AM t Kit AN S SHOULD BE FORCED TO KflP ? I OFF ARMED VESSELS ? JUDGE O. H. ALLKS. Superior Court Judge Strongly In Fa vor Of Issuing Such Morning To U. S. CitizefcK' COUNTRY FACES GRAVE DANGER If War Were Declared With Germany. \?ou1d Also Probably Have Japan And Mexico To Deal With, Says Judge. _ c That Americans be 'warned to keep off ^1| armed merchantmen and that If they persist- d In travelling on these vessels they should do bo at their own personal risk, w|a the sentiment expressed tikis morn ing by Judge O. H. Allen, who Is presiding at tho session of Superior coort in Washington. "Why should odr retire na tion be made to sutfar for the rashness of a few gtttstM? asked the Judge. "Commsrojal lcm Is the only caus^ far tfeslr travel ling over the sea at tne present time. They 4<>"*o for their owii' personal gain, for tha war ord r| \Jigt they, obtain from , the European nations. ? la It right that al! America should enter the field of strlCa, that we should foresake the happiness and contentment of that thousands of our men and boys should be killed in battle. mere ly- because a few of yqj4e(Usens, .J&w* ?r~ siit In going where thiy have no business to go? "If America goes to war, no one can toll what It will bring forth. When war was first de clared la Europe no one had any idea that It wou'.d last as long as it hM< Many predicted that it would he over within thirty days ? in six months time at the outside. They are still fighting and no one can t 11 when hostilities will c ase. ? "Should America be drawn into the war because of the foolbard lneas of a few of onr people, we * may became Involved In a atrug .g> -which wOl take five mna te-a yeaia to^attle. "With Japan feeling none too tries dlr towards as and with Mexico in a state of tnrmoll, ' we would be subject to dangers on all aid'* "Over a million Armenians were massacred la Europe, but America did not lift A^Jjand. ?Wold we then proeeoftSlrfbrwar ta avenge the lives of?ho one or ? two agents for our big war-order hone?s here, who are taking tbe?jtfah-.ot tr*ysr.iaj oa armed merchan'cnen merely became of the money they are making out NEW PASTOR OF BAPTIST CHURCH The accompanying cut Is a photograph of Rev. Edward B. Jenkins, of Ashevllle, N. C., who last Sunday accepted a cail as pnstar for the Firut Baptist church of this city. j^Mr. Jenkins is a graduate of ^ftke Forest College, of Louis ville Theological Seminary an-1. has been a special student in the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. He has been In Washington for about a.month, as supply pastor, and the good, Impression he has made upon the congregation of the Bap tist Church has led them to -urge him to act as their reg ular pastor. He Is an excep tionally. strong speaker, has an exceirnt delivery and will un doubtedly ably fl'l the pulpit of the local church. ENTERTAINED AT EUCHRE Hre. W. A. Blonnt Va RoKni at Enjoyable Party In Robot of Mr*. Whltakcr. At her homo oa E?t Second itrMt Mre. W. A. Blonnt last -night enter tained a number or fr:endl at a moat delightful and enjoyabln progreislve euchre party, given In honor of Mra. W hi taker, of South Carolina. There ware .?li tablet and the rlrn'ry for honors on the score oardt wai tx tr melf keen. High score waa made hy Mrs George T, Leach, while Uln Kll?|beth Warron wo| the-twenty hand prlra. The font of hover priao wis presented to Mrs Whltakr. At . the conclusion of the card pla; - DISIiHGllQN THIS lifcANa TOP I tt to nr clothes CafVllfoely ci-aced. praaaed and repaired you'll always look dletlntnleli ed and feel better. THY l'9-WK'll (TO IT YOU. , VrniOTTTd 8TCAM PRIM Phone tit on, A. M. Da may, N^jKi^q;j, nhn ftnaU /????! DUV,.t4... T U log, a delicious salad coarse Vlth hot coffee was served, Mies Mae Blount being ^sslsted in tllo serving by Misses Alice Moore. Leonora Bloant, Mary Tankard and Elisabeth Car row. The invited guests were Mes dames W. C. Rodman, Walter Wolfe, | Mrs. Whitakor, Malcolm Worthing] ton, A. M. Dumay, Jft^l Step John Powlt, Carl Rlcl j Moore, limes Hd' Green , Jiecry Bridgeaan, A. 0. H%thawa?v W. A. & Branch. Ed. ew\ B. K Willis, J. D. Grimes, Co'fc l?. ). R. Par QtqL. f% t.Baah, D. T. Tartoa. John Brwaw, %pn Pf?ehaf4. John Rodiaao, Joitirr- RwdrfTph, N U 8'mmons, Caleb Bull. B t. Stawart, Mr. Walton. W. if. William., *. R. Yonnf . W. P. Baugh.m, Harry Mc Mull.n, Edmund Harding. Angu, jUeLMO, Anal" Oullford. Jo* Bock man, E. M. Brown, Charlaa Brown. Francis Coi, John laanog't, K 1 MalUaon, L. Mans. Colli Hardlni. . WTtllam Ellt.oa, ?. O. Mom. A. h. Bowers. Misses Elisabeth Malison, V?m!? Burbank, Fannie Satchweli, Miss Man*y, Maude Wladlgy. Olve Gallagher, Claire Hodges, M|aa Stan di. Ella Tayloe. Msrcia Myers, Mary Tankard, Elisabeth Warren. i (s the Dally Newi brlngers. * v At St. Peter's Episcopal movement is being inaugurate . ;w_ make the month of March a month of church golng._A determined ef fort will ha made by pastor a*d peo ple to see that the congregation dur ing that month art in keeping with the else of the pariah. The Rector, Rev. Nathaniel Hard ing. has addressed the following card to his parishioners: ?% ; ^For the past several months -?ur congregations, on Snnday, | have been rather small consid ering the dumber belonging, to | our parish. "1 am making an effort to in- . crease the attendance and to make March a month of church golog. J ask yon, as a member of St. Peter's Parish, to attend church TWICE each Sunday during this month." It is a well recognised fact that going tai, church or staying away from church Is, like many otfcar things, !?ugpiy a matter of habit. People can easily form ^Uher habit. It Is unquestionably true that many men and\womrn stay at home on Sunday tor no other reason than mat they stayed home the Sunday be fore. I MAKE M\RCH Mr. Harding'* effort* rccted in the present month to in ducing peopie to Mxra dnrla* UArfib the bettor habit, and to XbKLmmSZ* adta every ana of ills mceaVr* t&mt ttnd chnreh twloa weh m W&B lng March. The Rev. Thoi. P. Noe, of Wil mington, N. C., Archdeacon of the Diocese of East Carolina, will aaslst at the S'rvlcea tomorrow, and w'.li adminiater Communion at the morn ing service. THE CRESCITE CLUB Tho Creecite Book Club met with Mrs. i. Harrington Thursday after noon. Tha president being absent, the vice-president. Mire Mae Ayers presided over thn meeting. The first payer of the afternoon was "The European War, the Causes," by Mrs. W. L. Vaugbsn. Another Interest THE IIITHHPRETCT. ? oonnall in 8t. Louis Qlobo- Democrat. BOTH SIDES CLAIM VICTORY IN SENATE Washita?. Mar. 4.? The Brst skirmish, to determine whether *rmA*mxt WM*oa wlljlbe able to in Anm Ccmgr-M ta do Something that it Qoe* *ot w**t to d^and believes ahoald not be don,e ? !ndor;e bis po'. ley with regard to Oermany? result ed In what both aldaa consider a ?Ictory. The fst *0t4 came on the Oore resolution warning Americans not to si!) on arm>d belligerent ahlpe. Realising that b's resolution wou!d cause long debate and even moro confusion than was experienced Ins P?P?r, "The Armi'e and Navies I of Kvropm^I was read. by Mrs. Leu] Davenport. A reading, MMen Who Control the Destiny of Europe." by Mrs. Malcolm Worthington, cor.clud- j ed the literary program. AftT roll call the hostess served a delightful hot luncheon. Next - Thursday fh? meeting will be w!th 1 Mrs. Frank Bowers. during yesterday's stormy evasion, the blind senator by skilful par'.ia metUary tactic* was able to get In a substitute which the annate Toted to, table. The action of bo senate was In direct opposition to that which ti.e President desired. Tb* Care substitute !a an follows: ' Resolved that the sinking by a German submarine without notice or w arning, of an armed merchant vea- , scl of her pfToiic enemy, resulting in V..e il ath of a cltiien of the Unlt cd States, would constitute a Ju3t and sufWffimt (Huso p| war. between the .United States and the' German Empire." ; Pr a. dent Wilson h.ftd iaalatod that jr resolution warning' Americans off b&lllgerent ships should be put be fore the senate and house, And that it be voted down by a substantial majority. Exactly the contrary was th* vote of the senate today. In short, what the senate did do was 1 to table a declaration of war. HEARTY CO-OPERATION OF MERCHANTS ASSURES BIG SUCCESS OF TRADE WEEK Leading Merchants of Washington to Mttke Fare-Refunding Trade Week March 11 to IS, a Week of Real Buying ppportuniiy for People in and Out of This City ? Rait road Fares to A)) Out-of -Town Customers ? Olfe.s An Opportunity to Buy Merchandise at U nprecedented Prices, i ^fFare Refunding Trade Week" Is meeting with the unqualified appro val of th6 .Washington merchants, I | and they are co-operating with Tho Dally News in planning to make the period an occasion which will not only extend its substantial benefits! to the people of the surrounding territory and to the commrrcial life pf Washington, for the time being, j i but to establish for the future a I stronger bond and a gteater | struct! ve pplrlt of connddted betwJej* ; people of adjacent cbiintW merchants of Wkshlagton. '14 % H mercantile nun Say piattfcK desirable result *h*. be 'stiiT >w the Dai:y News' movement; ' they say, that rrefy person _ hero by the publicity ?)ir?n l? p?p r will And Wffilni t barralnV saa! that have ?yr been put befor* th?aa | It. I. i't'/ElltS INTEHHIEW l&WIMKNIlEOflB Wintervllle Citizen Gives Out Exclusive Statement to the Daily .News Regai ding the Killing of ^ Dave Evans Yesterday. GAVE RECEPTION FOR MRS. COLE Occasion Followed Ixcturv Which I W'U Dfllvmd by Mm. (Vic YctitcrdM) Alicrnui.u. In spite of the Indent nt weather, yesterday afternoon, a fairly Rcod si*ed audi nee was present at the New Theatre to hoar Mrs. Cole's lee ture on the subject. "Nov. 1*. Jua-l I and Bad." Thofie who a t did fc-lJ i fully r paid for bra\'.ni? ? " ia it | and cold. The lecture was s. ly intonating arid Instructive and |*aome excellent ideas wor brou?b: out by Mrg. Cole in her dl: cnur?*'. Her word* uiude a deep impression Excel! nt vocal and i. ?trum? nial | music was rendered an J form, il a enjoyable feature of vi?- ai'u-rncon entertaiuinent. Mr. Wr.ght". < Chapel Hill p ayed an cxqu'?'.:e vl lin solo to the accompaniment of | Mrs. Lindsay Warren. Mrs. E. M. Brown also eang delightfully lol Mrs. Warren's accompaniment. Mrs. Cola was most Sf.-ngly introduced | to the meoting by illsa Lean Wivd ley, preald zt of the local Caa-te i. qua circle.. Delightful Rcccptlon. A reception was given In honor of 1 Mi a Cole by Mrs. H W Carter a*. ; hor home on Harvey strocL yesterday afternoon irom 5:30 to C o'clock." Coining from t'ue blustering wind, heavy auo.v and ciiiiliug cold, ti.. gu ^ts fouua the plcisant warmth j and the cordiality o.' their reception I a moat de.ightful ana agj-. table contrail. The receiving Hue isn- j aUiaU of tiie 4tf Uaor, M:?r < Colo and Mrs. McEwen of New Je:-) a?y. /tnd the local C1tnutnn<| ai-o cleverly aud artistically nrrvtgtd about th * room. Hi ti." parlor, maiden-hair f?r::s and asparagus formed the principal mean? of d c-ir atlons. The singing of Miss Rol.ena Carter and Mrs. C. M. Cample 1, Jr. and the playing of M !?. * A^_.- >r. and Miss Kan Latnb llaughion was thor ough'.y enjoyed and appreciated Ly the guests. Dainty refreshments' were served by nn exceptionally at tractive corps of waitresses. The occasion was thoroughly enjoyed by those present and was rarr.rd out ? in the faultless a "id delightful afyie I for which Mrs. Carter is so wel. and ; justly known. NEW OFFICERS ELECTED BY ELKS Annual Mrotlng of Local I.i?1rp Wa* Held LnM Mulil. IMuns Mnde for IIIk Rnnf,!ji't'. The anniiftl mpr?t'ng of Waslrim ton lodge. No. 822, D. P. O. E.t wse -of d?*f|n;t=ly forming pinn3 far the 1 Ktate cohrentlow. which wi y 'mo of j-here this ?winTn<>r. Italians Jake fllt'lP. ' I Pttfcrul* Alar. 4.- It U officially announced tfiaj the Russians have ca*ptur*d {^Itl'.s. Turkish Armenia, about 110 miles southeast of Erto nm near the Hoiiinw u^rn lly of Lake Van. The city was taken by assault Clan Married Men . t n .r.i't I had one foot on th< loorstvy \s .t?-rs Kvuu? suddenly op r..d u parr;* :cn vdoor and appeared elare a.o. He asked me if 1 was ooairg for a.iu. 1 told him 1 was Vou'il u ver get met' he exclaimed. .Villi the words, he raised ^the re olver whi zh he held in his hand, ad ?rcd. I don't surpos* 1 was .-.ore than eight feet away from him ai the tlm* and the bullet couldn't :ave missed me by many Inches. However, I wasn't thinking of that. 1 put the she*, tun to my shoulder p.~il Hrcd ja^k. 1 hit h.m in tho .rnd II o let out some exclamation .? o'.h r :r.u pu; up his revolver to again. 1 ducked behind the iottso and tired through tho win ? o w Tli? shot misled. I heard him : unnitig around Inside of the houne ? itfl i :n*?ftked back "Tfr~ ? Ttt -* " door ?ruir. aftrr reloading my gun, 1 hi ;.!:v ver, It dldn'i stop him f ? .[ ii* 1* ; r trying to g<*t a good shot ?. I o.>iiIdn't gel sight of him, a:ir i,nd fired through !? i : 1 : 1 1 : : . Aft irr reloading again, ?i :>nk "untt-1 in nl! to about $600. Ho will undoubtedly be pa'd this amount as soon a" the niattcr can he settled, llotly is lit (jreenville. Evans' l.ody was brought to CrronUl* la.*-! night and Is now r- poajng n ' tli rnurlhoufc in that ?'iy. Word !s awn ted frr>m tho ? ji f v ?? 1 5: ? y a.: t'> tho disposition of ? enrps". If they do not desire it, ? will pr ;i a!< y Ire hurled at (Jreon Tc, A larc niimbrr of pernors visited 3ip eouf : hou*e thin morning Tor a n't at. t-ie n-->pro. ? Apfiavii l>t.einimi Hen tiered. WwRh;ng"?n. Mar. 4. -The state *1 'oday Kent to Count von Jerrstorff. tho (Jprman ambassador, s d*>rii!oii in the ea*e of the British ^iner Appatr> bro?igK int?0 Hampton Hoad- b\ ? i sia^n. prixc-t cr