable in coin semiannually, at the rate of three per centum per annum, the total a mount If said bonds not tl exceed $100,00,000, and the issuo and sate of same nit to exceed such amounts as may be necessary from time to time to enable the Treasurer of tho United States to make payments from the natloanl defense highway fund to meet the obligations Incur red In accordance with the prlvla Ions of this Act. TO GIVE CONCERT AT AUDITORIUM Pnplls of Miee Glaagow to Rrodw Program Tonight. Largo Audi' ?nco Exported. A large audience !s expect -4 to be on hand at the high school auditor ium tonight to hear the concert which la to he given by the pupils of Mlae Glasgow. There will be a varl. tj of lattrnmm el and \o**1 selections and the occasion promises to bo one of thai beat muslccl treats that resident* of Washington hart i*r*r listen 'd Mf The probata wilt begin at o?ght o'clocn. Adir lesion ?111 bo free. A GAS IS CHEAPER THAN PLUMBING BILLS ?* If you will bum the GAS in your Bath Room your fixtures, will not freeze W ASUNCION LIGHTING COMPANY "WILSON AFRAID^ OF TWO T^i^. ME AND kAISER," SAYS ROOSEV&T Washington. V. C.. Feb. 19. ?The latest word on polities from Theodore Roosevelt reach, ed Washington today. Sam Welle, an old-time Republican, who represents the First Dis trict of Tennessee in the House, , * hroafh t the tidings. Accord lnf to him, Roosevelt Is credit ed with ha ring made the fol lowing statement recntly at Oyster Bay: "I'am hot for any particular Republican candidate for Presi dency. but am sgainst the re election of Wooarow Wilson. He has deaden- d the conscience of the American people by bis | foreign policy. "There are only two thing* he 1a itfraid of. I am ooe, *ud the . K*l *r Ls the other.*' COLORED WOMAN DIED AS RESULT OF BAD BURNS Ftaanea From Store Set Her Gar ments on Fire. Neighbor! Ar Hred Too Late to Sare Her. Ann Thomas, an aged colored wo nan, who resides on Fourth street, l!ed last night as the result of burns ecelred from coming In contsct with flames shooting up out of a itove while sh was replenishing tlis Are In the morning. The woman wan oo old and feeb'e to beat out tho blase of her clothing and before neighbors could rush to hT sld she was horribly burned along the #n-' tire front part of* the tody. j Broke His Jaw: A nd Starves Woodland, Cal., Feb. 16. ? Fenn S. Saxtoo, 33, died In a local hospital as a result of Injuries sustained when be fell from the county bridge at Tancred. He suffer d a compound fracture of the jaw, since when be bad not been able to masticate food or to take nourishment properly. Gradually hs wasted away, liter ally, from slow starvation. The vl> :1m was an expert orchardlst and had lived In Woodland for several years. U.S. POPULATION IS 101,208,315. Washington, Feb. 18. ? The Cen sus Bureau Issued estimates of pop ulation for the United States as a ] whole, and each State Individually, for January 1, 1916, and July 1, 1916. According to the estimates the population on January 1 was 101, 208,315, an incrase of moro than 800,000 since the preceding July. ! The estimate for July 1 next Is plac ed at 102,017,312, an Increase for the year of more than 1.600,000, New York Stat* It given credit for Tore than one-ten h of the nation's to'.al population. O ........ O ? THE BTKAJ>Y STRftCRIBKR. ? aBlDlKf 1 LfEll 11111111 MfSUK COL. RODMAN STACKS IXDICA TIOSS POIXT TO SIXOMm OUTCOME OF MATTER. ? ' ?i MEN WILL JOIN ? ? - ^ Believed That There Win Be No Trouble in Securing Enoagh Moo to Join Ra&Iu. Give Oat Inflar?' motion La Two or Three Daya. ? "Indications for a military roinpaajr for Washington are ozceQeat. I believe we will be able to pnt It through. There will probablj- be come Important Information to be given out af ter two or three dan" The above^o. '-a*. made* .$ mom ng ty Col W. C Redman l ga.d'.ng the proposed organ .zhCoo A * local con.pau> or guard j!uce the announcement wu Bret made In Waahlngton that plana wftr?r under way for re-ettab". Ishlng the' company here, mueh oomment htJr. be n heard from various sources an sentiment appeared to be heartily 1ft. favor of the proposition, iiarfy of .he young men of the city have al tady express d their willingness to join the company acd should the nec. essary authority for organising the company be given out by State of flcials it Is believed there will be little difficulty In securing the nec essary number of men to fill the ranks of the company. In -the meaottme, these who ere J4' Int rented will eagorly await ^ 'lor further details regarding the matter. < ELIZABETH GUI WIlLfE FAIR l'lana For Fair Association Wert? Perfected at Meeting Which Waa Held Last Night, (By Eastern Press) El zab th City. Feb. 16 Elisa. ?eth City is to have a Fair associa tion with an authorised capitalisation of 120,000. As soon aB half of t^iis amount has been subscribed, sub scriptions become binding and sa organization will be effected. Th 1b Is the prigram wblch was determln d upon last night at a meeting at the court house. Work for a fair In Elizabeth City baa been at a standstill because thsra have be n two fair associations here, and It was general'y felt that there would have to be a union of forces before the movement for a fair coatd b' made as big a success as the op portunity for a fair In this section Justifies *ho people In expecting. Last night th? hope for consolida tion was realised. The proposition of W. L. Cohoon to turn ever to the association represented hy W. O. CaUher ard others the charter and euhjcript'cn 1st of th o-jrm raf'p whUffTVe hid rff-ct d wi act- p el: and it wax felt that 'the settl rn^nt I ?f this vex!ng question cleared the | decks for definite action toward, or ganising a permanent Fair A?*oeia tlon. The came consolidated will He the A!be?alie ..fcntuiCural Asiivc.'atfbi. V stead y subscriber, who pay* * In advanco without skipping a * mr; ? - " J ? Who takoa out his money and ? off ra It fladly, and casta * round tha office a halo of * chear, . ? Who never says. "Stop It, I can- ? not afford It," or "Getting ? more papers each weak than ? I rand." ? Bift always says, "Scad tt, tha ? whole family llkeo tt, In fact, ? It la one Inflspensable need." ? How welcomo his cheek or hta ? crisp U. 8. dollar; how ha ? makea oar heart throb and * our ryee fairly dance. Wa outwardly thank him? w%f Inwardly bleaa him ? t ataady subscriber who pya In J advance. ? Rxohanga 4 Kan O' the Backwoods 3 reel feature Mine Film "Dieting Spirits" Bloaraph oflera "Tho Barrier Between" 1 root XO-Nir.HT I-ubln presents

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