HAVE DECIDED OH PEAK FDR Dip CANVASS OP CONGRESS SHOWS MOBILE ARMY OP 150,000 WILL BE PROVIDED. . FAVOR NAVAL PLAN flw Year Naval Program la Looked Upon wltlv Favor, with a Big U Boat Fleet. Coawt Fortification ?Mb?* Mdm >? fte ymtkr ' Washington, Feb. -21. ? A careful; eanvass of sntlment In Congress on the subject ol national defense dis close* that the final measure of pre paredness to be. enacted Into law will Includ . An Increase in the standing army to about 150.000. federalization of the National Guard of the States. Organization of a volunteer corps through civilian training camps, subject to call in war Uine, to number between 7S,Oj6o and 100.000. Immediate accumulation of Immense stores of ordnance, ammunition and equipment to supply these troops. Addition of armament to tho coast defenses of the country ? Intended to make them the "most efficient in the worty," . Initiation of ttl$ Admiq!etr%? ticn'c five-year naval prpgrsm providing for th* first year two battleehlpe, two batUe c rulers ? aod auxiliary eh|ps. W L'-Uoftt Type SobnuvtooM. Legislation to prescribe* aban donment of the present t JkpffhAf* submarine for the German U t boat type and the still larger fleet submarine, of which three ' already have been authorized. l.arge appropriations for train ing the naval militia ?nd In- j creasing its strength; gr?Rt stores of naval ordnance sup ples and ammunition; minds j and anti-aircraft guns. Provision will be made for a fleet of air craft for both land and naval defense, and the trsln ing of aeroplane pilots and op erators. A clear majority of botH IIouso and Sonste favor these preparedness measures. While the entire prepar edness plan heretofore has encoun tered stiff opposition amocg a con siderable group of Democrats, this opposition Is now subsiding. With the support now pledged by Repub licans, the AdmfeTKration is cortam to get the measure of preparedness for which it has asked, with prob ably a lHtle in addition. BtUEVE GERMANS ' AM preparing t FOR BKJ ATTACK # Parle, Feb IX. ? Tie arrival of tho KaInt last vaak at Charlevllle, In the French Ar dennee, where the German General Headquarter# on the western front located, lend* color to the belief entertained by all French military critics that the Teirtona are about to deliver a heavjTblow in Prance. . Reporta that tho German Crown Prlac*"hes massed 100, 000 reserve? and a huge num ber of heart guna to support an attack on Verdun are cred ited. bat it la believed that ihia stroke will be in the uature of a big diversion while another force attempts to blaat lta way through the French d f oases. ENTERTAINMENT FOR LIBRARY FUND Win Do Held At Elks' Hall Tonight. To SUtrt Promptly at Eight O'Cloek/ The cabaret entertainment, which la to be (Wen tonight at the Elks' hall for the benefit of the library tuQd. will oegln promptly at eight o'clock. The committee, In chargo of arrangements, had completed the decorative work and the placing of Un ^ak'ji this afternoon and mrmry thlag is in readiness for the event. 1 1 promises to be'w sll attended. As enjoyable program of singing* recitations and dancing will be ren dered during the earlier part of the erring. Dancing by all present will be permlted later. BILLY SUNDAY lififcYES TRENTON Got Or** $81,000 for His Qf+j la That city. 162000 Hit tb? Trail. I Trenton, N. J.,; Feb. 21. ? "Billy" Sunday ended hia forty-two day*' campaign la Trenton last night. Af ter ^reaching his final night sermon to 11,000 persons tho evangelist caught the 9:6* train. I He was presented with a draft for $31 991.33, the voluntary offering of those who had attended during the week. In addition, a check for $377 wfP b- forwarded to him. Ho was also glrrn n cheat "of Vhe", More than 16,000 persons to "hit the trift." HALCYON CLUB WILL 4 GIVE EXTltA DANCE "5 Event V.'ill Take Place on March 2. Cards Will Bo Issued. The Halcyon club, at tho mooting which was he'.d last night, decided Co give an extra dance on March I, at thfe Elks' Hall from 10^0 to t;00 I o'clock. Cards will be Issued and ?can be had at Worthy A JStheridge's [ drug store on that date. BATH IS STIRRED UP OVER CITY ORDINANCE Fading is at pevef-heat Over Proposed Law for Keep ing Live Stock off the Streets of that -City. Not sine* the stirring time* Id it* earlier history hat the town of Bath befn to . excited or so greatly agi tated a* it 19 at present over a pro-, poo d ordinance to forbid UvettOck from running at large through the strefta of the old town. ( The bppulatlan of; the city Is eplit j on the Question and the cltlsena are j rapidly lining ap oft one side or the' tfhT.. At the present writing It hi bard to see which side ban the most ndberepU hu* the odd* appear to be In favor, x>f those who are jup porting the ordinance. So t*ttkeJ ha* T3?^ Tiling beeoino that thoke who ary on one side of the queetim* ahaohite'y refftte tp have Anvfti'nr ?n ?ln with the other aide Aj? an example of this, the following conversation is alleged to hav? occurred yeetorday between one of the merchant* in the town and oi?" of the town comci'.eflloneru. "I'd like to buy a barrel of flour," ?aid the rOmmtMloner, "upon enter* itig the store, "but before Y pay yon I'd like to know whether yon h**ei nigned Oh petition for keoplng th? cows off lb*, street*. " yA "I haw," replied Uie "toefllhinf. ! "Then you can c*ncell my order J I'll go to aoihe other place and do ray trading with tonic merchant who hasn't signed It." There la conaldetfcble speculation ea to the Otttcomf* the matte# It la with profoundest regret that we are eallefrriipon to alt Id the ?bA dow of bereavement and mingle oar teara with our worthy brother, faat Exalted RuIt H, M. Jenkins. In th? loaa of hla wife. , Washington Lodge No. 8 23. B P. O. B,. extendi to Brother JeMt!gB Ita deep apd heart-felt sympathy la hie hoar of sorrow, and a#eurea htm that hla loaa hr ahered by thla eattrr lodge. Resolved : That a copy of the foregoing be apread upon the records of fhte Lodge ma a copy be sent to ?the family. | ? ' r ?V, t-r% j, KicsoLtTioito of sn?r*o*. EIHIHTHM IS FELT H Ufffffi KHPCK 18, HRPOBTED TO HAFH EXTBKDED OVER STATES Of Tai? SECTION. NO SERIOUS DAMAOE D03P,. Tremor In Wtthtncton UMd Im I ThM ? Minute. Wa Very 81%bt. la Other CWm DUbes W*re Knocked OS ? distinct <;arth tremor wu felt In Wagtelngton yesterday evening 1 shortly before seven o'clock! The j I vibration, however, was very slight ' | and of less (hah one minnte's durs- ' | |. tion. Many dtlz ns this morning j l' expressed Ignorance of the tremor | bat there are others who emphatic- I ally state that they felt it. The shock -lg sa'.d to havo extend ed ojer North, and South Carolina. I Virginia, Georgia and Tennessee. In some of the cities farther west the i tremor was moro violent and caused I damage to dishes and other houa~- I hold articles that were not ? cwgjf | | fixed. , '"j No Serious damage is reported any- ' ' J wfcrj*. I 8AY8 LETTER TO BVTU&R j Batler Adxnfta Raoetrlnc the Letter . But Won't Reveal lu Content*. Washington, F< b. 22.? It Was learned from ibe department of Jub tice today that a formal letter bad been .mo t to Senator Marlon M. Bug ler and District Attorney W. C. Harnmar, informing both gentlemen that the charges brought against, Mr. Hamper to ?on'aeclleB,*iU the Randolph county election contro versy bad been dropped and that Mr, Hammer wag completely rionerated. When seen last night Mr. Butler, admitted that he Bad received a let-' ' ter from the dopartmont but would not reveal at this time lta content?. | He said be would only say that he had received the letter and . that he'i had answered It. He Intimated that he would have something further to , say asfeoon as he h ard from this letter. . I The condition of Thomas J. Pence, secretary of the Democratic national committee, and said to be the most powerful man In tho Democratic ad ministration, with the exception of I President Wilson Is about the ranqe. .Mr. Pence has been in the cmcrg^ncy | hospital 52 days today, and at times this friends were alarmed about him. I Dr. Carey Graysoo. his physician, said today, hoWfever, that M f, P^nce was holding hl^fewn, and If anything he was a little better, and that he hoped to have him out of the hos pital shortly. i GIVE WOMEN THE VOTE AND 1 CHI14> LABOR WILL CEASE Washington, Feb; -2 J.?' That child labor In the mills and factories of the spath would he st5pp-'d If the women of the country wfcre given the vote, was the belief expressed by Frank Morrison of'tUc American Federation of Labor, in an address before the Kate Oordon cttapter" of the United States Wornsn 8?ffrag?r conference at Ue New Ebbite Mr Morrison ?%t*ted ?Rkt his o*ganlra ? CD wr a great many y#tTBH*frbe*n oppofinf . chf.d labors John ^)'.^Fen uon,, treasurer of the. America*' Fed eration, also apukoi ? t h ? ? ? ? 1 HO* -PAIWV PRHM.T NIOHT. The public t? cordially lnvltod Ao ?tlMd a box partfatJEHavUln MUM' titH oi Friday Mu ltHn Tba procaada Wi fe*) tar tb. b?o??t of Ota school C*n^.*n4 a>lp 'Ci* caaa?. . S - ? . \ " ' t ? " _ i ? fao %P*OMPTNeat. Avoid Indecision. Promptnoeo, Is s prest leader, whils procr*. linitien limpe behind. Today la master ?f the situation. To morrow is an Impostor who IS almost euro to brie? fsilu'M with him. ? James T. Fields. The Lure of, the Hea?? -M "Hov did lack cont to break wltll Miss (tweetletgh? He used to say sh? Pas gokl." SWSSSfisSS _ ... PUT IT IN GOOD RUNHiHG ORDER. ?Taylor in Loo Angotoo Timoo. SONS OF REVOLUTION HOLD ANNUAL BANQUETl Enjoyable Affair Took Place At Knights of Pythiaa^Ifll | Last Night. New Officers of Society Also Elected Al_Annual Meeting. " '-'Tile annual business meeting and banquet of the North Carolina So-! eleiy of the Sons of the Amoricau Revolution was held* last night; bualnofes session Ueing held in oflices of Judge Stephen Bragaw the banquet following at the Kuights of Pythias halj. New Officers Elected. The following new officers were el cud: Frank li. Bryan, president; Major Yorke Coleman, of Ruther ford ion, vice-president; "R. T. Bon ner, of Aurora, secretary-registrar ; W. B Harding, treasurer; John O. Bragaw, Jr., historian; Rev. F. B. Rankin of Ruth rfurdton, chaplain; C. M. Brown, Sr., 3. W. Clark, of Norfolk, R L. M. Bonner of Aurora, Dr. J. C. Rodman and Henry Clark Bridges, of Tarboro, board of man-; agement; Henry (?. Bridges, trustee in the uatlonal board of manage ment. Banquet Well Attend**!. tb#j and ? The Knights of Pythias ha'.l wasl bcaiftlful y decorated for the occa-l sioa, large branches of Long Leaf pine adorning the walis and' many. Email American flags, pine con b and miniature cherry troes attractively decorating the table. The decora tion of the hnll and the serving >f ^hc banquet were under the super vision of the Rector's Aid Society of St. Peter's chufrch. The appropriate deeoratfoiw and the excellence of 'botiCMlur banquet and th^ serving cVrtflfctforfh much favorable comment oir the part of the members of the Society and ? their guests. Seven ?-oUn*es Were served. * Excdkint A^drw?c? Made. | President Frank H. Bryan acted | as toasttfVaster for- the occasion and i aMr Ititroduc d the various speak fflTof the wenlnf, vJ. D. Orlmel !ritf?le a brief but interesting talk on | *4S?wan? llaes of of Benjam n iod work of Oeoifee Wayb ill **en and Illustrated sonje of tho | noble characteristics of our first -t>re?!deht. B. A. Daniel Iw an on? | tertaln.tt* tnanrrr. explained the reuse of the- T%vo utionery tee pa?tv and the events which led up to that affair. An Impressive talk on tho assistance tendered to the/ United States by Lafayette during the revo lutlon. waa made by H. C. CartT [ Tile work of Alexander Hamilton i ,JWW extolled by B. L. Stewart. A taMtble address by H. 8. Ward oo 111* career of Patrick Hepty con ? <*rted the e?**chea. Upon the enact nsinn of the hav *oi* ol was extend <1 by those present to the RectorVAfd Society for tho capable and exc^Mnt wanner in which they bad attebaiid l~> providing and serving the banquet. I'iioae present wore Judge and Mrs. Sleph n C. Bragaw, Mr. and Mr*. John Bragaw, Jr., Mr. and ,\1: a. W. A. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stewart, Mis* Llda T. Rodman, K. T. Bonnor, Mlaa Bessie Connolly ud W. H. Harding. Mr. and Mrs. H S. Ward. Mr and Mrs. Charles Brown, Jr., C. M. Brown, Sr., Miaa Janio Myers, Miss Marcia Myers and Frank H. Bryan, Mrs. Harrell, of Tarboro, H. C. Carter, Miss Lottie Conner, Miss Dorothy Bonner, Missl Dora Conner, Miss Helen Shaw and I Lyndon Shaw, Miss Madeleine Ells worth and Carl Goerch, E. A. Daniel, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Grimes. The next annual meeting of the | rxiety will be held at Rutherford PItAftC'IS X. BUSHMAN IN "ORAUfTARK" TONIGHT The New Theatre will offer their patrons tonight Esaanay's six-reel r sture "Graustark" featuring those well known stars, Francis X. Bunh n.un ani Beverly Bayne Of coarse every one knows the story as the ' book of "Graustark' 'has been read ly millions of people In this coun try. and so Is fvery one acquaints 1 with the two film stars that are tak ing the lead !n this great feature. It Is fu 1 of thrills arfd romance hroughout the entire six reels, and ju-omlses to be ono of the best pic tures ever shown in this city. There wH be * o performances tonight, ono 7:30 and another at ? ?00. Prices are 10 and 15 cents. k.HPHKL4N AiMtMOP HKOI'Ullf . . DOWN BY TtUC KHKM'H UVSH Pnrifl. Ffbrf ?2.-r-A Zepp?l I? Air ship was brought down by French guns la th4 - vfolnity of Brsbant-Lfe- . Hoi, to th? Meuse> . t?d*y, according to an official announcement made today. *?' The Zoppelln was flying tVdrn Ut? M? nchouhi toward the south and was attacked -by cannon from fteiigny. Hit by an lneondlary sboll, the Zep pelin fell in flames to the trinity of Hrabant-Le-Rot. C HAUTAUQUA CW'B POflTPONRH MKKTIttO The Chautauqna Literary and Sci utlflc Clreltf wlU hold their reg ular meeting oil Thursday nighty as the Public library Instead of tonight, owing to ooafllctlAf Wnts. VPHEAVU AGAIN ^ CARKA yz> ,?jViD rr y^Rownro ? Wu *??;" Feb. 22. ? Re jt ports to ?ne Navy Department K from the east and west coasts |{ of Mexico indicate that the up heaval against Carransa In Mexico is growing. Similar reports have been received by 'the War Department. All are ?jjof the tamo tenor. Indicating * that events are expected V) shape themselves soon declslvo v lj against Carranza. It was said at the Navy Department that warships from the naval", bases at Guantana mo, will be sent to Vera Crux. BANKERS ARE AT GREENVILLE Meettnc Being Held In That City Today. Local Men Are in Attendance. Local banking housea\aro well represented at the bankers^ meeting which 1? being held In GreenxJJJe to day. Several left 03 the earlymor^v, !ng train and others made the trip via automobile. They expect to re turn late ton'.ght. Among those who l ft here wer* Sam Pegram, John A. Mayo. Henry Morgan, L. A. Squires. John Ilavena, Jesse Ross, J. B. Sparfow. B. G. Moss and A. M. Dumay. PINK LADY PROMISES TO SCORE niG HIT At laat local theatregoers are to s?? that wid ly talked about inter national musical comedy success. "The Pink Lady," which Is booked for one night, Wednesday. March 1, at New Theatre. The reasons for the marvelous success of this truly delightful musical comedy are not difficult to detect, tot It has every thing that qgakcB for popularity and general appeal In this form of en tertainment. It la full of color and life, tells a snappy atory, which by the way, is taken from the clever" French farce, "Le Satyre" and Ivan Caryyll has given It a list of charm ing musical numbers, which besides having musical wdTth, are of the catchy, irresistible type that linger after one leaves the theatre. "The Pink Lady" Is under the manage-, ment of John C. FlBher. SPALDING & BROS. READY TO GIVE A LOVING CUP Win Award Cup to Winning Tram In Caee Eastern Carolina League In Reorganided. While lu Baltimore recently, W. H. Rum pt thla city called upon A. O. Spalding & Bros., the largest dealers of sporting goods In the United States and Informed the man ager of the Baltimore store of the attempt that was being made to re vive the o'.d East' rn Carolina base ball leagu here e He Inquired whoth *r the Ojin would not consent to award a cup to the championship team of this league, providing that the league wa? organized this sea son. No definite promise was given at the time. bUt this morning Mr. Rubs received .the following letter: j Baltimore. Md . Feb 19. 1916. , W. H. Russ Bros. Company, Washington, N. C. Gentlemen: Referring to our conversation re garding the possibility of a base ball league In your section, will say. we will be very pleased to offer a handsome Spalding trophy In the form of a rf!lv*r eup; photograph of v'.-fj. ?? ?? n?e , f w y'.ii iind?r don* tod to the winning team ol tlia ' Migue. provided, o{ course. the leagu* went through the ereeon on regu'ar echedule. r We ere pleased to offer this tro phy free, and would add that in certain auction* where we have made thla offer In the past, It haa been taken up enthualaat'.cally, and It iMna to act aa an Incentive to the playera to get together. Any further information you wlah . pleoee ad viae ua. J Toura truly, ~ A. O. SPALDING A BROB. IATA1; TBMPBRANCB 1 ' ' ^ IJ50I0N TO MKET Tk* Lmyl T?p