>KB LOCAL 'BIDAY ATTEBSOOK, MAY REPEAL LAW Attorney General Bfckott Ha* Joined of Other ? / , w I***' Raleigh, Feb. 18. ? Attorney Gen eral T. W. Bickett, fees Joined with the attorneys general of tho states >bt Artmano, Georgia. Idaho, Iowa, KanJsa, Mississippi, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, -South , Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, J "and Alabama, in filing a brief before the SUpreao court of tfce Unlted 8tates In the celebrated ease of Clark. ftlatttUng company vs. American / [Express company, which eftae brings before the Dupremo court/. the con i atltutlonallty of^~the Wel^b-Konyou ; act, and involved also the' yaUdlty of the North Carolina anariji^w. f . The brief coram SB printed pagsi and is d' Seated to IWb propositions: PU?t. that the Webb-fCesyon Mt ?it a valid ex steles of the power it Congress to rag* late commerce be. twam the states. Second that a atafe in thjr exercise of its' reserve police pow^r may pro hibit or regulate the r c^pt and poaaeaalon of intoxifatlai Uquora liquors within Ita borders, and that b-uce the enactment of thdtfWebb Kenfon act aueh legislation (a not In violation of the opmu??rtprf?fcuse of the federal constitution." in the brief la Glenn fa* Southern Express company decided at the fall term, 18 IB, In which AaaoeSate Jue Uce Allen, spea$li)g- for a unanimous court, ably review* t?o law* of the subject and 'sustains both 'be ,W*ebb Konyon act and the North Carolina' quart law. Writ 'of Error GrsatnL In this connection .the granting of a writ of error by the state Supreme I court In the Glenn case going up' from Wake is interesting ar show Ing the desire of the Nofth Carolina Supreme court to hare the case set tled aa aeon aa possible. GeoiWM. Glenn waa a'RsJelgh pollwllian until tho summer of 1114. That does not account for his thlrat, If he bad one, but he tested tho Grier act last year and the Southern Express company refused*#* forgot thst he bad received his legislative allotment earlier In the mtmth. The ] compsny wanted the collection but feared to take the chances and de- , dined to deliver the gooda. Mr. j Glenn sued and Judge Frank Daniels, h? Id with the company. . ?Tint RID cnci.lt" AT HEW THKATR* TONlftHI JT'it Nsw TbMtrtt will offer tblf *tron? loo'lbt tha aacond ep>oda of "Tb. R?d ClrcU,", thAt sp'.er.dld arrtal that ?aa startad laat Friday, f aiarlDf Rntb Roland and Fran* Majro. Ther? wftt also be nve other r??1? of splendid plctwr**. oofiilatlti* of food dramas and oomedles. "The K?d Circle' 'hn? b*'n padrio* houses every where Itwtt !t has been shown, and from alt proM report* It \n tho bent urtrJal that Path* ha* rrer re. leased. No doubt it will pack the house tonight jifD1! IN'S ? * IE OP _ . "? Elizabeth City Clf^Tfiat It U I'tanncd To Haw Judge Gulon Back On The Bench Again. ... Although considerable Interest hast be*n expressed *Wr the possibility of Judge WhMbw becoming a cane didst* foe4 llfd-Wee of congreecuaft from the ft ret district, the judge has never Intimated in auyv way that he will 6r stfll tafce any steps to wards securing the nomination. Ntunerous- stories hare been cocking out of New Bern lately regarding the Judges attitude and in connec tion w%hiShe?e articles, the follow editorial appeared in yesterday's Elizabeth City Independent:" Why X rm Bern's Anxiety? "New Bern, S(. C...is -the head quarters of a would -J>e Wfifettbeo congressional boom. Borne enter prising New- Bern newspaper man POUCE SEIZED MUCH- LIQUOR Kortj-clght Ptnt? Secured Prom Norfolk Southern Station LMt Night. . The police made iwnmrfawf at the Norfolk Southern station lest Ul?ht. nabbln* forty-aUht plnte cl paekOlr kicb (a* Cn?r, I Thoy obtained wind o( the ahlp lut and who they uw a large, package b in* pot down from the l(*in they meandered a'owly la that fraction. The cnrh ff of the atuS evidently "auaplcioned" aomathlng, however, and b at a aaaty retreat. \r%? offlcera loaded tha l?rge pack age 'nt? a dray and w^in It waa vponcd lb la morning found that It contained 41 pinta. u.oTliEfftNd 1 Jo Be Held Tomorrow ATternoon i 1 the Home of Mrs. W. A. B. Branch. ? - \ Pamlico Chapter, O. D. C., will bold an Important meeting tomorrow atumoon at S:3 0 o'clock with Mrs. W. A. B. Branch. Several business matters have developed during the last w?eli and.wri be brought uf> *L tomorrow * ni-eimg, It hoped . I hat ever* member of the chaptor wilf be In attendance. ?> WKDDINO AT ZION CHUJtOH. On jthe evening of February 16th at eight o'clock, one of the most! teantiful church wedding? of tbej season w si jolemnlned In the pre*- 1 tnco of their frlcnde when Mies Helen Harrey became the bride of Robert Brady. The efcurch waa beautifully decorated with palms. Ivory and whltf> satin ribbon. The wedding march wm played by/ a friend of both b*A4e and groom. Urn. J. O. Mlxon. At the appointed time the organ played the Mendele [ahon Wedding Mar oh. The n?Iw* (V C. Cntler and Fenner Cutler, marohed down the aisle* taking the!r | p aces on ?^ch side of the altar. Then camo- the slsthr of th? bride, Jfls* Margaret Harvey ae -bridesmaid. She I w? c'w^4. M?OW-| carried In her white prayer ; book caught with*, whit* ribbon with I lowo knots t!ed In eAd?. She appear ?dlMUM.on th*wm of tn b?U??r Boomt W?rirw. who |t'< h?r hM * itory Is (be dtllr p?[?r. ot KottS C?CoCaa ?u4 *lr?tnl? evrry ftew days, telling tlifc public that i Judge Ha^tr vChedbee. of Green vllle.islhe logical candidate to op poke- JoUn H. Small for Congress. Aid ?tip Whvipee $?ea?*t talk. Kvery day 'or two the New -Born scribes painstakingly publ|?h the- fact that Jndge Wbedbee will not talk. ae -woji'd think that If Judge Wbedbee wouldn't talk, tbo news paper* would let h?m alone, if the Judge doesn't know whet&er be la going to be a candidate or not, why shoufcl New Bern newspaper men worry themsefvee to, or worry the public? Why not let the good na tun^-Judge alone and give him time ti make up bla mind what to do? "For^the Information of theipcr. plexed 'jfriiblic, I will explain thj_se cret of Tffew. Bern's anxletjujr^r Judge. Wbedbee 'a possible candidacy. Therr* lives In New Bern^as ex-Su perior C.ourt Jndge, Hon. O. H. G ulon who wants to get the "Ex" off his title. Bx-Judge Onion wants to bo Judge Onion again. Governor Craig U IhoroetgMy anxious to .oblige him. Bat before this can be done, there xn.net be a wancy la the district. New If Judge WWBVe would ptep down from the bench and become a candidate for congreasC there wouid be a vacancy for ex-Jndge Gulon uf New pern. And so tbr little ring around ex-Judge Gulon In New Ber;: la very anxious for-Judge Wbedbee to reelgn. And that Is why soma newspaper man )n N w Bern wor ries Judge Wbedbee every two or thre^ days and, then goes to the pub; lie- pith a clever lament tfcat Judge ? tragTooion ma- ar worried because Wbedbee won't talk. Isnt tbo Judge's exasperating silence enough to make them worry? J should smile!" >. r? ; ; . | BASKETBALL GAME HERE TOMORROW ' ' f\ l?oc*l (Hrb to l*Uy -drowtllle, Oxxl (Jame la expected to Take Place, The gtrla' basketball team of th local high Kfthnni will play Green ?ille high school at the local court in the rear of the high achool build ing tomorrow atfernoon. The gam? will b^gjja jf* t 2:46 promptly and It >a exprcted that a large audience will be on baud to witness the con teat. The local t?am haa been practic ing bard tor tomorrow's game and feel oonfldfpt of rietyry. The line up w?U bo a a follows: Center, Le nora Blount; Guards. Blliabeth Mc Ilbenny pad Dorothy Blount; For wards -Mildred Smith and Halite Bright. An admission prloe of ten cents will be- charged to achool children and twonty-flve cents to all outsld *'.? :?*.rv : ' v~ri??, o#*ot?ies Mack IntOT* Bcin? F?U to Coming SkX*^ In U^tr (?7 ?mUt* Pf?4Br Klnaton, Tab. 1?'. ? without out tlnila ?&> u&ik (or pnbirllBHMSMliMMl la b**lnnln* t? ?tll j 'bo ion* ? .ohiatl??, at leaat iiro nr Sheriff anfl probably two for Roller of D* d?. :(t cannot b? Mid "(of certain." an I political prophata put It, that Twmwt Dawaon will b* oppoawl. Ona ma& reffardad aa a pfobabla candldato la known to bar* hla "Irian da" at Work air tad;, and th* light (or th* particular offlca which [ h* daclfwa la mpaotad to bo "i THE FOOT, WE 6IVE IW HUO. Kutna In feltimora AnMriMM. CHIEF INSTRUCTS CITIZENS REGARDI: G FIRE ALARMS ! >?r* ? ' Expjaips How Alainos SfniJd Be Sent In And The Meanhii Of Tht Different Signals. Mr. Editor: I wodld appreciate, a imill spac la your p?pW (or the purpose ol xp alnlng the operation d( our Are alarm system, so that Its working? will be more thoroughly vnd rstood For- r.lastratloo : A faumber of cltlsena have propounded ^this query 0 pre: fflp Hie event jwy bouse Tuirr" W4 Rarest alarm *>ox ia two blocks away, must i leave my* houee, and it on' fire, and rush ! -o the box and turn in the alarm ? The. alarm heftig sent in from tha | box, the department would natur ally hasten to that box." Thje ia a' natural question and one of cours^ that needs an answer. There Is a wheel tor every bo? tnd every imaginary box In the city, and a machine for this sp"c!flc pur >ose in the city ball, and In the event jf Are. and the person sending in '.be alarm is nearer to a telephon han a fire box, telephone the alarm ?a. The operator, at fhe city hall ^ will, with th's machine, send ou' | tho alarm, as !f the box was polled nearest the fire. In thki way the I firemen wi'.l know the immediate vi cinity of the Are. With twenty-aoven bo*'* and eight magihary boxes w* feel we have ;.he city well coveted. The insurance people, in the'.r I reqnlremenU of the locating of the 1 liferent boxes, expreesly specify 'hat within the fire district* no box ihair bo lot-ated" so that, a person | will have to go over four hundred feet from any point to a boi. In the residential district, they shall be sol 3ltnated that a person sha'.l not have :o go *t>ver eight hundred feet to a bo*. t* ' ^ A perusal of the map of the city will show that they are so placed. i ? study of the directory, Issued ! by the firemen, and all alarms will be explained, as well as the num bers and locations oft-4fee vari^pj. boxes. / 1 One ( 1 ) tap of the bell deaotya trouble That means IfcUr* la t*ou ti1< ifiihui la the system. an* that le a warning senUfttt automat* lcally to Inform as of tyftfact, I Two (2) taps of the ttfeii la to <|r? | form ihe people that the fire Is out, and Is only soundod after a regular alarm has been sent In, and the de partment has responded, and extin guished the fire. Three (8) taps Is a test alarm, re quired by the insurance people, and Is made once evory twenty-four hours, and then at 12 o'clock noon. Owing to No. 3 feheel being lost In transtt, we are using No. 6, which Is to be u?fd for general alarm. Four (4) taps Is for direct pres. sure, and Is Intended as a signal for the engineer at the power plant to cut off the tank and pump direct Into the mains. | Plro (5) taps Is for general ala^m. and is Intended to call out the entire department, and Is only sounded af tter a regular alarm, I Nlnety-nSjje (99) taps is allot call In the event of civil strife or riot to ca'.l out all police, sberlfT and deputies. * | Trusting that' thle Information will be of benefit to the citizen*, I beg to remalKr Yours truly, O. M. W INFIELD, Chief Firo Dept. . Society leaders will FIGHT DUEl, WITH SWORDS j New HaVen. Conn., Fell. H.~ I ?Jhallengcs for a duel w'th tVords'J wSf'e exchanged yesterday by Harry- 1 W. Earl *J>'d John Friiaei:, youthful millionaire* rtd. loci, tr lwMi.?t WdHmtkf Xdrii. The m oat bitter (?411ns hu Mtated b*tvMs. tb? man I *t?e? Twrifymibt. when tk- 7 ??? |4*u2b koueo..,. i fJ The feeling- between JUrl ud Fr it tall broko ont afregh"?Yor Wed reeday fnd yet tvday, Friend* act. 1 ed ae go-betwoens. wl^i the reenlt that Hie climax waa reached when ?ho challenge* were exchanged. I IMPORTANT NOTICR. i Those having buslnees with the County Superintendent are aaked to take botloe that on acoount of hie attendance at the Superintendents' Division Meeting of tho National Educational AseoclaUon at Detroit, 'the office will be cloeed from Fob. II 10 M. W. O. PRIVBTT?. TfflFf/SCM CMIIIICTSSEEI LfinLl TODM NE1B CHOCOWDIfTT; LICH. OFFICIALS TAKE IIP RIHIT - f Word Received This Morning That Were Seen Near the Home dt Mrs. Bright , r _____ i ?mmmm ' * " "V. ! EVANS IS STILL AT LARGE Not Known Whether Murderer is One of Those Who Was Seen Today. Believed That their Captutc Is Certain. Local officials received word Ih'.s morning from the sheriff's office at QreenvlUe to the effect -that three of the convicts, who escaped from the Pitt road gang, were seen In the vicinity of Mrs. Bright's home M Chocowlnlty. D puty Sheriff Wil liams and four or five othsrs Imme diately left here with blood hounds to take np the hunt. It la claimcd that one of the ne groes has a sister living nr-ar Choc owlnlty and It is believed that the three are on their way there to git something to eat. Tbo negroes who were captured near Orimesland yesterday were Uken to Greenville last night. One of thorn Is a till confined '.n jail there but th^ other two have been return ed to the road gang. > No word haa been received from Vj' * ? Evana, the man who murdortd Mc. Tawhorn. Tt 1b no* know* iftl?her ? "r > ?r e :h: w o werl stfin his msrnlng noei Chocow:n:ty. Joined by Pitt County Me?. Shortly after eleven officials from Pitt county local offlcla'.s at Chocowlnlty. . Al though inquiries wrre made 6f'" var ious residents. no one appqfrf to know what became of the Utfee ne groea. A thorough aearch la being made by t|?r offlcera, however, and they are confident that' the men will be captured. EVANS IS GOING II ALONE (Over phone, 2:30 p. m.) Sheriff McLawhorn of Pitt county stated over the telephone this after noon that he had hea'rd nothing fur. ther from hit m n regarding the out come of the hunt that they and Beaufort county officials were en gaged In near Chocow'.nlty. Evan* Going It Alone. He also stated that the negro -s who were captured yesterday said that Evans had left them Immediate ly after dellvr ring the blow which caused the death of the road super intendent and that they had no idea where he went. Murder W nn Unpre-mediateil. When asked whether the negroes ad bad anything to say regarding he murder, the sheriff made the catem nt that they had not baen queried to any great length bat that he believed he purder wwm Myi?. nt^Jtated. - He atat'd Ihifr ?? i A Ing (a his theory, Evana did fts art on the spur^f the moment or 'after but a very few moments thought ???* It. Upon being asked wheth/* In t (rough the other negroes knew of Evans' intentions, the sheriff etatod tli at he bellevrd they were gui'.tleas but that they became frightened when they saw what Evans had dona and ran away for this reason. CABARET ENT'M'T. TUESDAY NIGHT Qood Program Is Being Prepared and Will Be Made Public Tomorrow. *" Tab Lea Selling Faat, The program for the cabaret en. tertalnment, which la to given At the Elkt' Hall (or the benefit of the ibrary fund next Tuesday night, haa been praotlcally completed and w'!l be announced tomorrow. A numb r of feature attractions have been se cured and the affair promises to be an enjoyable and novel one. ? Young ladles are selling the ffctrt and are disposing of them rag|fpfci A large number cf perscn? p c:cd o ti'.md Pe." esfr' n.: be acrvcd and danc.nj w.;: le p'l* mlttd. , FARMVILIEMKT. SOLD 7,202,41% OreenTlUe. Feb. II? Tb% Farm-' TlUr tobacco market make* another * cord Araakar during the Mason of ttfMf, whloh recently came to "I Tba past aeasom has proven by Car the beet that the .local &krket ha* experienced alnco becoming ? mar ket for the tale of leaf tobacco tome eareral years ago, ? . ' For tbe eeaaon J nut cloeed tho nam bar of pounds sold bere waa 7,101,410; bringing to tba pockets of ita growers In dollars and cents tba tun of ft4t,MK.?l, or an ar * *rage of flt.tr. Including all scrap | tobaccos, BARACAS TO HOLD MEETING TONIGHT Important Dnninean to Bf Brought Up at Tonight's DiuioeM ? Be? ion. I An Important business meeting of the M. E Daraca class will be held tonight ard every m mber who ap peared !n the picture wh'Qh vu taken last Sunday Is urgently r? /iucst?t| to be present. It has be n learned that a debatable question .has arisen regarding this photograph land It l#'d?ired to leartl -ho* the '*aaJorltjr*#f the ?T <1i? .elm t .tMM t?i fll ? fs 9tart prktfjplf Jlht o^clock. * . . ? -?a ,w . rrr ? a WRVTBfUf mcKP. K. jfr. WTLU8, J M&Tn^rtrtt ?tor?. M?0n? 60t. h^aE3^55. TO-NICHT 2nd episode of -THB RED CIRCLB" "HIB WWE'S STORY" I rf#l? "A TronblMoat Cat" I rMl "An Inw r?bl?" Love, Oil * Oreu? 1 t?\ PrtoMftJklO