LOCAL NBWB THAN ANT OTBSS PAFXR IN THX STAT*. N. 0., WEDXES: MANY i APPLICANTS ENW IKE DAILY NEWS CONTESI Every Mail Baings New Nominations - "And Requests For Retailed Information. BIO PHIZES WIIX BK TO THOSE WHO WCVKK MOST \OTIJt. TO BE 5 DISTRICTS i. Which the Dkar nrw, will Be 0tt ??*? ?*? Carta, ciTta, Everyone " *"*? Ch?w? to win. -T?.^ "" Dml" Kvery 'n ??? nomination. and] S JSim'., V"""1 '?'""?Con. ?MWSWM bopi.. and ,he c.mpi!g? f7 <?*bter'1 name In the' <?? *oln* ,0 "* lf ' na??< SK* ???*." ?. man Wis. Yonr plan aecms f?jr rn ?? protlMJtloll U l I. " ?^on. WHO * opportunity .?,? ??S?.'?'*w"d " 0Beru '? nee,i,d s;? *> ">*" that you In . . ?B* ?f ,btm' "? ?, "Y ?T*IU "??M to b* ,9**m for. your time. i .v, DlntHet DItUodi. Th*" "? ????. dl.trtctj ill* ?tlpq'.nlod*that ?)t SO to each Ooe big tour, _w_ b_. iW?OPoil|dj?)caliaro. and SSflffiPS* "J1"' *? to, m?b dlArlcf. /W oonloitifcVt Mrf ?1?*1 ofarotunltj to Vhi the tour I for two people. j .-STT ""v&y (** fcMtaforwi' tWMtor* wjtlAtf th, i|mlt, 0( tWelty ?'.,h9 ?"*?' ttwfrl number two Include, .11 ! o/wf7l ""h'n r'm,U or tlle cltJ" ?U WMt ?' ,h" "centor of1 '*??* fcreet D*r:* number thro# eonUitB of th. tawdahl^ c, Bath and Pantego, ?14 Hyde county. Dlatrlit hnuiber four' Hirltfdea tMrnahl* of Washington and l.ong a?m nrf, adjoining territory, city if Washington etclndcd J Diatrlot number n ve con lists of I ?'- Chocowlolty and,1 Itlchlaiid and adjoining territory. - dominate Voiirm-If. ?? not w?:t fox someone elu tJ enter yo?r name. Beat thorn to It I Jnmp la ud wfn a flue big vacation tour. '? Sm.K.MHI) PROUR.4M AT ??W TITE.ITKB TllllflBT *b? N*w Theatre offers their ?at y # splendid tlx re*! pro-' ?-ind by a three reel ft stir* entitled "In Lorel Own Way ,'? with fl?ty of good comedies added. Fpr tomorrow matinee and night this bow. wl?! present, the Hh and ?th ?plwde, of "The. Red Circle" that * t serial they are running each Friday night. ? b. r?n on Thursday on account of the magical comedy that la here cm Fri day night J&T ' i ?' FARES REFUNDED K COUNTRY PEOPLE Maay of Rural District* Hav* ' it?4 PwM Refunded to Ttain for ShoppV# Hero. Reaidaate from the rural dietflc Id the r|clnity of Washington ftr taklBg ?<Jratrt?i?of "Pare R jfnnd log Week" to n groatef etx#nC thai tkO*?> !n the town* The Dally Nrw Vatfterday refunded feres to icvenf p?rione mottota* CreeV, Plne^ to#a aid other po',nf.? near here. 'It la dot Bfteeaaaty to oome- to Umn by traia la order to eacure a refund ot; fere. Thoeo \rho nome from the country In cart* #11! get paM for every in lie they tr*v*V; The following marclMtta ar co oparatlng with the Dally N?y? the '??> ?*f?? Wt ? A_ >h> Wl E. CAROLINA BILL If (CUE i Mira MEET1XO HELD THIS MORMNU AT THE COUBT HOUSE. W.U WELL ATTKTOED. TO H\VE 4 TEAMS League Will Include Washington, Aurora, GreenvJle and William* j s ton. Will Plajr a Schedule of PoKjr Games. ^ ^ * The Eastern Carolina Baseball League was tormaLy organ. scd in <?* city this morning. 1 he ieague w.L. consist of four teams. Washing ton, Aurora and Greenville have al teady Joined and Willianfston Is ex pected to make the fourth team. A schedule of forty games will be play ed, four a week. The season will open on the first Monday In June and will close on or about the* fif teenth of August. - Lindsay C. Warren presided at the meeting. After some discussion and alterations, constitution and by-liwa were adopted. Among the provisions In the constitution were those atat in? -.Lai no loam could hire more than* three "players from outside; that -these three players must be rea fd' nts of the town for seven days before ihey participate in a game, that all of the othe^Vlayera must be boja fide residents of the various [to.'pf, that each town guarantee the ?iL.tlag in'am $20 for/every'game. and [that the gate receipt# be split flfty fifty.-wittt'flve percent deducted for ?n; lottery. stamps, etc. The following officers were elected: President, J. Burt James, of Gfeenti le. Vice Presidents, F. C. Kugler, of Vrnifbfn( Ion ; 8. T. Hooker, of Green ville; 1.. T. Thompson, of Aurora, and Janes Staton, of Wllliamston. Secretary-Treasurer, Can Goerch. iJifec ora: 'Conrad Lanier, of Greenville; W. A. Thompson, of Aa 01a; CI iyton Moore, of Wllliamston, -ud -S. , U. Clary, of Washington. A scl odu'.e committee, appointed by 'the board of directors, *111 ar ange tl e schedule. ^?fcose present at the meeting which vas he: 1 in the court, house, were r-JJnd-ay C. Warren, Conrad Lanier, "iff A. 1 hompHon, Reddin Thompson, W. H. Ifooker. T. P. Litchfield, Guy Westbn, Blbort Weston, 8. R. Clary, tferroan Cnrrow, Carl Goerch, Frank C. Kugler, H. C. Carter, Jr., and Hugh Phelps. CROWBAR PIERCES BODY. Fellow Workman PuHd It Out and Blaks Will Reoovor. Omu Valley. Cal.-How u man coutJl strike upon tbe sbatp ?nd ?>r u crow bar. bsv.? It pierce hi* flc*b uiiil out uikU r n rti> mid r*f III' live U the re markable port of mi at < Ideut which befell Joseph Mlnke. He wan worfclu* ut bin fatber'a mlit j Intr claim nnd wan atnndluj* qjmrt it ' bank when b?? felt thf earth ?lve war nnder biro. He jumped am) tfi b!x ex?> cltement did not nrttfe tbe Wir. wbhbl ww ?ticking our of tb* kfontid; ' | It penptrateJ hi* tvu'lc In tbe lower part a oil ranj&ff npyard, t<urjr? the waltt line and emerged undo* tiie lost* er rib. lie #n?? ruabed to a MuSlta'dUdT after bie follow employees b id pulled tbe bar out of bin fleat. It la believed Blake will recover. Qlvea Fortune to MOthar. Ban Fronrlsce.-Rrnnk Joue*. twen years old. renounced an Inber Itance of $11MXX> in f?vr>r of Uia mother. Mm. Mary E. Jonla. Jones' father di^>d two months ngo, leatlnf an estate vaV ued at $SO.OOO. .11 of which is he queoty.l f.. the wj'low I^or ?oMe' r?>s eon Jones did sot mention bis son In the will. Tberoforo the will la void, and, the eon Is entitled to one-lift# of the estate. "I sn> young, bare gooO health and nm well able to#aupp??rt my S^f.M Jones told - Judjre Qraham "I DR. W. T. PARROTT ... MARRjj^ TfiftAf r (87 Eutern PrUft K!ngtoa, U*r*h T. rapss thl. moraine I? Mix Jaanette Jokn aon. at Wiml, !*. C., tfc* home 01 the brlda. _ '"'?STL On account 6f a recant Tftatli In the bridegroom's family, the cere mony VM -WK ?Imp.e, only a few Immediate friend* and relatives be ing prevent. Dr. Ptfrrott and hi* bride have lefl for Bermuda, where thef wjll spend their honeymoon Th?r w^is^e their home In Kin Bton upon* the!r return. The bride received many' beauti ful presents. Among them was a ?mall ^*g, containing f 10.000 ro gold. The name of the person who gave this gift la not known. ORGANIZE CLUB AT BROAD CREEK I Young Men of the City Have Pur cimfcej Large Tract of Land With Club House Near the City. Announcement la today made of the forma4pn_by several . of the young mea of Washington, of an organisation which has been In ex istence since January ^24th. and which ? to be known aa "The Pines" On the above date, the organisers purchased the Alder son E. Harvey homestead, situated near the mouth of Broad Creek and within a very hort distance of Pamlico Hirer. it Is distant about 6 miles from Wasta ngton. This met at land cam prises shout 200 acres, of which 76 .teres Is in fsrmlng land*. Navigable water, 1 4 a depth of flfteep feet, 's within a stone's throw of the largo dwelling, and extent# on out to the channel of the rlyef. 8Uuated upon this tract of land Is the o'd home of Alderson E. Harvey and latter the home of Henry L. Har vey. It 1? proposed to . use (his building as a club Souse. In addi *ion, there is also one largo tenant Itonsv on the farm. Repairs to* art of the buildings are now being made, and barns and stables are beln^ pro vided. Hunting privileges have been se cured upon approximately 1,000 >cres of land adjoining, and It Is roi>t'mi*'n"'d stocking all lands with t;uail. Exclusive Ashing privileges have also been secured In what is known as the flarvey Mill Pond. The owners are busily engaged in looking after the farming feature 0' the undertaking, as the venture Is from a business standpoint as well as from one of pleasure and recrea tion. To thls-end, a tenant is now *t work turning up the sod and pre paring the land for cu:ti4fctlon. The large dwelling Will he fitted up with the cca^iforts of home life 'jar the uso of the members of the organisation. Formal t 'opThing of the clnb and grounds will be had when al! repairs shall have been completed. TEACHER WEDS PUPIL BEFORE HIS SCHOOt Scholars Dumfounded at First, but Lator Gheer. Vernon. Mis*.? Prof?u*c?r porter, or ganiser of the Vernon ?fjuifot* ??< ho??U and Mfa* Clareme Palmer, one ->r ? &" pupil*. | rere prlnilpul* In a f.-nmin .? that grew into marr:a;;e before miy ni toe other pupila got tbe all?hte?t luk \ Profcesor Porter one morulnc r. . -n t 4Iy called * h<?oi at urjunl. lie heuM'atl * Clause* aiM arqitly without lei ting 111* mind turn toward the event that*** but ? few bourn off. At 3 p .nj .f^lce (;Muted koger* W '?c&oolroom ui^jtoofc a rear ju>nf.. The j-popib MM around. tboogfa It Th*-* ^common, bat rouclndctf that t^To "siiulre wae }Ht a ***** vtojt ?>'? ' ti i . f At ?" o'cVi the icboltfta "had' all . hooka, alatea. Kpoujre* a?<I rulers tucked away, read/ for t^ dtfibtaal 1*11 | Profe??or Ppfter ascended tbe r<*tnim. aald he w?f colng .to ttffn'orer $t uew leaf nfld u/kvfi |fmi PnltoVr ir ahe were rW>. ?Be Uuahc-ji aAgfoiy. Squire Uoger* toftU ber arm. and to gether they walk#! tfp rp tb%jxot*?ot on tbe pint form. The inarrtaa* eel* montf *** r*r?n?Bnc?sd while the a. bo?. art eat el lent and dtitnf<?nndert. Tbe profeetoi kjaeed hta bride. Tbe pttpllft. recovering from their ?urfrtae, l?att|y ftre U?e "three time* three" football yell for the couple Profeaaor Porter to toe wo ?a an artfit. aoldW tat educate* The bride ' ?fcMjllftil "my That is in? its plac?* ? in 81. t-oui. Po?t-D.?p?toh. MYSTERY SURROUNDS PRESENCE OF CHILD Local Resider.te Puzzled Over Appcarance Of White Boy W?th Band Of Gypsies. Tiibe Ltfl Wpshimgton Today. 1 ? V Who Is the flaxen-haired, blue-eyed child with the band of gypftlett. ulio have been hery for the last several days? This question has been asked by many local residents. 80 far/ no solution has been, found. The gen* >ral Impression, however, that the ?ypsies"~Sto'e the child aW are keep ng him a prisoner. Papers la New Bern and other clt !es have made mention of a child be ng with a band of gypsies in their vicinities. It i" believed that the '.ribe here is the same one which visited tho^e other cities. Sheriff Wind^cy visited the car.jp yesterday but stated this morning that he had lecn no child. He *earoh?d all of he tents. SEEKS TOBACCO LEAF STATISTICS Kifchin Wan J* the latenud Kevenoe Hurcau to C?4!oct Diila Regard- , 1 in? the Crop. According to . t#b Washington ?OBt, Representative K'.tchln, ' of <orth Carolina, yesterday fntroduc <1 a hill authorizing the Internal ' ovenue bure a u to collect ^ind pub- , Hah leaf-tobacco statistics.'' It em- 1 bodies the ideas recommended by a Joint committee of experts of the , departments of Agriculture, Com 'aterce and Treasury. It pTd%:d lor quarteKy reports on leaf-tobacco stocks on haild '.n tobacco factories and virebon se?. This work Is to be done by the ln lornal revenue bur&iu instead of the i census bureau, which now publishes :emlann ml reports. The bill pro vides for an annual handbook of i,ofc*cco statistics to be published by . bpf Department of Agriculture, con / alnlng complete sta*'*tlcs of tobacco ?^rodttfiUyn, consum?,Ton. stocks, im exports. GIVE INTERESTING Demonstration ^ . Tohmfco Are in CHy Today. Showing huitj .of Imported Cigarette Paper*. . _C. L. Cotton. Reynolds. H. Stepp, II. 8.. Lodoetter, J. D. Hedrlck aer In Washington showing algarette smokers en Interesting test of the purity of the Imported French rice paper, used on Sovereign cigarettes, and showing a sample of the North Carolina o d belt tobacco used In the blend of these cigarettes. Everyone ahould see this Interesting demon stration at the various drug stores. Other persons claim that they have aeeo the child. Some nave stated that the young one Is dressed up in girl's clothes and that be has been kept by some colored people during part of the stay of the here. A number have talked wlth\-MH. H. W. Carter about the matter *nd have asked her, as rpe*kietti,0/ the Ciyic. Club, to investigate. The child then mysteriously disappeared. Yesterday afternoon, the gypsies began packing up the'.r ^eiongings and this niurnlng they left town. The child is still evidently with them and it is believed that their departure was hurrted because of the interest that was manifested by local resi dents in the presence of the tittle boy. HATS, HATS, HATS! AND THEN SOME (;raad T>l*?j>Uy of Spring Top-Pieces Heeo in Local Store* This Mom inn. HATS!!!! Big hats, little hats, yellow hats, green hats, round hafs. square hats, I two-story hats and little bungalow j hats, slx-cy !nder hats and two horse-power hats. Hats of all kind*. Hats that make wom^n give little ! squeals of delight and make the Old ? Man shiver with nppn?h?*n *-!on. Scroe hat*! I! Today marked the millinery open ing of J. K. Hoyt anjJ Suskin & Berry. Both of these establishments adver^sed th?;r opening In the Dally News. By nine o'clock 'bis morning the iadles began to arrive. By ten o'clock It was impossible for the ? sales-ladies to wait upon all of the customera. Both ^tores were crowd !ed. Everybody was trying on hats. Even the Daily News reporter tried on a few before he caught h!ms?*lf and fled Other stores will have i&eir open In* tomorrow. Prominent . among them 1? James F. Clark, who have oa gltplay an especially attractive line of new hate that will be offered .to the ladles of the city tomorrow. PHONE JOKfc OPENS HIS EARS. * Deaf Sine# Boyhood, Man ftoeovln-a Hearing at Receiver. Wlnated. Coon. ? Fell*. B?nvowi<rtr. nineteen. a me^biialc employe^ In Hart ford, beard for jtbe flrat time In hie life recently-. Aa a Joke he went to u tele phone and to bin surprise heard a friend apeak nvjr the wire. I "I wan terribly frightened." he aald later. "Then I reel Wed that my great est hope? to iiear? had com* to pa**." Botivoulojr waa atrtcken deaf and dnmh by an attack of ecariet fever wfcea a My. bat had partially over came Mi .4amboe*e. ESTIMATE $15,000 ^FOR RED HILL RO^D Says it Will Take at Least That Amount to Build Road i ? U. S; TROOPS TQ ! CROSS BORDER IN U HOURS? INFOIIMATIOX TO THAT KFFKIT LEAKKD ?H'T IN KL PASO TFIIS MCn.MNU. . VILLA RETREATING S?itl Thai ltchcl t'hieftnn Is Now About Thirty Mile* fro/n the Bor der. ( 'uri mi/uV Troops Are on the March ToivarOs the North. E". Paso, March 15? In spite of the censorship which General Fun ston has placcd upon all news from the border, it was learned here to day that the advance guard of Unit ed States troops would cross the border In pursuit ot Villa tomor row. The balance of the troops arc expoctcd to follow Friday or Satur day. No new developments have occur red In the last twenty-four hours. The United States forces are busily engaged In preparing for the Mexi can campaign. Villa Is said to be retreating toward* the oast. and ?s supposed to be about thirtv mile* from the border. A large body ef Carranrn's troops are on the march .north, and It is expected that they will co-operate with the American 'soldiers. > Several small outbreaks are re i ported along the border and ntimer-j ouh Mexicans have been arrested both, here and ip other cities. IKIJIK C'l.riJS TO MKPT. The Cre?f!tf and Adl'seo hook clubs will hold their regular uivai ?J?Ka tomorrow afternoon. The " O. Henry c'ub will not meet 'his week The AddUco Club. W!ll meet tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the home of Mri John B. SparrcrfT*" Tlie Crewoit?? Club. Wlll'mret tomorrow aftcrroon at the same hour with Mrs B, F Bow era. RECKIVED STOHM WARNING. Ti?e '.oral w?*ailicr d'.pplayman this* morning received a telepram frr,?n H^mieather bureau at Washington, 7), C.. frivlnif inatrurttona to hoist a storm wp.ruitfg. The wtonn will <?* tenS over the Carolina coa't anJ wJU continue for a djy or two. S" V/ISCT'lWj FOR FA MiW GLUaS One For Each Twsniy five Miles Is ttia Slogan. GeneTlsta. Wl?. ? "A m,!5ht>?rh<i')'l dull for each (wpmy-nrp S'jvore mile*!" Iff n ?|ncAn th't ri?l l-v OrgAlli/iti Itt.iM'ls o. ili L.I I - . u ?Hip. | One of theS4 clubs, the I.akeTl?Ts\ was organized March 17. 1913. and In 1 lew than three Tea r* It hu aeeora- ' | pllebed more than some organisation 1 I In a quarter of a century. Thla chili now- h:?s 1.70 member*. men [ and women. nn;l through it* effort the 1 1 township of Lynn Miilt and mn *i?t?i in? i ' a good home. Toe liiilldine I* of brb-k i 1 _ and atone and Is equipped wltli every j modern convenience. In It tbe farmers ? not only hold their meet lug*, but anrl annunl fair. During the. winter rum tin ' 1 they have lertuiv courses that cost from $250 to $3fio. There are two wo man *m club.-* nut] one girls' Junior. Tbe ; 1 ball Is at Zends. Ot*e a year tbe cltib holds a picnic in tbe bnnka of l.ake j Genera |. There are farmers" cluba In the conn- ! tlaa of Sauk, Manitowoc. IValwortb. i Washburn. Tfaupaca, Douglas and j . Polk, and all are thriving. This winter i tho Jingle of sleight*!)* ha* mad* tba j j Bamboo mounts! n* folriy muslml when ] I y ITTFIt lMSri SSKI) HKFOHK MKKTINC; OF CHAMISER OP IOMMKIM K LAST N'KiHf. DECIDE ON PLANS C? tuiiiltCcc Will Knili-avar to bccare AsniKtuut't* froui County Cummin* sioum. uril*. Will KaJm? I-'uimU liy 1'iiviiti* Subscriptions. Tlii' i ? ii' vr part of the time at ilie meeting of the Chamber of Com merce last night wa^taken up with a di^-Uosion of the Itcd Kill roal project and various views were ex [?r* sn*ii un the best method of pro n-dujc to follow in getting this work done C. I-. Porter, a road contractor of i'h a: lot :??, att-.-ndtd the mcetiug up wn apecinl re fju?*st. Mr Porter ar rived in the city a day or two ago and has been over the Fled Hill road. He is an experienced road engin eer, having built practically all of the road* In Greene coun J and .ome of those J:; Pitt. "There are several way6 to build :his road." said Mr Porter, "but In aiy opinion, the best way will be to ?nake a four-foot All ? three feet above the present All ? and build it jut of f'und-clay. The road wants o be thirty feet wide at the top. I believe :be material for building it ?an be secured from that hill on Mr Qragaw's place A shovel cou'.d be ?!aC"d there ami the dirt carried in V?v rail. Vuii could go out there with a dredge, but Just as soon as :>u co dumping mud on that road, you're going to block traffic. .lor. hree i?r four mouths. Under the ?slan firat suggested. however, traffic A'ould be very little interfered with. "The dlstun^e from the brldgefo * ;he Norfolk Southern will have 'o ?,e raised about three feet The other ide of the crossing Is li'.gKer, and mi eightoen-imh till would be suf 'ipV:,t. I think 1 have estimated !ia? it will lal ?? nSout 3.". 000 yards if dirt. At a price of about .-?? ?'nts a \tr<i. your road, built ac cording to this plan, would eras* you round S 1 5.000 or *18.000 Ha tiling our material would be a big ex ?ens?, as you would have a haul of rc w r. 0 1> fee*, to 2 miles. "I believe sand-clay wilt make our best road I wouldn't recom nend rock, lor when it starts to car. your ro?id will he even worse hnn it is now. You will also have to trim out the swamp for about 50 ieet on each side of the road in or !er that the sun can get to it. This in an important matter." I?r. Jo?h Tayloe way present and offered "he tcrvleo# of four mules ,4n.| ' v ? i wag m*. Various resident* j; Choi-nwiiiiiy hov'? ,iho given aa surancc that they will provide tpams and n:e:i. accord'ng to some of the members present. After 1'?ru;''n)t Mr Porter's talk ? ?I iu ft '? ;h - iiuar.1 u. I'ouuiy Corn m Ik* i )n?rs M their rtfxt meet ing and uncertain what concienaionn tl.ry will make lr. ass!*! ?jK the work. Thi coniniitt'-e will report bnrk to : i ?? rkmn^MT or ('r?nimerr??. Work wji' tiinn hf 1 n ^ * d towards raining sufficient funds by private aubacrlp tn^iave the work done. Th*? committee appointed consisted of F.. l?. St# wart, William Klltfton, B. G. Mors, Stephen Hraga*, John B. Spkr ,T r.-n'-v >r, T. /ATchbHll. r< ,rr?< ?vnd v.. A. t yuu. lac committee ff/tnffntiM on fone> io-nk;ht "In Ijorc'n Own W?y" 8 rp?l* *?*' "CacAinnted N"oo?" Coraedj ! ? OTHKR PICTURB8 ? : TOMORROW Matln*e and N'.fbt THB RED CIRCLIC y Prtotlttftlft

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