rs PUERTO MORS XOCAL 1TEW8 THAN ANY OTTTyg PAPER TO THE STATE. WASHINGTON, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, EKBRUARY. IJ, 1WC NEGRO KILLS PITT COWfflV ROM) FflBBUN: M'^.ES ESCAPE KITH CIVES EMM OF MS Ppii OWOSB8 SPENDING TO PER CENT OF C. S. ItEVE.VCE TOR FIGHTING Pl'ItPOSES. HEAVY TAXES . J Proposed .^.Increase li in Face of - Prevent National Deficit and Will .Mean Imposition of Ta&ee Greater1 Than Country Can Bear. Washington. Feb. 1J.? My posi tion ou an adequate military and i??yal preparedness for the defesae of the U. B. hna been so considerably *m tare presented that 1 .will define briefly the exact platform oa-Vftrtcfe I stand." The above atatemrot was maio tide morn in* br Majority UUT Claude Kltchfo relative to the pre "1* the bat place," rotxiaved Br. Kitcliin, "I an not oppoeed to what 1 conaldpr u rational preparedness. I am strongly In favor of a world latfafoe all m^Jtar fMn/bnt I recognize tlutt the world foem not yet eecm to be ready for ?B*veraa| disarmament and ?v<r*al V ^ "Where I differ from the -Pre#l dent aud from many of my frlenda. In antf.out of Congress, l* not in ?ee*lng a premature jJavamjRcal of our country. On. the contrary. I thoroughly believe rt^M9a(e- 'pre paration tj^ defend cA#rrtfc*t?; "The exact point on which I differ la thla: I believe, frojp.-fkll ^e faK^a. that wo are now In the prqceaa of being fully prepared adequately to defend ourselves, and that any great extenslou of expenditure either fot the atrny or for the navy la unwine. becauae It la not pn'.y beyond the fl. nancinl strength of the country, bud it Ir an Invitation to militarise anil aggresalQO. 1 think, on all tho facta, that we ara now fully prepared. "If the proposed military and navy programme becomes a law the United J Abates will be expending over 70 per , cent of it* total revenue for military. ( and narai purposes. Thai Is, out of : every 9100 collected from the p?o- ' flew over |7D will go into the army and the aavy. "Thla propoaed increAee Is In the j face of a present national deficit, and it will mean the lmpo&UIon of taxA greater thaj> the country cau legiti mately bear. ?But In addition to the great *>. naaclal objection- to providing dur aelves with something -which w* do not need, is the ev<n greater objec tion that we propose to*#W?ent our selves to the #OTld in an armed camp and thus p^tpone f of generations U>e day of nnlvewal peace.' < T % FEU DOWN STEPS; Mm. o?tIi tft- at<iik who i? ts II* cttr ttaifNCi bw dAUghter, Hf>. EJ Malltron, HJ?,'WlllKt?? .^MBKiitJ wMlftcdmlng ojK ?rih? bub ?a<j?i| ntcht. Wi> IilFiwi i4?yrint Atep* qx tba b?lldln*i Mrtuvk on Vj ?rn ??! brolia IHat rtwmSer ? ~Ti? ?lbow. Mm waa t?Kfr<?ra? *ntot "to.-Jtr. "V ??? ?W n'iixtor .?? calM and bound up. |b? Injury. /"ft 'l? t>?'.l?v d tb?l ?<Mno IW b?h!ndlj?r oil h?r Urpfa and <*uW<1 her tu inll. ber tootln*. WnnMnsttji. lT.^The ?In of the comjutOD J tt# '#< ... bank. of North Carolina at eloan o/fcualnf a ou l>*- mb<r 81 to wtiptroUat *r l*f wa tkt rmrft at INTERNE? GERMANS GfiOV ] GOAT OF PINEToWN MAN Literally, Not Figuratively Speaking. They Alao Want a Bear Cub and Some Lambs. 1 Plnetown. N. c , Feb. 1? WalUr Po*sll, ? Cult-blooded Englishman who lives at Plne lowa ?h!pped eeven goati to tb* G rniam oo Hoard the laternod crulter Prlnc* Eitel JTUdvich at, Norfolk -todaj. It aeanw that ;tha ;o?rn>an ?allon .want than for pate or maKotTTtel^ara' willing to par a nrj good price tor th m Thar wrlta Mr. Powell now that thej w?at.a baar cad iou lamba. Mr. Poweli says this is a way he has of Whipping Qermans* He has had quite a lot of ex Deri ace with goats and knows whereof he speaks. This Is one way to cet the beet of them? take their money and give th;m f oata. Anyone baring a bear cub for tale will pjeue communicate with Mr. Powell. mii inn 1* Mil GDIS! Washington. Feb. 17. ? Senator Owmu today Introduced a MB providing for the establishment of an aviation school and training camy U> be located on fho North Car olina coaat, the azaot location to be selected by the aecretary of th# navy. Senator Overman aaid that it would bo a fitting tribute to the progress of aviation (hat inch a school should bo* eftabllshed on the coaat of North Carolina, because tha first real pro gress ever made with the flying ma. chine was accomplished by the brothtnualpng the North Carolina shores. TILLMAN CLAIMS WILSON SHOWED POOR JUDGMENT, Says Prrsldeat Was Excited Who flf Miwlc Rtoffiivnt lV>d#rdlnR "liitrfc?"et Xarj in World." ^ _ Feb. 17.? Naval af faire coraftiandod tho spotlight at the capltol today. While Chairman Tillman, of the senate naval affairs committee, was declaring for an ef .clent but not a competitive .navy. Rear Admiral Qrant was ashing tho house - naval affairs committee for 111 new submarines, eight battle cruisers and 12 scout cruisers. "I am not in favor of the greatest navjr In the " world," said S-nator Tillman, "i can't believe the Pres ident spoke- in eoof Judgment when he made "that statement. ?-* ' ?'i am a public ay alter and 1 know we get Intoxicated when peo ple hurrah and shout. ' vVe <5duidn't compete with Eng land. Thr?rt?sh know tKat. It ? fsiNft for bef h^ve th# ilggut ftAvy'iif th-> woYid: . . I KW i"I it favor tba baat tralna* of. \ ??r? ant bmi < | ably Uwt i *SSl ta which jtV" b&' wad >b#rt t| ???*. Uj'H'rV. tboM os?o?l?* tta bUl M ,??* ? wmip^ ?W PK>t,,Mj tbe OBlI" lb* MrttoaiMB nan I . it Alabama. W. W, Kllcjtlh, CWrtofke, ? r. **? ?PPMRPBIH lefaoa and A N. na?1a of tfc> Mkjr. udan galll*. wera lraf.o? <(? Nort>i wmam MRS. HOWARD | PASSED AWAY Wm Known to Older Rcldenta Funeral Heftl from" St. j Peters' Church Today. Died In Weldon early yesterday ; morning, Annie Cobb Howard, widow of Uia Utc O. K WiUiams Howard, formerly of this city and well re membered by the Dldar eltixans. Th* refcwtM werv brvught here lawt night I The funeral wi'.l take plaoe at 2:30 j thla afternoon from St. Peter's church. Mra. Howard was the aunt of Mr?. k J. W. Charles and T. H. Myers, ofi thla city. ^l*ntr&VfcAi on- 1< ih?piiwpwM ??VW 'g^*^ 3%r3ps$? Hhta^wf," vit( n? tbiP mm &m-*r tan,' at Uw, *mu f#r?i?l? X Rqnltman *n? n?r<rt* JURY CLAIMS KEYES NOTGUILTY L -? t . :***!*. -i- f ft" . \ T*i*l of Negro. Charged wiUi Trans, porting Liquor. Was Held Ym twday Afternoon. Philip Keys, colored, charged wltli transporting more liquor than the law allows from Bunyon to this city, wa? tried before a Jury yesterday af ternoon. The Jury deliberated on thei facts of tho case and for some time they stoo7 (our for r?m| two for conviction. Later, bow ever, they return 'd into the court room with a- verdict, of not guilty. The negro was released. . ? | MAY REOPEN QUESTION OF THE SUBMARINE WARFARE Washington, Feb. 17. ? Secretary Lansing satd today that the -German government's, {dhounced intention^f unking armed merchantmen! W& *ut warning after February 29 has I r ejened the eotire question of sub- 1 murine warfare. Th? Lus'.tania agreement presentd j tod^y oannot tML'flnaUr accepted: 'un til the United States d terminer ' whether anyth(itf in It conbicts wlthj the., pew polify Mt ' aiakiag armed tc^rchem - Vfy j NPUCNMIf TROOTlAM 'is?? at new theatre V a -f FISHERMAN'S REST. MUCH CHATTERftG SPOILS MUSICALE Excellent Progrvvi Rendered Wu Spoiled By Continuous Talking m' Audience. . _?_1 w.??ai??e? ittndrtitiw Ucale -which was given, last night at ihe high school auditorium by pu pils of Miss Glasgow's class. The program rendered was exceptionally ;ood but the effect was largely spoiled by the continuous chattering on the part of certain persons in the audience. This not only affected those who sat next to these thought 1 ss persons but was a considerable annoyance as well to thoae who took part in the program. Doth Miss Glasgow and her pupils are to be congratulated upon the concert and It Is hoped that they will repeat near future. TO CONTINUE THEIR SCCIAL Harvesters Will Sell RefreehmMits at Brown Build ng Tomorrow and Saturday. The Harvest'' rs and Ladles' Aid i 56eiety of the PreBbytarlan church win continue their social at the Brown building during Friday and Saturday. The doors will be open o* Friday afternoon and the talo of ; ofreshments will continue until Saturday night. Music will be a both instrumental and so * - ; ^ : uiT - - - ' 6WLEM man IAYI WASHINGTON AS IF IT BBLONOKD TO HIM ? WMhlDRtOD. D.. C., r?b. If/? J. ?lampion Rich, or Wloeton-Salem, Is i- IJ?e wlri. Yeat4rdaj be M)M 'pna lira tarcm tkoku eoatk of ??tei> a 15 mUa|M' ?onJMM ?)th tkle imt %nnel<r. 1 tkat be had a worthy uJHAIilt the hank with Hi "k"'' M" ?ock,t u wot i to the White Home .netumuwed *pil *. utrmoter to ?' ?? He toid the coarde ka 'ante* to ?m 8<eretarjr. Tamattr <??? Ma request was granted. Once >? Ike loetde of Mr. Tamnltr'a of fice.- Mr 'Rich proceeded to arfene Mtb the Preeldent'e private eecre? . ? 1*ry atf* within a nhort time waa conferring with President Wllaon, ' tellla* HTm of Qi? wonderfal road proportion ha k?d. Mr. Wilton J rromtee* to lata the meter up with . thwmr Boaaton >i tMt nlfht Mr. Xlek waa elected ? kti honorary member at tk? North algi> Society of WubloftM at VALENTINE PARTY GIVEN YESTERDAY Ml*. Ellison ]Qrt?rtAJLii?4 Yesterday Afternoon ijr jRonor ; of MIm Mae Ay?r?. A vtlullM sewing parly la honor of Miss Mae Ayers wag glion yester day afternoon by Mrs. JaQtgJLJSlllsop ai her homo on North MatlMt street. The home was attractively decorate.1, the color scheme being carried out in red and green. Innumerable red hearts formed the principal means, of decoration. Shortly before refreshments wer<> served each guest was presented ' with a little heart-shaped holder, filled with rice, which was used in showering the bride-elect. Miss Ay ers" holder was filled with tiny sil ver horse nhoes and four-leafed clovcrs. The guest of honor was presented ?*tth a largo red heart, shaped box in which a shower bou quet of narcissi was concealed. Tied to each ribbon end, with which the owers were bound, was a handker chief from each of the guests pres nt. She was also presented with a liandrome box of toilet accessories. The serving of delicious refresh ments concluded the occasion. Those pres'nt were Mesdamef Leo Davenport, E. K. Willis, Ed. Malll Bon, Wa'ter Wolfe, Jesse Harring ton, John Qorham, Mrs.'O'Brlen o? Beaufort, William Rumley, Barn Etheiidge, Mason Smith, Misses Christine Tyson, Elisabeth Warren and Margaret Clark. V BRAVES TO PLAY IN ROCKY MOUNT Exhibition Oum BKwemi Boston and Rocky Mount Tfuu H tut Bean Amuiged. p-- (By Eastern Pr?M) Rocky Mount. F?b. 17. ? The Bo? luGBO CONVICT CRUSHES IN SKULL OF COUNTY OFFICIAL AND MAKES* HIS ESCAPE Large Posse of Rcsidr.-'s Are O on Hunt For Slayer ol Joe McLaw horn And Other Convicts. NEGROES ARE COMING THIS WAY McLawhorn Died This Morning Al Greenville Reward Offered For Capture of Men Murdeier Will Meet With Rough Treatment if Captured. j A posse of over a hundred indignant residents of Pitt county ar;? today on a hunt for David Evans, a negro convict, who late yesterday afternoon crushed in the skull of Joe McLawhorn. sup^rinten 1 nr of the road force. McLawhorn died this morning. The force, which consisted of seven negroes, was a: work on thu roads yesterday afternoon a short distance from the stockade. The men were under the supervision of Mr. McLawhorn. The oth??r guard was at the stockade. Evan?, it is stated, went up behind. McLawhorn and raising his pickaxe, high up over his head, brought it down with all his strength on the skull of the white man. The axo made a deep incision through the side of the skull. Immediately after delivering the blow all of the negroes dropped their implements an dran off. McLawhorn was found shortly afterwards by the other eguard and was rushed to Greenville. Medical attention proved of JBto avail, howevor, and the wounded man died early this morning. * - OFFICERS OUT ON HUNT. L The sheriff immediately started out on a search for the escaped convicts. This morning the officials were joined by many residents of the rural districts of the county, who are greatly stirred up over the killing. It is feared that if the officers are not present when Evans is captured, he may be# accorded some rough treatment. The negroes are said to have come in the direction of Grimosland and Chocowinity. Local officials have been notified to keep a watch, cot for them. REWARDS OFFERED FOR CAPTURE. Evans is a coal-black negro, forty years old, 5 feet 10 inches tall, weight about 150 pounds and has a small moustache. When last seen he was attired in a tan phirt and trousers and a blue Juniper. The other negroes are dressed in the same fashion with the exception of one,' who wore a red sweater. $100 reward is offered for the capture of Evans and $50 for any of the other negroes. THREE NEGROES BEEN CAPTURE!) Greenvllfc. N. C. Ftb. 17. 2 p. m. ? Thr~e of -the escaped convicts were caught late fhis morning a short distance below GrIm?l*n<L Oiie of them han already brought Into town and lodged In Jail. Bioodhottnds are at work running down the oth-rr and it la confidently ex pected f-hat the other four will bo found before night. The raur dorer in not among thoae who have been captured. Word was brought In by some of thoae wbo wrft in the p?s? thit h? chase :? growing waim and :hat the dogB are hot on the trail of the other four men, It Is stated that the posae !? proce ding In a very orderly manner and that It la not be lieved that they wli: unduly zne leat Evans when they catch the iattec. In the meantime. *r at in crcat is being -evld >reed here ovor fh" entire affair and news la 'agerly awaj^ .*t>the c*ptu*o of other >rt" tjitr i , republicans in Tins 8TATE ACTIVE IN THE PRWDENTIAL FIGHT Ro?Hwrrr4t In <Jreetly Admlre<1 Rut It U N? pe||eve<l He Will Be Sleeted. W^-h'nrtin, Ft- IT - -V ??#WS uux politician* Id Nor ?h Carolina were never mpre active In anr cam paign than they are In the present one for the Domination of a presi dential candidate to be anmed at tbv Chicago convention In Jane, accord ing to. a prominent Republican who has Juat returned from * trip to the Mate. There are lota 6f people who ?Mil adrtllre Rooeevelt, according 'o ibla Republican, hut they do not be Here he can be elected if nominated, and even hie admirers are a bit a frald of him now because of hla will atatetnent* with reference to European war. B. K. WTI.U8, | Main atreet .tore. Phone 60?. t-17.Uo. .?? tka Dally i 1 Tlfcr wcnsoxs 1 ffUID FN - i 'TOllamWa THEATltR^ Me*la, Te* , Feb. IT. ? fen per sons w re killed here eiu-ly lent nljht in the .collapse of the opera hom* building which wii^^ownd hjr- ? Ran exp'.oBioA A^j|d ire that for a 'm? threatened. the buttne?! ? cttanr ' h ? [awn. Naaiiroua perMBJi were ~ Injured. ^ - V .> . TO-NIGHT Sftnanay offers ?THR SPIDER' I reela "The Cureless Anarehfht" ? 1 reel ?Cooky # Adventure" 1 rVel "OIlTm Other B?ir 1 MI s. > nia?rt?io .

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