A Want Ad In THE DAILY NEWS Brings Sure Result*. DAILY NEWS WEATiam / I HE DAILY Newb PRINTS MOKE LOCAL NEW8 THAN ANT OIHEK PAPER IN THE STATE. Unsettled tonight. Pair aad warmer tomorrow. WASHINGTON, N. C., MONDAY AFTERXOON, MARCH 20, 1910. NUMBER 01. DAILY NEWS CONTEST NOW IN FULL SWING! Contestants Started Work This Morn ing With a Rush. Are Piling Up Votes OTHERS ENTER TC? *?? Entries be Made In .u? Subscription Cunt?,. Man, Valuable Prize, to be CI,? Frsio. opemug'l0"'/?*' on.c:?, opening day ot llle b,g (our "b D ^ bel,,? ""ducted bj he Dai., News. A complete lat ^ ,ne0 '?d/''a nominated i. ,rl?WJ on page. So candidate lias mure than a few votes at ibla t:mc, t ., safe t0 >ay lh , h a?d ,bcir * be r?ine strong, and the competition for ?r,t place In \?h tn b. "h" "Pir;!ed' Standings * " be, ''""""?I tally and the num " 'r'eni!? o' "oh contestant win ow their progress eagerly In. race of thi, kind friend, are an Important factor. At t:me? they ,.eein '? tli",laS' "en more Interest than the candidate herself. Today o?? caller at the omc. brought In four coupon, and paid his subserlp. l" 000 "> ?face to the of ?-c ot the candidate,. His rcqueat wa?. go:og to do a h<ap more for tha, j?ung |ld}. ^ koi" th., st!|| UBljl j wl||>t jha Is doing on Iter own hook." There have been do, ens of ca I, over the telephone by friend, of come., ant,. many have visited the omce lu Pen-oil ill the interest of their far time' .?" ,aaa Washington whose 19 much occupied ,aid lie omen"0 '"* 10 b"?g C0U??" to the ?m" V"-7 ?=??*la?. ?He, daddy I, ?::e or ny b[,a( (rlcad5 her Z:."'1*? ' *?' - ?? Sometime, If, , question a, t, lZ?"ceiv" ,,,c most ?>"????. friend, who cast the vole.. or the "paid""" WJGm 1110 tomI),lmenI Have loo Rein Nominated? * ?"r friends are eager to see you take hold :n earnest and be their ?a:d?td bearer, lou are tlelr Choice, they wish to see yon gain ,hc honor and profit that goes with vic tory. They will bo proud of yon or di. appointed in yotir lack of In terest. it', simply U], ,0 j,ou T are watching the vote column for your response. riiij Slapt. In this paper will be fonnd a large coupon that I, worth twenty-five thosand votes if it |? accompanied by a kUoscriptlon to the I)al!y ,\>ws of at least nine months In length Ci p It and ,end to the Contest Manager with the subscription and you will have mnde a. nice start. The object of this coupon I, to en able the early entrants to obtain a bl* atari on their first subscription. l?o offer of the coapon will boVllh d*(vn at an early date. Only ono ofthc large coupons referred to will ho fcredited to any ono contestant The subscription turned In with ?t will also earn votes ar the rate shown by the vote table, a, will all sub acriptions. Points to liomcmhpr. You may take V'hscrlptlons and vote, in any nnd all districts, and have your rrienoVt work for you if yon wish. Renewals ard back collections on subscriptions have the same vole value as new subscriptions. Three prises most go to yotir dis trict. namely, one b!g tour, one dia mond avallere and one gold watch. You compete against only your own district members for those prlaos The only prise for which the com petition Is general. Is the tour for two ladles. The double trip goes to the contestant securing the most votes of all contestants. Vote Table. ? Months. . $ J.25. .. Vo,M 1 Tear.... I a 00 12.000 Votes 2 Years | 6.00. . . . S8.000 Votes 8 Yeuts $ ?.00.(...4fr,000 Votes 4 Years fU.00. ... 60,000 Votes 5 Yeara. .,\4XiJ>0, .. .80.000 Votes A meeting of the Daughters <fl the Confederacy was he'd Saturday w'.tb Mrs. Jamea Hodges. An Inter esting meeting wsb enjoyedr ? tart* number of the older members being prevent. Mri. Hodges served de licious refreshments towards the close Qf the session ^ iw CONTRIBUTIONS MEGDHIHG IN Local Citizens Are Rntponding to Appeal for A?nistance of the Belgian*. Frederick C. Wotcott spent three weeks in Belgium and northern France for the Rockefeller Founda tion. Investigating the work of the Relief Commission, of which Her bert C. Hoover Is the head. Mr. Wol cott reports he is great'y Impressed by the efficiency of the relief work, and he recommends that money in tended for Belgium or France be in: trusted to the Commission. ' He said to the Associated Press: "If any who cavil at the sending of relief supplies into Belgium could only visit Belgium atd see person ally the p'ight of the suffering peo ple. they would come back as eager for the continuance of the work as I am." Of the 7,000.000 Inhabitants la Belgium, Mr. Wolcott said. 3,000. 000 were virtually destitute and Jtawlng dally one meal, consisting >f the equivalent of three s'.lces of bread a~d a pint of soup. He added: "1 have seen thousands of people lined up in snow or rain, soaked and chilly, waiting for bread and soup. 1 have returned to the distributing stations at the end of the day and have found men, women and chll- | iren sometimes still standing In line, but later compered to go back to their pitiful homes, cold, wet and miserable. It was not until eigh- ! teen weary hours afterward that they got the meal they missed." That, is Ihe need to which the people of Washington are- asked to contribute through the fund now be ing raif?-2. Previously reported $3l.t>0 Cash 5.00 Haughton Randolph 1.00 J. B. Sparrow 1.00 Mrs. Chsr otte E. Grimes. . . . 5.00 Blount Rodman 1.00 Pauline Berry 50 Miss Eleanor Berry 50 TRIBE WEEK BIG SUCCESS Many Pares Refunded to Out of Town Customers. New BugincwH Opened Up to Merchants. Fare-Refunding Week ended with a grand rush Saturday. The event ha# proven ^to be an undisputed suc cess. Many fares were refunded to | out-of-town shoppers and there Is no I question but that much new business has been opened up to Washington pierchants and will continue In th<: future. A number of those who came Into the Dally News office to get their fares refunded stated that they would not have made the trip to Washington, but for t^e "faro-re fund" proposition. All of them seemed to be highly pleased with the project and several expressed the hope that It wou'.d be repeated dur ing the spring trading season. TO THE TAXPAYERS OF BEAU FORT COUNTY: All parties owning real estate lo said county and which taxes have not been paid, will be advertised on the 27th day of March and sold on the first Monday In May for the non-payment of said taxes. I shall advertise all parties on tAx-books. and no not propose to show partial ity. Those who have not paid and ro dot. wish to be advertised, better visit or write the Sheriff or hl3 dep uties and pay said taxes and avoid cost and embarrassment. Respectfully. * W. B. WftrowiY, ghcrlff. BIG PARAGE TO BE FEATURE OF Mpn COUNT!" SCHOOLS TO ASSEMBLE AT CORNER OF SECOND AND MARKET STREETS. START AT 10.30 Parade WUl Re Taken Part In By Thousands uf School Children. . Afternoon's Program to be Carried Out at Central Warehouse. | With county commencement only ten days away, plans for the big I event are rapidly beltg formed and preliminary work is progressing rap Idly. .The occasion promises to bring the largest gathering of visi- ! tors to Washington that has ever been In the city atpone time. I The residents of the rural districts are expec:ed to arrive here In the early mornicg. The b g parade will be the first feature of the day's pro gram. All of the schoois will assem ble at the corner of Second and Market streets. The order of march ' will be as follows: lioard of Educa tion, Washington __ Graded schools, Washington township. Long Acre township, Bath township, Chocowln ity township. Richland township, Belhaven graded schools, Pantego township. The Aurora band, it is understood, will also take part in the parade. The paiade will start at 10:30 o'ctock. It will end at about twelve and will break up at the Central warehouse, whore luncheon wl'.l be served and the afternoon's program carried out. NEW BUILDING TO COST $8,000: I Mettiodfst Church Is Planning to , Erect Hiindaoiuc Building for j Use of Sunday School, A Sunday School bu'.ldlrg. to cost in the neighborhood of IS, 000 is be- ; ing planned by the Methodist church. I Mi:\'rrr wH! fce three stories Vjjh a:;d v.* ill contain about fourteen looms. A kitchen will be located in the basement. Separate class rooms will be constructed for the use of each- class. . Funds for the building areS^elng raised now and over $3,000 has al ready been subscribed. It Is plan ned to have the building ready for occupancy by early fall. BARACA- PHILATHEA MEETATG0IDSB0R0 S(a!e Convention of Classes to he lfe!d In Gold*boro April 27 to 80. What promises to be one of the greatest conventions ever held by , the North Carolina Baraca and Phll atliea organisations will meet in 1 Goldsboro, April 27-30. Unusually strong speakers and lenders have been secured to take part on the program. A I Baraca and Phllnthea nr* rr.t'tlfd to send as many del' i:*A- < f- i'.-.cy wish, and pastors and superintendents and all others interested In more efficient Sunday Schools are extended a most cordial invitation to attend. SAVED CHILD AT RISK OF HIS LIFE (By Eastern Press) * Kinstoa. March 20. ? At the risk of his own life, Henry Watson last night rescued his 13-year-old child from his burning borne. Mr. and Mrs. Watson were awakened by the 1 crackling of flames and found the Antlre house on Are. They rushed outside and Mr. Watson suddenly remembered their ohlld. He ran back into the blazing bulldicg, found the little one and brought It out to safety a few mlnutea before the roof of the building fell In. Tainiart <1?U? Appointment. Indianapolis, Ind., March 20. ? Governor Ralston today appointed Thomas Taggart Senator to All, the vacancy caused by the death of 9en ator 8hlvely, * GERMANS ARE REPULSED. Paris, March 20. ? The repulse of the German iufantry attack .'t Pepper Heights positions. north of Verdun, was officially reported today. A bombardment preceded the attack, but showed a lack of |?2e spirit noticed recently in German attacks. The attack was re pelled by French guns. DEVOTE ALL TIME TO PREPAREDNESS. Washington, Mjarch 20. ? Many bills are doomed to burial in Con gress. Preparedness is to be given the entire attention. It is indi cated that for weeks and probably months Congress will be exclu sively occupied with this legislation. WILL IIF.LP CARRANZA. Washington, March 20. ? The President will do nothing to em barrass Carranza. He wishes the Mexican chief to be agisted in every possible way. This developed in n conference held today be* twern the president and Solicitor Polk. If Carranza refuses per mission to use the railroad;, the United States will find other means of transportation. An order has been issued to take Villa at any cost. TWO STEAMERS SUNK. London, March 20. ? The British 3? earner. Port Dalboueie, ami the Norwegian steamer, Landtdi. were sunk today, resulting in the lc-s of several live6. Several of the crew of the former vessel wete res cued. Many are missing. Sixteen survivors of the Landeli have been rescued. The engineer was killed and also a postal employ" named Ivanoff. ATTEMPTED TO ASSASSINATE RUSSIAN. Rome, March 20. ? Bulgamyi*? Uijav attempted to assassinate Premier Radoslavoff, according to SSutia dispaiehes. They tire] twice. One shot struck the coachman. The Premier was riding ivi the carriage and escaped unhurt. FIGHT ON THE ARMOR P.ILL. Washington, March 20. ? Declaring that the administration pro oses to use Government power to destroy legitimate industry, K pub lican leaders in the Senate today launched a bitter assault against the Tillman government armor bill, "it is an unfair coniiscatorv, wanton and vengeful," were the icrms used by Senators Penrose, Oliver, ilarding, Curtis and l.ippitt. A vote is coming tomorrow. The house agreed to vote on tut lvashn $220, UUO army amendment at two o'clock. Lodge said that America gets armor cheaper than o;her countries. NO WORD OF VILLA OUTRAGES. San Antonio, March 20. ? Funston has received 110 word of Villa outrages against American colonists in Mexico it is stated. STEEL TRUST SUIT MAY 15. Washington, March 20. ? The Supreme Court has denied tlu> Gov ernment's application to postpone the hearing of the s eel trust suit until fall. It was ordered to be brought up on May 15. "DRY" LEADERS ARE DEFEATED. Washington, March 20. ? Dry leaders today tried vainly before the Senate Judiciary Committee to force a vote 011 the aNtional prohibi tion amendment. ? REPENTANCE NECESSARY TO BECOME CHRISTIANS Strong Sermon, Second Of A Spccial Series, Delivered Last Night At Baptist Cbuub Kev. Edward B. Jenkins preachpd the second of the series of Sunday night sermons at the Baptist church last night to a large audience. His text was: "How May We Become Christian*?" Text Matt. 4:17: "From that time J-stts 1o preach, and to say, repent, tor .he This was the key-note of the early Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." Christian Church ? and Jesus, the example of a 1 christian people, prcaihed repentance, saying unto those who knew h!m not: "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is ar hand." There are a number of condi tions and a number of things that the individual must bo before this will be complete. Jesus Christ en deavored to let man see and realize and know that they were lost. What Is needed for repentance is, first of a 1, CONVICTION: Conviction of the fact that we are without Ood and without hope in the world, con viction of the fact that we are sin ners, conviction of the fact that we ire out of Ood's plan, conviction that we have noth'.ng that Is good within ourselves, conviction by the power of the Holy Ohost. F'rst of all, conviction In brought about by prayer. We may have re vivals and meetings, but If there Is not prayer for the power of the Holy Spirit to enter the hearts of men and women who are not saved, then we shell fa'.l entire' y snd completely. And again It is needed to realise the fact that we are lost and the fact that we are unsaved. As I came down the street tonight I saw men standing on the streets talking ? seemed to be unconcerned about the service of Ood. 8ome of these men I k?ov ?r? uQMTtd. wtthoit ? :?? and without hope in the world, have never realized the fact that they are sinners. They may say: "I am a moral, upright man in the commun- ' Ity and all that, but they have not Irea ized the fact that they are sln rers before Ood. Ezok. 1 R - 2 o : "The rb-.' : 'r ? ... J; -4 .id ? u slia'.i not ticar the Iniquity cf iiha father, neither shall the father I hear the Iniquity of the son; the righteousness of the r!ghteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness (f the wicked sha 1 be upon him." Jeaus came and died thnt m^n m'ght have life and have It everlaHtlngly, I but did not come preaching and! saytng thai he wanted to cruah men. | but that he wanted to aave them and I give them a bet'er life. What If rep#n*.nT?"#?* I is turning, a srop, a r.?':?; -ft:-'- ;! '? ? and turning our faces toward Ood and towards Heaven and towards righteousness, and then when we have done this, wo have faith in J?v sus Christ that he can save and that ho will save, and that He Is only watting ^or u* to come t"? htm. JeKtia came preaching and to say i repent for the Kingdom of Heaven Is at hand. Those of you krow not ^ Jesus Christ as your Lord and Sav ior. remember this, that Ood. through all of his love and mercy Is seeking | I to save you. but he wilt not knock I you down end drag yqri Into the Kingdom of Ood. you fnust do your part, and He ta more than willing to do hla, and to help you to see that you are without Ood and without hope in the world, and may we who are christians realize that there are many In th'.a town who are unsaved. At the morning service there was one converflon ana ope also at : ulght. ROSINS HAVE rjSiTtD II NEWOFFENblVE NEW MOVEMENTS IX THE EAST DRAW INTEREST A WAV FROM THE VERDI" X BATTLE. DEFEAT AUSTRIANS AuiitrlMii Statrm.m Admits That Dcfeow Lino Alorg the Front I1.*ih iUt'ii Withdrawn. \ lolcnt lioiu l>tu-dui*'iit Tukra I'lace. London. March 20 ? Heavy Rus sian attacks along the Austro-Ger man fronts today drew lntere&t away from the Verdun offf^lve. An of ficial statement frtni .'.euua admits The compelled retreat of Austr.un forces near Voclt-cko Br dge Head. Russians followed the bombardment with violent ?*rci:ai:ng. The d f -n e I'ne has bein withdraw.-. tut other at arkb have betn repulsed, accord ing to the Austrlaos. ALLIES BEGIN ill FOLIC) I l.ordon, March 20. ? In retaliation of Sunday's raid uf German Zcpp? I ns on th?* Fliigllsh coast, which kill ed eleven person*, sixty-five Britirc, French and Belgian planes tod ty at tacked the town of Zeebrugge, the German submarine aid seaplane base, and the Began town of Hoc^ : tads- Kif'y aeroplanes carried two hundred pounds of bombs eacli. lained bombs on ihe seaplane sta- ] lion ard the aerodrome a; Hou'.tad ?. I Fifteen armored planes protect* d ' the bombing craft. They all return-' ed safely. This inaugurates ,'t policy of immediate retaliation of the Ger man raids. One Belgian officer w,m wounded. A fire brake out this morning in the horn? of Tom O. Farrow. The alarm was sent in from Lox 3"?. ear ner of Fifth street and Blnun*'sj road. The au'o truck re;pr.nicd an J oxtnguithed the blaze. Part of the roof was burned off. JOHN H SMALL IS IN THE CITY Congressman John II. Small I* in the city today, having arrived from Washington city yesterday. Mr.1 Small will leave for Gig nv.lle to morrow. where he will mike an ad- ' droB? on the proposed national pio- j h.bition amendment to the consti tution. It is expected that E. C. I Dinwiddle cf WaFhing'on City. will bo present and engage In Joint de .?i r. feijaii i>:uu'il thin morning that he believed the army hi I would pass through Congress In substan tially Its present form. He advo- | rates the mllltia-pay plan and h?- , Haves that this measure will pa**. j Regarding the navy bill. Mr. Small , remarked that he believed both sides would In the end cocm to a satis- , fac'ory agreement. Tie added that In his op'nlon, the general opposi- t t!on to defense measure- had de RfO NEW RNOINRS Ft I ft N. 8.; ST* RT AXOTfTKR PI. ANT XKAR NORFOLK Klnston. March 20. ? Two of half ? dosen giant "conso Idatlon" loco motives recentl yordered hy the Nor folk Southern railroad have arrived at New Rern. They were built In Philadelphia, and are of the le.'Btt type. 1 hey are of considerable more | pulllrg power than any engines in service on the road at preaent, it is said. The two new machines wl I be used for drawing rock trains from Neverson quarries to Lookout harbor. The Norfolk Southern Thursday commenced construction of new shops, to cost a quarter of a million dollars, at Carolina Junction, near Norfolk. The shops will tako earn of a part of teh company's Increas ing rol'lng stock, llksly that on Norfolk and fUUifh divisions. I,fc - ?* w-> U.S.TROOPSflRE CLOSEONMIL OFViLLA'SMEN IIKI*ORTKD THAT KET1EL CHIKF TU\ IMS IIKKN HKM.MKD IX GI LKKKRO M. I MAIN'S. CAPTURE UNLIKELY Mile* of Mountainous Ucirrts Make It High!) I'.-f - I I 1 liikt Mlln Will Kludc IJotli Currauui Foicca and I". S. Trt> | #. E. Past). Texas. Mircb 20. ? Re jior s ue.e rece..ei lier? :oday fo tho iflrtt cl.u; V - id his load have le? u beu.u. d .u ihe canyon* of tbe Guerrero injunta ns. The j-sb.-l chitfta n .s believed to be surround ej by several columns of c.ir-a z',3 la.-i. An.?-r can troops are closing in frutii t':." north. MlUs of mountain ous dear's, however, taaKe the es cap-.* of V. la k * ? 1 y l" S. aeroplanes a:o : tt\ .t>k lii.' m neuicots. He is reported as liav.r^ left a detach ment of tn^n a' the Hernacde$ ranch to hold the Americana and Permit b;in t? Ji.de in the Sierra Madres 'Fighting betw?or bis rear guard an i Auier.i an *r op-* i* expected A seror.d for permission to use the railmad" is r^por'ed to *a*e be* n made \y \Va?h?:gton. It ?s bi>l.e\?.d that Cariaoxa will grant It. Export l.rni: ("ainpnism. i mi ii- N M. M.irr-h 20 (via Ei Pa?o?? I'ciiy amhuhnus are here. Field hospital completion .s being ru*>l"< d ii pr. piwa on of the cxje.'.ed L!:>-\ly fich:lnc liet wren A r >ar.? ?t I s illi-ta? n .he sou :i ern mount a'p o or- expect ? long campaign :M are !?" ? g for it. RUSSIAN STEAMER IS TORPEDOED Pctroprad. M ar-U 21. ? Thf? Ilus sian -?.?a-: * r. Ju? iloa. was '.urprdoed .n t li ? Nor:. i .Vlan:;c o:j t lie n.ntli. ri-L'-in-j _ir> t;1 tlx rfTe.'t tVa* the crnv la b^llcvid ;o La.e Lrifn navi.l f k i i.i. i d lirsiiwn who TH ItK \TK\KU II Fit r.T"FF r-r >l r:. k. M 1 . M.ircb 2C ? Th3 kll iuf; o.' h r hUAt:a:.<l Artliur Er:g N' n Vrl( lawyer, L(r.au?e he i !irr .itni ?! h- r l ie ha* nnJe Mrs. K mr 1 1 > I. a b-ro.n?*. ?!>? guarded bor b:o:li<r*' :,<?!??? Wh-th-r she will u tr-nil Ii*r hJ. taLd'8 funeral Jb un known. HiS WRITTEN TO MRS/GLASS Mrs. C. M. I. 'tile Notified Mothrr of St'J< n lt? y (if Itnn'l nf c^ypstm *y'. mother "I Jim:uy t?;tt*s, the four-y ar-olJ bey who ?'i< stolen from hs Tin mo ahotil a voir ?co. Iiaa l<?rn ?'D' hy Mr*. Char'p* l.ill'e jf rhln r'ty [r. ?h" letter Mr? Lltt'.? 'nc\or**(| riippine.t from the Daily Xf*? ar.d other papers. telling of the hond f>f Kyps:'"!! tha' have bren in th'* sr-r!nn and also statin* that :i white rhild w?? amon* them Mrs. I?1t tie wrot?? ihn' *he d'd not desire ? r f. i??* ,my fa>e hopea hut that ? - n?r-on She . < tHjv tiou of the f lu ii. A reply i* expect ed within a few days.

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