NUMBER 63. A Want Ad In THE DAILY NEWS Brings Sure Results. PAPER IN THE STATE. IT, 1016. LIST OF CANDIDATES MADE KNOWN TOMORROW Many Entries Have Been Received For the Daily News Subscrip tion Contest INTEREST IN CONTEST HAS BEEN INCH EASING DAILY SINCE FIRST ANNOUNCED. WILL BE5DISTRICTS Three of These Districts Will Be Outside of the CItjr. Other Two Will Be Wmliinfiton. Publish List Tomorrow. Tomorrow evening the first list of candidates nominated In the Dally News Tour Party and . Prize Contest will be made public. The list will ahow at especially attractive per aouel, and the Dally News Is indeed proud of the fapt that ao many of our favorite daughters afe to act as representatlvea of the paper.*' Pleasant work and big profit form a combination that is hard to beat, bat that la what the campaign of fers. the competition and friendly rivalry of the conteat will supply plenty of excitement, and there are so many prices that any lady who makes as real effort cannot fall to via one of them. 8ix ladles will win .one of them. Six ladlea will win big vacation tours and there are ten other costly awards. There is"1 no chance to lose. ?{The work 1* intended for sparo time only and it need not conflict with the regular dutiea of no candi date. City and Country, Every lady has the Bame oppor tunlty to win r?gj^^6as ?f ? where may reside. 'Contestants from WtffilngtoB*. and from the outside territory do not compete against each other. , . ThO territory has been djvided in to nve contest districts, two of which are in Washington, and three in the outside territory. It is stipulated th^t three prises must go to each of the five districts. Start Promt ply. Make It a point 10 aee that your name Is entered In tho first list, bo your friends, wi.1 know that you are In the race, and wlthold their sup port for you. Phone your name to the Contest Manager so It can be entered In the paper of tomorrow. When you decide to wofk for one of the blg^prlaes, make a canvass of all your friends. Telephone and send postals to those you cannot see in person. . Ask them to save their support for you. You will find that many of your best friends will be ready and eager to help you win a big prise. "WAIK THIS WAY" AT NEW THEATRE! y ~ Clever Company With lUlly Clifford | to Appear at Loral nayoow for Tonight Only. With * splendld'y balanced com pany, Billy "Single" Clifford, sup- 1 ported by that clever prima donna, Helen Clark, will be Been In tbe I merrleet musical satire, "Wa'.k This] Way," at the New Theatre tonight, a change to celebrate St. Patrick's! Day. ^ The snecess of this clever play the past seat?n, from coast to coast, was Utile short of phenomens). This season It will be sean to mach better sdvantag#, the company being Im proved by the addition of Miss Hslen Clark, and a vary pretty little ting ing and fencing soubrfttte, Miss Mae . Collins, who was a feature the past season In "The Pink Lady" and ht tbe FoUlas Bergere In N?W York. | The Thrq* Weston Sisters, vaude vllle's gTpafeit musical act. will be rfch Clifford standing, whl?h means mgch, Nlak Q.ynn. late of Co* barn's Hlnstrels, the funniest of b>acaface comedians, and Billy will have the blgt??t aad brightest selec tion of songs he has over had In hjs '?Walk This Way" Is a sucO?sb with a capital "8," ae BU.y Clifford's brand of comedy and dancing '.a de ttghtfolly pleasing the Lad!*' Brass Band and Orchestra assures one of fcfuli evening's entfttyq Ladles Band Parade .1 4: tO NHS; VILLA SHSUTLD 10 HISRAIDtRS Mnde Address to "His Troops Before Attacking Colun.'bas. Men in a I Frenjcy of Rage. s 1 El Paso, March 17. ? Pancho Villa I halted his outlaws eight miles from j the border to address them before he led them to the massacre at Col umbus, N. M. . He rod? out before them and put all the violence of his nature Into a fiery denunciation of thp Americans. < He pointed to the distant lights cf the town. "Go and kill," he cried. "Kill the Americanos." The dramatic story of Villas ad-' dress before the massacre wes brought to the border today. by E1-. win R. Spcnccr, a negro scout, who' has been attached to the army for duty on the expedition. | Spencer, who was an employe at the Warren ranch at Salto Dol OJo, Chihuahua; Mexico, had been taken prisoner by Villa a few days before the Columbus raid. He escaped when Vil a's retreat began and wh^n Mrs. Maud Hawk Wright, of Pearson also got away from her captors. | While he was a ciptive of the VII listas, Spencer witnessed the execu floh of Arthur McKInney and Wil liam Corbett, at the Palomas Ranch. "They had been making one of (hose quick Villa rides," Bald Spen cer. "They knew there was a Car-! raiua roglmcnt at 'Lai Paloniaa. They made a detour Ihere. When they had pasBpd the town. Villa ordered f a halt. "He told them tlie_ United S'.at-js was to blame for bla defeat, when ( they allowed Carranza soldiers to gj through the United States. "Before he got through the men wore crying, swearing and shriek- 1 ing. They fell down on the ground and rolled around. They beat the earth with their hands and tore up hai dsful of it. They Just went crazy. He kept yelling at them nnd cursing the Americans. They wero 1 insane. He shouted to thorn to 4clll the Orlngoes. "Then suddenly he quieted them And we began to march on Colum bus." V 4 THE CRESCITECLUB ' The Cre?c't? Rook Club was de lightfully onterta'.ned yesterday by Mrs. Prank Bowers. After the bus iness ser.slon for owed . the literary i program, which consisted of throe | papers all of which were very Intor Uvttng. . ' ' , | lit. "The Effect of the War on the United States^-' by M!li Cadd'.o Fowls. 2*d, '/Rights and Duties of the nn!t#4 ff*tes as a Noutral," by Jatae* Hackney. 9 V' ?' ? f~' \j fyd fading. Wpodrtw WlliM?,";.l)y Mr* j>nl?i Elftfn. " | lira. Hackney bain* absent. "her paper waa read By Mr a. William , UvHIfT. i Altar' the AC I fall the ?o?t?*? ?re ??nt?d each urawr and |o?t _?!?') a bouquet of Jonqulla act farnj iied vK^ yellow audi rreei rlhte* In honor of "St-SPK&A'a Bay;" a dellfhttnlaOMHUlit** Waa aerTMf. The cluh had aa their ??aet Mrt. Weteon. of Newport, Ark., and Mlaa Bulla Ayera, from Plymouth, N. C. ARMY RKCRtnTINCI IK NKW YORK SHOWS BIO PAI.Um OW 1-XJR I9H New Torlt. March, if. ? Reeroltlng flcurea for the peat three >?era in oreater Mew Yort. 1914 1?1? 1?1?? SOME OF THE 1ROUBLES WITH OUR STATfe MILITIA. " i . 'illlamt in India napolit N?ac. BiCllLtS 1UE IHGIINIFNr - ?? UEIIDIIt "MIOH"] > ! W S. W i/son df R Jcigh. in L?tt?r to the Daily Niws, Makes Kn ?\vn Length of Te m ol Pioniimnt Men ol the itate Ra elgh, N. C . Mar. 16. 1916. Mr. Carl Goerch, "Editor, Washington, Dally Xawa, Washington, S. C. My dear Mr. Qoerch: ] I have road with a great deal of interest your editorial of the 15th instant re.ating to 'the renomlnation of Colonel Grimes for Secretary of State. While what you say Is good, a study of the actual facta makes his case a great deal stronger than does your editorial. Knowing that you" wou d like to give the facts as they are, 1 am taking the liberty of writ- j leg you and am giving you some of the terms which other people have 1 held as State officers'; thus showing that the so?called "rotation" Idea la not only not Democratic doctrine, but has never been practiced by the j party at all. V*e do not hear any question of ! -lr il-.ut.<> Tor ofllce raised by rea son of the fact that these people have served the State for a great dal longer time in many cases than has Colonel Grimes. An a matter of fact, in most cases, their service is counted as an asset, and they are looked upon as being better qualified to fill those various positions by | reason of the experience they have had. ? I The following are some of the ! men: j Judge Walter Clark ? Judge ot thej Superior Court 1885-1889; Associate Justice of the Supreme Court 1889- : 1902; Chief Justice Supreme Court, 1902-1920. Associate Justice Geo> H. Brow;: ? Superior Court 1889-1904; Associate Justice Supreme Court, 1904-1920. | Associate Justice Hoke ? Judge Superior Court 1891-1904; Associate Justice Supreme Court 1904-1924. Hon. F. M. Simmons ? United States Senator 1901-1920. Hon. Lee S. Overman ? United States Senator 190* 1922. Hon. Jno. H. Small, Congressman, 1898-1916. lion. C'.ntide Kltchlri, Congress man, 1900-1913. Hon. E. W. Poa, Congressman, 1900-19167 - Hon E Y.v Webb, Congressman, 1902-1916. ? Hon. B. R .Lacy, Commissioner of Lator and Printing. 1893-1897; again from 1899-1901; State Treas urer 1901-1916. Hon. J. Y. Joyner. Superintendent of Public Instruction. February 1902-1916. Hon. Jaa. R. Young. Clerk of the Court 1881-1890; Insurance Com m'e-ioner. 1S99-19J6. Hon. O. H. All?#i, Judge of the Superior Court since 189 7. The fo'lowing Judges of the Su perior Court have bepn holding of-1 flee since 19o3. Son:e of their terms run two or thxej years from this date. I Judges Cook, Ferguson, Long, and Pecblea. By these references you will Bee that the policy of the Democratic j party has Bren to retain men in of fice when they arc giving efficient service. Knowing that you were interested in Co'.onH Grimes' candidacy, I thought I would send this material to you so that ynu would be in posi tion to make use of it, should you see III. I have not attempted to ar '.ished as an article. I shall be most grateful If you will Bend me a ropy of any issue of your paper In which this material Is mhde iiFe of. 1 assure you I appre ciate, as does Colonel Grimes, the assistance you are giving him through the columns of your paper Yours very truly, W. S WILSON. P. 8. ? I m'.pht add also so far as Co'onel Grimes' chief opponent Is concerned, that prior to 1897 he was Deputy I icrlc of ihn Court of Iredell county for a-.u Ivr of y-r* a member of the House of Re..rt-c :? tatlvrs in 1S97, and Clerk of the Court of Iredell County from 1898 *o# the expiration of hla term In 920. Not much "rotation" about (hla. W. 8. W. FARE REFUND WEEK WILL'END 'ft MORROW 1 7 ? Local Merchants-Expect to Do Big Out of-town lousi ness oa.Last Day of the Week. v'?6toottow. will be the .last day of JfW Refund 'WNk.".^|ittitV the dtmafld for faree- refunded has besn great ever since the project started last Salurday, local merchants ex poet td do a big out-of-town bus'.nesc (omdircNf. >\ The event 'has proven an undis puted success. Both merchants and customers are more then pleased with the reevlta. ,_r v Special showing of Spring and summer garments at various stores and exceptional values In other lines df goods, wltt be fealnred by those merchants who are co-operating In "Fare Refund Week."' ' Oat of town visitors, whether they come by rail or not. afe brged to i ask the foliowinjf fund thtfr fares for "them J. K. Hoyt. Suakln & Berry. Jame? R. Clark. Southern Furniture Oo. h. L. Stewart. K. I,. Hrookn, j - Harri. Hardware Co. Bo were Bro?. Co. t. P. Rackman A Son. K. K. Willi., Wright'. Strain ITnuinc Work.. 8AVS RAKER. If you V?nt to ik roar kodak Sunday and yon Dad yoa ha?ent any remember the Baker', 8tad!o , l* thoroughly at yoar ierrtee. Brerr LOCAL BUSINESS MEN ARE WILLING TO GIVE TO REEbHILL ROAD FUND JF COUNTY WILL DO ITS SHARE HIT II. S. M Ml W'IS. iluHfflll "Wo Mont Ho Prepared at One* to IK? Jiutkf," Ho D^clam. Our Duty (o Act In th? Matter. Now York, March 17. ? Henry Morgenthau, Ambassador to Turkey, declared ye* ./day, "The United States is the only Power that can rearrange the machinery of clvlliia tlon entirely upset by the war de vastating fewope. " "We must be prepared at once to do Justice," he sa'.d. "It Is part of our duty to support t?e haud of the Government. This Is a free country; but It 1a a pity a few lunatics have so acted that their doings have been exploited In the press. They have given the lmpre&sion abroad that th:s country Is not united, ana not sane and sober. "Only America can stop this wur before it runs Its full course, or one of the part! ch to th?? conflict anni hilates the othor. The United States is ihe only nation powerful enough or resourceful enough to rearrange the machinery of civilization entirely upet b ythe war now devantailug Europe." CONTRIBUTING i FDR RELIEF OF THE BELGIANS Over 920 Hhjn Already llcm Sub scribed by Local Kwldeuu. Mure la E\peftod. Gifts for the Belgian Relief Fund came In today at a gratifying rate, and before night it la expected that the amount in band wl 1 be largely Increased. .Several have indicated their intention to make donation**, and there is little doubt that the citizens of Washington will acquit generously In this cause i The commission in charge of the ' -vork in Belgian have stated that ?f relief work should be withheld for a /'erlod of three weeks at any one .ime thousands of women and chil dren in that atrlckon country would I tarve to death. That Is a graphic ndlcation of the extreme need to j which our people are asked to miii .ster. The local committee will hold the fund open for a few days In order to give every person In Wash.ngton an -?oportunlty to help. Hard you** . .1*. or r. ?r all, "j J. >?. I Jaw, Jr., or phone him and he will 'send for thein. Remember, you will not be bothered by a canvasser. The donations thus far received are as follows: Mrs. P. C. Saunders $2 60 Mrs. Oeo. H. Brown 8.00 J. O. Bragaw I 1.00 Iwm. F. Morgan (col.) 1.00 | *Vm. Bragaw 6.00 1 | J. L. Warren 60; C. M. Brown 6 00 iLalla C- Bragaw J. F. Buckmau, Jr. l.uu I TO TUB TAXPAYERS OF BEAU FORT COUNTY i I I I I All parties owning real estate in said county and which taxes have i not bees paid, will be advertised on the J7'h day of March and sold on the first Moftday in May for the non-payment of faid taxes. I shall advertise all parties on tax-books, and no not propose to show partial ity. Those who have not paid and no dot tiish to be advertised, better rlatt or write the Sheriff or his dep uties and pay aatd taxes and avoid coat and embarrassment Respectfully, W. B. WINDLEY, Sheriff t-U to 4*1 . 9?bK;lfe. ig 'J* Dtllj !fnrj ? - . iAll Are Eager For Work On The Road To Be Started As Soon As Possible*" ytttl MUCH IN TERES? IS SHOWN IN PROJECT Citizens Interviewed This Morning Give Their View on Matter Which Holds the Attention of the County as a Whole Business men oi \Vft<.lnglon are ready to do (heir full share !n build ing the rond from here to Red Hill, providing that the county commls flionnrs will niuke an appropriation to cover part of the expense. A number were Interviewed tblir morn ing All stated that they desired to have the Red Hill road built and be lieved that the board of commission ers shou'd assist !n the work of ralsizg the necessary funds. Son)* of the following expressions of opl? .oq were given; 8. IU Fowl*. About fifteen years ago we made the commissioners a proposition re garding this road, but It was turned down- I believe, however, that the present board will readily recognize .holuiportance of the Red Hill road and that we will find them willing .o help us. I. personally, am wili ng tu do all I can to get the road built. J. F. Cowell. The Pamlico Chemical Company will contribute liberally to this road, llthough i don't know how much anyone elae wil! give, I am 'almost ;ertaln that our donation will be a* large a* that of anyone. We don't want to dee and "retail work" don,?, lowever. If any work is to be done ?.t all. If ought to be done as a com pete job. I hope :he commissi oners will be ftb'.e to help. / ? CliuH. F. Fljnn, We are willing to do our part and 1 hope the county commissioners will do the same. The Harris Hard ware Co. ie strongly in favor of building this roatl. It la one of the ino*t Important highways in (he county an J something should he don* immediately towards improving Its CvtUdllluU. B. G. Mom. I don't be'.ieve there will he aay difficulty tn securing Uie necessary funds, The buelnoM* men of Wash ington are willing to contribute their ahare and I believe that county commissioners will alto make an appropriation. V. J. 1 Jerry. Tn?#re never will oc a better time than the present for uuiiiing' this toad We've ?t?trted right and 4 be lieve that we *il be successful In the work If onl> the county will be j willing to help us to some extent, I jam confident, that the people of 'Washington can raise the rest of the money thai ne<?4''d Geo. T. Leach. I have talked with a number of (persons and I haven't found one who expressed liim-elf a* being against the commissioners making an ap piopriasion for the Red Hill road. 1 hope thai the appropriation will be made for if it Is, 1 believe that the realdnntn of WaHhingtnn will raise the t of the money that 1b needed. THE ADDhCO CLUB GIVE HOSPITAL TO MONTGOMERY ?Irs. , Stephen C. Hrngaw's Paper on "American Historic Homwt" a Peat urn of the Meeting. The Addipco hook Club held Its neeting "yesterday afternoon with vlrs. J. B. Sparrow. The cheery variuth of the living room with Its A-en th of spring hyacinths and Jon lUils and the cordia greeting from \Irs. Sparrow and Mrs. Hargrove nade the guests forget th? chilly ?vintry winds outsldo. Mrs. Stephen C. Bragaw gracefully (resided over the meeting. News .ioms of unusual Interest were read 11 response to roll ca'.'. The guests of the afternoon were .\Tr?. Margaret Payne, the beloved iionorary member of the c'.ub, and Mrs. Beck with, of Rosemary, N. C. Mrs. Stopen Bragaw r*>ad a mo-?t un 'American Hisione Homes." So realistic were the mental pictures she drew that her audience was car ried In fancy back to Revolutionary times und made with her a tour in to the homeH of Washington. Jeffer son, Henry Clay, the White House, Arlington, the old Virginia hom4n on the James River, Ihe many' historic homes of Salem, Mass.. in the day* of witchcraft, and many of our own State. Including aome r>n the Cape ? : . x ? r r r* . . ,.pj ?h?i aud uiauy o; -it., legends and memories c?nn??ct?*d with these old homes were vividly portrayed. | At the concilia'. on of th'.s pap?r. a delicious aalad course waa gracefu?1jr served by Mlaaes Ethel Fowl? sntf Mary Elisabeth Thomas I After a most enjoyatfle aocial hour, the club reluctantly Adjourned to 'meet again on March 30th with Miss Martha Fdwle Hanson** to tb? Dally Newa In rscocuitlon of hla excellent at tendance aa a mam bar of the Fldellf Bible Claaa of the Parse Memorial church. Louta Kerman baa reoentl) been presented with a B!ble and $ year's subscription to a magaslne Mr. Herman has not missed * Sao .Volatile Benefaction Made by Dn. Hill of That City. Are Well Known Here. The Dra. L. L. Hill and R. 3. Hill of Montgomery, Ala., have numerous rolatlven in this section whom It may Interest to hear of a munificent gift they have just inado to the city of Montgomery of their prtvnt.<? hospital known as the Hill Infirmary. The anR?Rsed vklue of the property do nated Is 126,500 T)r L. L. Hill, In proffering the gl?4. ~},oke feelingly of the love of the two brothers for MontKornery. the place of their blr:h. their labors and arcoinplUhments. The gift was accepted by the com missioners. who paid a graceful tri bute to thf* Hra. H'll for their mng The Dra. Hill are gr? at rj'u: 0>Oii3 of Rev. Thomas Rowen, a man prom .nent In thlR section in the eighteenth century and th* parly years of the i'n?ite?nth. His daughter, the beau tiful Anr. Bowen, who ma triad R?v. W, W. HI 1, a Methodist minister, and moved to A~a*ratna during the ;reat migration of North Carolinians "6 that state fti the 1820' a. They are related to the famllioa of itrs. "nry p Maeeni, Mrs. Elisabeth r> V "W?fren, Mra. '??J "? '".a tlortrffrt, also to Mrs. JuKe bowen Ihoaaa u?d her brothert.

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