?v I >ATLY NKW8 PHINT8 MORS LOCAL WASHINGTON, N. O., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 25, 1918. NUMBER EDGED Br GERMANS SITUATION iS MOST SERIOUS FAST PROGRESS MADE BY THE CONTESTANTS a Table ofVotes inToday's Issue Shows that Hard Work is Being Done In the Contest ' FRIENDS HELPING Mom of the Candidates Hare Friends Assisting Them in Their Race for ?he Big Prises That Are to be Oiven A Way Free. "8trike while the Iron Is hot" la a time wori adage, oontalnlng more - troth than poetry, which shou'.d be observed by each candidate in the big contest. The Interest In this /big campaign Is becoming moro Intense each day. Each day many j-eaders of the Daily News discover that they have a fav orite contestant in the rsce. Each day more ahd more friends are be coming interested In the light being wagetMjy the various contestants, the Iron Hot. The time is ripe- for results now. The lr/>a is hot The contestants should lose- ho time "striking" their friends for a subscription and votes. Everybody ih thlt section iji/ willing : to help the Candidates secure one of the b!g toufs vor one of the prises which will be given away. But In order to get that assistances which can be bad for the asking, the can didates muBt let their friends know that they wAnt it. People are g!ad to help those who help themselves. If you want the votes and sirbscrlp tlona you must go after them, and In earnest. fi/m Candidates. New candidates can enter the race now and with a few hours work se cure enough votes to place their names among the leaders. * You stand an excellent chance of wifinlng one of the big tonrs If you enter nowyas there Is plenty of room and it Is easy to secure subscriptions now, before the field has been work-, ed. ? ? Vote* Total Quickly. If ym r*?et one subaerlptli^n' today for nine^nonlhs it will-give you eight thousand votes; It will also entitle yon to the big ballot that Is printed on another pfcge ahd which Is worth twenty-five thousar.d votes. You re ceived five thousand from the nomi nation. As you see, the single sub scrltpion will give you a total of about FORTY THOUSAND vote*. Yoa can e$rA't|iaf number of votes during the next ten minutes If you will tty. Y?te Table. > Montba . . I 8,000 V?tM 1 Trar I 3 00 U.000 Voten I Years I 1.00 S1.000 Voten I Twa 4 9.00 41.000 Vot?? 4 Teer*,.. .<11.00. ,..40.000 Vote* ( Tnn 115.00. . .M0.000 VotM , V HAKKK'S HTVOIO Will & open toolgbt. The Anest . kind of work turned out with our new lighting ayatom. Come up and try your l?ek?* EUCCEIiniKI SITS WILSON Urges People to Pay No Attention ro| An y Bat Official Statements Froni Mexico. ROBERT J. BENDER, (U. P. flUff Correspondent ) Washington, March 25. ? President | Wilson has been considerably em harassed ovfr what he teems "out-! rageously exaggerated reports of conditions In Mexico." He alleges that .these reports have been issued solply by those persons who want in tervention. He expects to issue a statement through Secretary Lansing, appealing to the people to credit only official reports. An investigation Is to pe made regarding some of the error. eouy news reports that have been glvea out. WILLIAMSTON WONTJOINl Local Men Do Not Believe That City Will Be Represented In League. To Try FarmviUe. Lindsay C. Warren and S. R. Clary1 who are deeply Interested in the for mation of the Easlern Carolina base ball lpague, were in WilliamBton yes terday afternoon and held a confer ence with several of the prominent men oj that city regarding William ston's being represented in the league. Mr. Warren, when seen this morn ing, stated that he felt very doubt ful regarding Williamston Joining the league. He said that the peoplo there were willing enough to support a team, but that they had no play ers. It Is probable that action will be taken in the near future ^o wards getting Farnivlll6 interested in the league. Word hss been received from there that the eity Is eager to Join. MRS. RICKS DEAD Passed Away Yesterday at Wallace, | N. V. Was Well Known In Washington. Wallace, N. C., March 24. ? After an illness of several months Mrs. Thomas B. Ricks died of cancer of the bladder, this morning about ten o'clock. The services will be. conducted to-i morrow at 10 o'clock from the Bap tist Church of which she was a faith ful and consistent member. The body will he h?r??*3 in Kockflsh cemetery. Mrp. P'eWs wn * native of Pit' county tbif state. Sh* was Miss Mar garet L. L*n*ly. Mr. Ricks Is a lumber inspector and holds a posi tion with th'e Camp Manufacturing I Co., of Wallace, N. C. Our sympathy | goes out to him and his seven chil dren In their bereavement. Mrs. Ricks was devoted to her | children, and gave them the atteo-i tlon and training worthy of mother^ hood. > ? SATS RAKER. I never could blame any yonng lady for waattng a nice draped pho They aprely do appeal to pobUc. Th*y will payer fo put * . ELKS BANQUET AND DISCUSS CONVENTION LARGE NUMBER PRESENT AT AFFAIR WHICH WAS HELD IN their HALL LAST NIGHT. PLANS DISCUSSED Number of Spooches Made Pertain ing to the Coming Event. H. 8. 1 Ward Acted aa Toactxnaster for the Occasion. When the State convention of Elks !? held in Washington this summer, the visitors will meet with reception and entertainment that will un-| doubtedly eclipse anything of the kind ever he* In the State. Washington Elks are preparing to give their brothers from other cities the time of their life. The first steps in this direction were taken last night st a bsnquet which wss held by the local !odge. The affair was a big success, not only from a business standpoint but also in. the social line. There were a number of visiting Elks present who Joined in the goodfellowship. The banquet was served in good style and there was an ample supp!y of edibles to more than satisfy all present. During its course, H. S. Ward, who acted aa toastmaster, in troduced a number of speakers who made witty and humorous talks on the subjects he assigned them. The??e were of a large variety, ranging from '.'A discussion of the right sized needle to bo used in crocheting." to "Why the extinct Mastodtmsauras had only three toes on 1'%-htnd feet." Mixed fn with the Jollvty, however, 'here was an .mdance of food for ? bought and reflection. Practica'.ly everyone of the speakers urged the members to do their share Mowards making the coming convention a iqcoess and to send the visitors home praising Washington for its hospi tality and enthusiastic about tbe good tlmo they bad had while here. Among the peakeru were the fol "owing: H. S. Ward. B. W. Taylor, E. L. 8tewart, George Hackney, W. L. Vaughan, W. E. Proctor of Grimesland, Paul Capelle, of Rocky Mount, John Bonner, Captain Chas. Marden of Nashua, N. H., Harry Mc Mullan. Dr. D. T. Tayloo, Car! Oocrch, William ElllBon and Capt. George T. Leach. Tho banquet undoubtedly did con inferable In the way of bringing home to the members the fact that they will have to work soon and hard in preparing for the convention and for the accommodation of the visitors They are confident, however, that they will be able to do this in good ?tyla. IPS' Silt [ten ITHER! (>mua and British, Shipe l/0?t In j North Bffti Many of Crews Were Drowned. (By United Preea) London, March S5. ? The Oerman . raider, Orleffe, and the British mer chant cr utter, Anantara, werft both tank in an engagement In the North 8ea. the admiralty announced today., At the Orleffe tank, the torpedoed the Aliantara. ISO of, (he Qrteffe'fl crew were drowned. 121 are picked ( up by rettelt and are now prlton To ftelea?A Ammnnltion. Waahlnjrton, March 25. ? The Mtvlcan ambattador, Arrehdondo. hat arranged with Secretary Lanalng tor the releaae of a cargo of ammu nition frtm pew York for ywa Crua. V . BELIEVE VILLA US ESCAPED! (By United Press) El Paso. March 25. ? Vll'.a Is be lieved to have escaped from his pur suer^ PuDGton may have to ask for more troops. Demand* are. pouring In from border lowm4 asking for j protection. _ COL. RODMAN BACK FROM WASHINGTON I Believes That the Militia Pay Bill Will Pas* Senate Without Any Trouble. Col. W. C. Rodman returned yes terday afternoon from < Washington city where he, together with a num ber of other prominent military men of the Srtate. went In the interest of the militia pay bill. Colonel Podman stated today that the bill had passed thr House and that be believed it wo?ld pass the Senate in substantially the same form. It is expected that no action will be taken towards the organization of the local militia company until |t Is definite'.? decided that the bill has passed through Congress. (B.y United Press) Norway Demand* Investigation. Copenhagen, March 25. ? Norway bas demanded Germany to investi gate the sinking of the Norwegian ships Llndlle'd and Kannlko, accord ing to Christiana dispatches. Carrauzlatas Not Deserting. Mexico, City, March 25. ? Reports that Carranxa's men are deserting were denied In a telegram today from tho provisional capital, Queretaro. Reinforcements are being sent to Chihuahua. ^ British Steamer Sunk. London, March 25. ? Tho British steamer. Salybla, was sun ktoday. All of the crew were saved. She was a vessel of 3,300 tonB. Fall to Renew Attack*. London, March 25. ? The Germans failed to renew infantry attacks northwest of Verdun, according to Parts dispatches. WRIT BR PITTS RCSSIAN AT 2 New York, March 25. ? Th ? i.. of the Russians since the beginnlLg of the war total 2,542,639, according to Boria 8chumscher, who arrived from Petrograd yesterday, on the Scandinavian-American liner United Statea. According to hln figures they are classified an follows: Killed In battle, 387.913; died from wound*. 192,500; died In hos pitals, 274,175; total losses from death. 854,388 ; mlnslng, 954,813, wounded, 783,488. There are 117,953 Jews listed In tho casualty column. The Russians have also lost 74,355 officers. Mr. Schumacher who is a writer for Jewish publications, went abroad with the Ford peace party, and spent some time in Russia. TRLTONS RAID TO PLAN ADVANCE KVKRYWHRRK Rome, March 15, ? According to lnformatl6n from Salon'.ki the Bul garian commander-in-chief has ar rived at the Macedonian front. He ia preparing a general offensive, which waa ordered by the German headquarters staff. A simultaneous offensive ia to 1>e made oa alt fronts b7 Germans. Aus trlans and Turks against the Allies! In Bnrt^pe and Asia. Kodaks for rent 25 to SO cents \fr tor. / JBAKBR^S flTUDIQ. HELD MEETING TO DISCUSS ROAD Snjientaon of Chorowlnlty Town *hlp Mid Special Commit) .?? Held 8e??ion Thin Morning. I The road supervisors of Chocowln-| I tty township, together with a com mittee from the Chamber of Com merce. met thlB morning in Col. W. C. Hodman's office and discussed the t&ed Hill road project. The supervisor's expressed them selves as willing to do everything ;n their power to assist In having the work done. They promised both financial assistance and labor. E. L. Stewart, who acted as spokes man for the committee, la'.d the mat ter before them in all of its details. The supervisors also promised to be present at the meeting of the county commissioners in April. The committee was composed of E. L. Stewart. W. H. Ellison, M. T. Archbell. C. F. Flynn and V. B. Shelburn. The road supervisors are F. H. VonEbersteln, Jesse N. Hill 2nd C. L. Warren. lOjilsiE OF EXPLORER r.\|>nllUon 1m Being Fitted Out to Aid Sbbcklrton's Exploring Party. (By United Press) London, March 25. ? Hasty ar rangements are being made for a relief expedition to go to the rescue of Lieutenant Shackleton's Anarclip expedition. New Zealand authori ties have been ordered to endeavor j to get into wireless communication | with the ship Aurora, which reported i that Shackleton's party was in peril.] EXTRA EDITION FOR THE FIGHT Doily XrwH Planning to (Jive Head er* Kumrst Possible News of Willard-Mornn Bout. The Tally News Is planning to Is sue an extra edition tomorrow morn ing. giving a complete account of the Wlllard-Moran fight, which takes place In New York City toaight. Un less something unforeseen happens, (his edition will be on the streets by eight o'c:oek In the morning. The big fight hns aroused consid erable Interest among local boxing fans and they w'.ll undoubtedly wel come tills opportunity of securing the news at the earliest possible mo ment. SAYS DAUGHTRIDGE WILL WIN OUT Ntate MnnnRor of HI* C'nmpaitfn Wan In the City Yesterday. Gives Out interview. Paul Capelte, state manager of E. L. Daught ridge's campaign for gov ernor, was In the city yesterday and spoke most enthusiastically of Daughtridgc's chancer "I am confident th^t we will se cure the majority of votes In 58 counties, " he said when seen this Jfrornlag. "I also believe that we hate a good chance In 22 other coun t'.et and will poll substantial votes In the remaining counties. "Mr. Daughrldge has the confi dence of the people and his candl jdacy appears to have aroused con siderable enthusiasm." FTRST PIlFsnYTKHIAN chtbcr. ; Servlcga at 11:00 a. m. and 7: SO p. m., conducted by the pastor. R?v H. B. Searlght. Subject of morning sermon, "The True Tesfeof Chr'.stlan C^iaratcer/' At night Mr. Searlght wfl' continue his practical discourse* oa .Book of Proverbs. Sunday School at t:00 p. m . B. onr<] the Sussex. Bou'ogne, March 25. ? Three Americans agree that they saw th? torpedo, which struck the Sussex. It is estimated that fu'ty of the 3ft<) passengers on board th? vessel were killed. Possibly some were saved and taken to other ports. The Sussex was struck four and a half hours after she left the EnglMi port. I was talking with some cf the American passengers when the explosion occurred. One of the I fe 'joats was blown away. Several pa? 9?r.gers were hur'.ed overboard. Somp of these,. It la said, were drowned. A panic started, but was soon quieted The survivors stayed on board of the Sussex until taken off at eleven o' l'.i r\ /.?. V.V landed early today. Among the Americans whom I saw on board were W. O. Penfleld, an Oxford student, Miss Alice Rux, of Colorado. Edward Huxley, president of United States rubber export com pany and Francis E, Drake, head of the company's European branch. Reports of the loss of life are confusing and It w'.U probably be a day or two before accurste Infor mstlon Is available. The explosion was forward, wounding rainv. TV It Impossible to <#i for h'b. Sussex dr'.fted In the channel help lessly for hour*. Her signal* tor help were In vain. Situation In Horlona. London, Mar. 25. ? The most ' serious compllcatlona slnre the alnklng of the Lusltan!a are threatened In the torpedoing of the Bussex and the alnklng of the Englishman, In wh'ch Amer UnMed State* are threatened anew. BIBHOP DARHT WILI* BR AT ST. RTRPHKVS TOMORROW AFTKRNOON Blah op Darst will be at St. Steph ens' tomorrow afternoon at four o' clock, Inftead of Monday afterroon, aa waa stated In 7tfter$?y'< edition of the Dally Newa. ON CRAFT DOMINION LINER, ENGLISHMAN, WAS TORPEDOED TODAY, ACCORDING TO DISPATCH. AMERICANS MISSING Four t". g. Citizen* Not Reported Ani(Mi? lilt- List Saved. Was Ilouud From England to Portland to Se CUTe Hwr*ett fur the Allien. (By United Press) Washington. March 25. ? The Do minion liter. Englishman. was tor pcdceJ today. T.uu- and place were not narnej -u a tabled dispatch to the State department from the Amer .can consul. Armstrong. Thirty-three survivors have been iandtd at a northern British port. Four Ani?ricar.8 ar? be'ieved to be iost. us their uaiuea were not includ d a:non? those saved. They were Pot or McDonald. Boston. VO. Buckley, Address unknown. M A. Burke, Address unknown. Cc^rge McDonald, Lawrence. Man*. _ AM were horxeir.en. A total of men are reported to have bee* -aved. Fcrlj -One on Ronrd Vessel, Portland, M \ ? Foriy-one Amirl an horsetenierg arc believed to have t:en on board the Dominion liner. Englishman, bound for this city to taek horses back to the allies. DISTRICT DEPUTY HERE WEDNESDAY Sj(clnl MeHlnjt tf Elks to he Held Wednesday Night. Dlscusa Convention. Lou [a Goodwin, .of Wilmington. i*l?fr*rt n PDF will be i A : p? r.'.'ii .:?? ' i ' ?: * ? . '.J nl lodge has been called for that night and every member is urged to b? present. The com'ng convention wl!| be the principal matter brought up for dlftcuaslon. People of Good JUDGMENT a f loud 'n th*lr pralae of our ? r pr^r.^inR and ? ej/alrlrig n?rv>e. This service means much lo you. WHKX MAY WE CALL? WRIOHTH RTBAM PHKSHINU WORKS Phon? 1SI I, A ST NOTICK TO TAXPAVKR*. I am now making np adwr tlM>4l Cat of delinquent t**p?jrem which will he given to the I pfpei* Mondnj, March 27th In ? that they may M np and publish