THK DAILY mcWB PKINT8 BORE LOCAL JTUMBEE 58. CARRAHZA&iCABINET URGES WAR GOVERNORS SAY TROOPS AREJEADY NEWSPAPER CANVASS SHOWS THAT MANY STATES HAVE TROOPS PREPARED FOR ACTION. EAGER TO SERVE Mtmmm, Illinois, Ytrglnia, -TwMWMe, Ohio aad Tndtsna Are Among Those States That Have MiUtla tn PreparcdncM for Mexico. Following are message* received by a New York newspaper from Oov ernors, firing their estimates of the number of guardsmen their States could furnish for use In Mexico: Kansas Troops Ready. Topeka, Kan.. March 11. ? Kansas ? oak furnish two regiments, two addi tional companies of Infantry, one . battery artillery and one signal corps, : a 1 fully equipped and re?dy for sei^ rim. ARTHUR QAPPER, Oovemor. Illinois Offers BI2 Force. Sprlngfle.d, 111.', March 11. ? Upon' oall of the Presidont, Illinois will mobolixo wthln three days eight regiments of Infantry, one reg ment pf cara ry, one signal gorps and two batteries o?*artillery, ful'.y armed with modern Fcdsral equipment. E. F. DUNNE, Goternor. ?r r? i - ";1+- - * * 1 VtrpaiM Ha, www. Mea ner' WibmQ?ii, ?V?.. Marck VI. ? Th, adJn^nl-OM?rtl t60orl? that vv* jlala^fyuM, jwt U the Held a? otrco 111 q&mi-, aad 8.250 enlisted men, "follr arm?d ?a* equipped. ** ? Ohio Prepared to Famish 8,000. Columbus, Ohio., March 11. ? Pres ?at strength of Nations'. guard 8000; equipment on hand. *-? FRANK B. WILLIS, Governor. Twummwc Offers 1,500 Men. Nashville,. Tenn., March IX.? FflJ toon hundred equipped men can be fvrnlshed by Tennossee. TOM c. RYE, Governor. 6,000 IWdy In Indiana. Indianapolis. Ind , March 11. ? ' ThrSe thousand Immediately, 6,000 l? ten days; equipment on hand for g,000. 8AM1JRL M. RALSTON, Governor. SOCIALISTS TO FLAN CO-OPERATIVE STORE TO COST MILLION, SAID Cleveland, March 14.? -Cleveland Sooia'.'.sts plan a direct arsault on the high coat of living here tomorrow by organising a co-operative company to -distribute foed and Other staples at wholes*)* pHees. It Is planned to Join the 1,000 Socialist families here Into a conpact organisation whleh will buy staple suppllei through oae warehouse, the wsrohouse be'ng fln anced toy tboihse" ve*. Through this organisation, the Socialists hope *o control more than $1,000,000 worth of home supplies. The plan), It WHVk ured, will save the members Vkot 1100,000 a year. The Boheatkm Socialists* organis ation, the ploheer in Cleveland !n co-operativrt buying, organised four years ago wllh a membership of 106 families. Wll*. be used aa the nuder* of tho larger organisation To 'fln mco the new organisation etoek will bo sold In |6/and #10 shares. MANY FARES RESUNDED $0 OUTvOF TOWN-VBttORS "Faie Refunding Week" Continues Until Saturday. Event Promises to bo Great tac.ess. Today, the seeond day of ths DaOy New*' Big Co-opa*gtftirTare Refunding Sale. brought Increased enthusiasm. r" Merchants who. With the D*!lT News, have made the plan possible, have 4 o regrets. They feel that they have a '.ready b^en repaid for the time and thought they 'gave la co operation and preparation. ':vyfe Already the Dally News has re funded many fares. Saturday and Monday brought many traders to the Daily Neva office with slips, which were promptly added and the farus were returned. . " The Dally Newa* Big Cooperative Fare Refunding Sale le one of the simplest propositions ever offered O19 North Carolina public. It kinks and turns. "It is not compli cated, but it la thoroughly open and above board and the way la so easy that a wayfaring man need not err ? though a doubting Tb*maa he may be. V i It was after a keen dtf*.lberatlon aud a careful weighing of the prob able results that the movement waa . launched Once launched. It waa at once eeen that It was-Just the thing. A look into the situation reveals the fact that similar sales In other parts of the country have proved business getting assets ? lasting In their re [ su'ta. BASEBALL MEETING WEDNESDAY NIGHT Lindsay C. Warren, bead of tho com wi uce wh!eh !a malcfiif aTrtnir^ meats for tie revival of the Eastern Carolina bassbal^- league, stated to day that he had heard from prac tjeilly all of rtre towns he had writ ten to and that he Expected a large attendance at the meeting which Is to be held here on Wednesday. Mr. ft arren is now engaged In interesting* the Ideal people so is to seem* a good number of them at U? meet ing. ? BISHOP DARSTHERE ON SUNDAY, MAR. 26 Bishop Darst, of the Eastern Car olina diocese, will make hie regular visitation to fit. Peter's parish on grnday, March S 6. ? class for con fli aaatlon Is being forarsd by Rev. Harding and spill meet tonight at [eight o'clock at the rectory. MISSED TRAIN AND ''GOT SORE" (By Eastern Press) Kinston, March IS. ? Fourteen men, who planned to leave here on the Norfolk Souther? and who m se ed the train due fo'trror in -IfoUet *ag its arrival, are considerably vexed and "sore" over the IneUfcrnt. Whon the men arrived at the f^a tfon, they wera informed that the Ltrain was 45 tnlfciftes late. AoeQrd ingly they wept op town and when they returned in about thirty min utes they found that the train had already left Efemtf of them had im j portant basinets engagements .in j Goldsboro and Wilson and had to cancel them. The air in the vfetaity of the group, when thej"4Mf0flr that they hsd been left, was a bright blue | for some time. .The Washington Btfchnti have Lfcown that they Are equal . to the i ask of fold* In -ior big thingT The Jaily News' . Blc: Cooperative Fare j Refunding Sale la a big thing. | The' *or"lrat of all because of the penalty if sin in this life. If there was no 4tCh thing as the suffering beyond -fio grave, but only in this life, it would pay to be a christian. Sin is j a debt, a burden, a thief, a sicknet\ a leprosy, a cancer, a plague, a pois on, a serpent ? sin Is a sting. The second reason why we should ' become christians^! because of the | ' penalty of sin In the future life. Peo- j , pie fane saying today that there is ! no such place as hell. Among the*!e are Universalis. Spiritualists and iufldels, an well as old man Russell Hell is God's penitentiary. If it were , possible, people would even go up and tear down the walla of the New Jr-ru?alem, Hople in North Carolina, r^op'e fiere in Washington. They would dig up the gold on the street* of the New Jerusalem would go up and take Qod from hia thron< it _|t* were possible. And these peo I plo aer saying that Ood la too merci i ful to punish us through eternity for fains committed in thia life. Is merciful? A man commits | a murder la cold blood and la tried Lk?^|p?nd guilty. He la to be taken [Vrfritr his home, from hla faml'.y and Uyoiujile children crying for bread. laCpft lept to the penitentiary for life or ^o^tbe electric chair. Why la the 3t*tBftot more merciful? I ety tf?al we rimy claim that Ood tf too mer but vfhlle Ood is merciful, He *t God. r.h* U?!rd reaaon we ahtftiM become 'rtus li because of the love that Gods love |e constant. JfwjBBs'27 l "Wh^n my rather and mother forsake me. then He Lord Fill take tee up." One t ype of Ood's love Is that of a mother. A fatht r may forsake his children, but a mother never! Jesus Is the expres .on of Qod's love (or us. - ?M'haP8 re*(1 the paper aa account bt the Eastland turning over j In Chicago River last July, and 1064 people losing their lives. Of course you undersaud that the reason so J many women and children wore drowned waa because they were on the lower deck. Tho young people were on upper deck and had a chance for their lives. One mother, who realised that death had come, took off her cloaR and wrapped It about her little Infant babe, and looking j up, placed It on a shelf, and then '.he boat went to the bottom ard Bhel fell back from where the child was placed. Bodies and chairs fell over lier and wedged her in and when the liver found her she was standing i there, her hair streaming in the w;i er, with her hands up toward her young child, but there was the child, \bove th? water, laughing a^d chat tering and cooing as only a child can. Loving hands lifted it to saf >ty. When the great Ship of Lifs sunk by sin. Jesus Christ reached iown and caught you ar.d me with ii? loving hands and lifted us up tnd put us on the shelf of tho prom hps of God while the ship of sin went down. For this great act of ove we ought to give our hearts to he Lord Jesus Christ and do h:.s will. V OLL MbEKS SWAMP WAIt OFFICE WITH OFFER# TO ENLIST Washington, March 13. ? Slnca President Wilson decided to "go get" Francisco Villa, the War Department literally has been ?Kwampcd with of fers from volunteers. From PorM&nd, Me., to Portland, Ore., and from Duluth to New Or igans. Americans are falling al -wr themselves to a!d in the. capture of Mexico's bad man. 0 Secretary linker said todrij. uo ac tion would be taken on tho offers at j ? tfi1s time, but they probably will be filed away fo* future reference VILLA WOULD NOT KILL AMHRIOANft, HAYS VffR Los Angeles, March It. ? "The pa per a lie. I do not believe my Fran cleoo woji'.d htLwrn M A?orte*a la a trick of bis enemies to main him leave Mexioo and |lv% of* h!? Il?ht," dMlar^ Mrs /dan'U Torres VUlo, the elghteaa-year-old wife of Onneral- Francisco VI He, the Mexican guarilla who Is wanted by tha United St&tee Government Mrs. Villa aaya she baa never doubted that soma day her "brave faoara!" will btf'PgMldent of Max tea. aad thoroforw fha haa not ho M umpapur report. of 'hit almothtor ni wlwm, Lm h? tor?. WANT PERMISSION FOR MEXICANS TO CROSS THPT^DER , ?*?? Cabinet is in Session in Mexico City Today. Open Threats of War Made SITUATION IS MOST Sl-RIOUS President Cannot Give Permission Desired. U. S. Cru ser Leaves Pensacola Undet Sealed Orders .Spor'.ul to :h# 1>- 1> Nr??) I Washington, I), i?.. .March l'.l. ? An J opes of war agulnHt the Unit-* ed States unless permiie'on is giv??n' for Mexican troops to pursue. Villa's1 ban J. is on American null, was male1 today in Carrtinxa'8 cabinet, which' Is ia session in Moxlco City. The i session was a heated one anil much' criticism was made against the in vasion of Mexico by United Stat-isj iroops. Several in embers of the cab jnet emphatically expressed them-, in favor of declaring war a-j gains* the United States uuless; Washington granted permission for carranza'a men to cross over Into United Stales terriTory. The Impression here seems to he j commonly entertained that it would | be an easy and simple thins for the government of t.?e United States and Mexico to agree on an arrangeinea: I jy which United States troops may' I cross the international border In I pursuit of the Mexican bandits acd ; i Mexican troops may do the tame It the uecesslty shall arise. As a mat ter of fact there are some very rea" | differences In the way. ! Nor 5 . of ihe taken c. the Carrauza cabinet was received h*re With considerable excitement. I: to tncw.-. that the administration does not favor entering Into my agree ment with Carranza. In fact, auth ority for an armed force to enler upon American territory la order :o pursue outlaw?, criminals, etc.. can not be granted by the executive of PET ROOSTER GOES TRAVELLING flint Belonging to Mrs.- Whirhard m| Vanden.Vre 1? I'nswnger on Train. f The next time Mrs. C. 3 Whlchard , -'omes to Washington from Vande- j nere she I* going to he positive that her pet roogter in firm y lorK*>d up n the chicken coop before ?he lea von home. Last Saturday Mm. Whlehard left hom? en 'h* trrn. iiou without luaKh.g presence w up aea!ii?' . i iv; . tr ub -r .-,.1 ; ; !* ... Whhhard rapture him. BlixA rod* thr rest of the way to Washington In the roach and was taken home again Saturday evening in a box. wh!rli was special!)* prepared for him. IDEAF MUTES ARE TO ORGANIZE (By FasMrn 1?reM) KIn?ton, March It ? Lealle John a local dear and dnrob mant la j organising the "North Carolina So- | etetr of Deaf Uitci." He hai wril tea to about twenty ma tea in the State and bat r?oe>ed repllea flat lug that tbejr were \earUlr In fa?or ot he organisation. Mr. Johoi ?xp?et? te call a coar^ntlon iflt ? rPtfl Mm*. ? - tits country. It must be accomplish ed by treaty process, and there is no treaty to :hi.? eiTect at pre&ent be I lie two countries. To wait for a tr?aty would make pursuit of Villa for time impossible; to bi<:ik wlih Carranza at this time would be equivalent to making war on Mexico. and u'-irni't the Carranza Kove: n tii4*n t. w... ,1 -.a..- country lias accepted The diplomatic and inter national situation is therefore very dltllcu'.t. CpuImt Ha* Scaled Onlm, Wr.Lir.n5t0::. I>. C . , March la.? It \\a* learned ii*r? today that the arm. d cruiser. North Carolina, at i I'cnsacola, tia." left that port under j sealed orders. While no information I reward.*: the na:ur<- of the orders ar-- to be obtained, is. t* generally ay-unii-d that she leaver ior Mexican llordfr lli-?Jdc.nt* Indignant, Sau Autouio, Texas, March 18 ? Residents of oorder cities, who have t-arned of Crtrranxa's request, are .ndignan; and alarmed Shou'd the Mtxlcan troops eb allowed to cross over on L'niiod States so:i they fear1 that scenes of riot will follow. Many citizens have already moved further .nlnnd. Landing and Wilson Confer. Washington, D. C-. Marcfll 13.-? 'Secretary aLnslng le closetad with President Wilson, conferring orer ] ;he Mexican situation. Tho president | called for the Secretary of 8tat? i -shortly after noon. MUSICAL SHOW HERE ON FRIDAY Hero of Fam'ous "Billy" Song to be at \ew Them re This Week With Mu.siral (.'(tniHl)' Troupe. You've heard the ?'Bill}-" song ? "For when -I walk, I always walk I wir}4 Hilly. cause Billy knows Just 'o walk; and wh?n I talk, I always talk v.-rh Hilly, cauae Bi'.ly [knows Just how t?j talk, mid wb*>n I I ?kep. I always dream of Billy." rtr.. etc. Well son* i* dedicat ? 1 -n II "V r-' fTnrd. Who I "Walk This Way." The bong, fa mous tii<- country over, particularly 'nmotig Elk*, was written by Joe r.onlw.n. the nr.isjc Is by Kendla fk I'alry. and on tne rover piece ap pears t??h fan??* p'cture of Billy Clif ford whieh lias he^n spread on the I billboards th?* pait week. I When C iffnrd l?n't starring in a m?is!ral comedy, he is a headliner ? on*d to b*> ae funny as can be "rnr?nv promises to keep ' i.t'iguliiK from begin* | ring lo end He can sing some, too ? ? SKATING Every fright At 'tnory.0 ,