THE DAILY NEWS ! Results. VOLUME 8. SAKS WILSON, II KITCHIN IMS CHANGED IN POSITION FLORIDA DTCMOCRATIC NEWS PAPER CARRIES EDITORIAL ON NATIONAL AFFAIRS AT PRESENT TIME. A PUZZLING STAND - Hints ml Incooetetoncy of Republican si" *? ? ? - ~ ? " leader Mann Bupportiac Provident WiwA'l PUo and Kltehin'e Op position Thereto. .. | Washington. Feb. Jack ?onvllle Times-Union, partisan Dem ocratic, has an editorial In Its Issue of laat we k strongly supporting the position of Majority Leader C^ude - Kltehln a ?d those ttimooratf ted hare not decided to support- the President's preparedness program In Its entirety. The TimM*Unlon cor rectly states the fact when It says that "Kltchin is supporting the Dem ocratic platform and Democratic doctrine and that it la the President who has changed his min? and not Mr. Kltchin. It says: "Many professedly Democratic *a yrrs throughout the a)u|trjr"?jb com mendlng Reytrtbcan - Mann for supporting the* President and condemning OanaoCTttiC Leader Kltohln for oppoelng. '-Mann and Kltchin are both standing whitf^ they stood when the people elected them to office and the ?rtsld6nt has changed. Is it ftrange that the Re publican leader should stand by him. when he- advocates Republican doc trine? Wilson Waa~elected in com pany with Kltchin, and on two im portant questions at leaat ho has gone oyer to the other aide and is keeping company with Mann. Why should Mann rnn away? "in the last presidential campaign the Republicans advocated the crea tion of a tariff commission^ and the Democrats had just sb^ishfd . one. Pk sldent Wilson was then opposed to a tariff commission and la' now In favor of one Representative Kltchin waa, and Is, opposed to one. Repub licans have always favored "central, ifatlon. and Democrats have always opposed it, but centralisation will take the longest kind of a forward strtfle If Congress adopts the Presi dent's plans for tnllltary prepared ness. "The men who are criticising Mr. Kltchin for standing by the princi ples of his party- ? his own prlnclplea ? have none of tlfelr own. They wlah, to curry fkvor with power - that Is all. When the President claimed to be ex-offlcio leader of his party, they hailed him as such. When ha claimed the power to abrogate the prlnclplea of the^arty that elect ed him and repudiate the platform on which he was sleeted, they con ceded such rights as a corrol'ary to the claim of leadership which they - bad conceded. They stand ready ?o i . accept anything the President may do and to denounce any who do not obey as soon as ho issuss orders, an 1 they do it only because he hss power that thfry hope will be used In tholr interests and fear will be us d to tfcotr hurt." i HONOR ROLL AT THE HIOIILAXD SCHOOL - " ' .rtrat grade ? Ben I-egl?tt, *U?e bath Latham. Mamie Bxtdtrd 8?or.4 grade? Margaret Logg-tt. Cms ferry Thlra grad? ? Bhaldon Scott. Fourth r>(* ? A. O. WU'lame, KIM* Clrlti, Roth Clrtl., Balndrldr* mtth grade ? ?Arthur Scott. LaaUr Latham. ICnna Lrftatt. Alma Lert gatt. Ophelia Latham. Ktabth grade ? Frank Leggatt. A tacky party was given at tba ?ahool boaee rrllay night tor the benefit of th? baeobalf teem. An lae targeting evening vai enjoyed ty-fho largo number who attended and ?? ?S0 wee realleed (or tba team. Armed with a copx of * re cent edition of the New Bern Sun- Journal, a prominent local citizen entered tho f morula! and cilUd tho itt? tlok of the editor to ?n ] torn is th?t pipor to tb* effoct ??V*t7-av* p?r out' of He births In New Bern were giria. ? The article ale* went on to ax. plain that th#-eftd ^f the war ? In Europe would undoubtedly follow lor the eanur- reason ? the lacfc of men to darry It on. due to the larger petoenta*e of girl-children. "That ' war bustneM U a fake," indignantly stated the loc*l nan. "I'll give yon tho J trn* facta for pnhlloftl^n. New ' Bern la /ealous of the rlrlaln Washington and they are rais ing moretftr.s over tberHp the hope -of feeing ablo to "otrfclass the - feidtulne beauty In "this city. But I want to tell you right now that all the birth a In thaVclty can be girl twins for the next fifteen years and If they were entered in a beauty show with our own fair dam sels, they wouldn't even be given a second glance by. the jndfeR." 146 BARACAS WERE OUT YESTERDAY dm ee "Will B?fe? OjMnr flappa ? ? Week from Friday Nigtot. Place Aanawnowl Utar. ' Btrtet member* were oat la food forco aga'.n y Herd ay, 14$ being present at the clui meeting. The Amy BOW h*e a considerably lead OS " the Navy, but the latter aide baa oot Hiot gfven up hope aad are conttopt that their be there atron* "at th* finish of the race. Twelve new mem 'Bare were add'dto the rolfc aerec ^7 the AMiy*jL*d are by the WWy. It w^?*?wt??aa yaeWrdai*^! an oyster supper would be fit?* a ^eOk from Friday. Thr> place where the' aupper la to be held will be an nounced lajter. *: ,5. 1 "SONS" WILL HOLD BANQUET TONIGHT I I*rooi'lnmt Men to Make AddrceaM Iou llfvolut onnry Fwau and "flH JPoraonagee. A sevcn-course banqujet will bp given by the Sons of the American Revolution tonight at th$ Knights of Pythias hall 1b the First National Bank building. The ocoaslon prom ises to be extremely intercating and entertaining. The following program of addressee will be rendered: * | Address of Welcome ? F.'H. Bryan, toastmsster. Daughters of the American Revo, lut'.on ? Miss Llda T. Rodman. Boujflmln Franklin ? J. D. Grimes. Revolutionary Tea Party ? E. A. Daniel, Jr. Lafayette ? H. C. Carter, -Jt. Alexander. Hamilton ? E. L. Stew art. Revolutionary battlee ? Col. W. C. Rodman. ^ Thomas Jefferson ? A. D. MacLean. Patrick Kenry^-H. 8- Ward. George Washington- ? Judge Steph en C. Bragaw. Optional? J ud^e O. p. The "historian .01 the Sons of th* Revolution, Major ^ojemurt of Ruili erfordton, will be'preSeni at ;ho banquet. " STOLE MONEY AND j BOOKS AT SCHOOL Two Theft* Wm Committed at Hl|h , School UulldtDt on NlfM at Aluoufh attempt, w,r? mad, to ?hurt up" tha affair. It was Uaraed todar that two thefla occurred at tie blfh ichool Wedoeadar night at the oonoert wbtot waa ifT,n b? mm Glasgow', pupil,. Bona peraoo of paft?il.. pfehabll puplTa of th? eehoov ? aat'ted one si the room* and (tola a record book ol the teacher. The hook coatalaed U11 report, ok each of the ittd'al, tad It la bettered that It waa Rto'en b) " tboaa who bad Considerable taterepl I r beinC manifested by both reel dwits of the city and country oter '"tfce appoint ment of tho bond* &suo cbdrmlaalon. whlc&tbe county comtniMfotoers wit pro MfeW'll their **ta?t meet ing. ^ *" ' * w?Ho Mr. Fowle and Mr. Berry hare practically cone&ted ' to servo in tW6 colli ml Ml ob, the rofnaa) of Mr. Hodfp^t laaves ? vacancy wh!cb the coramflttlcHiers will hare to 411. Who .th# third* man on the commis sion will be ti a matter of consider able speculation. Sereral-nam^s have boenOUg^eltiM^' " It ' la generally ad mitted that tihe. appointee wlll^be a resident of the country: At the next me*tUg. the ^ojnmla. -.loners will aleaPigppolnt the "ad visory committee,"* which will ba called upon to decide certain matters regarding the expenditure of the bond laaue on the roada of the town ship. *?** WILL GIVE BASKET, CAKE AND PIE PARTY ON FRIDAY NIGHT There will be a basket, take and pi* party at Bucks school hdttso Fri day nright. February 15 1?. After tho party a recital will be ctran by ho pnpi.s Everybody haa ? oord'.al uvllatleo to attend. The isdloa are equeet d to brla ga cake, pie or raakqt. GREENVILLE WINS BASKETBALL GAME A*a tmU Qtria Defeated ifUraoon h oi l* to T. 1 basketball team played the WMh ' I ng ton high school team at the '.oca', ourt Saturday afternoon. The vlsl Mn cam r> out victorious. the score Mint 1?-T. A large crowd of spec stors, including about thirty pupils 3f the Greenville school, witnessed be game. Aa this 1b the first game that the' local flrel have playrd against any outside team. they are not discour aged because of their defeat. Several other games will bo played during he season. APPOINT RECEIVER FOR H.M. JENKINS CO. Wbokaalo Grocery Cloned Doors Saturday. E. 1* " Stewart Ap pointed T??ip<?r*ry B^rcr. Judge Bond, of Elisabeth City, has made an order appointing E. L. Stewart temporsry receiver fpr the Arm of tt. M. Jenkins A. Co., -whole sale grocers of this city. The es tablishment which Is located on West Ifa'.n street, closed Its doors Saturday. An appllaatlon will be made to Judge Allen at the present t'rm of Superior court to make the receiver ship permanent . In the event of his granting the requeet, the property will be sold and Uie proceed^ jftU distributed equally among the cr?4r lUrlT u r PEATH OF MR. ADAMS. JMh Franklin Adanrt, aged 67. died at hi* borne In Bath on Feb ruary 5. Death followed an Iftnest of aneamon'.a, which lasted tot fix *eek?. PAralytfs also entered 1n a *<*?* &T(ftOli &??!??' The fuafpr. services wewjegulxicted by John Bragaw of ^a]^t|gfCj]M4f?'H8.. the iDtemw^iru talis in Vhtr QH* copal churchyard on Battdey altftfc ! noon.' F>bm?rt tr r?: I Mr. Adams Is eunrlTed br a.vlie. and th^er children and his death U a host of trteards !h | Boaufort county. He t?i a working fceitrtw4 of H Thorn**' 3p1peops1 charm ud WtbNUM by Alt who KM* him SHORTAGE OF BURLEY WILL raise; tobacco prices V. B Shelburn? XTr'cs Farri ers of Beaufort Couctv to Plau' F.t'Ufy of T bacco 1 bis Season. "Plant tobacco and plant p'em> of It. The price during the comng reason will be high r than ever be fore," |e the- advice glvrfn to the farmers of thia section by V. H ?Shelbutne, manager of ttt* Central werahoua- of .thia city. Mr. Shel ./Urae haa Just returned Jrom thj iC?-- t'uc*Mn?rk?1. * V ' "The arop of Burl y tabacco %hloh i a uitid laige.y for p'.po and plug to. I Lacco, la forty per cent short," stated Mr Sh lburne, "and they bare to use ours to make up thia shortage, as \he Eastern Carolina tobacco Is tho on'y ausbtltute that Is available. There la over 120,000,000 pounds shortage of the Burley tobacco. This shortage Is going to boost prlcoa of GAVE BIRTHDAY PART*". Irma LInwood Roper was hostess to a number of her little friends Sat "Sfe at a party which v. as flvep in h<r fifth birthday. Those yrqtttftNrere: Virginia Paul, Wil liam A. Oden. Benjamin XVI Ills, Jack Robbing, Wl'liam Walker, Joih Wal ker, Sarah Elizabeth Wallon, Mary Harvey Charles, Johu Myers. Sidney Little, Haughton Randolph, Elizabeth Mayo, Milton llro?vu, Charllr Bat terthwalte, Mary W. Matthews. Sarah Elizabeth Walton won ?he prize In the contest and Mary W. Matthew** won the booby prize. The refreshments w re served by MIS9 Elisabeth Oden, Miss Ruth 3at terthwalte and Mips Llla Roper. ARREST THIRTEEN OVERSEER'S END liftfMtr Nmp?-?r Ever ArrtrteA In ^ Wfjitafton for That Lmgth of Tlm*v Local pollco ofRc1?*i mads a rec ord in the way of arreste during the | waek and. From tbrre o'clock Br.f nrday afternoon until laat ul^b* thirteen persona we*e confined Jn baatlle Moat of tbaaa were colored population. The charge* wera drunVefineps . A busy ae?t!<n of cpurt will be bald -b b&k ;r . ,? J LADY COMING. oar tobacoo her* and is going to boost It high. 8om? of th? itmt i>urley which was aold on the Ken tucky market last year for 14.50 or ft. 00 is now aelllog for $<'9*4 15. I brought aome of II Im idMlli im and It la now at the Flrafjy)i#pa1 Bank, whore the farm ra may see U If ibey waat to. Nazt eeaaon la gtkng to fif* big ona in iha history of thfrWbaceo market. Prices are golnj tadfc high. Those farm ra who p '.ant tobacco and who?plant plenty of it are going to ba wall paid for it." Mr. Shelburne will remain In Washington from now on and devoto hla entire time to developing tho local market. POLICE BREAK UP GAME OF SKIN Officers Raided Houm on Third Street Saturday Nlgfit Arretted Five of the Player*. Chief Roberts and Officer Hays spoiled a nice, sociable little g*me of "8kln" up on Third street Satur-, day night and arrested five of the participants. The negroes were playing In a smell house, which had only one door to It. They were hard at It when one of them happened to look up and saw the p easant featurrs of the of ficers behind the menacing barrels of a couple of revolvers. The gtme ended right tbrn and there. "THE BROKEN COIN'* NEW THEATRE TONIGHT The New Theatre offers tonight the 5th episode of "The Broken Coin," in addition to five oth'r reels Tomorrow matinee at 4 p. m. and two performances at night "Qrau stark," with Francis X. Bunhman and Beverly Bayne, will be the at traction at this house. This Is one of the best six re' 1 features ever re leased by the V. L. B. E. company? AAYS RAKET. | W? in the t!no fiHUbg in aotnethlng bow tn photography. Drop i up a&d old ifm'd and tako t ?look. | , ? 1 BAKttR'8 STUDIO. I ,f7' i ' ? ~ _ - rr ' *' *'*'?*? Ground Bor>? Por?H?nr Ttatre to do <tao thliyt that will mmk? bona rotnioence to la j qjilrk^r tbaa frovnd bono and m#a,L nnd With oaaat mm a wook they wilt koop <* tojtt* iV: - btoctck. Tho Ctty Clerk'* ofloo wilt bo ?p*n at BlgLt tatll 9: JO oat!) March 1, for thi eonroolonoo of tbo taxpoyri ?f tbo city. Ob March l?t a l prop orty ob which tbo ta* baa not tool paid will bo onhjootod to lory aad coit* la accordaaoe with law. Jf. c. ATBM. Cl?rk. CitOiflWINITXHOME IS B0B1ED; BELIEVED THIEVES KIT BE THE CONVICTS FROM f ITT COUNTY Received Word This Morning of Robbery of Thos. Buck's Home BLOODHOUNDS TAKEN TO THE SCENE Pitt County Sheriff Stales That Hunt for Escared Con victs Will Not be Given Up. $200 Reward Offered for Evans Sheriff Wlndley this morning re ceived a telephone message from Mr. VonEbersteln of Chooowtnity to th? effect (hat thieves had broken into th* home of Thomas Buck, who lives south of Chocowlnity and that It was suspected that th^ robbers might have been the negroes who escaped from the Pitt cour.ty chain gaag last 'week. Officers left h re early this morning with bloodhounds. Won't Give Up the Hunt. Over long distance telephone this morning, Sheriff McLawhorn of Pitt county stated that the hunt for Evans and the thr'e negroes will be ro sumed today. "Tb? hcrp wor'! r'rf ts?\ 5XVJ J* ::i- >';? . . tV .re BO|,K(S': ?? n t In tl'c co. nty, ' said the sheriff. "Tn.n Lm t u ca*c of giving op. We're going to Anil thoeo men." o ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? o ? NEW BERN SPEEDERS ? ? MADE TO PAY FINES ? ? _____ ? < Mayor of Th*t City filrei Worn- ? ? . AU Speeder* Will * Hcavilj Fin?L . . ? ? (By East rn Press) ? ? New Bern. Feb. 21. ? In po_ ? *- 11c* court Saturday afternoon. ? ? Richardson Cotton, colored, and ? ? chauffeur tor a local physlolan, * ? was found guilty of running an * ? automobile through the streets " ? of New Bern at a speed stimat- ? ? ed at between twenty and thirty ? ? miles an hour. ? ? Co"cn was allowed to go nf- ? ? ter paying the costs of the case ? ? but Mayor Bang rt declared ? ? that hereafter all persons cop- * ? vlcted of speeding will have to ? ? psy at loast five dollars and the * ? costs of the case. ? ? There will b? no more sus- ? ? ponded Judgments in such cases ? ? and the fines will not go below ? ? the five dollar mark. ? O ? ? ? ?????o SUPERIOR COURT CONVENES TODAY (Jo*!** Allen Will Preside Over the . Two Weeks' Term. Important Caaefi on the Calendar. Superior court b'gan a two weeks' session here today. Judge Allen pre siding Only civil cares wT. be tried at this term There are sev ral im portant cases to be brought up but for the first few days most of tho matters brought up will bo those which have be?n appealed from the J. P. oourt. RECORDER'S COURT Many Cm+m THirpo??rt of Batnrday AtWBwoft. x' lJ f r Vhiir O T n? ?? Tbo following caa.a vor l.-U.,:. up bofor? lieoarder Vaugnan Sa;ur day AftrrB#on: Clyde JPaul. ap*edlnt; coata. Joah Hll a. "pacing; coata. Jqhn. N?mmer. Iptotlcated; coit*. Oua Clark, ihtoxlcttfcd: coata. Dayo Cantor*. "P?nd ng; |2 and sort*. Colored- ? Oarflald CI mlng. no II c?nao on tranrfar; ordorad to qnlt tha fcoalnaa*. Cfcarlay Benton, apa?diag: eo?tn. | Bill Loary. ?P? ding; $? ?nd co?t?. Kdiar Kvana, vagrancy: ioHpand i ?d Judgment- Ordarad to got to ? work. i j?dm Silicon (p^pbMlt Jtt "<?1 I <*?*?) aatlng ddof. Hoi proa** IMTO. f ; . John Brady. lareany; gnilty, mat to W taaonaoad to4*fv. i The reward offered for thr capture | of the four men baa been Increased lard ii dow as follows: i Dave Evans. 9200. i Pau. Dl*on. |25. I Will Burton. 925. | Ed. Forbes. $25. Took Coolcrd Food, j (Over long ance phone) A me.iafe from Cbocow!n!iy over eel phone was received (h!s morning, giving some details regarding last Right's robbery. It is stated that the thieves entered Mr Buck'a home at about nine o'clock, forcing ihelr rtranre through a kltrb!n window The 'is it rr''- :? ' *n?i' -u w. o clock this af ernoon ^o word baa be n received regard ing the succeas of the bunting party. CABARET ENT'M'T. TOMORROW NIGHT Event Frcmterw to he Well Attended. Good Program Hu Boca Amuyjod. ! Judging froTh the advance tale of I tables, a large number of local resi dents will be present at the cabaret | entertainment that Is to be given tomorrow night at the Elka Hall for the b no fit of the library fund The event promises to be an attractive novelty, ncfieihnunts of various kinds will be served throughon* tJ*T course of ih evening. The following program will be rendered: j Male quartette: E. L. Stewart. Jt. j L. Stewart. John Smith and L. Shaw. ' Sorg and dance: Mary Baugbam and Ida Tucker. Quenette: Rlgoletto: Mrs. Walter Wolfe, Miss Glasgow, Messrs. Smith and Shaw. Mlnuette: Mlas Lizzie Hill and class. | Sextette: Beautiful Isle of Capri: Miss Mason, Mrs. O. Phillips, M!ss?s Madel tne Ellsworth. Bernlce Nich olson, Mabel Dailey, Castle Lewis, Elsie Ke'ly and Evelyn Roia. I Reciia'lon: Ben Xaylor. Solo Mrs. D. M. Carter. , PROMINENT MEN WILL MAKE ADDRESSES AT the school Closing I >r. Clark of Orffimhoro, and Dp. | Uruolu of Trinity Among Them. The commencement speaker* for th4? local tagh school closing exer cise* 'bis spring wcvre announced this morning P.*. Mellon Clark, psstor of the Flrnt Pr tbyterlan church at Orecns \ oro. w.i preach the Baccalaureate ertmrn or Si^pdav night. Mar 7th. The i*OTr*nrf>"<'m-,n? sildr*** tMI i

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