XOCAL FEWf ' Vacation trips and Otlier Awards to Be Made by Local Paper Y NEWS TO OFFER Any prizes free ^ ? FULL DETAILS AKE GIVEN BELOW ???ry Reader of the Daily News Has an Equal Chance to Wia a Prize and Secure a Cash Refund as Well Take a vacation at our expense; | tour the largo .cities otMho east ami | the Daily News will be your hoat. As- 1 toanAftg marthe foregoing statement j w*y ^tonnd It la true nevertheless, j Bat the Invitation is ext nded to the | ladles only. The ladlee and girls of Washington and adjoining territory j reached by the Daily Newt. fi x ladles will take an extended ' ? tour aa guests of this paper, all expenses, Including details to add convenience, comfort and luxury to be d frayed. The party will be properly chaperoned and the details enroate and while tight seeing win he attended to "by an experienced -conductor In charge ot the parly, who wl'.j make reservations at hotels, plan side trips, automobile excur . secure a ate at theatres of beet attractions, locate larg vat department stores, most attrac tive shops, and act as guide and In formation bureau in general. Tho Itinerary of the tour le g?ven below, briefly, aa many ot the- most onjtv sole side trips wjll bf planned roots. The party will go from Washington to Nor^pll^ .' Via th Norfolk 8outh*rl Tlftway. Aft. i a short rest and refreshments they will proceed to their reserf^jjyaa .L i W g lln?|| ion -Steamship ^ex^.JVy will dine and eijd yTh? eh* terlalnment altolO#. ship, <mb*i\k:ng from Norfolk to -Washington, D. <*.. aboard the palatial steamerr Arrive tag at the latter olty the followlrg morning. Following the refreshing ehort sea voyage the party will b< ready and sager for a ?lg day of sight-seeing at the National Canlta!, visiting the Capital building lnclud lug the Chambers of the United ? StaUe 8anate, House ot Legislatures. tb?* White House, ths mint snd th? Cnt**d Htate's prlntery where cur rency ana poetage stamps are man ufaetured. Art Museums, Washing ton's Monument, and many other oi< )ects and placda of historical, as we> as of national interest of the preson da/ The evening will bn spent a the theatre that offers the best a' traction, followed by dinner and e ?fpoJ rest In preparation for the n:x day of pleasures From' Washington the pleasure ?Mktri will proceed to Philadelphia, visit the points of interest in the 014 Quaker city, traveling from there to Niagara Falls over the \.i b?rh Va'ley railway In a Pullrnar. attached to one of kth?lr fluevt tntta The trip en rout<\}hroug 1 j On Lehigh Valley is * wonder In *t eelf. In the matter of. sight seeing. This beautiful valley abounds Jnj 40m ?' 11 unsurpassed, varied In de sert ptloA- -and rich In splendor. Livj trlons chairs of the big smooth rid ing Pullman add comfort and ro?* to. the enchanting views seen f otn within, and the exc llencc of the en i sine service afforded from tbe dining car will tlok'.e the hearts ?? well as the palates of tbe now rg tbusiastir. band of eight seers. ? -'The next stop is at Niagara Palls, which la by far the greatest sight of its kind in the entire world; a th!og which Amsrlcan* lure come to re gard in the light of a great AmsrJ emn Institution, rather than acre;? a wonderful sight. Every American ahonid see the mammoth falls as a duly aside from p'ea?ur<\ It is die natloaal. To man 7 It rep tbe spirit r f this great coun and ita peeftle. Wonderonnly ur?. tr#m?mJon-ir irwit- la ?ol ran, throbbing ?=IU Mnllnant, and ?WM Wlt> torw ?nd power tbtt is almost beyond the power of hu man estimation. Niagara Falla In. spires ever/one who gases Into the tr.-xnendoue cataract, the m^re sight of the falls starts one to thinking, realizing the Jilgness of things, th* smal neaa of man. It Is not anight. It ia an Inspiration. Something I J ' be seen ? never to be forgot n. It ' has the charm for man that the ' magnet has for steel. Created If , Nature, unconqu red by man, th;s i ei rifle avalanche commacds respect,! adjuration and instills wonder Into the hearts of all who wa'.ch. PeoplJ ' come from the four corners of tae < artb to gase at It and feel well te paid. Wo at home sometimes de not appreciate our own possessions. Bee a few of the wondors of our own laid ? The Dally News makes it poaei^k, the trip wli.1 be absolutely without cost to you. The party will remain In the' neighborhood of Niagara for two days. Trips will be arranged serosa the border Into Canada, our robust but pleasant young neighbor of the north. Canadian customs will tot observed^ plac a of Interest visited, ra: pica tare the time spent will be ling remember' 11 and as educatldfealj va'.ue it cannot be overestimated, i After * thorough rest the travel I Are WHfeKCjjUSia lot . Jau nty in tuV c?r Ui iub^n;. New York) tbi ?apl^i of tho Bmplro State. Aftet . A.cwlng the piacea if interest in Albany the party will take reserva tions en a Hudson River steamboat, tmbftrking in that manner from Al bany to New York City, tho mecca if the nation. Beauties of a Hudson river voyage d^y description. Scenes depicting the abode of the humble fisherman up to the elab orate homes of the extremely wealthy will be viewed on the trip down this l:lstor!c old stream. Old land marka will be pointed out, objects that are aisoclat d with the exploits .?f Henry Hudson and others of historic \ime. Disembarking Trom the river t earner the party will make their esldenee for s'veral days In one If he large New York hotels. When <? freshed members of the party wll" .iko a systematically arranged tour .f New York end Brooklyn, In a -oauoer that will enable everything vorth while to be seen in a leisure manner. ? Special trips will be ar mged to Chinatown, to Coney Js r.nd. etc. Visits Will b6 util i t;> .Vail Streat, the money market o< ?fc* world. Tbe gr at bank'rL In ~!:t?i#JoDS will be prfr.*ed and y'&Ited. The MkltnUOni nt Morgan and of P.cbkefoirer an-i othert will 'yp of lnteroet. Central Park. ,lh? 7,oilcglea) Gardens and other parkt {?! not? wl!l be reen., (tea the weatt'i /? (Jotnam in *pl odor and *? pa* .aJe on Fifth aVenne. Mui^uiua, Ubrarlea of note, towering atryaerai* ?i? tnd the bualeat trade marts of '.'i? cat. on. inspect the shopa wh<re^ J i*ftlca? for 1 a4>* are approved or rajaetod, and where they are treat? n Wn'.fc 4own Broadway ard Tlew' ?4h* ?ne*t aryl moitf extensive tliaa 'rieat dldbict Jn the world.. Lan:n a; reitanrlitti tbjt aye Itnowd by. Inarife throifghout thpafntlfa. woald. i Vtaf( tbe bftul' varfavnei with phi; the foe' 4V flm and mdul_j mil' -lonalrft, Take * tVjp tATOftgHj tna aAnj'?t?<i read mflTl ^u">? MtUnj?it worh-j laj tion m Mahh%H?ifaTC * **<i ? thing bared and talked of for *om? tlnse If vomo. you will w the National ' ? . '? FALLASKSP SOOlfiliPS INVADE MEXICO : r MEXICAN QUESTION BREAKS OCT IN CONGRESS. TO TAKE action today; - MAY DECLARE WAR Officials In Washington Declare that Massacre of Antericaas Has Creat ed a Most Serious Situation. . ? 'Jli Washington, March UL ? The Mexican question broke oat In Con gress late today- Senator Fall, of New Mexico, announced that he had prepared a r- solution to authorize recruiting of an army of 500,000 to 1c terrene In Mexico and aid the ex isting authorities In stamping otr br'gandage, whl'e In the house Rep r sentative Mondell, Republican, of Wyoming, atarted debate with 8 speech attacking the administration'* Mexican policy. FoTfnft] request for permission tr ?end American troops across th" border to hunt down VH!a and blr bandits who raided Columbus, N M., rarly yesterday, has been made to General Carranxa by Brigadier General Pershing at El Paso throagh Andres Garcia, Carranza consul there. While a reply from CmCrranxa i? awaited, live troopa of the 13th cav alry are ustoss th~ border under or drrs from their commander. Colonel j Slocum, not to go ? more than two miles into the interior. , M-tropolls and become familiar wit many things of which you hav heard or read In the past. TTnde lbs guidance of a chaperons and wit! ] asslstanco of K conductor who malo every arrangement for you, permit ling you to hare no other though than ef enjoyment. Take a kodak if yon wish and you | will hare remembrances ef tho torn long after It has been finished. Ths party will attend theatres ;n New York, In houses that rvre fa moua throughout the land. The party will leave New York on ths Old Dominion Steamship, pass under the shadow of the S'atue of Liberty bound for Norfolk. The short cruise will enable each mem ber of the party to rest fully after the busy days of New York. Ai Vorfo'.k a general visit will be paid o that city, taking In Ocean Vlow Park and other placo*. A 11* tie rest ind the returning pilgrims will take to the comfortable Pullman of the Morfolk Southern bound for Wash ngton ? then hom~, ? back to tho, place that after all la nearest to the J heart. - , I But when you arrive home you are far richer than when you departs J I ? the tour was at the expense of Daily NqWS. It cost you nothing, but ( you t*ln d a stock of knowlcdgo that will be useful and always a pleasure. Friends will be Interested in your deseriptloaa ef ?lacee. of peop>. -?f cities And things In genral. They wli: gase at yonr kodak pictures eagerly. Probably yon will have one or yevrself with th? gfeat Niagara' Tails "1? the background, on ths steps: of the National Capital or at som^i favored spot on Broadwsy with ttr>?0e of the great theatres or re-- ] tsuranvs making the background. The trip will he an rfverlsatlriK | >lsasurp. hlgh'y educational. an \ niaby times in the futnre 'lt wtU b?J pride to he able tji with friend# tir 'j with InHipate kaowl'df; ?ftmgs at 4. distance. . Th. ?rtr wl I I-** ,ly 6th. B?. Da ?w?r4-vi It 1M ?Mk?. July I ttma for t t*hlUo. j t i at time the e^e mo.t ?ttr?ctlT? tn ??>? ??r tU>t " I8CIOUS FOR HOURS. > OVER $av?d by chance ' W J 'f 'lit Don n Df One at B M PUj M?t?. .Not to Snie Him Bat "To Bee Hi* Head Hit Che Qround" When He Fell. Harry Mcllh nny, the elejtn-year j ild ton of Mr. and Mra. W. .Ht Me- I lhenny. who yesterday narrowly ?scaped death by hanging, la fconsld 1 ably lmpraved today and It Is now oelleved wli: not suffer anyf after ffects from iho uoar-tragefti- He .?as unconscious from 6:30 ?|Mter iay until after mldnfght ana for Jffle time It was feared tt^at he ^ould be unable to survtr^ th*. strangling which be had rrcttired. "1 be boy, together with several other lads, was playing in the yard jack of the home of F. C. Kugler on Main street. Harry waa sitting In a awlcg while the otherfwer* playing ball. He unravelled a loose j>lece of string, whieh bad been w*?pp?d around one of the ropes and fasten d It Around h!b neck. In some man ?or he slipped out of the swing and waa suspended by the neek. His feet were on the ground and he bung tt an agio <1 about thirty degrees from the ground. flow long he remalnefln this po tion is not known ? perhaps twoH r three minutes. The other boys tally saw bin predicament but did' ot rea lze his dang r. Frank Kug ;r, one of the lads who was- playing vith the others, took out his knife nd ran up in back of Harry. He eut he ntring by which Harry was aus lendud. not through any intention >f rescuing him, but "to ace his head tit the ground." It was throQgft i!r playfulness that the boy's life was saved. Even after Harry h*d ?>een Cut down, the boys did not rtla-1 x his predlcbmen* and thought that le was "playlrg 'possum." They proceeded to padd'.e him good end iard in order to make him got up. When he failed to do so, however, tbey b'gan to realire that something lerlous had happened. At about this time, Mr. Kugler, bearing the disturbance, ran out In the yard. He fcprned the unconscious lud'over and fciuud that he was scare ly > roath ns. By working h!e arms, he qpana&fJ to Increase th* <rn of the Inncn. y Srowu waa summoned and Mr. Kugler carried lie ioy into his house, where he re main d urti^ten o'clock that night. He wna then taken to the home of lis parents. Shortly after midnight he regained consciousness. (Continued on p*?? S) % Coflfeh Pftrfis Fatal to Man. Headiti". Ta.-^Calvtii |. Rebrer. <di [Hi* ftofifoUS. tM salted wltb a t;<* Unit < otwbU)a a 'tack and burnt a Mood ?SMwrnerl i hot followed and deatb HP UV be fclf a doctor came. la the tfefl? Vewa ..^.w ??> ??AfO.Od. ^t)ther Award*. In addition to six tours as out l!nej above the Dally News will five, nway five ladles' Joweled Elfin watches In fold cs*?s guaranteed (or twenty years. This make of watch H too weir known to reqtolro further dee^ription. Not oaly are they ft fcf avtlfn'. article If Jewelry bat nn F>urptfs?ed ae reliable time keefra. Their Amy be used as a wrist watc'n, or ,|n the regular manner, 'rf y * Ht? Laraltere*. '.Five beautiful lavalieres will be [iw^rded also. Dainty and beautiful Articles, set' wltb a small dlamoud, I <>le?ee of Jewplry thst will delight' :he heart of any lady. I I' - S: ZAMPORIED A3 BEING 8fl ELSE HELD H PRISONER Entire Mexic^isLDeclared to be in a State Of Revolt and Many Up1^ are * Reported Taking Place There. ? v Ci _ RESOLUTIONS, DECLARING WAR, ARE BEING PREPARED VILLA'S MEN ! flREDEFEAIED U. 8. Troop* Hive Returned to the ! Border. Fun* ton Alki for More j \ Mi-u to Protcct Texas Towns. Washington, Mwch 10. ? General Funston has ased fokr troops to pro tect the towns along the Texas bor der. He stat'-s tba.t as long && Villa la allowed to remain at large, j tiie entire border couu'ry will be [ endangered. Troop? are Movinc. San Antouio, Tox., Mm-ch 10. ? A | g nera) activity on tbe pari af tbe: troops along the Texas border gives Intimation of tbe fact that steus are being taken to prevent any further > Decurr neoa of tbe type that took place at Columbus, N. M.. yosterday. | Villa's Men Defeats. San Antonio, Tex., March 10.: ? 1 The U. S. troops who yesterday gave | chas-> to Vi la's men, have returned ; 'o the border. They report a run-! alng engagement with the bandits on the other aide of the Rio Orando and state that a number of th^ Mex icans were killed. GAVE OUT NEWS WHILE STILL HOTj Dully News Bulletins In Washington, : Belhaven, Aurora and Bath Told I fit Mexican Trouble. Considerable Interest wai rnsn! Tested l>y loca. r?i?;<5t .% ?v?r yesterday's d velopmenta on tb* Mexican border. The Dally News received a special bulletin, telling of he lTght at Columbus, at about six :'clock. Bu letln* w re Immediately, posted In various stores in the city md an announcement of the occur rence read In the New Theatre. Due to th- work necessltp.tnd yesterday's "Trade Week Edition," we were unable to get out an extra, but managed to give out the n ws 'o the people It *hp we.-? at* ? :on . d i: BelhaVen, Aurora and Bath. (Special to tho Daily News) Washington. March 10. ? The invasion of Mexico was formally ordered this afternoon by the president. Resolutions declaring war again?; Mexico are being prepared. Carranza is reported as being either dead or in jail. XumcrdBa minor conflicts have taken place on the border today. Entire Mexico is declared to be in revolt. Many uprisings ar? reported. Congress is giving its entire attention to the Mexican situation. The above are today's sensational developments in the Mexican situation and give the most exciting new? that lias developed re cently. Tt i.< now apparent -lint a state of warw exists between the I'nited Siafi-s and Mexico. How far I lie action will pi is unknown, but if is believed aiii'Hi^ Mllii-izi 1 <*ircl < in Wa^li i 21 ?jrt? -i? that President Wilson's patience has been exhau^te*] ami thai he will p<.* the limit in punishing tho bandits, who yt-stcrday slew the Americans at Col umbus, X. M. BIG TRADE WEEK STARTS TOMORROW Fare Will be Refunded 10 all Out-of-Tt.wo Cus'omers. Big Business Week Expected. Special Arrange ments Have Been Mad*1 Tomorrow begins a wepk which' J. K. Hojf. wlll^b^ of *p cla'. interest ro every" s??,|t|n # nriry. cay." 'ia.e lca.Lt>*; uitti< i.?iwt? if * * -,mv cliy will stsrt their grout co-op??ra-^ '*? Su-wurt. ? lve faro rpfundlng sal . and will' K. I !tr-x>k?. w refund Iho raMroa.! tare to a I c.u!- H?rri? Hardware Co. of town customers, who buy a eerta u ' , I (I I WITH ItrON. Co. Amount. "Spceial bSTRalna are offered and , 1 1 llu. kii iin K Siin. special arrangement* hav- lippn made' K- '*? Willis. by pit of the Mores that are po on- : wpJhJ.Ch Si '-am ivr^-ine Work*. erating !n this groat aa'?. Many vi*- j Mora .re expected In Wn.hinjr-HI I " no: d??rf?ir th* next W ek to tHke silvan- ' ?M of t!i*lr poods at one stero .? , . ,|.r .n hHV,. t T:e1 r fare refunded. *.???" (.f Pinetown, ap*ju? and eumui-. (, -ujj o:.:-rr i. ??r i.. y < imi- by rail or not, necessities. will haro their fare refunded one Tho sale promises to do more to- ^oy if ihey purchase $7 worth of raids developing batistes in Wash- frocds *nd both ways if they purchase Ington than any -move that has been J 1 3 wor'h. They csn buy goods to started In year#. Great Interest Is the amount of one or two dollars being manifested by the pople of frem ji? of th* above-m?ntionod the rural districts, who 'will aleo be merchants, sbcure tickets, showlog refunded an amount eiusl to th.it :iow much they have bought, a&d which they would have paid for rail- ? tb*n hare the money paid them, road fare. The following merchants The advice to afl is "Do your are co-op'ratlcg In this great salo shopping early la the week." Skating Tonight At the ARMORY Admission Free ??*? ^HBinxnwl

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