WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS PITBLI8HED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT STTinjAYS. 41 Mcoiui-elui matter, Augu?t 5, 1909, at lie poatoffic* oi Waahiajttoo, N. C., under the act of Sftroh 9. 1870 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Una iiocth ? M Four Month* ....1.00 Kx Month. ??? ?vr. v? ? i?i?i ??? a a n?"? 1.50 One Y ear 8.00 Sabacriptioiui must bt pmid for in advance. If paper is ?; ?t re- 1 ecaved promptly, telephone or wrile this office. Subscribers dcsiris* the paper diacontinued, will please notify this office, otherwise it wiU So con tinned at regular subscription rates. JAMES L. MAY0.a.?..?- Paopai*TOR GARL GOERCH Editor WASHINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA, MARCH 11, 1910. | PHOOLISII PHEELINGS. When, alter you've crankcd your auto for half un hour and ex amined every part cf the engine, you suddenly happen to thiuk ui" J looking into the gasoline tank ? and tine it empty. Thinks to be jrrat ful t"->r: That Washington. N. C\. i< exaelly on ? thousand four huudred and seventy-nine miles from the Mexican' border. Why is it that the old lady who is so deaf that you hove to repeal every scntcr. ? . i.\ .? -even times in order to p't you, can hear di tinctly wh? :? v??u liiV-f- n to whisper to a friend that she's a tw ? faced eld Leu ' "Over in Wa>hin;r! ti 'lie mayor divided that he didn't tv.mt tb 5< u?> at each * ?t K r'- thr as it's cettitiir -? that a t\li?e.v h;i - r . to?k -!? -_r-ir Mined hard before i can liiei .i c.'uu ' vy -r" wink- he?**r- the 1'iiiicd Stales and t!i ut coc.r.tn' are engasr-d 1 j . . ? ui 1 warfar?\. Ther?> is ti? ? qr.t-t;o?i In 'hai fin- provocation ha? brvn gr.w Mexico d ?????? ??? 5 ; v-#* r h** I'lti'i-I State- t-r s- tin- "n.-rh-r an 1 ]"?' an end tin- an-< - : 1:ut !i;im4 1 ? **-n ir? >iiiir ??? ?l? -..i: th:-Jv ]"? ?' .the last sev. :.il vents. But there is nimth-r a mil" n? view the matter from, and that i?: Who is behind it all What caused Villa to leave his own count r and make a r:t i -i on \m?"r'->n soil ' Of course it mi ah: be said that bo was enraged over the rreesrnitton of Carran*a '???? r womM h.irdiv seem probaVlc that he won! J have made the at'.j-.-k vpon. Columbus. X. M., merely in order to enlist the V: '.--A Stat'.-.- ? v. the side of Catranza and thus cause his own del . . On tL- .-lii-T .ianJ. what i?o::er plan could German v. Japan or some other c ? mi try. whieh d'C^noc feel any too friendly toward* the United Sta:e?. itavi- devis d than to send Villa acro-s ;he liorde* and thus cau-e us -"iid .'ir rro.jp* to the Kio Grande and devo' our entire n't. ntioti Mexi-r revenue over il?e d'-ai". of till isi ? A:tc ri' .iiifi and while. a- we haw -aid bef.ov. we have 'jn cause f"r inv.iditJir M.x'w . i- v*-ou!d U> w< 1] t. . pr-'ce d cui'tiMiidv oti'l to watch elo-i r any a.'ivity on the part of tlio armies and fleets of belligerent powers. TIIK F.N" l? OF ft A 15 Y WEEK. Today ?'?)? ? ^ a p>*ri"d of six days which has been ? tverved in thousands of communities through, -ui the Cuited State-. "Da!; Week.'* Special ins'rueti n- have hern given to mnther* rt *g: ? rd in. the proper nv lh?>d of caring for I i : r I r ? ones. The week i- h'.nnd ?? be of great henetit and ?h"i;ld materially reduce 'lie number of chi! } dren who die in itifanr-y. A prominent New Yurk physician, in an article on the subject < T infant mort.'iliry. -.late. that th" majority *f "Rahv Week.' however, valuable iiistrueti.ni- have been imp. " i)i?.rr-;m 1 ? f motliers. and ?prU whf? expect to !"? eome ttmfh- r*. Tii" it. r i a- a wh? le will V?? ri"fi t through 111: teaching and it i.^ 1;? ?] i. ? I ; 3: ji t rhi- phin will lie fcdl ?wr-'l every yrar. The 1 *i 1 1 1 iti th? S-.i'f are [dritining to rail a conv-nfo ti s' an early rfa' -. We j ???? I * ? ? * tiui' the m-t i mr will !?? nhont a- -liml;. attended as .1 .-or .? ut: i- < \ Iimim Iv girl-t :ti Wa-hingt??n. F.lMrOFJS FX V KWSI'APF.nS. ProliaMv matiy r?;i''ers have wandered wliv it -):n' n'^v^p^n- r ro often make rri'.r1, *('!?, -c frp-r- ft-.. re" varietir'i : graiiiituti ical, mer-hnnifal and thi* iitildi-hi' s y-u af- ? r< ? >.f rh' ?" who hav- said: "I wi-h this rrp. ?rf' ,< oou Id have gott ri the f:wf? <.f t)ii thing -traiglit," "r "Thi-* nrliel' F oertainlv i^ wri^en jMf.rlv, f wond'T if *lie n'???r fi-di do---n*t know any hc'tter." nr "IT'r*- a funny one: the make-up man mu?t hav gotten flie^R-"iig head r.ver lhi? arti.de.'' i Kvery nFw-pap'T ef?n-v-!e?itioiisly strives to he rr.rr^rt in all mn* ters, bui there are go d excneea for thoao orrora whi^h so fre'tu^ntl* ^reep into the ff>ltimn?. Xewapaper work i* rush work. Kvervthing is done in a htirrv. The n?w? is secured in a hurry, in order to nerve it fresh to ihe readers; the writing is done in a hurry, th? proof reading is ni??hrrl through with and the printers have to keep Rustling all thr fimo. Tf everyone didn't eontinuon?lv keep rn the go, the paper would he held up. mails would he missed and news i/WOvild he stale hv the time the paper* were out ??n tho stre^fq. i Of course the greatest of rare is usually exercised, hut when th' re inaisten' howling for "copy" and the rush in try in# to grt the , out on time, it is little wonder that error* manage to crerp in. Daddy's Bedtime ? \ Story Bangkok, the Cty That Had 10,000 1 HnJw Dogfc Th?y L>k? Ail iorta ?f Petting. "T\OWN 111 tb# *>"?* coram of Asia.* daddy told fats chQdten. ? "there U a kingdom. 81am, which has a wonderful city by tbe nana* of Bangkok for lta capital. Now. tba etrange thing aboat thla cltj was that Its people Old not believe In taking tbe Ufa of aaj llrlnj thin.? It la part bf thalr rellglou not to dcetroy Ufa. Bo whan paopla moved av or died and 1K| pats with no one to take care of them theee poor aol ni. troyed about the atreeta of Bangkok, homeleea and unfed, till at times thero were a* manias 10.000 atray cats and dog* roaming a boot" "Didn't anybody feed them?" aaked Jack. "The Slameea people an very fond of animate, hot there la hardly enough fo<& for even podr children. So tbe poor dogs and cata bad to get on aa they could Nobody was allowed to throw *tone^ at thla throng of animate, and the rudest street bay In Bangkok would not think of pelting them. Bome of tbe cats Lave do bait, &ud disease makee them look very uoptaaianL But klnj hearted priests often rub the poor things with cocoanot oil and '1ft them Into the aliudc out of tbe ecorchlng rajs o( the hot tropical son. So with a great deal of kindness shown them these poor Slameee creators* still had a hard life, because what all anlmala like beat of aU la plenty of good food." "Taey're something Ilka children, aren't they?" amlled Jack. "Very much!" daddy agreed. "1 once knew a man who visited Bangkok, and be told ma that nlghta U was almost impossible to sleep because bo many handreds of homeleea doga bowled uud fought In the streets. But Siamese cata are very gentle and make t>euutlful pots. Tbev have charming long allky fur and pink eyea. with heavj tufts of fur on tbe tip* of their tails. They like all aorta of petting. This friend of mine once seut a pair of them to a lady be knew, and ahe waa de lighted to play with tbctik. She fed them daintily with warm tailk and boiled rice. bcratuc meat, which tboy had never had, aiwaya made them sick. Bhe kept them In tbe coldest place In her home, awaj from all drafts and wind, letting them outdoors only ou warm summer days. But ahe coo Id not keep tbf.n in n cirthltuid, and the poor things died like atrangera in an unfriendly country. Y<>u will be glad to know that the king of Slam a few yeara ago gave cuouzh money to build kennels for those 10.000 homeleea doga, so that now the streets of Bangkok are quieter." said daddy. "Could we linve a cat from Slam?" asked Jack. "I'd rather have an American kitty!" cried Evelyn. And daddy promised her In return for a big hug. POWER OF PRAYER. ! J Mother V/ill Mortgage How# to Go taj Her Kidnaped Children. I.^s Ativclex, Cnl.? Caser to see he?| two kidnaped fruuj her tlfterui y c:\r-* nsn m?l Just found after n search ' the never abandoned. Mrs. Ella Ham- J 1:. n t d?'*'!:;red that *he would mortgage' her link1 home aiifl '?o to them nt once. I "It was f!u? iwwcr ?if prayer." she! said. in telling how. after inquiring j h. use to bouse to the cities of | many st rites. clu* nt Inst discovered the | v cal outs of her boy und ?lrl In ! O!. :i boiua. I i Mis. Rambart was llvintr with her husband :it Mount Vernon. Mo., when he i* hu->b.,ud k.dnaped the children wl:Uo s!:o v. as -k. As soon us she re ijVvte l *lii? started the search which lasted for sixteen years. LOVED THIRTY YEARS. Second Suit, When Woman Wae j Widow, Proved Successful. Aldon. la.? A romance of thirty year 020 na? concluded here lately whe Robert H. Lucas of Chicago marrie Mr*. Aila B. Dewey of Mllford. la., b. boy boot! sweetheart. j The r.'Cinriee began when both wer at Verona. 111., but Mr. Lt cas was not successful then. Bom years ago Mrs. Dewey's husband died *ikI Mr. Lucas beard she wa.s a wldon He renewed his courtship and won thi second tluie. They were mn riled by the Rev. W G. Mulilemnti. a Methodist minister who U the husband of one of Mm Dewey's daughters. The Rev. Mr M 'ilik'in.in lias ill*? ? performed tb-> wed dlnir.* 1 if twn oilier of Mrs. Dewey': daughters and Uer two sons. I I r nils OUT? It Is Worth Moor* I DON'T MI S3 THIS. Cut out thir . Blip, enclose with 5c and mall It to j Foley ? Co.. Chicago, 111., writing your nam" and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial pack .i:;e containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for lagrlppe. coughs olds and croup; Foley Kidney PIIIb ?'or lame ba?:k, weak kidneys, rheu ? iiat^m, bladder troubles, and Fole> !a:har:5c Tablets, a wholesome an'i horoughly ciean*ing cathartic, fo? on*upat:on, biliousness, headach* -d s iiegiah bowels. Dnvonport'i I Pharmacy. XOTICK OF SALE. By \irtue of th*> power of sale con 'a!ne1 In a mor'jrage deed executed by Edward Debrow and wife to th ?iiidersiKned, recorded In Book 148. ??age 131. Register's office of Beau ."ort County and herein referr d to. I will ofTer for sale at the Cour' ?Jon#*? door of npaiifo"1' bounty to 'h" highest bidder ?o- -rrt *h Sn< i-d-iv. th* Dth d.-'. . * A orll. 1016 it 12 o'c'ock noon, the land anr1 j irefr's K conveyed in paid mortgage ro-w"t : Those two tracts or parrel^ of land lying and hfilng In Beaufor* County. North Carolina. Washing'on Township, adjoining the lands of W II. Ru*s Bros. po. and otherH anil n'orc fully described an follows, to w!t : FIRST: That certain lot of Ian' | situated in the City of Wanhingtor on the ca?t side of Respass Street, and beginning on the east sldo or Rpspasn Street extended at a jiofr 84 feet nor?h of Respans and NlnC I Streets ??xtended, and thence run ning rorthwardly a distance of 2' feet; thence eaatwardly parallel with N'nth Street a distance of 100 feet; th^nre southwardly parallel with Re-.pa?* Street a distance of 28 feat and then wcstwardly paral'el with Ninth Street 100 feet to th^ begin ning on R??BT>ass Street. It being a part of the "Pate" lsnd, SKPftVI): That certain lot of land situated in said City on the ^ast side of R'upas* 8treet and beginning on ino p?at side of R?f 100 feet to the heirlnnlnjt on Rea >a-?* fltroet. It bwln* a part of the Pafe" land. This Rth day of March. 1918. I OUy C. HARDTNO. o Mortrw^e FAMILY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNESS ?j Btttf CwuUndy StppDed WiU TWIford's BUrJt-Draagfci. McDufl, Va.? "I suffered for serer# rears," says Mr*. J B. Whittaker, 0 ers place, "with Kick headache, aiv> itomacb trouble. Ten year* ago a friend told me to tr* rv.fdford'* Black-Draught, which I -i 1:0 5th Monday after the 1st Mon ' cf March, It being the' 10th da? if April, 191 6. and answer the com plaint, which will bo deposited it I he office of the Clerk of the Super .or Court of said county within th* ' first three days of nald term; and: Jet the said rW?nd?nt take notice, that If It falla to anpwer'the corn paint within the time required by law, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint. Hereof fall not. and of this iun> ?nons make due return. Olven under my hand and teal of ?s.tld court, this lBtb daj of Febru ary ,1?1?. OFJO. A. PAU& Clerk Superior 112-10tc Nutlea All credltora of H. M. Jenkins Cd. are hereby notified to flit their claims against said estate, duly Itemised and verified, with th? un dersigned Receiver, within sfcity days from the last publication of tbla no tice, or, this notice will be pleaded n bar of tbelr recovery f. This 22nd day of Pebrqar}, 1916. ' EDWARD L. STEWART, JUwrtT.r H. M. JenklM Co POULTRY and EGGS THE PRODUCTION OF GREEN DUCKLINGS ___ [Prepared by Uaft?d States department at agriculture.) Intensive duck farming 1b sold In a new publication of tbe* United Status department of agriculture, bulletin No. 607. to bare proved In general mora successful on a large scale than In ten aire chicken raising. Peking duct* in particular, which are used for the pro duction of green duckling*, stand con finement well, are more easily brooded and are less subject to disease than chickens. On the other handTtbe mar ket for green ducks is confined almost entirely to the large cltleMUid the pro spectlve duck raiser wllW> well there fore to lurestiipite tbo marketing as well as the producing possibilities of the industry. Green ducklings are marketed when from eljrbt to twelve weeks old. at PEEXSO DDCKH ABOUT KKVEX vrt.EKS OU IN TAtt DXiU which time they should welch froir four and one-half to sis pounds. The duck farm Rhouid l?e located or. light snnily soil. generally on siophii land, which can he kept sweet and clean Good shipping futilities arc ueceswarv in order both to market thi product satisfactorily and to bring li suppllos. Convenient watering ar nuigeiuenta are essential, too. us duck. requlro a large nmonnt of drinking wa ter. It Is also advUable to allow con siderable yard space, and doable yards which may be rotated and planted to quick growing crops are useful on large farms. Simple buildings similar to hen houses are used for breeding ducks. A shed roof house from twelve to fifteen feet deep, seven feet high in front and four feet in the rear U satisfactory. A good alzt-d muslln/cunaln aud one win dow In the front of each pen makes o good front. Plenty of ventilation is es eentlal, and In the south It is usually advisable to have an opening under the oaves In tho rear of the house for this purpose. Plenty of litter should be used on the floor, and the ducks should be allowed to make their own nests, because they ore more npt to break their eggs If nest boxes are used. A convenient formula for estimating the size of the house or pen la to allow si* feet of floor sj>ace for each duck. Mating the Flocks. Ordinarily from live to six males are allowed for a flock of th'rty fq males. About the 1st of May this number may be reduced |o one male for every seven feioa!e>? and later lp the year still further. % Neither the Peking duck. used chief ly for the production of green duck* for market, nor the Iiulinn Kunner duck, which holds In the duck family a position somewhat similar to the Leghorn in the chicken family, is" a good sitter. In rousequence practically all of the large farms hatch their egg# In Incubators. Formerly lamp Incu bators of from 200 to 400 egg capacity were used, but In many cases these have he**n replaced by the Inrcer size' Incubator. Duck Incubators are usual ly kept at a slightly lower, tempera ture than those used for chickens. For tho first three week* the machine should be kept nt ahout 102 degrc?s F and for the Inst week at 103 degrees or slightly higher nt hatching time. It Is usually advisable to supply moisture j for ducks' eggs during the last week or ten days. All eggs should be tested at least twice, during Incubation, preferably on ! the seventh and fourteenth days, and the Infertile eggs removed. Those with dead germs should also be taken out it once, as they decompose very rap Idly. The^ln fertile eggs make good feed for ducklings or enn be n:ied foi cooking. The testing shon'd be done In s dark room nn:l the lnrr-e end ol the egg held up. a-> that the she of the air cells may be seen. When Jie^d be fore the tester an Infertile e?g will look perfectly clear, much llko a fresh egg. The fertile egg. on thr? olhe; hand, will show a amnll dark Spot known an the embryo, with a mass ol little blood veins extending fn nil dl reetlona. When tlie embryo I* dcart the blood settles nwny from It over tb. edge of the yolk, forming what 1? known as a blood ring. After th? fourteenth day eggs with living em bryos are dark and partly tilted up. The brooders and brooding system# used for chickens give good results If MJliif ducklings. LEAVES 104 DESCENDANTS. AtUntlo City'* Oldest Resident Oiee *t 8h? Neare Century. Atlantic Cftyr will apply to the Court upon th return day of said summons for sue: elief as it may be entitled. Witness my hand this the 20th da. of January, 1916. GEO. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court. l-22-8wc. NOTICE. orth Carolina ? Beaufort County, iperior Court ? Before the Clerk, enry Odon and Barbara Oden, vs. llllan Campbell, Chas. Harvey, jguntuB Bonner, Belale Bonner indley, Moses Bonner. Calvin impbell, Cicero Harvey, Pbylla arvey. To Calvin Campbell, Cicero Harvey and Pbylla Harvey; Notlco le Hereby 0!ven: That an action, entitled aa above aa been Instituted before the Clerk f the Superior Court of Beaufort ounty, North Carolina, for the pur os? of partition Of tho land known ? the Campbell land, the petition In hlch la on file In the office of the lerk of the Superior Court of Beaa ">rt County. North Carolina; the ummona in which action la return bio before the C!erk of the Superlot 'ourt of Beaufort County, "NorU arollna, on the Sat day of March 916, when and where the defend nts are required to appear and an wer or demur to the complaint o h relief therein demanded will b 'ranted . Tula 28th day of February, 1916. GEO. A. PAUL, Clerk Superior Com*. HARRY McCULLAN, Atty. 2-28-4wc. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of power of aale con tsined In a certain mortgage deed executed by James Barrow and wlf 'to the undersigned, dated on the 1? day of December, 1914, and recorded in the R'giRter'a office of Beaufort County In Book 182, page 216, 1 wJU ocer for sale to the highest bid der for cash at the Court House door of Beaufort County on Monday the 3d day of April, 1916, at 12 o' clock noon, the^followlng described property: Bcginulng at a corner In the line ? f J. F. Smlthwlck 82% poles from J he main road and running North tS % West with J., F. Smith wick > line 25 % poles to a corner, thence N. 87% E. to a ditch In the leld at a cart road, thence 8. 16% East 16% poles to the Cordon l'.ne, thmce 8 87% W, to the beginning, containing six acres excepting a cart road on East aide of the above land deacrlbed Dated and pogted this tho 9bd day of March, 1916. J. O. MAYO. 3-1-4WC. WOTtOTB or ADMWIBTRATIftlf Having qoallfled M admlnlttratoi of CornMlaa Blackledce, deeeaeeri late of Beaafort County, North Car olina, thla Is to notify all person bATlDg claims against the aetata o* said deceased to axblblt then to lb undersigned on or befora January 19, 1017. or thla notice will b pleaded in bar of their recovery. All p?raona Indebted to Mid aetata wir pl^aae make Immediate payment. Thla January II, lilt. JONATHAN HAVBNB, Administrator MWn HARRY McMCTLLAN ATTORNMT-AT-LiAW L?afhlQ?hou?, Bnltdlnc. Comer Second ud Market Ste. ???????? N. L. slmmoDi w. L. Vanjthaa SIMMONS ft VAUGHAN lawyers Rooms ll-14-lt, Lanfbfngbona* Building. WaiblDgton, H. 0. ??? ?????? ? ??????? ? G. A. PHIM.TP8 4 BT.O. FIRE INSURANCE WASHINGTON. N. 0. JOHN H. BONNER Attorner-at-L?w WASHINGTON, N. O. NOTICE OF BALR. By Tlrtue of power of sale con tained In a certain mortgage deed executed by D. B. Mlzoa to the na der signed, dated on the Sd day of December, IMS, and recorded in the Register's office of Bean fort Connty In Book 174, page 888, 1 will offer for tale to the highest bidder for cash at the Court Honee door of Beaufort County on Monday, the 8d day of April, 1916, at It o'clock noon, the following described prop erty: I Beginning at the fourth corner of Lot No. 1 In the O. 8. H. Road and running with said road to a marked pine, the corner of Not No. 4; then 8. 18 W. to the ran of Dtithau's Creek; thenoe up th* run of said creek to the corner of lot No. I; thenoe with the line of tot No. t 8 88 W. to the second corner of lot No. 1; thrnee with tbe lino of lot No. 1 N. t I. 85 1-11 poles, to tbe third corner of said lot; thence 8 87 tt. to the . beginning containing II 1-8 acres. Dated snd potted thl* the lltb day of February. 1818. T. M. BEACH AM W. A. THOMPSON. Attorney. 8-88-4*0. ?absent* to the Dally Hews. ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE t DAILY NEWS GIVE RESULfS