daily mora phints MOKE local NEWS than any OTSXB *APEB a THE STATE. WASHIlWrON, N. C., WEDNESDAY AETEHNOOT^TtSBEUAEY ii, PROPOSED PLAN MENOUGH FOflu. s.m GLAIMSBADGER EVEN IF EXTREME DEFENSE PLANS ARE DECIDED UPON. WE WILL STILL BE BEHIND. GIVES INTERVIEW ,JC. " ' Roar Admiral Says United SUM la Building Fleet According to Our Treasury and Not Our National Need*. ? ? ? Washington, Feb. !?.? -Rear Ad miral Badger, under cross examina tion bj Congressman Rutler, of tho house naval affaire committee, today ?aid tbat unless the American navy eaualed or was superior to tbat of Oreat Brltaia, the United 8tates would not be adequate'.? prepared for defense. . "Is it not true that wo carry out the program, suggested to us bj tho navy department, we will still be behind the atirmg? t nary in the world?" aekea Sir. Butlor. Upon an afflrnatfrrc aufcwei. Jfr. Butler askad: "I? It not a fact we are building ^ur fleet according to our treasury and not our national need)!?"' "That has been the case," said Admiral Badger. - While tho submarine had checked the activities of heavy fighting ships In the ear'.y days of the war, ad mit ul said big ships now cruised thy North sea with Impunity, so far as sub'msfr?6e attacks are ^^erned. Its effectiveness agtfinst merchant ships, he said, waa d"Ue 16 life fWT tbat submarines hftve been lying In wait in narrow channels but' the English have now been able to meet this situation! Tbat submarines of the United States carry eight torpedoes ? a sup posed secret of the navy ? was re vealed by Admiral Badger. DA L'GHTRIDGE HAS OPENED HIS CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS Daughtridga. headquarters have b< ?*n opened lu rooms 3 antT^of lha Capita! Club building, and from now on an active camp^n is to be wag ed to capture the Democratic nom ination for Governor t&r Hon. E. L. Daughtrldge, of Rocky Mount. The office herib will b* In bharge of Mr. James E. Carrawixy, of Waynrevflle, and Mr. Paul'R, Cap elle, of Rocky Mount, Mr. J. C. Daughtrldge, a son of the Lieutenant Governor, la also connected with the office. Miss Mary Aycock and M'.ss Nell Hinsdale are sinograph*?. The rooms have been nicely equip ped. . 1 THE PINK LADY Wtfrf, BE CERTAIN TO PLEASE If ever a play will ( tve ad audience ft* wr.ney'n worth. It will be "The Pink Lady," wklch comes to the New TheSftre next Wednesday. Rich Mid wnrm. It hi one of the ben musical offering* of a decade v and when all the ephemeral nonsense and eoul'eas music that masquerade* under that title have been forgotten, the haunting melodies of "The Pink kadii" win be vividly a?dt pleasantly remembered. The mualo has sab* stanef. richness aud warmth, with a pretty swing and a sweet Insinua tion that simply pervades ope*, whole being The authors had ideas slid gave them not only tnnsioai form but invested their, emotion with light laughter snd love, avoiding tho bete nolr of tuauy ? musical inedt ocrtty. BOOK CLVB8 WILL MKBT TOMORROW The book clubs 'wlU-'lurtd their regular meetings tomorrow afternoon at the fplTowing piece: GYfWrtt* Club. Will meet with Mlea Caddie rotrto at t :S0 o'clock Addleco Club. Will m&t with Mrs. Justus. Ran dolph at S:S& o'clock. ^ O. Henry Clnb. Will me?t et th? *am* |o?r to morrow afternoon an the above elubs. The meeting will be held with Mins U T. Rodman. v , -Mmky jtj .. &&? WILSON IS RESPECTED > AND DANIELS RIDIC.WIW SAYS LOGAL MERCHANT Washington Business Moil i tils of SeoiidiAii Regard ing National Politics and European Wat ti Found in New Yoik'Clt^^^^^l dome Interesting "pointera" re-, carding the national political sttua tlon wero offered yesterday afternoon by one or the local merchants, who has Just returned from New York City and who, while in that metrop olis. made U a "point to feel out the sentiment on thv part of th# busi ness tneu with whom he came In contact. ^ "My observances have caused me to have some grave doubts regard ing Cho outcome of re4M) - Giueuvlllo, Fab. 23. ? Word was rocelved here today ?hat a negro, re s^nibling the description of '* Dave Evans, the escaprd convict whd mur dered Joe McLawhorn, was seen near Falkland. Deputies left here early this morning to follow up the cluc. WAYOHE CUCB Tho WaromtfCfrrir will bold 4 tail DwUB(tiMt lt rM e'ckX&< All members' cro urged to be pimac *n time, m there to very Important business to be transacted. Chiffon Powdsr *uft B?|i. It to not ? difficult feel to ture a wide mouthed beg from pink, blna or lavender chiffon gathered on to t round or oral embroidery rfur Hanger* of eatfn ribbon to match tbv beg should he fastened serosa lift* tbc handle of a basket and tacked to the ring on either side with rosette* of tbc ribbon mid aroall rblffon or aatin rones, within the hag pat * dozen small puff* made of absorbent cotton, drawn ta at une stde like a made puff by a string of narrow ribbon. Hung lu the guest room ?.ftm?"wUh Mrt. Grm?r Brenfser, mi. Chariot te', as hoot'M. Many of the most promi nent North CaroUalana in Washing ton, Including M^s. Lee Slater Over man* Mrs. Edwin C. Gregory, the Misses Overman, Mrs. Yates Webb. Mrs. John H. Small, Mrs. Robert N. Psgo, Mrs. Thad Page and many other m mbers of the families of ! senator a' and congressmen, were in attendance. Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. Haskell Porcher Md -Mrs. Robert Dunn, both ' of Charlotte; ???? - - The dainty debutants assisting were the* daughters of the official families of North Carolina now In Washington. ^ Misses Katheryne and Orace Over man, Misoes Maybell- and Katherlne Sm^ll, Miss Annie Pou and Mlsa Elizabeth Clayson, of Georgia. FILIBUSTER DIRECTED AOAINHfr PREPARED X K8H Washington, Fob. 23. ? Prepared ness, not child labor, will be the measure against which certain southern senators will filibuster, it became known tWl g'a r fusal nit ana . that he fa being groomed, by thu IS PLEASED WITH PINETOWN GOATS! Interned Sailor at Norfolk Writes* Tliat They Arc "VfTj- Pretty and Mery." Mr. Fowlii of Pinetown. who ro cent'.y ?ent a shipment of goat* to tho Bailors on board the interned cruiser. Prince Eitel Friederich, to day received another letter from one of the ut*W. which reads as follows: Port ttm.MiHi V? V 5. 20. 1&16. Mr. Fowlus: Dear sir: I rccoivcd your goats and my fellows and we wore enjoid to see IL They are pretty and very mery- If you h*ar from a little Bear let me ?end word. With beBt regards from ROBERT SCHMIDT. TO ASK PrRI.IC TO CONTENT TTSKI.F WITH SIMPLE dbOTRKS Washington, Feb. 23. ? A nation wide appeal to the public to cont nt ItsoIT with simp e clothes Is to be cent out by tho dtpartment of com merce by dye manufacturers at>d b, thr* textile manufacturers of the I .ountry. 8ueh a course was decided upon at & conference of the various dye interests at the department. Attention ( ? called to th^ fact that While the 'American dye Industry is growing trrm-ndously. that tl? variety ard quantity of co!or& i. hand before the Etrrap ao war cu of the Q rman supply, are not yet aVrtfaftft. '/?A rtfcewent frotaffc* e?nf*t*n mjA ttyK- the public should likewise recognft* that tike same quality of 40m? ft demanded, and with which it iftjf afcrvefl before the war, are no. attftftbW. ^ : , Wf.son Administration for Gov | ernor or United B tat ?? abator. | according to authorltlye opln | Ion. Th? convention opens a week from next Wednesday In ! SyTacute. Should be enter the race for j Governor, Mr. Lansing may And i a formidable rival In Samuel ! Seabury. Judge of the Court of I Appeals. If his decision In .for a Senator's togs, he be pitted at tho prlmarleotfygrinst I James A. OGorman, the -present Incumbent, or Martin H. Glynn. ENTERTAINMENT A BIG SUCCESS Litrge Number Attended Cabaret, | Given Ls?t Night at the Elks H?ll, Practically every table was taken at the cabaret entertainment, which was given last night at the Elks' hall for th^ benefit of the public library fund and a handaome sum was real ized by the commlttce for this pur pose. The affair proved a grand succeai In every way. The hall was beau tifully decorated In patriotic colors and. with the fifty or more tables around tin sides of the room, pre sented a most attractive appearance. An Interesting musical program ot i vocal and Instrumental selections was rendered. The number which probably mado the grealeat impres sion upon the audience was a solo by Mrs. D. M. Carter to the accompan iment of Mrs. W. P. Baugham on the ptnno and Jack Welner on the I violin. Den Taylor's recitation was also well recelvrd and brought forth 'much laughter and applause. Selec tions by a s'xtette, quartette, a duet by Marjorls Hoyt and Mary Baugham 'and an exhibition of the minuet by, 'Miss Lizzie Hi.) and Jesse Bowers, I Miss Elisabeth Carrow and William liaugham. Miss Sallle Carrow and Carl Ooerch and Miss Robena Car ter and Alson Oray, concluded the program. An Informal danco was en'oyed afterwards. Among those who played on the piano daring the course of the even ing were Misses Janet Whetmore and r Warren and Mr Hal' Mary Clyde Hassell, Mrs. - Lindsay T. Mallard. fJr.. #f New 3 was io the city yesterdajf attending to business. , MANV Important functions of late are being given and the success of these occasions are being consider ably aided by the quality and service of ' * "GOOD TASTE' Crystal Ice Cream ASK THOSE WHO USE IT. YSTAL ICE COMPANY Washington. N. C. D. A. R. CELEBRATE THE BIRTHDAY OF GEO. WASHINGTON Major Reading Blount Chapter IV Ufhtfallj Entertained by Mj?. C. M. llrown, Jr. Mrs. Charles M. Brown. Jr., do- 1 lightf u!ly entertained the members of ?(aJor Reading Blount Chapter Daughters of the American Revolu tion at her home yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The spacious par lor and hall were tastefully decorat ed with emblem en ? i.i'uretl ?nd while ot * a. R. colors. Beneath the clustered flags a portrait of the "Father of his Country" adorned the hall, and in the rrceptlon room a picture ot the gallant Major Read ing Blount Tec4lled the chapter's namesake. Sweet spring blossoms of Jonquil and narc^us mingled wltn violets completed the handsome dec orations. In the absenco of the Regent, Mrs S. R. Fowlc, the vice regent, Mrs W. H Williams, presided with grace and dignity. The exercises were opened with the singing of "Caro lina" and reading of the D. A IV Ritual, led by the chaplain. Mrs W A. Branch. After the reading of the minutes of last m e:ing and son delight snd benefit of hia hearers. These services are doing much good snd are being grestly enjoyed by all who attend. Services at 10 1 a. m and 7:45 p. m. SNOW SLIDE IN AI.P8 CARRIES 53 to DEATH Berlin. Feb 23 ? Fifty-five per on* w r? kl'.led and forty-nine were mounded In an Alpine *now>l'Je r-mcrday. Th r'y other* are mlia? Tit The disaster occurred '.n the Hoch coen'g dlitrlct of the*S?al?hurf A'p?, which It wjell known a* a center for ?Jf*Ar S>ort8. Tlie avalknch* tame ?frrin a A*?ro cliff kno*n 4t th# ! Man dl wand. % w-s ' TO-NIGHT SellS offer* "landing of the HoM Reel" ? S reel feature "The Gang* New Member" 1 reel "Who Wenta to be a Hero" , 1 r?\ PrlcMSftlO