OUT ALL NIGHT Att*r having baeit oat all night f '?? Jwj la th* cue of Vn. Hani* B?"-d t>. Western Union Telegraph Op. coma la this morning at about taa o'clock with a verdict ot ?B00 l#r the plaintiff. Mr*. Raid waa bringing ault (or K.OOS for the delayed delvery of a| Wlegram. notifying her ot the critical J lUneaa of har tatbor at EUxlbeth I City. She claimed that due to thai d?lay ihe waa prevented from lear Isk hare on the morning train Aad had to wait aotU midnight. When, aha arrived at Elizabeth City har tether waa ancoaeclotu. . { It la believed that th* aaia haa $300 IS OFFERED FOR DAVE EVANS State of $100 for capture and (delivery to 8herlff JOsejn ' Ki&aW- I bom of David Evan?"Shurderer of] Officer Joseph McLewftbrk The re-' ward was announced Wednesday and ? If In the following words: I * "Whe^as, offieial information haa | been recei ved.at this department that . David Evans, late of the connty or Plvt, stands charged with the^ mur d r of one Joseph McLawhorn; J "And wiereas. -? appears that, the sa'd David fcvans has fled the mate, er so conceals himself that the ordi nary prtx eHH of law cannot belerved spon nim. "Now, ll ere fore, 1, Lock* Craig, governor of the State of North Car olina. by virtue of authority in me nested- by law, do Jssue this my proc'a'natinn, offering a reward of ece hun irtd ($100) dollars for the tppreh'nMon and delivery of the Mid Dav'd Evans to the sheriff of Pitt copnty at the court house ,*n Oreeovi?. and I do enjoin all otn csrs of the state and all good cltl can* to cvtlat in bringing saiiT crim inal to Justice. "This z>ffer of rowafd remain* Is force for two years from thfe date." In cddition to this reward of the 0tcte ni-rt the reward of $100 offered by the commissioners of Pitt roudty, |herlfl JKLawhorn tells us that a further reward of $100 for thn clo ture of Kvans will be offerel 1u a 4*m days, making in all the snnl of $$00 Which Will be paid to an i one -who delivers the murderer into hit hards. No effort wlllh>e spared to eeenre the capture of Ivans. Rl?e Pancakes. Two ^npfuls of bailed rice, two efff*. ? cupful of milk, half a cupful of flour, a feaapootiful of baklyg powder. Cook as any grlddlecaka. Potato pancakes may. be made the no me. using uawbed To-night Broadway .Favorite* ? ttaaanta? Roland Bottom'.?r "d Alio. Holluwr hi "THki NDT OF DEC?rr"' \? tart. *!? t(i? Lftttii Qntiltn" vita graph t oarf? frlcmSftvO SHKLBURNl?S?tPGGESTI?N GAINS STEADILY IN MM ? ? ? Prominent Business Men Approve Idea "tMUlng Ndf* For BuUdingRoad F^4ropereTo?8??iaL I Hi coqimt&Uftc upon V. B. *h?l burne ?u**wtlon r?tardlnr . building Of ib? roaA.rrom hm ? Red Bill, W. & EUlao* thU morntn* expreeaed blmaaU a* helnj heartily 111 favor of tbe.M*a ?" of tin ofln lon that It tfrrtam ttt? beet method for (ettlof thla. road conetructed. S "F&r my 9?n B?rt." bo ilatad, "J wo a cpo? *al raUer pay mj ?hare ot the axyanaa right now thaa to hare to Wait flta or *tx rears for th* tvwapHp or the count? aa a whole to do u I dod. There waa a fine service last night. In spite of the Unfavorable weather. Fear youog people eorifeaar d their faith In Christ and7 win doubtless unite with the churda at any early date. The meet ing will probably dose tomorrow night. I o*lnlty Is Ol* ts ?0 4tptki*t ward* repalrlnc th? rt? .t (be ftm-' Mfc time and lt tM-Xwcl# of^W^h iuetou want toaM ???<*$ iaee, it la up to them l? I, "?*? rt?h UM ?4m D? hind th? n,oyart drama by the Vltagrapbeom-i o'auf entitled "In tho Latin Quarter" which promises to be a splendid pie-! tare. If yon w!sh to see An excep- ' Llonally strong program- attend the J New Theatre tonight. * draw. . ""w'- Information Js gleaned fo'i con venations with Tho Hsgne and In well-Informed The Dutch accomplished to accomplish touch with Q*t ? ? . m omnwr i In WfcsHington Star. MAY AGAIN HAVE GfCENT COTTON .. .. . Conditions As A Whole Combijilfc To v fxactically Guarantee Low Ptic&Of Staple This Year. Warnings - Is Issued. " . A up tin, Tex., Feb. 26. ? At " the conference of Cotton State linker*, which is In session here, the follow^ Ing warning was Issued regarding the over-production of cotton this year: "With a shortage of ships to more our cotton to foreign shores; with no indication of the end of the war; ?with the Nation stirred over psepar- , edness for eventualities; with the | buying power of the world gradually lesa/niOg day by day, it becomes our duty to issue this formal warning as the time of p!antlng cotton ia at hand. "Lot everyone encourage the far mar to ha on the safe sldr by rating plenty of t? d MM food toe the CQIT ?saity as wall as for hlmse .. k)?j . . - NOAH FAVORED PREPAREDNESS (Bj James J. Montagae) Wbio Noah haat< ned 'round to and doubting generation duo to have a spell precipitation "Boflh!" and "Tut! family, arid his 11 v? stock. (A calf, a pig, chickens, and a garden often mean the difference between want and money ahead.) Economical and safe living for all as well as "aafe farming must be -tire rule If pros perity la to abide with us. "Six-cent cotton this fall would spell disaster In the cotton States. Low price follows ovor-eupply as certainly as the night the day. High prices and prosperity over the South, this year prove what voluntary re- j ductlon of cotton acreage does. Any j marked increase In acreage over last year Is going to result in a great loas to Southern cotton producers, mer chants, and bvifcfert. abd will sloft^ larly affect ftU allied b?sla0 Company. , Ae the result of bis horse running away, colliding with a telegraph pole, breaking the shaft# of the buggj, galloping- through tbo , woods and inalljr snagging itself against a log ind receiving Injuries from which It in expected- to die, Ralph Jonw; a rural mail ? carrier of Aurora has1 brought suit Against the Carolina Telegraph and Telephone company to recoTor th" aiftouht OT damages. It la stated that white Jon>.*s was lellverfug his mail, the hor*e be came frightened at a hoc. whlc'i Jasbed acroan the road, and bolt" J ; t ?ol'Jded with the telegraph polo iod Jones *?< thrown out. Th?- an-, mat broke lose from the vehicle and ! xmilnu?4 Ita ..?* X. * N " * . 5? 1' *\ ... !? rlt*l th? lift of yo?r far ' tofldto " ???**?. pr*o? and r#r*ir tb?ra ta a moat painstaking ~ m?n#?r - * . ? - . > TWfc WAY YOU UKF. IT. 7" WRIGHT"! BTKAM rfrKftAlN* WOHKI Pfcono *?! f J<-. ... ? . . X Ml-llt. CLAIMS U. ft WILL BE AI WAR WITHIN 60 DAYS ,>VAB Sl'HE TO TAKE PLACX t'X LKSS Wl 1.94 IN < HA,V<.bH HIS VTTITI'DK, SAY A COX MR. SMALL TALKS Out Another KUti-piont, In Which Hi- AgiiLu HI* Plrtu Intention or SnpiMiriln); President in lh? Prfmut Situation. Wa*Uiu#iou. Feb. 2C -.SpoiU.cr Clerk, It la understood, today told the President that while ta? h^d the greatest confldnce In hla Integrity, . ability and sincerity In tbl?^ verj grav? situation, he would.jV#&.foc;' the resolution at any lime trfaW to uts opinion this country Mtpliirttt.' be In daufer of being tnvoWo4"V&i th?-. European oontr overt? . "You cam bat any thinf>^ovL desire, knowing that you wltl win." Mild a very lmpor^jpt loader of Congress toda^^tb*!' unless the President change? his ttliivftrj ih.i cd%*tr* ^rllfbe at war with Germs#? wltWa-fo days. I ?h udder "When I of thle situation but It is 1 am convinced that 1 Wilson will never efcaritf* ["" mind with feTfcftmee to $he prw j . proposed submarine activities of Germany. .1 am jiiiV as certain Germany will yielfl nothing to i this country." The above- quotation Is about the way the average congressman and ?onu!or f^eln about the aituatloa. iThey are convinced }u*t the Pr? i ? ,d^nt will pursue his. course regard ; less of the conseriueocen. They seem Just as sure lhat Mr. Wilson, acting upon k purely con- *? scientloua motive will fail In (he end. { Confer sitnan John H. Small today h?avi.' out ilte following statement: "I have not heard from any re .j.'?ou?ible source of any denial of the correctness of ?he position 9f the 1'r s'.dcnt upon the immediate issue with Germany. By long untiage aad for humane rea*ons all civilized mar itime nations have heretofore rec ognized the right of neutrals to iravel on m rebuilt ships of bellig erents and equally iho right to arm such shiph ex* 'IiiHrvfl/jr for do/enafr* purposes has been recognized. "It is now coni'nlled by some oT our citizen? as reflected by some I r ? ? p re.'-e n t a 1 1 v t-s and senators that we ' ?*?!?.? ubl forego a.i(l abandon this right I of . American citizens (o travel o.i jib bSzh on the ground of ex ipodiency and beraus" U might prt ' voke war. No solf-rcspectlng nation can afTord to be expedient , at thi l^arriflre of prindp'a and right. Pc,ac? at'tui* prior \i;?u'd !?'? twy lc-ar AnJ temporary. A nation no more titan an individual may forfeit sell. Ve sper!.. ? "I th^aH t)io letter of the Pr asi de t to S^&xor Stono. pfbMshed morning " 'The situation baa h??n within ihs last tb?vr? *r* many ntmlMri who m-? reflected and Uken second thou*" and are now Willing for th? Prsaid-. * In hi* cmnht Rational eapnolty to ba.* dk? this acato situation