NTT*B?B 50. ? Stlllli CORE 1SSIRTS nT U ?ID II f:' - ur T NOT DE U E?ll Blind Senator From Oklahoma Makes Startling Statement Before the Senate IS APPREHENSIVE OF WAR Claims that Mr. VVi'son Said if U. S. Joined in the War it Might ho Brought to a Close by Mid-Summer and Thus Render a Great Service to Civilization - (By Parker R. Anderson, Waabln|toa Correspondent of tke Greensboro Zkflj New?. Washington, Mar. i.?"I ?u ap prehenBivo ifcat we war? speeding headlong Into war. I baaed thla on the report which te med to coma on t ho highest and jrect r?spona',blo au tarky tbat certain senator? and member? .of the house In jonfpftaee with the President received from the PresUfont an intimation. if not a, d deration. three reel Edison feature. "Pr:?4 Wllnon', Th.r? will b? two other reep} of food com edy For tomorrow alf ht this hotue will offer their patrons la addltlr.a to the H&lendld plot ure pro Krem those well known Ttudevll'.e stars, "Jones end Kotlin.' Every one in Wsshtafton Is well acquainted with thl? splendid team, and po doubt tney will pack the hopse at both per nlcht. The , wni ha FRED WILSON ARRESTED ON GRAVE CHARGE Claimed That He Htrnck OOcer ?7? With Monkey Wrench When Latter Attempted to Arrest Rim. Kred Wilson, s local plumber, wis arreted and pat In jail this morning as a result of baring assaulted Of ficer Nyc. of tbe Washington police force, at tbe Hotel Louise. Wilson's trial will probably be held this af ternoon. Information obtained this morning from the polico department is to the effect that Wilson waa. intoxicated and creetlng a disturbance in the hotel. A cell was sent In for ths police and Officer Nye respond?^ Ho attempted to arrest Wilson kit ths Utter, it is alleged, -resist? him. When Nyo endeavored to make him come with him, Wl'.eon drew out a monkey wrench and struck tka offi cer under tbe aye. ?wUi a bad swelling and bzaakl&g Nyafis fftae*as. POLICE MADE A BIG HAUL Held Up Automobile and Seised Negro With 190 Pints of Liqaor. Having received woTd of a Uquor shipment that was coming Into town, police officials last night left Wafhlbrton In too. automobile and proceeded In the direction of Pine town. A short distance from tho city tbey met another automobile coming towards them. There were two occupants in die car, both color* ed. When they wero stopped by the police, one oc the v.negroes quietly jlrtfpped to the ground over the rear rnd of the car and made his escape throogh the darkness. The negro, Dave Little, who was driving, was arrested. 81* suitcases were found in the car, containing in all 190 pints of liquor. The stuff had been dropped off the train at Plnetown. TILLMAN'S BILL STRIKING AMIDSHIPS.' ?Fitzgerald in St. Lauia Poat-Diaaatoh. MEDICOS fiOLD REGULMt MfiETINC The Beaufort County Medical So ciety held Its regular monthly meet ing this week at the- home of Dr. D. T. Tayloe. The m*et!ng was well attended and one of the most Inter esting and enjoyahlo ever held by th society. The sclmtlflc program was dispensed #lth to take up busi ness matters. An elaborate banquet conc'.nded the meeting. After t~n derlng a rote of thanks to the host an dhoatess, the doctors adjourned. SECURED LIQUOR HTN. sl STATION Wh?n two negroes alighted from the wrong side of the Norfolk Southern train yest rday and pro ceeded up Water street, carrying heavy suitcases, the suspicions of Chief Roberts, who was at the sta tion, because aroused and he followed ?hem. He politely requested the men to relinquish claims to the suitcases. which they did. When the contalnrrs'were opened at head quarters, they were found to hold Ave gal'.oDs and two pints of liquor. COME HERE TO TRADE," THE SLOGAN AND INVITATION OF WASHINGTON MERCHANTS All Roads Will Lead to Washington During the Big Fare-Refunding Trade Week From March 11 to 18th, Which Will be Conducted Under the Auspices of the Daily .News and the Merchants of T hit City?Coming Events is Already Attracting Favorable Attention. 'Come to Washington to trad?" U now the slogan to be uaed by every one of onr merchants. 8hout it ho "Oud that It can allies In ?v*yy direction and let the people of tjlta aectlon of thif-TObo know wjpt thla M(' ?llfi|j|)K iradlij '??eat ?III mean to tbam Tkat* ikit bit co-operattre trad? ? ??K will be of afreat auecraa from every point of *l?w I> atteatod by tke ?Haracter of Oat Krmi tb*t hare thhffr<"l,rVjT* Sfil : ?. ??' Iowa ctyUgg?;* dVl** .O** ur?M MM? ??*? Thcte marchant? ara planning to' make Ali acinar7 the groMaM; Uad'.n^ opportunity ever known tn Wa*Mnf too ror any at bar a la thla la*ctlon'af,tha.ij|M cwtttnp. It then b can to rain, the flres were put out by th? deluge and most of the hunters sought shelter. Under rover of the rain and dark-j nesB Evans mad h's encape to an-i other swamp, a short dis'nnc? away. ? Yesterday morning the hunt was resumed, but the posses fou. tl it ex ceeding!; difficult work to "keep , track of the man. due to th* iwimpi and the fact that ralft tha'night I before had washed away the trail. I Later on in the day aome of the I men came acroaa an old negro's house and Tarned that Evana had ?topped jhere a short time before, | threatening to ahoot the man If ha did not give him food. The negro Informed th~ a*archera that Evana fcrd stated he would give hlmaelt r.p when he ??got" two more men, Chief of Police Smith and Sheriff McLawhorn. He only remained thtra for a few minutes and then ran off into the woods. Last night the search waa again aLandoned on aocount of the rain. It was resumed this morning. Two or three hundr d men are engaged in the hunt. Have Evnn.c Surrounded, i By phnno from KinMon, 11 a. m.) K ans has been surrounded at the Quintrey farms, a few milea form thi? city. The bloodhqnnds struck a nr.- trail < arly this morning and iiic pos*es are confident that they wli: M1' their man In a few hours. More m'n have been sen? for To ?> a!? in th search. Al (by phono from C?reenvi:ic 2 p. m 1 Dave Emit* wm kill?-?! short ly after noon today it few n?l!e* from Ayd?n. The nmro met hln rlentli ?t his old home. A loud of shot, Ami hy \V. I.. Houm* of Winlervllh% M illed his fate. Hoot?? and several others wore approaching the hon.e. When they were still a short distance off, Evans suddenly appearcd in the doorway. With the Mine pistol ulilrli li had falcon from Joe Mcl.atvhoii he BOTH WILSON AND, CONGRESS HAVE SUPPORTERS HERE lYlltJcnl SIHr.fVn Is Fratlf I>1? W. . . .. /.I] the tuj. Thi chief topic of converration on tb? strets of the city Just now !s thrt relative to the situation in { Washington, existing bewern the Da tlonsl Congress and President W!l sot. There fcro found eupportors of The above llat is In no wise com plete, as "a great namber of t^in \ merchants have not fret been eeen j However, a representative of The1 Daily New* will oall on all the mer chanta la Washington and give them an opportunity to unite with those who hero already signified their In tention of participating In the trade week. The mwsAagMMjk? un ite lo the the eeocr sa of IV ?tod the fcfeAer the opportunity of the buying public. took aim at House nod fired. The liiilht mi*wd It? mark. Mr. llnu?* ra:?<-d the ahot join which tic was :u kecUon of tho stat* ' !:i gyetffat situation to a Daily New^^WfcWJsentatlve, declared that the sentiment in the west It ovorwbtlmlngly against tbe President in the present situation. The peopl? foel, h" Bays, that Mr. Wilson has overstepped tbe bounds In making Mich a demand on Confp?as< Matty of those who have support?! hUn heretofore in %v rythlng do 1?ot feel tbat tbcy oan do so now. FORD SAYS hi; 18 not IX PRKftlhKXTlAT. RAOB Detroit, Mar. J.?Henry Ford said today he was not to be seriously eon rider-d as a Republican candidal? for Procent. *1 do not want anting to 4? wfCidMtta. of po)tflca] a"?!lcns." said Mr. >?rd. "The ailng of my nan^ at LantlBt *M d Joke." .. .. k>\