F*tr toalskt **4 vanstr to orrow. WmutIt viad*. 1 UK DAILY NTWB PRINTS MOKE LOCAL NKW8 THAN ANT.JDTHKB PAPER IN THE 8TATE. ? ? ? WASHINGTON, N. 0., THURSDAY- AFTERNOON, MARCH 33,1918. EMS ARE KG up votes The Rush of Votes Brought in This Morning Almost Swamped Manager's Office ALL WORKING HARD Ban Is attain* ftteiwUly la latere* and ^scdtflmeBt. Those Who D?. ?ire to Do n Ma?. Still Eater Their Names and Wla One of t be Many Mm. Interest in the Dally News' big subscription contest is Increasing dally. Host of the contestants sre now bu^ly engaged In piling up ?otes. The contest department will fur nish candidates with every possible assistanop and candidates who are In doabt as to any detaila are nrged to communicate with the contest man ager. The districts In the city are mak ing a good showing and the con testants Include some of the most popular young ladles In the city! All have magy friends and these friends are dolnf everything they can to help them win the free vacation trips and other valuable prises. > Country contestants are equally, hard at work. They will also be awarded free trips. Competition in the country promises to be especially keeiifc, Bveryone Is excited over the raee andL alt of the contestants are e??er to secure the "Jump" on the , others. _ ^ ' ? It is npt too late to enter tbe con test and those who derfrq to partici pate la the fun and excitement, but haffe refrained from sending In their nominations, can be aa confident of winning as those] who have secured a little stayt on them. LOCAL BOY IS WITH SOLDIERS Ju A. NfteboU of This City Is One of the V. S. Soldiers Who Are at Present In Mexicb, Among the soldiersT who are banting for Villa In Mexico Is a native of this city, Arthur Nichols, eon of Ijr, *nd Mrs. Nichols. Mr. Nichols is a corporal In troop 1, 11th cavalry. ^ Whon U, 8. troops were ordered to the border, his company left Fort Oeorgls. where they had bee^ stationed, for Columhu*. N. M. They joined the other troops there and are at Present on the other side of tjfce Rio Qrsnde. AURORA BANK SHOWS INCREASE _ - <11 1 0??r 918,000 FronJ M.rrh 1*18 V> Mutk 1910 According to Statement. (Spatial to the Dallr New?) Aurpra, March 23. ? The d?po??3 Of the Bank at Arson lit March 1 . thil mi, show a marked Increase ?w A* amount. at the samo time a] rear ago. The following figure* were Rlren ou| this morning: , I Match. 1(1* 138,701.10 March, 19 u, ,. . . H.stHO lacrea* 13,860.00 ? ?ahecrlbe to the Dallr Newn. NEW STEMMERY TO LOCATE HERE THIS REASON WASHINGTON HEATH OUT NEW BURN AND WILLI AMSTON IN SECURING NEW PLANT. to pickTout site RqnweotaUTes , of K. B. Ficklin * ? Tobacco Company To Be In the City on Monday and Will Settle Upon Ix>catlon for Plant. An important addition Is to be made to the local tobacco market this yeaTT A large stemmery U to bo hunt In the city and representa tives of the company that Is to un dertake the project will be here Morday to pic kout a site. When V. B. Sbelburne of this city learned a short time ago that the ?fi. BrTI'icklln tobacco Company, one of the largest Independent dealers in the United States, were consider ing operating ? stemmery in this section of the State, he began an in vestigation and had oansidertbla communication with representatives of the company. New Bern and Wllllamston also learned of the deal made desperate atempts to' se cure the stemmery. Mr. Shelburne visited Greenville TueBday, however, and managed to beat the other clt ltes. He stated this morning that if the stemmery was erected in Wash ington, it wonld be leased by tho Ficklin people for about ten or fif teen years. Meesrs. Ferguson and Webb will be here on Monday to look over the ground and find the most suitable location for the plant. This will make two stemmeries for Washing ton and, It Is expected, will cause the sale of considerable more tobacco on the local market during the coming season. It Is stated that the storage rate and the excellent trans portation facilities of Washington had considerable to do with graining the Btememry for this city. [nun GL IS IN RUINS (By United Press) Augusta, Ga., Marph 18. ? Pros trated by the most disastrous confla gration in It* history, Augusta Is to-' day taking Inventory of' the fire whlcK bjoke out yesterday and which 'ruined many of the busifiese houses and a large number of the liner rest* j decttal sections. The entire glty baa the appearance or a smoking ruin. , One or more Uvea hare been lost. The damage 1" estimated at $6,000, 000. Thousands are homeless. Fire companies from Atlanta, Macon end, Savannah are still working. The ho*- 1 pit sis of the ally are crowded with the Injured. Merchandise, plied h!gh In the streets. Is being protect ed by the state militia from looting. GOOD COMEDY PROGRAM. \ The pictures at the New Theatre ' last night were as good as have ever; been shown, consisting or a variety of oomedles and dramas. Tie pro grim for todlght consists of ftve good reals .arnonr them being * Kaiam drama In two parts, entitled. "An Enemy Of Mankind." "It Happened In 8nakevllle'* Is a Vltagrspb 'comedy with a laugh a I the way throngh. K.UU, .IM pr^nt. ? ,ood on. 80-MILE GALE VISITED CITY: DOESJK FSERCXfr WIND AND RAIN STORM OOCURRKD HXRI LAST NIGHT AT ABOUT 8 O'CLOCK. SOON BLEW OYER Storm Was of But Short Duration. Did Considerable Damage at P. BL Yon Ebersteln's Farm at Cboco wlnlty. Low Estimated at f500. One of the worst wind and rain storms that has visited this section of the State recently, occurred last nlfht shortly before eight o'clock. The storm was of brief duration but of Intense violence. It Is estimated that the wind reached a velocity of 90 miles an hour. No serious damage is reported in the city. Small boats along the river-front were knocked about con-' slderably against the docks and one or two broke loose from their moor Inge. The -trash cans on the streets were found a considerable distance from their original location. The one in front of the postofflce was caught up by the wind and rolled along >Market street with the speed of an automobile. Many blanches were broken off trees, shutters were blown off their hinges and the streets this morning were littered with box es, paper and various other srtlcles. A lady's hat waf also found on Sec ond street today. Telephone Wires Down. The Dally News endeavored to get Icto communication this morning wltfr Klnston, Aurora and New Bern, but was unable to do so,- the tele phone wires being out of order. | Damage at Chocowlnffy. I F. H. Von Eberstetn this morning reported that a miniature cyclone siruck his place l8?t night. It un roofed his barn and one of the sta bles, blew down his water tank, up set a large chicken coop, rooted- up trees and did damage on his place to the extent of about $500. I Storm Also Hit Bclhaven. Belhaven also eft the storm last night. No actual damage is report ed, however. SLACKENED ATTACK ON WEST FRONT Gencjui* Palled to Renew Attack West of the Manse. French Maintain Position*. (Br United Press) _ Paris, March 23. ? ' The bombard ment, northwest of Verdun slacken en today. The Germani failed to re new their attacks west of the Meuse. The Trench are maintaining their positions at Pancourt* hi'-l. A violent bombardment Is report ed east of the Mease and elsewhere. The French this morning attacked the trencehs at Faye^hkye and took a number of prisoner)!. Berlin Clatxcfc Gains. Berlin, March U.-i-The Germans ?today captured the ridge southwest of Saucourt, on the west bank of tbe Meuse. This is considered a strong pivotal position. 440 prisoners wero taken. - ?.?' expectWbhl I0PASST0DAY It Being Finally Debated. Resolution Introduced to Offer ?00,000 For Villa. r (By United PressT ^ Washington, March 23. ? The House today overwhelmingly defeat ed the proposal to crf*te a Federal volunteer force of 261*000 men. The Hay bill is scheduled to pass this afternoon and is being finally de bated. A resolution was introduced this morning by Representative Scott of Pennsylvania, authorising the Pres ident to pay 150,000 vizard for the delivery of Villa to military author him. ' The Senate frustrated Sherman's attempt to force a consideration of his resolution, calling for 50,000 volunteers for Mexican service. FRENCH BARK SL'XK. Parts, March 23. ? The French bark, Dougalnsvllle, was sunk today. The crew of 23 men was rescued. CHAS L. MORTON EXPLAINS SENDING IN OF "RIOT CALL" Says that Alarm System is for Use of Fire Departmcn'. Citizens Need Not Bother Heads About Alarms That Are Turned In Washington, N. C.. March 23. Dear sir: It Is not with the spirit ot antag onism nor with censure for yourself nor .the good gentleman wbo ex pressed himself In your columns In ] reference to the sounding of false' alarms, but It is In Justice to His Honor the Mayor, snd the Chief Dfj Ihe Fir? Department, that I request you to give this space In your next Issue. First I want tc admit that every U eosU'.od to his opinion in [reference Id city affairs, when he 1 has made himself oonservant ' with same. As to the criticism of tho i Mayor and Chief of the Fire Depart | stent, I wish to aftsufe you that K was only after my insistence that they 'agreed to allow the "riot alarm" to i he sent In, and If anyone Is to be held to account for It, I do not hesl tsto to assume the responsibility. | I wish to make this explanation why these things have been done. Personally I have been a member of Volunteer hose company for twenty years, beginning my present service [when- the little pump engine, bougnt I from Mr. Hoyt, was in its glory, hav ing the reputation of always getting [on first stream, at a Are, which honor we still claim for dur company, aod ' feel I do know what Is required for efficient woflf of the department. It Is absolutely necessary for (fee Chief of the Fire Department to occasion ally sesd in fal?e a'arms to keep the coapanlea up to_atandard. That Is his only method for immediate sum -..Cj. ))9 rtB|e to ^ it it In la ta tha Editor Daily News, ? .ugle Is to Jhe 1 not M* u long u tho place It within the discussion of their .chief, why the citizen who ajpswers It at h V? convenience and simply atj tends as a matter of curlonlty shoum object. He Is In no way compelled to pay the least attention to the alarm if he does not so desire, nor, as you win I* It done In n elty. As to tli- 1. M | the average cltlien at a diu, w;;.'. I there ire some level heads among] I them, the majority, p!aced for the [first time In place of responsibility, loose their heads and do so much I damage that we would prefer they | refrain from thrusting their aid upon tH. I have actually neon them throw bowls and pitchers from a second I story window and gently carry a feather bed down a flight of stair* and out the front door. The Board [of City Aldermen had to take action | to prerent transfers from blocking i streets and passed a law making it | a fine of 96.00 for a cltlsen to ride on Are truck. With the Are com pany, we simply request, as we are I to do the work, that yon leave the I system to us. When we And mls { takes we will gladly correct them. I Don't pay any attention to the alarms unless yon prefer to do so, and If we fall to get reenlts then KICK. As to the "Riot Cal'." with the Na val Militia It Ift the nam* with them, as the Are alarm is to the Are d?v partment. When they hear 0-ft they are the ones directly Interested. 1 i an 1 shooting !s done ihey are the on?s tojJo it, or receive it. They not only answer your call regardless of weather conditions. but tladly sub ject themselvet to the risk of death, for tW beneAt of ywselye and property. Our mMa li thl?: ?-? to SUM! IT ELFISH IS TENSE, FOIL PIOTTS BURN AND LDDT CITY; tlHLNT TB?W? sflSlElTB BBHDETI I 1 El Paso, March 23. ? General Pershing today took control of the railroads In northwestern Mexico and south of Casas Cr-ndes. If Is reported tbat the transportation of Infantry by rollroad to Madera has be gun. An attempt Is being made to get to the rear of Villa and cut him pff while General Dodd pushes the bandits southward. Troops of cavalry are protect ing the border. El Paso has been designated as the war cap ita'.. The situation there Is of the most tense nature. The po lice claim to have discovered a plot of 200 Mexicans to burn anu Soot the city. Eleven have I been arrested. Including Melchor I Perreda. brother of General 1 Lus8 Herrera. The general aentlment In El ' Pnso favors an invasion of Mex ico. Carranza's consul at E'. Paso has denied that Herrera has de aorted and joined Villa. Ho c:alms that Herrera is one of Villa's most bitter enemies and Is helping the Americans. The (earing of uprisings of Mexicans a: all points along the border has caused the redistri bution Of U. S. troops. The 4 th artil.ery has been sea to re inforce the 5,000 troops already stationed at Browosvilie. Maia moras, across the river from Brownsville Is a hot-bed cf Villa supporters. The reported clash between Vil.a's men and I'ersh'.ng's troops Is unconfirmed. Str-ps are ? being taken to run a 1 Mexican trains by Americans. More Troops for llordrr. Denver. Mar. 23.? Seventeen hunderd of the Jtih infantry men, who have beeu home from the Philippines but a fortnight, have left Fort Russell, Wyo.t and are going to tha border. May lite the Militia. Washington, March 23. ? The government Is today considering toe possibility of using the mili tia on the border. The fate of Aviator Lieut. Gorrels, Is I doubted. EHtfilFF MIKES EIUPMC DLNIU; GLASS Blir 15 NST WITH G!PS!ES Says the People of This Section Are Needlessly Agitated Over the Matter armory, dress in bis uniform, get ilia gun and side arms, fall in ranks, without command, and await orders. The commanding officer immediately gets in communication witty the mayor or sheriff and places himself and company at their dlsposel. You will readily see the need of practice In this. Should there be a riot in Aurora and an hour to make the train under this system the division wou'd be ready to move in thirty minutes. By the old methods of messenger and phones it would take! from four to six hours. For your further Information, fail ure to answer this call, with all pos sible haste fty a member of the oavalj militiamen is considered a grievous offense, and without proper excuse subjects him to confinement, aboard the U- 3. 8. Foote from one io thirty days on bread and water, full ration every third day. I have tried to cover principal points, and * v this explanation make It clear to you that both the Fire Department and Naval Militia, who receive no material benefits, are sim ply doing their bfest to make bolh departments as perfect as possible and desire you not to KICK but BOOST. CHAS. L. MORTON, CornmpndT 1-* TCa?. V C. N\ M. Monger Volu;?tte.r Ho?e Co. 1. I (By United PregB) XORWEIOIAN HARK BUNK. London, March Si. ? The Norwe gian bark, Lindfleld, S.SOO tons, waa aunk early thla morn'.ng. Thirty of the crew have been landed at Qaeena town. They were reacued by the bark, 8llaa. FIRE UJtDKR CONTROL. j Augawta. Oa.. March S3. ? The flrn was under control at noon today. I The loaa ia $6,000,000. Several fire man are aerloualy Injured. Ten bns Ineaa blocks and twenty blocks In the residential faction were com pletely destroyed. ADMINHEN GOING NORTH. Christiana. March SI. ? Captain Amundsen announced today hte plana for another arctic expedition, atari! nit from Borrow vol nt*. Alaska, nwto ?>? contribute^ TALKED TO CRAIG j .Governor Called l*p Sheriff's Ofllcc l,?uit Night in Regard to the .Mat ter.r^.\dvi?td Him to Let tlie Case Drop. That the "white boy" wJth the band of gypsies in this scct on of the State is not Jimmie Glass, the larl who was stolen from his parents in Pennsylvania last year, and that the people In those cities, where the tribe has visited, are needlessly agi tating themselves over the matter, were the assertions made this morn ing by Sheriff W. U. VVind'ey. Governor Craig ca led up tha Sheriff's office last night. The gov ernor slated that he had receded i letter from Mrs. Glass, mother of the missing to>, asking him to help her in the search and staling that she did not believe the oJTicial? n this part of Ihe Slato were doing their duty. The sheriff expand what he and other offie'als had done. Mr. Craig stated that he was satis fied and that he would let Ihe matter [drop. He advired the sheriff to pay 'no atfenM^n to any rurthnr nr:;!ni1o*i "Tli? enure case .* utter fvt?.:sh neps," said the sheriff. when seen th!s morning. "There is abto'utely nothing to It. There is no white boy with this band of gypsies. There j never has been as long an the tribe has been In this part of the state. I cannot make th's statement too em-' phatlc. Here's the case in a nut shell: "There la a boy with the band who 1 haa light hair, rosy cheeks and a full rOPlH ??' "?* fr'l?i and that t?i wliat liae probata 4 excited the people ? and e?peclal 1 the ladlea. The mother of thla boy. however, la an Indian and his father la a Brazilian. There Isn't a drop of , American blood In him. At Ant glance, however, moot people would take him to be a white boy. Rut he faTt. Doea anyone suppose for a minate that officials In Craven. Beau fort and Martin connt!ea would let the boy get out of their rcach If they suspected for a moment (hat he waa the O'ass boy? "I don't know where the mining child la, bat I am positive that he la not with the band of gyptlet that wer In th'.a city." MORR FT*im NRKI>RT> FOR ARMY Washington, March 18 ? Because of the expenditure* of the Mexican expedition. Secretary Baker haa sent urgent deficiency estimate* ctillflf PREPARING FOR GREAT OF'ENSIVE STAGE IS BEING KET ALONG tTTE WESTERN FRONT FOR 1>8 81 YE BATTLE. 105-MILES FRONT lUiu Arc* TU'^lnnlne Great OfTcn ?lvi' Movnmnt. Have Dented the Gcrmui Lines In Several I'Ucca, Sluvs Muvins Westward. I By United Press) j London. March 23. ? I*alf a m'.I j Hon H'jpsnns, under the command of I Kuropatikin, are assaulting Von Hlndenburg's I ne along a 150-mile i front. They have dented the Ger I ma.T "ine in fix places, accord. ng to an oltfc:at dispatch from PeirograJ. The battle i? raging at Fori Italics, I south of DvLnlk. The S'avs are driv ' ing westward toward the Vflga rail road. Whether It is their intention to assist in the starting of a great i offensive movement Is not known. Germans Tiy to Gain Heights. London. 23. ? The Germans are desperately striving to captore tho heights a: Avoncourt and sweep the i French rosltlotj. UeinforronirntH f^r German*. ! Pctrogrnd, March 23 ? Von Hln denburp has established ti's head quarters at Villra and Is directing | the defence along the Dv'.nfk front. German re;rforcempnts have been pouring In during the last ikroe I days. = ARREST MADE E Hon-ln-T nw Is Su*pccted of Havfcag Killed Crand Hapldi Millionaire. ( Hy L'nlted Pre?s) New York, .Mar. 23. ? The d>tr!et a'torney has ordfered tha arrest of [>r. Arthur Warren ? Wa'te. aon-tn law of John K. Peek, the Orand Kap !ds xnlliora'ro. who died on March 12. rupp(#*d y of arsenic po'ronlng, The o*dor Is understood to lia/e fr?:!ownl a Ma'.em nl made by a ne gro aid \Va!*e Is ill. his attorney ' a y* His l.ouse is being guarded n nrd-r fo prevent his escape, It la be lieved. I AST NOTIC E TO TAXPAYERS. T am now making np the adver tised I'sf of delinquent taxpayer* which trill lie jjlvrn to the newwpa prperw Monday, March 27th In ord *r ?hn* fSer rri?T on and pnMlah r---- Tt .*???? f r? 1-1 ?T . ? - ? 1 hy Mimdny, >lnrrh 27tli, tv.'ll he pah ll?hcd. Pnj niw and have ranr name craarrt ff m ll*f anrt ?