DAI L ? HEWS PETRT8 MORE LOCAL NEWS THAU AST OTHEH PAPER IX TAX STATE. WASHINGTON, N. C., WEDHESD AY APTERN?)ON, MAKCH 22, 191#. x ENTHUSIASM IS HIGH; VOTES ARE PILING It V ? ? ? >-? . ? Race For Big Prizes in Daily News Contest is Now well Under Way OTHERS ENTER Nomlutfooi Are Coming In Dally. Contestants Who S^art Now Havr An K?ual Olunco to Win. Much latere** la Shown. The champion" optimist of the world hgs set a pace Chat will he hard for the rest of us to beat. He Is the man ^ho foil from the roof of the fjfoolw^rth Building in New York, and wae heard to remark a* he pasted the sixteenth floor in his fall, "All right so far." Th^Ms the spirit that should pre vail in the T>lg contest for summer vacation tours and prises. It Is all right so far, for you at this early stage of the game. It is anybody's rice. No one has forged ahead of the field, because the race is Just getting started. Enter your name I today, then get one subscription and earn the twenty-fire thousand extra rotes. Then you can join the cham pion optigilst and say, "All right 50 far." ? You- ca^ get right Into the lead tomorrow, and stay there If you ' are willing to hustle. Just a little. The more you think about this glorious opportunity the Dally New* la offering to you, the more strongly It ought to appeal to you. The sooner yod~ begin active operations the^aooner your_votes will begin to pile" up, *nd the more Intense will your enthusiasm grow. Simply clip the nomination blank, fill It in with your name, or the name of a lady friend. That starts you properly. A subscription re ceipt book, a list of the subscribers :Jg Information wll^(be furnished rou, and every effort made to fet ytfT**H?r?i the right track. If you cannot see opportunity spelled In- gTeat- flaming letters in the affef. (Pf sixteen prizes, ypu are not the eoergetlc, ambitlojis eprson to whom the Daily News would ap jyi. Any Prise Worth Struggle. In vrorklng for a prite you com pete against only a small section; against tlje members of your own district alone. The smallest prise offered is worth double the effort that will be required. The big sum mer vacation tours are worth more than any effort that could be made during the few weeks of the cam paign. The contest has been planned In a manner that make the prises eeay to win. In fae^ anyone who works canpot hardlj^fall to win. The distribution will be widespread and all have ^qual opportunity regard less of what part # of this territory they may reside. Soon to End. The offer outlined on the big bal lot which is printed In this paper will soon be withdrawn. Read the conditions on the ballot and take I advantage of the opportunity while It la preset t. "During *the contest noN subscrip tions will be collected except .by oonteetantf. All subscribers will please co-operate with the contest ants and Malat them In making their work m success. No subscriptions w|l> be credited fo r % lees amount than 9* Si TOT CHAMCK OP OOtTR^GB. "The Ohallce of Courage" was one of the best picture* Unit has been shown at the Now Theatre. This pic tore ran for <%ree months In one house In New York ftlty and that' . goes far to prove that the pl< IDENTIFf UD mil typsiES us cuss em PICTURES OP STOLEN BOV WERE RECEIVED IN THE 'CITY THIS MORNING. TREATED BADLY pocal People Bay Child Was Forced To Go Barefoot and Was In a Half. Starred Gondii ton While Hrre. A letter from Mre. C. L. Glass of Jersey City, mother of Jitamle Glass, the boy who is believed to have been with the band of gypsies Id this sec tion recently, was received this mornr Lht by a prominent lady of the city, who had notified Mrs. Glass of the presence of the boy here. Trie letter oontataed a circular on which appeared two photographs of the Glass boy. Two ladles have positively Identi-j fled the pictures, an being exact like nesses of the boy whom they saw 'u the gypsy camp. ? I The gyps!es, it Is understood, are now in the vicinity of Oak City. Considerable indignation has been.! expressed by local residents because the boy was. not held while the gyp sies were ere. One lady stated this morning that she pointed out the boy to two police officers but that they refused to arrest him, saying that they had no authority for doing so. \ It was also learned today that the boy was allowed to go barefoot, while the other children In the camp wore shoes and stockings and wero fairly decently clothed Mrs. W. F. Clark's cook one day took the child to her home and gave the boy some thing to eat.* She Vates tfiht he ate everything before him arid then picked np the crumbB that had fallen on the floor and ate those. ^ TO DISCUSS BOAT LINE Mfetlns to bo Held In New Bern for That Purpose Tonight. Plan to TCtflfcbliah Line. (By Eastern Press) Klnslon. March 22. ? Agents of a proposed ^steamer line from* Balti more to New Bern and other North Carolina ports will meet with the New Bern Chamber of Commerce to night to discusa the project. It Ms believed the line can he established wlthont any considerable difficulty. "Klnstou and Goldsboro mer chants," snys the J*ew Bern Sun lournal, "are much Interested, as It would man a big saving to them In frpi rhj? to have their goods shipped to Ne1?- Bern and re*hipped via rail road ? smaller river hoau. Sev eral ^nsinpss raeft from thoae towns %H expjMjted to attend the meeting' WILL BUILD WAREHOUSE OreeviTllte M?ui to Rrect New Tobacco [ Warefcooae at KMaii. Permit Ha* Be*n faa?Mw1. (By Eautern Praaa) Kihuton. March IS. ? A bnlldtn* permit ha* been leaned to 8. T. Hooker of Oreenrllle for a tobacco warehofte. to jba bwflt of brick at the corner of Leaotr and Indepen dent atreete. The estimated cost Is ts named will make LIBERMEHS MIKTMDS BID HILL HUD FARMERS AT OLD FORD AND AT ORIMKSLAND WnilKO TO V LEND ASSISTANCE. ALL SHO\jnNTEREST Local Finri Makes Especially Libeml - Offer, Prortdins That the County Commissioners Will Make Appro 1 priation. - Not oniy the residents of Wash- ! lngton nnd Chocowlnlty, bat those living In otber parts of the county j are ready and willing to glvee*ery assistance in their ptfwer towards building the Red Hll! road. Marcellus Cooper, a prominent farmer near Old Ford, stated this morning -that he would be glad to give free labor to the project. Thagr Hodges, another well-known farmer of that section, made the same offer today. William and James Faucette, of Orlemsland, stated yesterday that they were willing to provide teams. A local business firm this morning gave out the following statement: If the county commissioners will give $5,000 or any sum 17; above that airtount, we will be willing to give tea per cent of aay nm thejr give towards building this vroad. Other liberal offers have been made. ^DOPT RULES FOR CLERKS Meeting of Bmtefw Men's Associa tion Was Held Last Night. Rules to be Poated. / . At a meeting of the Washington Business Men's Association, which was held last night in the roomB of the Chamber of Commerce, a set of rules, tor tbo benefit of local clerkB, j^i-cro ?l;avj up and adopted. The rule*, In effect, are as follows: 1. Thai all men clerks be in the stores where they are employed not latdr than 8 a. m. 2. That all women clerks be at work not later than 8:15 -a. m. 8. That no clerk leave the store during bueiness hours unless having first obtained permission from the manager. 4. That an hour be the limit al lowed for meals. These rules will be printed and posted in all of the stores that are members of the association. | It was also decided at the meeting : that the regular dues of the asso- j , elation in the f&tifre be 50 cents a 'i month. i WRESTLING M^TCH j TOMORROW NIGHT j Willi* of This citr to H?< Condi- ] (Wfl for Middleweight Cham of the Country A special wrestling carnival will be staged at the old armory on Mar ket street tomorrow night and will Include* the beat exhibition of wrestr IVng over seen In Washington. The hk's program will Include a ' p# of excellent bouts. Pre i|nary talent will be provided by ilocil man. The graity nnal bout will [be between Joe Willis of this city and 8am largerson of Chicago. 1 Willis recently met LaReau of Plymouth, In this city and wrestled him for two hours to a draw. Local fans atated at 4he time that this boat whs one of the b$st they had ever n. Tomorrow's bout promises to be even better. Jagersop has met some of the bqst middleweight n la the country and ia considered a like ly candidate for the 'middleweight championship of the world. The ev ening's entertainment will begin %i 8: SO o'eleek. O. HKNRY n,m. .The O. Henry Club will meet to 3:30 o'clock BIG INCREASE IN DEPOSITS | Showing of Local; Bub la a Good Indication of (Sen?iw! Prosper ity of City Oojky An. Index to the pfospcrity of Washington and Beaufort county its shown In the inafease in bank de posit* of the thr?$ local banks. From March, 1^15, to March, 1916 the increase was rfbout $126,000. In spite of the recent business depres sion this shoeing Is of a rather re markable nature and is a good In dication of the present prosperous condition of business concerns and Indlyldua'.s throughout the county. Bank of |J*lhi*ven. N A report of tKf deposits of the Bank of Belhavenj also shows u re marakble Ine : which the Bank th, it shows thst the deposits wer?f $166,609.87. On March 4, 1915, the deposits were $134,801.66. This is an Increase of about $41,000.00 * In the statemei issued on March TWI VEHDUISUDTO BE ENDED (By Unit# Press) Paris, March 21<--The third, and what was probabltfthe last phase of the Verdun attach Obas ended, ac cording to dispateppa. German suc cesses near Avancojirt are of a minor nature. *r It Is not beUe&d thnt the fipr" mans will renew assaults a!ong tho northern front. soon. Tho great drlvrfj has .ended what the French bellev# to be the great est German U'*aster since Marne, \ ARE SECURING SUBSCRIPTIONS CominHtee Started Work Yesterday Kaisine Funds for Hcltool Comaioiicfnicnt. The commlttco, in charge of rais ing funds for defraying the expense of the county school commencement, which is to be held in this city next week, started out yesterday morning and made an excellent start in their work. They visited a number of the merchants and secured promises of subscriptions. About $200 was rais ed In cash and in "promises." -It (will take about three times this a mount, however, to cover the cost of the commencement. It will take 25 barrels of apples to give each of the visitors one of the | fruit. -? It will take 16,000 sandwiches to' provide them with sustalnance. ' These two Items alone will give some Idea of the slse of the under taking. i It la genernllr -r-l'sed' that the commencement will be* r. ' '."f i advertisement for the ctty and liw. 'the merchants will do a big dwy's I business while the visitors are here. For that reason it Is expected that not much difficulty will be enooun tered In raising the necessary funds. OLD SOLDIER DIED MAR. 10 G. W. Lupton, aged painted away at his home In Edward on March 10. Rev. W. T. Trotman of ficiated at the funeral services, which were htfd at the M. K. Church In Small. The interment was In the ( Prlm'.tive Baptist burial ground on March 11. tie Is survived by his wife and two children. A host Vof friends also mourn his loss. When 'ninelfcdn years of age, Mr. Lupton ' answered the call of the Bouth and {joined the Confederate army. He participated in some of 'the most im portant battles of the great conflict hut escaped with only a. alight wound. He s>o took p^l in tAe battle bt Gettysburg. 'His death wm due to pneumonia and he suffered considerably befor^ he passed away. He bore his ??f I fnrln* .-J . ? > hwew' ,nd wtth DM UNO SMALL DEBATE GflLLEDA DRftW LARGE AUDIENCE HEARD COX. CHESSMAN AND OPPONENT DEBATE PROHIBITION QUESTION. STRONG ARGUMENT JJcith Brought Out Good Points in Favor of Their Hide of the Ques tion. Rejoinder Was Spirited on Both Sides. (Special Correspondent) Greenville. March 21. ? Fads may come and fad*- may go, but tho lore fo* a gentle debate abides forever, as is shown by the crowd that gath ered to hear the Hon. John H. Small vs. Hon. B. C. Denwlddle fight * sixty minute draw on the advisabil ity of altering the United States Constitution so as to provide for National Prohibition. The affair was advci wised some days ahead, and today the Superior court adjourned (or two hours to allow the general public to ' become acquainted with both sides of the question as pro ponded by the two distinguished gentlemen who so obligingly came to our little town to do the said propounding. .> ***&* The debate was a corker from the first to th? last, and the general verdict of the spectators was tbftt it | w*s a draw, which is the only*way 1 of deciding, since the laws of the meet did not admit of a referee's decision. Mr. Denwiddie opened with a forty-live minutes speech. In which he pointed out the general good of prohibition, and the need for an amendment to the constitu tion by which prohibition would be icomo effectlvo, and liquor barred from Interstate shipment. He con (Contlnued on page 4) T1N0FFTRACK Three Trainmen Injured. Piuwengers Had Narrow Escape. Many Fires Caused By Storm. (By United Press) Marlon, lnd., March 22. ? Three trainmen were injured and a score of passengers ha'd narrow escapes when a cyclone early this morning blew three cars of a train near here down an dmbankment. Passengers flew from the train in their night clothes. The storm unroofed a num ber of houses and caused several disastrous fires. CHANGES in the NEW THEATRE ' I T?. ft K d a i: y,\ TI K hovo .j'jhas-ed T. O. Blow's interest Id' the New Theatre. They will take I in active Interest In the management if the theatre. Mr. ,Capehart has issumed Mr. Blow's duties as ad vertising manager. It was announced this morning that "The Birth of a Nation" has been booked for Washington. The exact date of the appearance of the picture here la not known. WANTS DYE MILLS LOCATED HERE W. H. Ht.nclll Declares There U No lM la HHjring Upon Kurope to FnrnlfltLJ>j-e*. "Thlajjs aren't like they used ;o be," remarked W. H. StancUl, one of the prominent farmed of the townahip, who *aa In the city this morninc. "1 it- member when I was a boy my uglier used to mpke all of our clothes and dyed them too. The coloring made ae pretty a suit as you over aaw. . "Now, however, we read in the papers that there Is ho dye to he had en account of the war and that | folks *U1 probably hate to wear I white <f the wk doesu t ead IN VESTIO ATEJfi NKING. Copenharen? "Lpe 2?ortafc?4? government has fskcd Germany for an explanation regarding the sinking of the 4)ark, Silius, carry ing seven Americans and the crew of the 6teainer, Langeli. GERARD STAYS ABROAD, j Berlin. ? Ambassador Geiard announced today that he had ean ceilod arrangements for his va cation. He will not return to America this summer. No ex planation is given. It is believed that he feels that matters too im-i portant to be entrusted to a sub-! ordinate are liable to come up. | newspaperman insane. Jiurhuu, N. C. ? Brooding over the German losses at Veidun caus ed the mental break i< v. n of Hub ert S. Covyan, Spanish war veteran and a prominent North Carolina nowspaperman. He was a Ger man sympathizer. He was com- 1 mitted to the State asylum today. DENIAL GIVEN OUT. Berlin. ? Aekernian, the Berlin corcrepondent of the United Press, has been authorized to liighl.v deny the rumor that German y is re sponsible for American troubles in .Mexico. Germany, it is claim ed, followed America's steps in recognizing Carranza. COMPLAIN OF RATES. Washington. ? The Scott paper company has complained to the interstate Cmnmerce Commission relative to'' thl unreasonable rates from PhtJadeJvbia to North ami South Carolina, Georgia and Al abama. MUCH DAMAGE BYJ5TORM. Muncie, Ind. ? ilaitford Cit> and Alountpeliar advices tell ol i/.ousands of dollars of damagi done last night in the iierce storn. that visited this section.. A gir, is reported killed at iiouLpuIier ihree factoring aro wreokctL Jlu*? ncss blocks have be:n unroofed. GERMAN SHIP TORPEDOE1 Bucharest. ? The German ship Esperanza, seven thousand ton? carrying food to Constantinople was toipedoed and Riink by a Kit? sian war ship near the Rumania! >jrt of Kaliakra. The crew o the German vessel were takci prisoners. The war ship fle\ Spanish and Rumanian lings. [FIRE DESTROYS FACTORY Coppcrhill, Tenn. ? - Assistan Superintendent George Strohl wa kille<i and more than a mill io: dollars worth of damage was don in a fire which destroyed tw buildings of the Tennessee Co| per Company's factory here. DISCUSS ARMY MATTIES Washington. ? The House i half-wav through the Hnv arm bill. Th? Scnnte has joined i considering preparedness lceisl: tion. The passase of the Chan berlain bill, doubling West Point" capacity, will be followed by tl? army bill. The crucial test of tl TTV- l.'ij I- ,1. ? A i-!.-' % m ?? ?;? I'/i'A J ?? UC lii<> REINFORCE ON BORDER. Washington. ? 2,700 cavalrr men are speeding towaPds the boi der to reinfojee Pershing. in r< spouse to General Fnnston's ar poal. Traiqs are speeding to th border from all sections. It i that more will lie needpd tia is now in progress. ?pjrsjqT \ys tTFprr Torj;*! T1" <%+* \ \ - 1 ci u]y asdauitiii# Yen iiindoi; bursts front alone the south and southeast lines. The attack Wa? repulsed. CLOSE IN ON VILLA. Ran Antonio. ? Ocnera) Per J nhinjr in at Lake ftabricofa. T>od<* i* between El Ville and Namif|iii pa. A third of the American col nmn is at Carmen. Contact with Villa's forces seems inevitable nn lees Villa escapes through the territory between the American? and Carranza's men. Should he succeed in doing this, it will be woek*. and probably months, bp fore be is captured. "Ws could maks dyes hers In Wa*h!ttgtoa Just as wall as thsy can do it In Rurop* I belltre' It would bs ? Rood Idsa for so?m of <**r i Ittlftta to l~k into tt)? > gatE FU1S ren MOWMEIT MPS XO WORD ms BKEX RECEIVED FROM JMER1CA.N8 SINCE YESTERDAY MORXIXG. I WIRES CUT DOWN ? . \ IUa's Men Have Srvervd Telegraph Wire*. xT\\v AvUtors Are Facing j Starvation in MoantAlnous J>?s. i ????? ? - - (By United Press) El Paso, March 22. ? ? great si lence has fallen o*er the operations of Persh:ug in Mexico. Communica tion Las been entirely cut off. v The Meld wire ess apparatus has failed to bring any information. Villa's men have cut off the telegraph wires to Juarez. No word has been rece'.ved from the American troops since it was re ported they were nearlng the ban dits yesterday. r An effort is being^nade to locate the two American aviators who are believed to be lost in the . desert mountains and facing starvation. Y HOMES WRECKED BY E (By United Press) Amsterdam, March 22. ? Hundreds ?f houses In the Austrian towns JriLar and Grizane were destroyod ?day by an earthquake, according o Vienna dfwpatehes. * No word as ?i the number of lives lost has bean ecelved. SAME OLD STORY ?ill Mack Tri<Hl Yesterday h; for Ilnying Too Much lilq In His I'mutetaloo. Bi'.J Mack, colored, arrested on tb* ^'.rgc of having an over-snpply jf lonkey rum in his possession, was ?!ed yesterday. Harry McMullan act ig as his attorney. ? Trial was by iry. The verdict rendered was the sua! one. O TTTE TAXPAYERS OF BRACT FOKT COUNTY; AM parties owning real estate In ild county and which taxes have ot been paid, will be advertised on le 27th day of"^4arch and sold on ie first Monday in May for the m-payment of said taxes. I shall Ivertlse all parties on tax-books, nd no not propose to show parttal <* ' r> '???* ;\?'-! a"d sit or witte iu? Sutriff or u!.> tfvp lies and pay 4atd taxes and avoid ?st and embarrassment. Respectfully, W B. WINDLEY. Bberlff. 17 to 4-1 WASHINGTON MARKET Corrected by R. H. HUIMJON Successor to B. Mayo. ut Oottoa + 11 S-tc 3c to 4 Ho ten Eggs ;oom Eggs Jreen Cow Hides HVio felt Cow Hide* .-If? Try Cow H'.des fN ">eer Hides (green) .,**+$9* Deer Hides (flint) Me Sheep Skin* .......... . SSe to l?o Umb Skins SSc to K?e <B?rlinc? .I#c Wool (free rrom Hat) ........ S9e Woo! (burry) 12c to tte Qoat Skins 15c to'lSe Been Wsx .He Tallow 80 Rug*, per hundred ..fl.tO Bone, per hundred B?c Auto Tires (outer casing) lb.... lie Auto Icner Tubes to/ Rubber Boots end Shoes. ..... 4o Corn, bushel 7#e O'.d Hens lte Old Roosters ?c c'"- *

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