FREE TBIPS TO BE n TO NIIIEDS OF CONTEST Ewyone Who Enters Daily I*ews Subsi riptioaXon teet Will Receive Compensation For Their Work. ? fORMAI. OPKSilNU OF CONTEST HOI TAKE PLACE OA NEXT MONDAY. START WORK NOW ' A- . ? Oitntmto Do Not Need to Walt Uatil Then, But Can Begin at Once ftptntolating flana for CampAlp sad OiltlUg A*l?uac? of Friends. Ot fOr Niagara F>lls, Near Yoiic City puid dozens of other interesting' r po(a(p. Are . yop with > ust ? ? begrty invitation is extended to r?? lo join ?S. We pay all .expense (rem atari to finish Theatre par ties. iutomoblle excursions and oth?r | pleasures included. Ia return (or the tfg tour we ask you to assist us during your spare moments .on the subscription end ot the Dally News. Noadnatlcni Week. This week *1.1 be known as the nomination period of the tour cam paign, The campaign Is open and tandlfktes may start work ~ today, bat tfie formal opening will take tUot next Monday. fioweror, there Se no reason why I you djiould wait until that titae to feftgin work. Start this Weak, right today. and you will hare rolled up a nioe little vote by the opening day. Opcm To All Ladies. Any lady of good , standing la Wdrtfrfton or outside territory may boeonura candidate. The campaign to ladjae either Carried or ?kg*. Tke only requisite needed to win H?t u plwoteat Jul flip lb* nomination blank ?>Wi ?IH tbfonad on another aw of tkla p.p.r Ffll It in and send to <6enttaued on naas four) great mnsr BEIRGSHHUII CDMMENCEMT COUNTY SCHOOLS WILL BE WELL REPRESENTED AT MEETING HEBE OX THE S18T. EXPECT 10,000 HERE Teacher? and Pupil* Anxiotu to M*kefe Good Showing. Interesting ' Program Will Be Rendered ou Day of Commencement. W. 0. Prlvette, county superintoa-! dent of schoo's. has received word"1 fiom practically all of the schools In the county to the effect that prepa -a'.lons for the big school commence ment on March 31 are well under tray? and that oach school dlatrlet will be represented by a larger at tendance acd a better exhibit than "ast year. Great Interest la being taken In ibe commencement and the teachers nre co-operating with Mr. Privet ie towards making it a success. Numer ous prizes" will be offered and rivalry between some of the districts. is very *e?n. Various athletic events will ftrtn a part ot the dsyUvKOVarn. The, big parade** In which, all of thh (cnooU-i^lIl take part, wlT. be mother feature o? the day's eyenta. 8peclal train schedules will be in. effect on the" 81at and It that over 10,000 visitors will be In Washington and that day. STRONGLY FAVORS J. BRYAN GRIMES 1 V 9* VonEbenjteln, one of tho prominent reaUlnntH of Choco.winlty, wm 1 nthe city this morning on a Brief flelt. When aaked ^whether there iraa "anything new" tn hla part of the county, he replied that ne didn't know of anything. Mr. Von ?berstein expressed himself, how ever, a# being greatly interested '.n the State political situation and es pecially in the campaign of J. Bryan Crimes for re-election as Secretary M BUt#. . "A? a farmer," he began, "I w^nt to wkj a few words to^the farmers of North Carolina. Eighty per cent of 4*e fea*dcrau in this State %re far iter#, l$t they should have a voice ft Mtafltlag their State officers. "J. fcfyan Grimes Is a farmer, and - li the iaJy representative we hare ted 1ft fhe Council of SJato in more than a generation. He has looked Jkfter our Interests and has advocated - all legislation and administration which has had ror its purpose tho hetterm4nt*of farming conditions In North Carolina. He has been a j aaeaihor of the State Board of Agri culture. the Orangt, the Farmers' |. Alllanoe .and is at present an active ntembev ei the Farmers' Union. "He an ardent advocate of mote | schools aad better schools. He be lieves in good roads and in the co operation /and organisation of far mers tot their mutual welfare and protection. "Ha Was made a faithful and ef ficient While official and deserves Mr undivided and acttve support. "At tUM time, "hen his opponent, I am i .formed. who 1b an office-hold er of eighteen years standing, la rid ing up and down the 8tate button holing men and asking aid, Bryan Grime . la on hla Job, doing the work the people are paying him to do. "He has no 'organization' to boost him. nor is his candidacy 'backed' by Federal revenue officers If the prlamiy la to expresa the will of the people. t)ie people should make their selection of candidates without hav ing orders from 'headquarter*' as to how tLey ahall vote. The farmers of North Carolina ahould, and I believe, will re tent the unwarranted sad. per nicious activity of the aelf constitut ed "political bosses" of the State in pasalnc around orders aa to who knust and. who must not be selected. "Thousands of us have dealings with the Secretary of Stalls office every year. Bryan Grime* la serv ing us satisfactorily and efficiently. Thousands of us know him person ally ard thousands more know him by reputation, and ail agree that he is honest, faljftful, courtft o?s. and fills the offl/e 1ft a thor oughly acceptable raaftver. "As a life long. Democratic farmer who has the best Interests of the 8tate et heart, I want to appeal to I the farmers to work for Bryaa| Grimes. Bee yourj^j ow m | friends and get wrl. for. him. Write him k^ow that you are workhMI for %iin. Oo o the primary aqd Me, that jpl eauss s presented to every Qsinsf^t who) /ofcea." SAT* BAKER. Your frlenda can buy anything TOO can rtv* them ? except roar photo :i o'eloek at her home on Fourth Mreet. Forty of her Invited. frlenda, gatherer and MISS CARTER WNS LARGE SHIKMA <: . , . .. 1 MIu Robwn Carter,. ,bM?uM of her ability 11 a walker, yesterday earned $45.. ?. Miss Isabella Car-) ter, her consln, earned $6 and Dr. U. W. Carter and Preston CaHer are out the amounts of 940.95 and 910. respectively. . Numerous "side bets" j were won And lost and considerable fair Anil czdtement was provided." It a.l ?t (tried in an argument that Miaa. Roben* ,had with her father. Dr. Carter. She claimed "that she could walk irom here to New Born w!*ho?t any trouble. He said she 1 couldn't, ike declared that a Jaunt iiuin here to Urapville would be jeasy. Ue bald It would be prepos terous. Finally the doctor ?> made her a proposition. The round-trip distance from the Eureka mi'l to the 'bridge across Jack's Creek Is a little short of three miles. He ottered Miss .Car- ] ter one cent for the Qrst trip, two cents for the second, four cents for the third, and so on, doubling It each time. 8ffe took him up. Yesterday morning Dr. Carter went to OreenYllle on business. The train had not crossed the Pamlico river bridge before Mias Robena was J out. She completed two trips before "Breakfaat. After a light repapt, she started out again. After the third j trip she found out that it was lone some walking, so she went around to the home 'of her cpnaln. Miss Jsabel'e Carter, and offered her |5 if ehe would accompany -her. Ulaa Isabella-! aooentad. After the fourth or fifth trip, news of the Incident began to spread through the olty and the appearance of the two young lad lee waa greeted with oheers on the part of friends. Than the proposition began to ap peal to some of the sporting element and ^tkrfjco mmea oed to make wagera on't|k? leog^li of time the pedestrians could hol^ out. Prefton Carter of fered Miss Robaha an additioaal $10 If efe? would make twe.Tf_trln*. Tiw, uw m u? iobi of Mrs. George Haakney and atarted out again. During the entire after noon they kept it up. Supper they took at the Hotel Louise. The walk was resumed after supper. At 7:30 Dr. Carter returned from Greenville. He was met at the door by Mrs. Carter. She told him of what hud taken place. * "lio?v luug bag she been walking?" aeked the doctor. "Since seven o'clock thla morn ing," replied Mrs. Carter. "How many trips has she made?" be asked anxiously. "I don't know exactly, about twelve, I think," anawered Mrs. Car ter. ' With an exclamation, Dr. Carter rapidly found a piece of paper and a pencil. He Ugnred for a minute or two. Tben he dropped pencil and paper and ran to the telephone. Mrs. Carter heard him mutter somethiog about "forty dollars!' as be waited for central tb.' answer his call. He communicated with Mrs. Hackney, the Hotel Louise and Worthy & Rtheridge'ffslrug store, asking tbenj to notify Miss Robeoa that he was satisfied and for her to "please stop 'walking." Jesse Woolard, of Worthy A. Etti eridge's happened to see the young lsdieB pass. He went out and "flag ged" them, 'delivering the doctor's message. At first they were losth to quit,' but when he convinced them that he spoke the truth, they decided to c.t'.l rtf their walk, although declared Hurt "they were not ; least bit tired." We attempted to secure an inter vie# with Mlas Carter bat at eleven o'c ock thla morning she was still asleep. ? ? - (8[>?eUl to tb? D?!ly N?w?) ' Aurora. Uireh ft. ? A larta 4el? *?tlon ?1'| Ua*a hw umloltow t? attend tb?. bu*b4U mttotlpg that to] ?h?r? of'?tock la the fir AMorUCon. It ll b? t Ik* Wa?Wn*ton m<* J respond lfWr?lIj >? ttiof fa OiemetftrM traatljr la I pan t*lr? lure. GOING AND CO*l*Q. DANGER IS SEEN IN CARMlZA'S ACTION M.-x cans Show Hostiljtty In Americans, Who Are For bidden To Ccg|p New Mexican Border. ? Columbus, N. M., March tlnct unfriendliness mariife&fd by the Carrarza forces which at p*lomaB. Beven mlleg-^ifdutBf of here, on, Friday night, has led to great uneasiness not only among the civilian population, but tn military circles as well. Army officers admit they are seri ously puzzled by tho attitude of tho Carranzistas. Distrust of the Mexicans 1b so great that army offlccrs have re fusnd to permit Americans to cross the border to Polomas. it Is also In dicated that no troops will move south from this place until some deflnlte information is obtained as to the future course of actlod of the CarranziBtas and a definite pledge obtained from Carranza. To leave this force of armed Mex-', leans In the roar of an Invading1 force without being "assured of their non-hostile Intention?, iL_i8 pointed out by men high In the army coun-1 ells here, would be tho greatest folly. | 2,000 CaminxiHtAA. General Bertaln, In command ofJ ? ? I , the C&rranslrt* force, refusea^o dia-' cuaa his poaalble eourae, whetf Jttaer fi6?i h'S army , !s rapidly tricreadlhg kxi&, rteprdtng ' to Information obtained todty, will J number fully 2,000 by tomorrow night. The general opinion prevails even If Bortaln and hia officers should j desire to co-operate with the Araer!- j can forces, the greater part of the soldiers would mutiny and cast In their lot with Vi'.la. . That bandit leader last night was reported at Corralltes Banch, eighty miles to tho south, where he is said to be slaughtering cattle and carry ing on a canlpnign of terror. Unofficial reports laBt night are to the effect that Wednesday Is the day | chosen for the first movement Into , Mexico from tfcla point. The Thlr j teenth "Cavalry, troops of which were engaged with the Villlstas during and after the Columbus massacre, will lead the advance. Big reinforcements nre reaching the scene and today was one of pre paration. VILLA EXTENDS HIS RAIDS f . Forces of Bandii Leauei Cause Wide Havoc in lorreou ? Other Developments of the Day. E) Pftso, Tex as, March 14. ? -Three J today brought the bor to a crucial* po'nt and revived fetftn of a , genoral Mexican [MMlaiag^l. \ ' a United tijatea truop* may not have ' only V:ll* fo daal *i*b> but'alto the t'arranijBtaa, and tlie huge Merlcan popole^ the Aaierlcaa aide of ?a tyWtgr- /. *>?**?? 4/ fea/'a Development*. a CM Otandea, where too Mormaaa are cot off from all aid fad thraat md ?:th death at tha handa at tka ? atraatinf villa hand. Report* .from Amerieana aboard a trali; arriving u> Jnare? thi? moralat [ of from Carrania officer* luat siren Oeneral Perekla* aad tha f. r*t\ Bllaa i ter all, unite with Villa against the | Americans in case o" an Invasion by American troops. Third, the reported moving* of I American '-oops frem Fort BUM through Juarez, as one of three col umns of a punitive expedition to got VI. la, has brought evident unrest tn the Mexican rolony u! 2n,<*Cf *.\ 1' Paso. A general uprising it. feared . simultaneously with the crossing of, the first American troops over ths international bridge EXAMINATION FOR CLERK-CARRIER | ; ' An examination for clerk eftd osr ! rler wfll held at the posforflo* In this elty on March Stth. It ir to derstood I LU there Mr* several ap plications for the position. Applica tion blanks end fu'.l Information rel ative Co ttie examl-setirfn, qualifica tions, duties. salaries, 4fcc%tions. promotions, eU., ma y bo bad by ap plying to the Secretary of the Board Of Ctrll Service Examiners In this BASEBALL MEN TO MEFTHFRF n ?i?it Mhb*? I On i uiviutiHUw MEETING TO * UK HELD IIKHK FOH PURPOSE OK OHGAX1Z. ING 1IASEIIALL LEAGUE. TO MEET AT 11A.M. Lmnvllle iiiifl Auivra llavr lleen I Ileoid from Dlrecth. KcIIiuvpii ami I Kiiitttcn Will Also Prulmhly Send J IVtrKuU*. Representatives from various <-lt - lea in this section. Interested- In the organization ul a bn*eba 1 ie,;.uo. wll] moo: tomorrow ni irnlng at elev en o'clock in ;*v ? of Attorney I.. C. Waireti. lor i iii? p-irpoKt> ol lakintf i\ finite stops toward? revlv- 1 ?tit: the old K 4* tern Carolina Lrapue. V.'li '.?n veefi inis lucrr.iliK Mr. War ren atatcd that he had received vvotd from Aurora and Greenv lit* to the ??fleet that these cities would be rep reseuied at tomorrow's meeting. He also t-aid that he li a ?! heard Indirect ly from Klnston ani Relha'.vn anJ that these cities would seud repre sentatives. No word ha* been had from the others. P. P. Maxwell will .represent Washington at the meet ing At this time. It looks as if the league would prolably consist of four teams, unlesE those cities which have uot been heard from will send dole gates bare tomorrow. But even with a four team organization, some good basebtul will bo assured the local fans. MERCHANTS CO BIG BUSINESS Fnro Hefbmliiig Week lln Xlrenily Paid for , Itself". Muuy Fures flflvo Been Kefundcd. "Fare Refundlrg Week." which began Saturday and which will con- J tinue throughout this week, is opt-n Jng up much new business to loci 1 merchants and Is causing mazy out of town visitors to come to Wash ington to do their shopping. Several more came :nto the Dally Xt?ws office today and had their fares refund i4d to them. A!! of them were p>ased with the result of their pur chafes and stated that, they would continue coming here to do their fhoppitg. While the three days that have passed have already assured success for the venture, it is expected that many more will come to Washington 'during the latter part of tliR week. Merchai:'* are making preparations for big biisini-ss during Thursday. Ftlday and Saturday. HO FOP ar the warbling birdie* sing. Sniff the sweet fragrant flowers: Ruy umbrelas for April shower*. W ? r *.*? : ? ? ? ?? - t poetry, love, waving n gra#s. and j other Junk of that nature and variety The first real spring day of the year ha* arrived. Ovorcoats have been ^iirowm back Into boxes strewn with | mothballs and considerable Interest] Is bftlng, manifested In the price of I palm Vea^h suits. I . i^cal merchants are going about | broad sm'.'es on _ their faces. I ?WWf- opened at. last and with tjLjtn^r i.oxpect a big rufth j>f buslhess. 'MRliaery displays will form a big attraction tomorrow and^Tttfcrsdsy, Suskln A. Berry, Jas. K. fflark and J K. Hqyt having announced their openings \Ma, week. The spring fashions are temptingly arrayed la show windows. Never has there been a moro complete stock of spring and summer garments carried oy these stores than at the present tTsae. j ? . A4r?rtl?? la (h* PAlty C. OF COMMERCE W!LL DISGUS& RED HILL ROAD CONTRACTOR TO I1E PKE8ENT AT MEETING TONIGHT AND ADVISE ON PKOJKC*. WILL TAKE ACTION K\pcct?-<1 Thm Dwinile Stops Will lie Taken in Mei-tlnx ToRl^ht to !?uve tlit* Khh(] from Mnv u> He*l Kill lii.iirovwl. The proposed improvement of ihe K"il HI)' ro*d will form the prlncK <- ?. ' . " .?-?ion at the meet irt ??i' i.;* v'hamber of Commerce which Is 10 he held ion!ght. It l? understood that an exper ;or:cf i| road i on i ruct or from Rale!gh will be prenent at the meeting and of! t advice repp.rdlng the best course to. pursue In building the road. It s expected that the Chamber will take dclitilte steps tonight towards iiav'np the road built. Several other matters of Impor a ni' l' wil'. be brought tip and a spec 'al request Is made for the atten dance of every member at the meet ing and alvo the nf any citizens of Washington or ("iu-ow'u ty township-, who are interested ia !he project. The meeting will start promptly at eight o'clock TO RAISE 70,000 BBLS. POTATOES l'eorlc In Vicinity of Aurora fixpect to Exceed Last l'w'l Cuop By 20,000 HurreU. (Special io the Dally News) Aurora. March 14. ? -With hun dreds of acre* already plaoted In po ta*oer. Aurora expects to bring out ilie biggest tobacoc crop In It# his tory. Last year's output was aboat iti?. (?0(i barrels. It is expected that ibis year's crop will exceed that fig ure by fully 20.00ft barrels. The la .d In t lie vicinity of Aurom is probably the best suited of any In he S ate for the growing of pota toes The crop nas ln-en Increased every year anil this section is fast ?a!ning a reputation for the excel lence of its potatoes and the site of crop START WORK ON SCHOOL HOUSE Iti-strline. of Old Ford Win Rulld W>\ mill Mn?l?rn Structure to Itcplnrc OI<1 Om*. Work starts tomorrow on the erection of the rew school building ? OM ~c i T' ? ? rr - if with whitli to beg.ti toe v^ork anci Ihey intend putting up a building thai will b?* !n every way superior to i he one that was destroyed by Are. The new structure wl'l bp 60 by 70 feet, will contain four class rooms, h inrge hall, a library, music room nnd four clonk rooms. It will lie a frame building. ?\VS ll.AKKK. ' c . f. ? -Iz aeilrvM: r'-Umf to? can gave timm^-exCept your photo graph BAKtfR'8 stcdiO. TO-NIGHT Bell it RET) SEAL Foatur* ??Tirrr rosary** ? w'.th? KATHLTN WILLIAMS ? Sevan part* PrlOflOtlft MILLINERY OPENING ' ~Wt4nt?day-- Thurmfay Su*kin& Berry . ieKZu