AFLY NEWS /? ,? TUB WEATHER Unsettled tf the fact that many appeals have een made this winter for vartotfs [ a tines, and that just at this time sere are several local projects on >ot .all worthy, which call for An ncial assistance. On the other hand, the sum men oned has been contributed by just 9 individuals, which Is a very small >reentage of our population j The committee announce that the md will close tomorrow, fl^arday H .or other# in tmiKit sr":-sttD ei I). S. IMPS IHD SLUES (By United Press) El Paso, Tex., March 24. ? Villa Is surrounded. An en gagement between his forces and the United States troops Is expected hourly. Colonel Ber tanl, a colonel of Carranra's army, has telegraphed that Vil la and his men have been com pletely surrounded by the Car ranzlstas and Americans la the CaDa Clara canyon, east of Mamlqutpa. Carranxa's consul, Barcla, la publishing a telegram saying that It Is Impossible for Villa to make his escape. Newspaper Suppressed. The Constitution, a Mexican newspaper, published in this city has been suppressed be cause of publishing a story urg ing Mexicans to Join Villa. NTlue employes have been arrested. Herrcra Not With Villa. Washington, March. 24. ? General Luis* H err era. who' was yesterday reported as dis loyal to Carranza and having joined the Vll a faction, Is real ly faithful to Carranza's inter esta and Is still in command in Chihuahua City. He has done nothing in the way of attempt leg to cause a revolt against Carranza. Consul Fletcher at Chihuahua today telegraphed the above tnforma'.lcu to the State department. BISHOP DARST TO | BE HERE TOMORROW Bishop Dam will be in Washing ton over Sunday. He will arrive to morrow afternoon and will be here until Tuesday. At the morning ser ves at St. Peter's church, the bishop will preach and administer Holy ,'ommur.ion. He will a. so preach igaln at night and will administer :he rites of confirmation. On Mon lay night he will preach at St. Paul's :hurch. During his stay In the city Bishop Oarst will be the guest of Mr. and I Mrs. J. G. Bragaw, Jr. lilshop Parst at St. Stephen*. Bishop Darst will visit St. Stephens ! church Monday afternoon at four o'-j ^lock and preach there at that tlm?. J BAYS JAPS COULD LAVD 02,000 IN 22 DAYS TIME Sew York, March 24. ? "Ja pan would be able to land 92, 000 men on our shoes within twenty-two days after a declara tion of war. She could fo'low this up with 142,000 more within forty-one days." This declaration, based on the authority of expcrtB, was made yesterday by Captain Matthew E. Hatina, U. S. A., retired, at a meeting of the National Secur ity League In the Hotel Astor. "What we need to meet such possible Invasions is a first line of trained men," he continued, "and a second line of partly trained men who'could be avall ab'e for sprvlce within two or three months. "The Hay and Chamberlain bills make adequate provision for neither. They are good as far as they go, with the excep tion of the plan to federalize the militia. "The difficulties of getting a proper army have been the cost and the dlfflcnlty of getting men. A eolutlon of either prob lem leads to compu'sory train ing and defense obligation*." (By United Press) RUMORS OF RATTLK. Ran Antonio, tMarch 24. ? Officers! of Fort Sam Houston are awaiting word of a moored bitt'e h?tw??*?n the Vlllintaa and the combined Am? r !ean troops and Carranta'a men at El Ono The report of the battle .a unconfirmed. TRDDY IS RACK AGAIN. 1 New York, March 24. ? Colonel ^Theodore Roosevelt la due today to return from hla West Indian trip. I AIR TO VILLA, TRKASON. Washington, March 24. ? A reao-j Iqtlon, calling It treaaon to fnrnlah anppllea to aid Vin?, was Introduced today bi/ Senator Lewla. Sinister forces ai/seekln* to canae war with Meileu, 8enator Stone charged. Another RaMaHo* One* South. Washington. March 24. ? A battal ion of tho 21st Infantry, located kt Vancouver, haa been ordered to pro ceed to Bl Centro. California, oom ptylsg with ike reqneat- Oenersl Fill IN FOOT FD ELIHITE SEC'I IF llffl (By United Press) Washing. on, March 24 ?The c'.m. nation of the Secretary uf the Navy for all practical pur poses has been suggested by Ad miral Fiske to the House naval committee. It la propo-ej to make the of ficer head strategy and the Sec retary without authority to over rule h m excepting by consent of Congress. MAY HAVE ARMY OF 160,000 MEN I MiliUiry Committee of Senate Now ] Hua PreparednefeM guest-ion In Charge. (By United Press) Washington. March 24. ? the pre- 1 naredness question has been swung to the Senate military committee, which la considering the Hay bill, which passed the House yesterday. It Is believed that a way is being 1 pased to compromise both the lloubc' and the Senate into Increasing the1 army to 160.000 m?n. BANQUET TO BE HELD TONIGHT Elks to DImcuss Plans for Slate Con- ? vention, Which Is to lie H? hi Here. An elaborate banquet w!!l l-e served at the Elks' hall tonight o the members of the loral B. P. O. K. and 'nvltfd rre*t? VI" iTT^'r xrl"? start at o'clock.* A ui promlnert mm will make addresses. Plan* for the coming State conven tion, which Is to be held here, will also be discussed. PRESIDENT EDITS ?GREATEST NAVY' OFT OF DEFENSE SPEECH Washington, March 24. ? Accord ing to the Anti-Preparedness Com mittee. President Wilson d'rt nil 5% * -V >i . J -t S* Lou.s rsgaidinrf .ho mid vi lit'-a country having "incomparably ths greatest navy In the world." In support of this statement the 'commutes today called attention o the editing which It declares (he President has glvei^the address 'n Its official form as House document 80S. The new version reads: "There la no other navy In the i world that has to cover so great an area of defense as the American Nacy and It ought. In my judgment, to be Incomparably the most adequate navy I in the world." FfTRNISH MORE AKROPI-AWWR. Washington. March 14.? Oeneral Funston's call Cor more aeroplanes and aviators will be answered. The sentiment of Cqpgresa favor* giving Fnaaton As many as he ss*di. The "ililt la will ?ot ?? to thf border 1 ^^,111;. ? ?v/: force of 3,000 of CARRAittA's ME.N ARE CAMPED AT CITY OF DOIGLA8, ARIZ. ' J EXPECT TROUBLE t'ltlr.riiM Have Dccn Warno] ?fot to Prepare for IMcdm1 for Fear of Offending the Mexican*. Am Au tack 1? beared. (By. United Press) Washington. March 24. ? A Mexi can arruy of 3.000 men and forty piece# or artllery are camped wlth'.n ten block' of the center of the busi ness dlstrict/^rt^^tipugla*, Arizona. Amerlcars/Gave been ordered not to prepare fur d ftnse for fear of of fending the Mexicans. The city la in grave danger of attack. A telegram has been receded by Squalor Aaliurts from D. A. Richards an attorney of Douglas saying that the citizens will do all they can. in case of at ack. Other messages received her? state that Carra:tza'6 men are not mas. \ig along the border as a whole. The consul a: Dutango reports that Americans are leaving there. Bpecial care Is be ng used !n seeing that no Hm munition reaches the enemy forces. WILL LODGE HIE IN JAIL Claimed That Evidence Is on Hand, Connecting Kim With Murder of Failtcr in Law. (By United Press) N*ew York. March 2 4. ? Arthrtr Walte, suspcctcd of poisoning his mil'lonaire faither-In-law. John E. P^ck. of Grand Rapids. Mich., will be tak*>n from h.s palatial apart ments this afternoon and lodged *.n a cell. He Is slowly recovering from the effects of drugs. Grand Kap.ds dispatches say pos itively that evidence, connecting Walte with the crime Is in the hands of Ft -fc. s Manuhco. who Is work ing r qg the Grand Raplda end on the ciitc. LAST N'OTTf'K TO TAXPAYER*. I urn now making up the adver tised Uut of delinquent taxpayers which will he given lo the nrw?[>? |ie|iem Monday, March 27th In order that they may *et up and pnhllah * ? .*? f .? 1-1 m- ' 'd ) T . ? \ i.M. .... ?-'.d hy Mtmda), March 'J'th, will Ik* pnr? ll*hed. Pay now and have your name craned from IIM nnd aave coat. I cannot mIiow nnv partiality. W. II. WINDLKY, Hherlff. 3-23-610. ^ WASHINGTON MARKET Corrected by I*. II. HUDSON Successor to H. B. Mayo. ? "n* rvt/>p 11 3-lc S rrl . .>;or. 3r lo 4*^C Hen Kgica .... 16c Goo*e Ekh* 4^c Green Cow Hides llfte Sail Cow Hideo 11c Dry Cow H!des \^...l!c Deer Hides (groen) T^r.ldc Deer "Hides (flint) He [ Slteep Skins 33c to Mc Lamb Skins 25c to 10c Sher'.ln** . IPC Wool (free from lint ) .. . .... .lie Woo! (burry) 13c to Me Goat Skins 11c to flo Bees Wax ....He i Tallow ........... lo I Rags, per hundred .-n.fl.00 Bone, per hundred lOo Auto Tiros (outer casing) lb.... ?? Auto Inner Tubes to Rubber Boota and Shoes....*. 4c Corn, bushel 70c O'.d Hens 11c Old Rooatara To t r? f ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? 4 m ?