UNABLE 10 GET EllHfR GYPSY GIRL ORMONEY SHERIFF HXNDLEV RBTCIWED LAST NIGHT FROM tJlfSUO CESSFVL TRIP TO CHICAGO. HAD EXCITING TIME Ibratesed With Airot, Vu Portad to Suh Back ?ob?. Sher iff Uubjki to IdcoUfr OlrL Km Tell? AH to Oo to Han. After an. adv nturous trip to Chicago In the effort to bring back lb this Stale a young gypsy girl whs t? accused of having robbed Ell Mig uel. a .ocal gypay. of $1.006. Sheriff W. B. Wlndlcy ha* returned home tfalo. H% came back minus the girl and Miguel, who went with the aherlff hut who returned during the <arly part of thla week, la mlnna his money. r Complications aet in just as soon m the sheriff and Miguel arrtv d in Ullnois. They found that due to an drror which had been made on the part of the ofllctala In getting np tho ??tradition papers, th y -would be unable to take the girl back to Herth Carolina with th m. Mr. W!ndloy #aa forced to Wait the State cap'.tal at Springfield and adjust mattera. While ho was gone. Miguel went out to the gypsy town?about twenty mll^s from. Chicago and aaw the girl. % d wit* her, and according to his report, their co&veraatlon waa .nattier exciting. In brief, she told Wm frankly that ahe had his mpney .'.iai sh.'d ne? him In hel! before ahe nave It .back to him again )f!g ael left there.' V When officials found out tlnff the ?rp-y bad been trying to saipto m lac with the girl, whtebf%e had no authority to do. they threatened to ?rreet hlrff. Miguel also left Chi cago. * * la the meantime. Bherlff Windley and other officers went dut to thi gypny town and^ raided fourteen hooves In their hunt for the girl, finally the chief of the colony told the official* that If they would go away he w^ald ace that the girl was - brought to court In Chicago the ?eat morning. " When the sheriff appeared in oourt at the appointed time, he found foor girls there. Miguel was far hie way to Worth Carolina by that Umn and the aherlff was up against. 1| to identify the right girl, flaring sever seen her before, he was un able to do so. Had be done ao, fur ? ther^oga) trouble would have arl? - a*. As a result, the sheriff was forced to leave Chicago without be ing able to do anything. WOMAN WRITER GIVES SOME "DON TS" FOR GIRLS Say? The Modern Girls Needs Lessons On "How To Be A Lady." Taboo* The Use Of Slang. New York, Feb. 19.?"Girl* today ?e&d lessons on how to be a lady. They need to know how to In t area t in ? and Bow to bold, their lot?. It HuTt tU lnet'.nct. Part of it la, but tome older woman muat teach the lew gcnoratlon. Here are a few PON'TB far girls. 1 loarned them ye ara ago." So ?pole Amelia B. Barr. dean of Women writers of America, yesterday In dlac 04fitg the problems which tonfront the flrl of tbday. Don't* for O trie. "Don't kegp a diary."" Tour band won't I'.ke It- N<5body llkel to be igftiiujd about If yoq mail have a diary, h ep It ?wi/ from tie man . you lore! "Don't forget to dre?* well for your ?weetlieart*. Later oh a chang* of ?* collar or i ribbon will glidVfctn the ejea of a wo?TJ husband. Bter-. ? nal eam*neee 1* too often the secret tt a wWely bore. "Don't be too e'ever. No man can eter forgive a woman for knowlhg more than he doee. Don't forget that modesty In dress always charm? a man. Men lose Te spect for a girl whoee clothes are too conspicuous. .J I "l$en don't want girls to wltlj they want to be understood. to ?ag mentally and morally. Too much freedom injures a t!rl "Olrls *r? throw? eo much with the boy nowfrday. that by Ihcy aw eighteen no myttory HTTWr Men are their pale. that faot and then wond r wh? old time gallantry it g on*! " "To mother* I would giro this ctu. t Ion. Start your daughter'a educat ion early, but not "with dreeaei. a tpve bar kneea. "Lot your girTaea t whlla tha rt wtWbjit. ?trt ?M rosi ?>? for bori bafor* lb? l> klT*c l?n. L*t bar drawn (bfpt (h'm rf ?ka want? to, bat aaaar (*t familiar with than. OP*N TONKJFIT PROM 1 to ? P. M, Com? op and aaa our o?w Itfhtlnt ?r?teni Darknaaa tarnaf into <ua .Irtt Ricvlleat work tarn?} out A' nI?M BAKER'S STUDIO. IMPORTANT NOTIC*. I thoM hirlac baaloaat with tka Count/ Buparlnlandant U* aakad to taka notica that oa acoount of kla attandanca at (ha Ropailntrndaata' Dl vlaion Maattaf of iTLABQK Washington. Feb. 19. ? M lase* Hary and JCHzaboth Boyd give * card part^ to a niftnber of their friends at their borne In Clevrl*?d park realerdar aftarnoaa.' 4 nnidg (hose present were: Mlsees Voorhe??. Ml m Panato Fort, lltaaaa Mary Belle and Katharine Small. M}aa Annie Poo. Mrs. Tbad Page. Mra. H. ti 0. Bryant, Mrs. J. W.-frerrall, of Green ville, Mitt Sna Stolih, of Dunn, an* Miss Ellsabdth '"Natress, of SUtes rllle. REV, OjG. JONES TO PREACH HERE Will Conduct Dctilcea at Preebyter ftaa Church Tomorrow Morala?. Her. 0. O. Jonea, of Oraeatboro, Slate Evsngelitt, will preach at the Presbyterian church tomorrow morn-' lng. At night ha will conduot ser vices at tha r^yne Memorial church, beg nnlng* a meeting there which will last for t n dtys or two WSbnt. There will ba no services, s t the Presbyterian church tomorrow night and ai: members are requested to attend thn Payne church, where Dr. Jones will prtaoh. WANTED ALL THAT WAS DUE THEM (By Eutcrn Press) - -Ktaston, -Feb. 1?.?They live in squalor to any that can bo found to the slonu of Now York, or even London, probably?right here la Ktnston. They aro a family, the men With tuberculosis, the somas a very ua interesting specimen and the children dirty. Church people early In the week found that there wasn't ??mfr isi?lis &d up to keep an infant comfortable tn such weather, with the l^y wind blowing through docens of peneless windows and chinks and cracks. An automobile was' pressed Into ser vice, end the people from the other half of the world In a few hours' time bsd set that family up for housekeeping. There were blankets ?. *>U.oiy, all kind? of clothes end enough groceries for a week carted in- But poverty breeds the pauper j-'?lt und r certain ruitd'llon*, sod ihe paupKf ?pint is .Ike doping? It's a h-rj habit to break. N'ext diyo child of the family called upon one of tho benefactors. One .of her parents had sent her to ?ey to the gentlemen that they need o<T wood. "Very well," was ths re Hponse. "And don't forget the fhlrt waist for 8o.and-8o." "All right." And, turning back still again as she was leasing, "An' we haven't got sny sbeeti and pll'.ow cases." ?WAMPS NEAR CHOOOWJMTY ? PROVE TOO MUCH FOB DOGS TO WIN ? CONTINUE TODAY f>*t Pitt OoomtJ Aimmm > Syaunnatic Search Will Be > 41} Om That County Today Th* thro* negro convlcta who tf caped from the Pitt county road gang and David Kraut who killel Joe Mebawkorn, IV? sHll at large, although'both-Pitt aad Beaufort county officials. aaalsted. by a large poeae of cltli na .hsve been on a hunt for tfce men during the last two day*, Yesterday the hunt waa conducted principally v around Chocowlnfty, . it having bean learned that the negroes w re aeen near there. Bloodhound* ware naed by the hunter* and aevera! time* the animals picked np the trail. On varloua oocaeione thy'were caua the trail led to the and the water h awe toa deep for them. 8eTeral of the offlcere waded through th awamp with watar up a bo re their waiata and cm mo across tracka which It la believed were made by tha fugitives. When nlght Anally fell. ?' the eeerchlng parties wrre foroed to give up their work. Make ftrnVn'atU: Hnat The sheriff of Pitt oounty atat<"d over the' telephone thia morning that |* Urge number of deputlee would bdgln a systematic hunt In the vicin ity of Qrlmeeland today, calling at I erery-aegrtj bowae.- ^K^? ftnoraTlr believed that the men are being cared , for by negro frlenda In Pitt eounty or over the edge in Beaufort. BARACAS OUT FOR NEW MEMBERS Waal to Ron Regular Atfatdwcc at Kun (lay Meetings Up to the 200 Mark. Every member of the M. E. Ba raca class Is urged to be present at the meeting of the cl*es which' Is to be held tomorrow morning. Xhere were 1?9 members present last Sun day and it Is the hope of the class to run the regular attendance up to 200 before rery long. In ord<T to do this, It will be neceseer? "to bring a number of new members to the meetings. Alt members aro asked to use all their influence in pdrsuad ing a new man to come to the class tomorrow. H&LCY03T CLUB WILL MEET OX MONDAY A special meeting of th4 member r of the Halayon club' will he held Monday ?Ight at Worthy A Ether idge'e drug store at e'.gfcf o'clock. A1 memWr# ara- urgently requested to be ? Jfri ft ?. Cradle, of PaMe#er. .rf i# the city the gtf'kt of WlffcW end lift. W. Br Windfty. w ^ ?-3 ?FAVORS WUWgl*.'.MOVIES. Lee A??eleo Merer Weald PrevMV fUwrn Chll*arv. -* Lae Aninim.- frm murirtpal *ail|f for lm/a.and etrla.w?o-?rfc ?o eitiwM Abet tk?r cannot enjoj motion pMnM TOW1W Oj 3H&JTH 1MNWV IM commute? or tee?*?? *n to ;WR ?fbool*. the m?y6r wU^wllt, refe* MM* to ite "moril. pi^hW'.Uuit b* l?u? that ? trm nidOon pICKW theater for children who ar? unable to far t hair way 40 obtain the" aWue^ Milt and Inatrortlon Uwr .Tare will to a kmir wa j (owaia MmBf alia problema of Loe Anitelea ? I ? Tba pun la to proTlde movie cuter talnmeota refolarl/ In rarlooa dlatrlrta of tba rirj where children m?.v k* entertained tinder the < ImiieronaKC and (oarOtaoablp ?f the rttj teetamof be tnc allowed (he freedom from raatralnt wbleti often lead? to mtaohief or woree. WA*TBI> TRAVWjm FOR t?I*. T ta I*. Eiparteaoe nan rana us chjckb*?,' loju> ntiimH wr fI Yea, tvIIy, Iho vote* of Ihe OA 1? beard la our land, aid that tt about all thaVlS heard. And com bined with IM TOtea of It* long-suf fering victim?. the resulting chorun ? an unfortunate and amaalng crocs between a hymn of triumph (on the part of tba. chicken) Hind ja melon choly dirge ow deetroya^ tardea* on the oart of ths owners Ih rcof? nosi effcct.'vely rendered.) r And as (or aay Cower? that may e co Indlecreet as to appaar, th?y, bo it remembered, have merely u microscopical showing !n our town, and likewise tha vegetable, gardens My aantlmenta on this object are 10 d ep and so VKRY ferHd that 1 lard y dare trust myself timchaper >ned with a pencil, and i-ioft afraid hat what 1 DO wri e will never g v. gy the censor, If the 'TOelli N?ws" oasts euch an ultra-mod.^rm articlo | It c rtalnly la a queer tfclftg, dear JellowJ'ufferers, for It la only to uch that my remarks ara -address ed, that a doa*. cute. cuznfag llttlf jiglet Is not IHwed the freedom of n?r str eta. .|Kd those nol^e pro jectors of our<tomes dare aot stick the'.r pedigreed an d otherwise?iwosc* beyond the CQjtflces of the backyard I without f^eyarr forthwith escorted ] ?o a pla'ce of durance rile C?y own ?k*r daggle spent all of hl% leisure' hours meditating In Jail, by t^a way) acd all oowe and horses arf espec , lally requested to cultivate ,fhe so ciety of the barn-yard, white It it oven delicately hip ted to bll|y-goa:s that the metropoli? might ;P06Sl BLY, by dint of much striving, lean to dispense w!?i their formerly fa miliar face In their peaceful wan derlngs In and out the town, occa sionally accompanied by a ?lilting ?beep er co. but Che chlokenat?Ah! MOW. dear frtrndc, we com^to au enflrely different matter. * the chickens!!! The fre dom of the town is theirs, and what lc a little ten dollar flower bed of rare and e*prn jive bulbs here and there? How can one be so email as to be srrudge the dear thing? a 25c bulb or two, or a much-worked-over-befora day pet cabbage 'ever and anon'? Disgusting! I blush with shame that iny townapereon of mine should >r.ove so etingy. One lady, when upproacbed ou the subject after an esp awful raid on the part of her chickens, bus jested that if one wan sl'.ly enough .o object to the presence of th^ dear 'owl In ones' garden, one might asuftlly sally forth and catch the tald chick-ens and kindly, graciously tnd withal politely clip their wings \nd throw them bnct over the f nc ?with all due apo'ogles to the chlckr ns, of course, whilst ?o engaged. Or. If the offense had been vry ex ?reme, one might evon SPANK them; J bat she frequently did, but on*.y a ? last desp rate resort. Delightful little morning exercises! And the last alternative also gives rise to '?hit disturbing query: "Is corpora', unlshment Conducive to the moral ipllft of chickens?" This qusflon Is me that should not bo lightly div missed, but thoroughly weighed be .'ore dropping considering the lm -?r'ance of th&'.sweet cr stores to whom It appllea. * ???" ^dy- rcm,n<^c(^ the plain -iritt&t ehe (the plaintive) had no ergo, there wae nothing to vr09r?t ;thu chickens from eoming 41 the place But nothing shor; rifrWlO ft. fence would* keep those :blcfcens out, for they havo pro. ounofcd ^erlal tend .ac'.es, being (Mawtly Men to careleagly flop LiMr^rkms and, preeto! they roost Uee. And few of u* >tgfro .id tfcr expanse, this trifling #10 ft. fence, aud He im, a tp ft board fenee oould jfltlwty *ben surrounding *iOff uklokenwHdd'n homestead, to tho "City Beautiful" ' icheme of civic decbfttlatfl JJi'i'W Bot If one did not car? for a fence Aftfand the entire lot, think how anW)ue each lltt.e round, eqOare or rlapgular bed of tulips and hya :itqhs, .would be, with Its o^rn little ndlvidaal tO ft. wire fence' occupy nf ttid ?outer of the Iswn?and. in-* ildentally, everybody's attention. fte broad-mind d, folks, and build you a fence rather than intuit your considerate neighbors by iendlng lAoir pot chlckeoe home with a mm . ' oonC'.ueiou, tet hs all jolt tuny which read! la * IM1M1 SMERUH: KS'mm naOSDT OCCURRED IN MARTIN COUNTV WHILE LAD. WAS WATCHING NK5 AT WORK. HORRIABt E DEATH Bojt OrauM Cocfwed When F?th**r ^ Told Him to Get Out of Harm'? W?7 ae the Tree Wu A bo o t tfc ' Fall. Third Accident of Its J?ind. Wllllamston, N. C.. Feb. I?.? Willi?, the 14-rear-old ton of Jame? R. Corey, wai instantly killed by a falling tre", which had been chopped down by hla father and Elder W. B. Harr'.nf :on. The boy had been standing near the older men and watching them hi they worked. When the trre was ready to fall, hla father called to him to run away- from "IT Instead, the boy became confused and was caught oeneath the trunk- of the tree be fore' he could get away. Death was instant Practically every booe In hla body was broken. The t roe Lad to be eut ofT tb" ,boy before the body could be removed. This makes the third victim of (ailing trees who has been burled <n the same cemetery in that section of Griffin'? township. FIR8T BAPTIST CHURCH. Edward B. Jenkins, Supply Pas tor. Sunday School 9:30. Morning service 11:00 o'clock. Subje&to*"Loy alty to Home, County and Evening service 7:30. .SMbJect: "Sowing tor the Master." A short business se?nLoo at the close of the evening servtoe. All memberi are urged to attend. SEWING PARTY FOR BRIDE-ELECT XQa* Given Yextrrday Afternoon By Mr?. Mitson Smith In Hosor oi Mies M* Ayera. Mrs. M. A. Smith was hostess yes terday afternoon to a few friends In ! honor of Miss Mae Ayers, whirti wedding to Mr. Jam s Hackney will lake place March 7th. The home was attractively dec orated tn pink carnations, llllles and violets. The afternoon was spent In rmbrolderlng towels??one having been brought by each gueet present. After an attractive "A" had been rmbrofd^rcd. fl" tfc? towela w re placed in a large receptacle and presented to Miss Ayers. After the sew!ng had been completed a flve conrse luncheon was served. H<~art eandwlches, tiny heart-ehaped bis cuits and heart pati/ shells, and heart cheese straws helped to suggest the coming wedding. Ice cream lo shapes of wedding bells, bride's slippers nnd cnplds. attractive Utt'.e h-art shapcd decorated cakes, and pink heart-shaped mints were ?erred. Mrs Smith's guests wero Mee dames Caleb Bell, Edmund Harding,. James Ellison, John Oorham, Wil liam Rumley, Geo. Hackney, Jeeee Harrington, L^e Davenport, Bam Etherldge, Will El'lson, J C. Crow. Misses Ayers and Elisabeth Warren. Wedffng r'.ngs. horse ?hoes and White doves were given a* favora. IMPORTANT MKJBTIWO. It Is urgently requested that a}l. Of the members of toe First Baptist Chnrrh-be present Sunday night aa a con'f recce ot the ' jMlsM i m por Wiu b? h?ld. tm?edtauiy tttor tho evening eerrl??., IL. 8. Thoaptpl. ObBTch Clerk. sira mri ?nd mor? jmj to fh4 man who regards hit personality an ao MHMt. W? vat to koop yon looking "spte and apan"? may wflif WRIGHT? PRMWnfO V 9QAN Phono til WAR VACAXCT, REPORT - Washlniton. Feb. 19.?Th? dibo ?f fllUlUry of Acrlcii.tur* Houston continued to be most prominently mention'd today for the Garrleon va cancy In t b? Cabinet. "It's Houston afiloet the field." wee the way one White House official characterised the situation. There was discussion today of the three C h leaf o men In the race/ They are ? - ? ? ? - - ,rlon i Pay A-iujarj luuif. REPUBLICANS TO HO D ftlLLTinL Vil Mr*t at Pant Drothm' Stor K#*t Tneaday Night and DIkum BiulufMt Mattorg. The Republicans of Wa?h!ngton I will hold a meeting at Pau" Broth er?' store Tuesday n ght P ari will be adapted at th'.s meeting for per fecting a p rmancnt Republican as sociation In each of the city ward] An urgent request has been made for ?ery Republican to be present. Several Important business matters will be brought up for discussion. NO MORE LIQUOR FOR BRITISHERS London, Feb. 10.?Lloyd-George la carrying ont a more ambltloiTs scheme (or the acquisition of the British distilleries than was sup posed. It Is understood he has de cided to take over and control all establishment* for the production of alcoholic spirits requlr d for explo ?Jves. not only the patent still dis tilleries, but the pot still places as' we'L In fact the whole of the dla-j tllleries In the Unit d Kingdom. ThU shortly will be done under j Lhe Mut i t: ona act, and arrangements ire In course of cpmpetlon. Then ao more whiskey will b"* produced for public consumption till after the war, and the public wll be conQned to the stocks cf whiskey in hand. It is inevitable that prices will rise. ICE CREAM PARTI' NEXT TUESDAY NIGIIT I Will T*ke Place at Woodard's Pon<l j School Houm. An lee cream party, for the bcnc 1t of the school fund, will be held 4t ? Woodard Pond school hou?e Tu s-1 Jay night. An enjoyab'e time !? as sured all those who attend and HI it hoped that a large number will be present. POLITICS m IN U.S. STUD ON LUSITflNlfl if PRESIDENT'S DEMAND NOW KAIL, RELIEVED THAT DKLAT WILL BE SOUGHT. ARE TWO REASONS 'f T'miry rVx??03'v ...? . -;c i" u ;~?lc Vlctoij; If She Ucfuet, Matter May Be Postponed Until After Election. Wa*hlrgton, Feb. 19.?The sug giMon was heard last n'ghtvi d p. 0 tl e circle#?noi for -h fl:i?t II a the a itud^ of th* Unitd States oo the Lusitanla controversy nd the whole question of sutmarlao warfare la *aaed on political expo J escy. There are two reasons influencing he Adm ma:ration In Ita latest chang of mind, according to this diplomatic opinion. There are: (1). If Germany can be Induced to consent to embody In her reply i<i he l.usltanla note the a?*u:?nc a or the fu:ur couduc ot suhmtrliw warfare he now demand?. Pr ald.nt Wilson may claim a diplomatic vic tory. (2). If German inalsts on confin ing the Lus'.tanla controversy strlcl 1y to the facta of that Issue alone, negotiations can be drawn out until after th~ e'ectlon next November. Negotiations Abruptly Rait. Meantime negotlatlona looking to 1 settlement or the caae bave como to an abrupt halt. For the first time n the n!n' months that have elapsed since the despatch. May 13, 19IS, of the first Lus'.tanla note, officials of '?he German Embassy have felt Justi fied In assuming s frankly dilatory attitude. One of these offlciols ex pressed the embassy's viewpoint as follows: "Until today Germany has aup posed-that the United Slates was spa cer ly anxious to settle the l.asltast* 'ase with the least posnitle (Mai. Now. however, It Is apparent ih*t,tfci? Is not the situation. "The United States has taken tbi vi w that an Immediate settlement would b^i favor to Germany. Quito the reverb Is true. Indefinite post ponement wo i'.d put Germany In he tsnih h a ven of de'.'.ght. The Cnitrd States, no wthat it hat msd) its position clear, can count on all the de'ay imaginab'e, so far as Qer many Is concerned." HAD A\ RXC1TINC, T IMF Willi SiKAiNUL iNlukvjld Green Singleton Arrests Two Suspicious Charactors. Boys Let Them Gel Away Again. . Two strange negro #?(Jfie of them latttred In women's clothes?were -captured by Qreene Singleton last night at Chooowlnlty station. Thcj carried grips if h Ich weigh d consid erable and which Mr. Singleton be lieves were loaded down with shoot ing Irons. Wtylle Singleton was In the station tel'phoning to the nlierltf the two negroes, who were under guard of a couple of boys made their escape end here not be^n hoard of sinoe. The boys hsd a gun with wh!?h to gnard the captive while Sing eton pr> ;iO walk!*| caur !j -tt? keep warm, suddenlr dodged behind VOfnfO FARMERS WIM, BOOftT WINTKR COt'RSl? AT A. * M. COIjLBOK Writ Raleigh, F?h. 19.?The four weeks couroe In Agriculture, which hu Juat clowed ?t the A. A M. Col lege, will be of benq/U U> ftf more then the 17 men actually enloli d. The*? ?tudenta have organised a "Progressive Association of Farm er*" for^the enaulng year, the pur poao of which li to spread through out the State a knowledge of In nroTed farming method? tanght in A*ie Winter Courne at thn College, li 1'\bnt way It la hoped that tho worl of (bo Winter Couree Win macl hundred? of farmer* when It la lm poealhle for the college to r**eh dl wkr, ftn outhouse and keeping this bo ?ween himself and the boy w| h ?be gun, made for th woods. Th? no!?? brought S'ngMon iwy from <tae tcl fphopo. He was told what h^d hap. pened and everyone Immed.stely started fusing th- oigM, wfco had escaped. They #+rr> unsuccessful in .finding h!m. While returning to the station. on? of the party audden'y I rem em b r??d the negro to woman's I Cloth*, whom they had left behind. Tbpy hurried alcng as fast a* they i rould but by the time th?y arrived, the "lady" bad disappear d with (be f , . J T*?cr ? ??*? . t?s?!ng, I after which everybody

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