THg IMfLY FKWB PKTHT8 MOBS LOCAL KSW8 THAN AHT MENTMISH SUIT FOR 2,000 IS UP1NCMT MRS. MAOGHS It KID 1 |ft 8CING BECAUSE OF DHa^TD) DE LIVERY OP TELEGRAM. > TRIAL IS UP TODAY \ Incident Happened Tbrce Yetn : \?o. Deiti) la Telegram rreveatod PlaJnOff/rcm ilHng At BoMde of Father at Time of His Death. A "mental anguish suit" against "" the Western Union Telegraph Co., in which N$2. 000 it being asked for by the plaintiff, la being brought up in Superior court today by Mr*. Mag gie Reld of Ok lata Tlw emit la the result of an alleged delayed deliv ery of a te>grpm. aniroanetng the death of Mra. Raid's father over three years ago. Mra. Reld wan a local realdent at that time. According to the plaintiff's claims. tty> telegram should have been de livered at night. Instead, she was not notified of her fathers' dying condition until the following morn ing. when it was too late for her to be at his bedside. Ward A Grimes ..arc representing the p'alntlff. DEEP IMPRESSION IS BEING MADE BY EVANGELIST JONESl Interesting and Forcible Sermon* Are Befatf rreachrd n^.RoTlval Hrjna Md ThV'Wfek. Tho meeting at Payne Presbyterian church *r?w? Inter- ? *st iuijI influence. '? h.iat night I)r. Jones preached the most powerful I and Impressive sermon he has y t delivered,' His subject was "Sowing and Reaping" Chased on Oalationa V7-8). The preacher emphaalaed th^ universal reign of laaT in nature and then showed how law likewise reign* in the moral rca'ra. Men naturally and inevitably reap what thiy sow. Many Btrtktng Uiustru-j tiona. drown from the evangelists' own wcprrioner and observation, wore employed- to illuminate and enforce thlfc principle. . Even Divine forgiv nesfl does not exempt a man from Reaping the cons-quencei of his. for mer mtedeeds. Profound oonvlctions were pro duced by the preacher's solemn 'mes sage and de;p e^ootlgns otlrre^. B* Jonen makes jxo atteny>t, to ereato nxeltoment but appea's earnestly and tenflorljr to tho reason and conscience of his hearers. and labors to persuade men to accept the rfavlOr and load a Christian llfa. The* services-will continue through the work, beginning ?harp!y at 10 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. The people of the entire community are 'invited to attend these service*. ? Tbpro is nothing narrow or s ctarlan fchoot Dr. Jonea. His great purpose I* tc save sopls from sin and eternal death. Then they may Join the churph of tholr choice. ? LABOR. Th* motto piarked upon our + foraheads, written upon our daorposta, ohanneled in the earth and wafted upen the wavn ie snd muit be, "Labor *Th honorable and Idleness dls honerabW.*V-T. Carfyl*. SUGGESTS FEASIBLE PLAN * FOR IMPROVING THB ROft? FROM HERE TO KSD HHJ. . Mr. Shetburna Advance* Idea ul Issuing- Motes for >10, 000, Having 100 Merchants Guarantee 4100 Each A plan for 4>ui'.dlng the road from here to Red Hill, and beyond to th? croee roads, was suggested today by V. ' B. Bhelburne, man&c or of the Central Tobacco Warehouse, and will fenedubtedly find faror with many of the local busineM men. It baa been suggested ai various times that the rn'rchante of Waafe mgton contribute towards building thle road. Attempta have been made In the past to raise donations for the work, hat these nsual!y fell flat. Mr. Snowdea, tho engineer who was suggested by 8tate Highway en giceer W. 8. Faille aa an excellent man to supervise the road construc tion work in Washington township, ht* been h<~re for the last few days. He estimates that the Chocowtnlty road ca$ be built for about $10,000. Mr. Shelburne's plan Is to lsene notee for" this amount, getting 6fto hundred men to pledge $100 each. The notes could be taken up at the rate of $5 a month. It Is believed that -this method wl'.l meet with a more general rrsponae than the other plana that have been tried. "Our flpn la willing to pay $100 ? o * GRANTED FRANCHISE * * Claimed Thai Virgin!* Town * H? Been Given Preference * Ow* Elizabeth dty. * ) (By Private Wire) (The Pell/ Newa la the Or* * paper In the 8Uto to pubUib ? P this baseball "scoop") * When Bllubeth City and ? * Petersburg both made appllca? for admittance in. the Vlr- ? * glnie b*3vball league. It was ~ 4 understood that the franchise * would be given to the Arst city * which ralaed $6,000 to support * * Its team during tae season. * the Dat'.y News has It upon-* * authority that although Peters * burg has only raised $2,000, the * board of dircctora of the league * bave already given them the ' * franchise. It is expected that * when Elizabeth City learns the rows tb*r* will b# considerable * iniit.' O Ol LOCAL PEOPLE SEE "BOHEMIAN GIRL'" Play at Greenville Proved a Drawing ] Attraction for Residents of Washington. A large numbor of local rcsldeuts Arcnt from here to Greenville last night to witness tho performance of ??The Bohemian Girl" tn that city. Many made the trip by tf-aln while others went through the iountrjr in automobiles. The play was greatly ftnjoyed and j was r?ndr red 'by a most talented aste. Many numbers wefe encored , repeatedly. Every seat in tho thoa-| tre was fU|/ed. # - J After the play a dance was gtylp*' to tho.tisttjy) at the Carolina cllb. Among tfrope who too* the tr*p from here igejre Miss Eleasni* U"??ciy. William Batfgham; Miss E;is?mp| fayloe, William Ellsworth; MW Elsie Marsh, 'Tom Laughlnghous ffl Mfss Marie tones, Dave Carter; Htik Mabel Dai ^9. Hoy Btoctwell; Mr ?u9 Mrs. J W. bailey. Hfi D. H. mHIn leabelle Warren. Mr? Warren; Miss Robm, Oar t?, MUs BllastMh Werre* Ml? Sei ne Cetrow, Carl Ooerth: ""MIm Blti abeth Carro*. w. A. HI Ant, Jr.;. itrfi and Mrs. W. L. Vaurhan. MIM*? Caddie and Mary rowle. Dr. nd Mrs. J. G. Blount. NOT ICE. yi The City Clerk's office will bo open at eight until ?:*? until March 1. for the convenience of the taxpayers of the alty. On March 1st all prop erty on which the tat has not boon paid will be subJocLed to levy and costs la accordance with law. ? jf C. A YER4, Cl?r* HI and I have talked wit* several busi ness men of the city who readily *fr<4 to do the earns*." stated Mr. Shelburne. "That rotd means a lot lo Waahlngto*and I believe oar peo ple are beginning to realise this more and more. An improved road v||! undoubtedly bring ooaaiderable ihoie bualnesa tp the city. I dou't think there will be any great amount of difficulty iii raising the needed a? mount. The project could be handled through tho Chamber of Commerce and collecttoaa could, also be made through that organfratlon." PARTY GIVEN FOR MISS MAE AYERS Enjoyable Affair Took. Place YeeUr 0. ? Taylor .n loa Ang*Ui Tim? BREAK WITH BERLIN IS NOW IMMINENT \ -M Presiden* and Congress Differ Over Armed Merchantmen Ques|jf*e. Situation is Most Grave on the Democratic side jwtfrend. Tbe bouse foreign com mittee, of which MaJ. fllfilVinn it a member, went into aecrefr nation at 6 o'clock last night and were still conferring at a late hour. It is hoped that the committee will deci4P to take a decisive position against the President and that a resolution warning Americans to keep off belli gerent ships will be reported to the house today and passed before ad journment. North Carolinians are playing important part in the present crista. j Congressmen Kltchln, Webb, Page and Stedmaa are being consulted at every point in this controversy and their advice is Bought by other mem bers of the house. PINK LADY CLOSES; NOT COMING HERE Management of Local Theatre Re* ceired Word to That Kffeot Thla Morning. -? The management of the New Thoa tre received notice from Klaw and Erlanger this morning to cancel the engagement of tho "Pink Lady" here on March 1st, as the company had closed and gone into New York. It will be regretted around town as the show Ib considered one of the beat musical comedies touring the road. This house wl77 present tonight a very good btll of Ave reels of comedy and dramas combined. Tomorrow the 3rd episode of "The Red Clrcls" *?M1 be shown. '^Washington, Feb. 24. ? Not aince the days immediately preceding th^ declaration of war against Spain has there been such depression' In con gressional circles as was evid nt or. all sides today over the strained rel ations between this country an i Germany. Some of the atronge&i and most influ ntia". leaders in botu senate and house make no secret of their belief that this country is on the verge of a diplomatic break with the Berlin government. Tho only way such a break can be prevented, in the opinion of all, !a by President Wilson receding fr6m bis present position of Insisting (hat Americans be allowed the privilege of traveling on any belligerent ship thoy desire and that they bo not molested by the German submarines. Germany's announcem nt that a more vigorous submarine warfare would be waged against her enemiep beginning March 1 and^haj. mer- , chantmen carrying mounted gunv would bo treated as armored crulvj sera and sunk without warning, has brought this country and Germany; | to the breaking point. It is Known that the Prenident j has no Idea of changing his position though U has been pointed out to him that his present stand If main tained cannot mean anything oxcepu war. The President, It Is aald. tak*s , the position that should he change at this time he would be accused of weakness. It can bo staled that the house, by an overwhelming majority, la ? gainst the President In this latest ,apd most Important phase of a very j aggravated foreign situation. Shonld* ? a resolution be presented In th - | house tomorrow, It would be carried j by ?n almost 2 to 1 vqt?, members SAYS WILL BE DtCRKASE >1 IN TOBACCO RAISED HERE % : j,. . .. . ? ft ? it~ ^ _ C. T. Hardison Claims That Lack of Fcrtilhwr Will Re duce the Crop in Bcaafott County. In ipllo or tha net th?t tbo prtc? of tobun wfll proboMj bo blub nttt r?*r. C. T. HardJaon. one of It* pfoaporou* (arnem lb tko Trnnl oro Crook Miction .atat d tbli mora hi* t*at b? did pot boUoT* (ho ?roj> lb Bosvforl co?nt7 would b) M lam' Ibla com'nf aeaaon h Ii *??? )?? ?o?r. ^^Tbo lark ol f rtUIMr la *h?t j*. Wftnlnr flic rarmor*," Mid lflr. Tlor rflK>n'.' -i>,twlrIiout pobath anu tht proper tortillKr, or then ua -'r?w that Win not bo able to r*1** ? Mod crop. Other* m* tmf ohaalnt ao-colkd euhatUiltoa of pot ??h ud BUT of tbem will be disap pointed In the reratta."' When uk?d ?bit ho Intended do lo tho war of fertiliser, llr. Ilerdlpon stated Ibot he would use oahee for tho moot port, bellertag ibot thU lo tho boot subetltoto arall ?bto at tho protest time for potaak FATHER SUSPENDS 17-YEAR OLD SON BY WRISTS FOR OVER 3 HOURS ***** ?too Mao. Allegrd That Rope Wm Also Tied Around Boy'* Neck mad Kre*7 Attempt to Relieve His Position Tightened It, (Bj Eastern Press) Klnston. Feb. 24. ? C. W. Crabtree. * prominent and well known man who resides about a mite -from the city, was arrest ed this morning on the charge of cruelly and mercilessly chas tising his 17-ycar-o".d son. Ed ward. Although he is well able do so, Crabtree refused to give bond and he Is now belnaT held in Jail. A hearing will probably be given him this af ternoon. It Is all god that Crabtree kept the boy suspended by his wrists, and with a rope also tied around his neck, for three hoars. His feet were also bound togeth er so ho cou'd not move. He was forced to maintain this erect position and any attempt to relieve the frightful strain of his posture would Immediate ly tighten the rope around bis n'ck. Neighbors, It Is stated, heard the boy's screams but were afraid to Interfere, as Crabtree has gained a reputa tion for being surly and venge ful. Officers were Anally notifi ed of the outrago and they ar rested the man. The afTalr baa been freely discussed In the city today and the lnd'l'gnatlon expressed over the affair Is great. It Is claim ed that the boy Incurred his father's rage by p'aylng truant from school. NIGHT SCHOOL MAY BE CLOSED Lack of Intercut May Cause Citisn tlon of Regular Meeting of the School. It wam announced this murmuR I that un'.oas greater Interest wan ! taken In the night school, the school would close tomorrow night. At the present time ther* are a scant dozen pupTTf attending the j school. The teachcrs feel that un less more p< rsons tako advantage of this opportunity to better their edu cation, they cannot keep the school open any longer. They have decided to make this last appeal for a better! attendance and In case It does not j follow, the school will be closed. GAVE ENJOYABLE LEAP YEAR PARTY Orrorrfxl at yeatefcville Lant Th urn day Night. An Enjoyable ami Eptcrtaining Affair. On la*t Thursday MIsb-b Hazel and Clara Jackson delightfully en tertained their friends at a Leap Year and Valentine party. The spa clous and hospitable home of Dr. C. C. Jackson was elaborately and tast< fu'ly perorated for the occa sion, the color Rcheme being effec tively carried out in red and green. The young men. attractively at tired in evening suits and wearing dainty bouquets of violets and ar bof vltae (glfta of the young ladles) ananmbled at the store of Mr. J. M. pfnmntly af eight | c rivc.h t.ib i ; t?.ir < J -i it them to tbe party, ia order U4iueartles if posslb'e. The scheme on I he part of the suthorit!es worked xce:i ntly with the result that even of the negroes have bean ar I e?ted. One Is still at large. Mr. HarrU was #com"ng from "erra Cell in his au'omobll Friday light sod when between Panego :nd Belhsven several men Jumped from the roadside, ord ring h!m to 'top. Mr. Harris. Instead of obeying he command, stepped on his accel erator and the car shot forwari. The negroes wore caught by turpplftp had bare'.y time to leap to oaa side In order to avoid being run ovsr. Mr. Harris reported the mater to the ? police Immediately upon bis arrival here and eeevn local negroea "have heen arrested. They will be glten a hearing Monday. BIG PAGEANT WILL BE STAGED HERE IN MAY To be < urriix] Out by Children of l oiiftttaracy. .Meeting t? hm Held Saturday. ? ad elaborate pageant. eo negating of a number of spectacular tableaux of various scenes In the history of Washington, is b-lng planned by the local chapter of the Children of th6 Confederacy and will be staged here .some time during Mfiy. The event promises lo be most unique and ex tremely Interesting. A member of the Chautauqua association from N'ew York will superintend the ar rangements. A meeting or the Children of the Confederacy will be held Saturday afternoon at three o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. W. Carter on Har vey itrcet. Every member Is urgent ly requested to be present as parte for the pageant will be flvn out at that time. SAYS BAKER. If 1 wasn't so awfully busy at thle very moment, 1 would write a good ad, so you wouldn't be able to pass !t over your head like you are gofnf o do this one Baker's 8tudlo. Mr. James McKay. Miss Clara Jack sob in a few w 11 chosen wwrtfa, pre- . *ented him with tbe dainty book "Rose Leaves." Mending broken hearts affordod much amusement. It was soon found o he more difficult to adabfc>l!*h than It first apepar d. Hart Mr. McKay provrd that he knew t/ow to manage hearts as well as telegrams. . and was presented by Mlsa Gray wltb ^ -u bear' wVch Is te be i pat t ru uf the heart that he will mead * in the fatore. But the crowning feature of tba evening waa the propoaala, eacl) proving hlmeelf a good flsberasaa to catch a heart, the hearts betake matched the ladlea learned ihoir fate YeatesvlUe and the whole oodbtry around haa put on a smile, tor net one of the ladlea were refaaed. Mr a. Mary Oaylorfi won the beau tiful oandleetand by bar eloqaeat proposal, gracefully pr#e?*rted by Mlaa UcL eAd. i>ellriouj refreshments ware aerv ed to the al eata of honor, first to tbe geatlemea. This event waa a source of de light because no one knew wbea tbe tlaieat hoar slipped la, wblle {*o?ete alipped out. thay baa ( VIKwl CM *11?M