NEWS THE WKATlUUflWwj - Fair tonifht ud rridij. ?<*- \ ?lblr llfht frost tomorrow* . NTTMBBR 73. A Want Ad In THE DAILY NEWS NO CHANCE TO LOSE IN CONTEST COMMISSION WILL BE PAID TO THO$E WHO DO NOT SUCCEED . IN WINNING A PRIZE. CHANCE FOR ALL ,, Plan of the Content Affords an Op portunity for Every Entrant to Get M'rti Paid for the Work That They Do. The all-important thing now for? the porkers in the Dally News Dig J voting campaign T* to gather In all the bopus vote ballots possible be tween now and one week from Sat urday pight. Ths is the nest advice tho campaign management has to of fer to the campaigners who rea'Jy want t? win cne of the big summer vacation, tours or one of the other costly prls s. U is Entirely possible for any lady or girl Jo enter the contest today and win onp of the tours by one week from Saturday night. This can be easily understood when it Is remem bered that every ten dollars worth of subscriptions will earn one hun dred and fifty thousand extra votes. Jt does not require a mathematical wonder to figure oat the possibilities along tills line. "Agin the (iovcrnment." Do not be gulde<}. or rather mis guided by the suggestions of dis gruntled or dyspeptle Individuals who acj. -always "agin" the goyern ment. They always ?ee the hole inj the doughnut while others see only ? the doughnut. This is the little dlf-i . ference" heiw?en the optimist and the ' pessimist. Avoid people who at tempt t? throw cold water upon your .enthusiasm. They always bet things #.*e wrong. Jtrat suppose for a minute that the foundor of Gould millions, old Jay Gould, refused to buy the mousetrap he made tho^b?Hls of his great wealth from. Buppope Mr. Grouch Was at ~hl?' elbow, saying, "Don't buy the pHSky tiling. Jay, 'taint no good." ? Would Helen Gould bo giving . the millions to charity now? Guoss not. She'd be banking a typewriter or plugging a switchboard. What if Mr. Chandler had refused to buy the recelpe for Coca-Cola? Would you haire over heard of him? No, he would In all probability be com pounding prescriptions in some din gy corner drugstore. How |n creation ar^you ever go-i ing to get anything if_you llBten to Mr. Gropcht Do your own thinking for a change like Mr. Gould and Mr. Candler did, and maybe yop will have the foresight to take advantage - ?i an ^Opportunity when It presents itself. There are six big trips and ten other prfzes. You aro bound to win if you iqake any effort at *11. j fO HOLD DEBATE TOMORROW NIGHT Wit* lita**on Hlrrlt School Will MeH Bulb Ne.v Bent ami Kllxn | both C Ity. ' A debate botwoen the Washington afcd New Bern high school debating teams will be held at tha high achooi afidltorlum tomorrow night, beginning at 8: SO o'clock. The qaes tlon to bp debated will bo: "Kcaolved that the Urlted States should adopt a policy for greatly enlarging her navy Washington will debate the afRrmatlye and New Bern the nega tlre. The Washington debaters will be Miss Jessie Hard! son and Jatha Woolard, > At tha same time, another team from the local hlfeh school will de bate the same query with Elisabeth City. Thto debate will be held In Bllaabetlp City. The Washington de baters will take the negatlre side. The local school will be repreaented by Mlaaee FTeiJa Williams and Elis abeth Mrllhnnnv I MnrtlMnuo id u? D.ur ??? MANY THOUSANDS OF KM EXPECTED IN CITY TlJfflSWW#, Arrangements Qompleted for Commencement. Weath er Man is Causing Considerable Anxiety Dear Mr. Weather Man, Wont yon please. If yon can. Shake the dice ont in yonr pan And roll out "Pair" lor Friday. We're had rain and even snow, j The wind's been blowing high and low. See if you can't make a throw, And roll out "Fair" f9r Friday. All eyes are today turned N>n the weather man and on him depends the success or failure of the oounty , commencement, which Is to be held here tomorrow. With bad weather) for the last three days, the chances! are that It will c'.ear up tonight and be fair tomorrow. At least that's what local prophets declare. Everything else has been taken care of. Seats are being put up in the Beaufort warehouse - today end accommodations made for the thou sands who will be there. The com mittee In charge of arrangements will meet at the warehouse this afternoon at four o'c'.ock. Tonight at 7 o'clock another committee will meet at S. R. Powle's new store on Main street and begin the gigantic task of preparing enough sandwiches to feed the multitude. The mar shalls have formed the line of march for the big parade. The fire depart ment Is ready to give an exhibition of Its prowess. Local orators have been prjming themselves for the last | fow days^ 1 Everything has been settled ex-; cept the weather. Here>s hoping that Mr. Pluvlus will be busy In some other part of the country. IIK HITS ID inn MEETINC OF COMMISSIONERS Laige Number Expected to Appear Before the Board in Interest of Red Hill Road Project. J I In order to bring together a large, amber of prominent citizens frorn^ every part of the county before the board of commissioners at their meeting Monday, many letters have been sent out by the Washington Township Good Road* Association, urging attendance at the meeting In the interest of the Red Hill road. These letters are on'.y being sent to the rural districts. It is expected thtft all of the people In Washing ton, who desire to see thia road built, w4U be. present. The loiters read as follows: Dear Sir: You are perhaps fami'.Iar with the effort that is being made on the part uf the citizens of Washington and C'hocowinity Townships to improve the condition -of what |< known ?r the "Red Hill" roa?:, leading from j Washington to Chocowinlty. As you know, this is perhaps the most im portant piepe of road in Beaufort county, it being the only avenue of H.pp'r6ach to the city of Washington frqm the south side of the river and the only means by which citizens yf( Richland and Chocowinlty townships and Craven. Pitt, Pamlico, and other) neighboring counties can get to Washington to bring produce, trans act business or for any other pur- . pose. At the Fame time. It Is a matter of common knowledge, that thia roftd bed Is In perhaps the worst condi tion, If such a thing be possible, of any-plece of road in the county; and wo know of no method or means whereby same wilT ever be improved un'ess the plan, which we have mapped out I? practicable, and can SELECT WINNER OF W. C. T. U. PRIZE JndffM Have Drridod Vpon Beti l'uprr Ruhmitted. Will Announce t lie Winner Tomorrow. The local branch of the W. C. T. U. has made a practice, during the last few years, of giving a prlxo at each county commencement to that child in the county schools who sub mits the best essay, of their compo sition end In them own handwriting on some subject relating to the tem porance cause. The subject this year was *'The Effects of Alcohol on the Body." The various papers were examined first by a sub-committee and all but the three best were eliminated. These three were submitted to the Judges, E. L. Stewart, F. H. Bryan and E. A. Daniel, Jr., who passed upon them and selected the one which, In their opinion, possessed the greatest de gree of merit. The winner will be announced at the commencement ex ercise? tomorrow. The three papers were those of Georgia MalllAgn, first year high school; Llssle Lillian Cox, ?th grade Little school . and Bertha Hardy, 1th grade, Small school. * t* Of 17 New* be carried through. We are going to attempt to enlist the support and co-operation of a large number of prominent, progres sive, and public spirited citizens in -upper! of the project, and It is for this purpose that we are appealing to you. 'We believe that the cttixens qf Beaufort 03unty as a who'.e are falr-mlpded, and public spirited enough to bo willing to assist us In tho successful working out of our p an, rogardles ?of what section of the county they happen to live In, and whether or not the road Is di rectly used by them. We are going to try and assemble a large delegation of prominent citi zens at the Chamber of Commerce rooms In Washington op next Mon day, April 3, 1016, at 11 o'clock a :r.. -*??* -.nrpose of going before Board uf County Commissioners, and get as much financial help from them as possible. The extent to which they will be willing to help us, will depend almost entirely upon the degree of enthusiasm manifested by the citizens and tax payers of the county as a whole In the proposi tion. Will you not therefore endeavor to arrunge to be present at that time, and go w'.th us before the Board of County Commissioners and lend your assistance and co-operation in this respect, and bring ?fl many of your neighbors and friends with you. as you can induce to rome? We will be g ad to help you out on any similar proposition whenever the opportunity presents Itself. Very truly yours, BDBT. L. STEWART, Secretary. MINSTREL SHOW AT NEW THEATRE | (Viirrc'g Show His llwfl fJivcn Oo^4 WriU>U|? In Other Oitien. Coburn's Minstrels will appear At '.he New Theatre tonight. The show ha n been given exceptionally good write-ups Id the papers of those cit ies where they have played. The following was taken from tho News and Observer. Coburn'ri Minstrels pleased a large audience at the Acadapiy last night. The attraction possesses a fund of humclr, satire and other entertaining features equaled by few of its klnd.j and its effort was well received. Its Jesters and dancers were among the-j best ever seen in .Raleigh, and its, soloists wwfe ?specially good. A satirical sketch entitled "The! Lost River," featuring Tom Donnelly, Charley Gano and Joe Magulre in iHmckface impersonation* of Roose velt, Bryan and Hobaon, waa most amusing. Oeln? Weill Bl* ? "How are you znaktag out ? four reeolatloa to economise?" "FIaoI I've got my ruualng gp?li 4fVi4at vs*" 0. S. Ml ROT HCEDEFHH STUSTra _J IF GERMAN SUBMARINE TORPE DOED THE 8UB8EX. RELA TIONS WILL |?9ROKE\. SOME URGE BREAK Certain Officials Bdlere That Settle ment Would Be More Likely If Diplomatic RAitifmi With Ger many Were Solwed First, (By Unijtol Press) Washington, M&urch 30. ? Any ex pectation that America will rece le from the determlaatlba to sever rela tions with Germany, If it Is Irrefut ably proven that! a? German subma rine sunk the Sipaex, has been re moved. This mudi was Intimated by news of the latent' torpedoing of the Eagle Point with Americans on ? toard> Only a prompt and complete settle ment of the whole aubmarine issue can prevent the threatened rupture.! Some ofllcla'.a believe that the settle ment would be more likely after thel severance of diplomatic relations' than before. German circles express the belief that no Teuton submarine was con cerned in the Sussex case. As for the Englishman if sinking, the Ger mans Insist that, she was legitimate prey Bince she attempted to escape. KAISER IS BOOKED TO WRESTLE HERE Match Between IJlm nnd Joe Willis IIa? Item llmmxed for Tuesday Night. Kaiser, the Raleigh man who last ai?-Jt defeated Turner for the mid lleweigbt championship, will be in j Washington Tuesday night to wres- ! le Joe Willis, the local boy. The! natch will be a handicap affair, , Kaiser to throw* Wll'.ls twicc inside of an hour. It is expected that a arge crowd of fans will bo on band to witness the match. HIGH PRAISE FOR WASHINGTON ELKS Jlatrlct Deputy State*- That. Local Lodge Holds Oue of the lle*t ItocordN In the State. That the Washington lodge holds! one of the finest records of any Elk' lodge In the stale, was the assertion1 made by the district deputy, who vis ited the local Elks lari nfgbt on his annual visit. He praised the Washington lodgp highly tor the excellent phowing they, are making and urged them to con tinue the good work. riirf, R'own Up. Unlontown, Ha, Ai:-.:. '? Ollphant plant of the Lmpoi.i t .!u der company, eight miles from here, was blown up by an explosion late yesterday afternoon. Four men* were Injured, two seriously. No cause was frftslgned -tor the accident. Kilbride Sent to the Bottom. London, March 30. ? "The British steamer K'.lbrlde was sunk by an en emy submarine March'l," says an an nouncement by Lloyd's today. The Klibrlda was a vessel of 3,172 tons and wm probably in the Brltlab gov ernment service. DJKtS OUTLINES - HIS PLAN .APPEARED BEFOHE THE HOl'BK RATAL COMMITTEE T1U8 MORNING AND EXPLAINS. MAKES STATEMENT WanUt to IncreaMe Nary By 14,000 Meu. Will Be Permitted to Com* (ilete His Statement. Gives Want ing to the Committee. (By United Press) Washington, March 30. ? The long anticipated heckling of Secretary of Secretary of the Navy. Josephu^ Daniels, by the "Big Navy" men, was staved cS today by Chairman Pad gett, of the House naval committee^ when the Secretary appeared. Pad gett insisted that Daniels be per mitted to completo his long state-i ment before being questioned. Mr. Daniels explained his plan to Increase the navy by 14.000 men. He warned the committee against paying too much heed to the recommenda tions of Individual officers who do rot agree with the general board. He also explained that to lncrcasc the navy by 15.000 men It would be necessary to examine 140,000 appli cants and enlist 23,000, owlDg ?o the number of enlistments expiring To Increase the officers of the navy, Mr. Dan'.els recommended the appointment of thirty civilian engi neers each year for ten years and the appointment of twenty-live civil ian aviators each year for a term of i five years as well as the continuance of assigning naval officers to the av-| iatlon corps and the appointment of clvi'lan educators at Annapolis so ?hat a majority of 90 officers will be there available for active servlco. Ho ilso urged the appropriation of J150.-I 500 for civilian educators at Annap olis. SAY GLASS BO! HAS8EEN FOUND Scotland Neck, March 30. ? James Glass, the hoy who was stolen from his parents in Pennsylvania, has been found and Is being held In Eliza beth City, according to Information Tlvon out by a travel ing salesman tere today. It is reported that the Doy was found in a negro cabin, where the gypsies had hidden him when their camp was searched by the pollcA. The boy's parents have been notified and are now on their w??y to Elizabeth City. (This report was received here today. We are publishing it for what It Is worth, but as It only ap peared In the Scotland Neck paper and a* none of o?bor ivarwr* ,ub"t i; tuoro uuy truth 10 it. ? Editor.) I HOKur.K TAKING LITTLE INTEREST IN VILLA HUNT El Paso, March S'). ? The comp ete absence of definite news of the pur suit. of Villa has caused a noticeable slackening of interest in the chase as far ss the border Is concerned. It 'la accepted that the bandit has elud ed his pursue rn ff>'* 1 *- f> ' that no clash botwttu Vit'.a ?..?i Atnerican troops ran be expected In the Immediate future. GOOD TASTE CRYSTAL ICE CREAM We are ready for your ordeis all the lime. We deliver good goods with service. Cryttal Phone 83. CRYSTAL ICE COMPANY Washington. Kr. C. MASS OF. EVIDENCE IN - <.iitSTIGATIBN OF THE SUPPORT GIVEN TO VILLA Justice Department Already Has Suf ficient Evidence to Make Many Arrests More Testimony is Expected. Americans ond Foreign ers .n the Net. Arc Waiting to Get Those "Higher Up." Washington, March 30. ? The Jus- | tlc? department expect* early devel opments In the lnvt>s:iKailon of the ' mysterious source oi : u u d a for Villa, j It was learned today that the do- ? partment has a mass of evidence tending to show American and tor- t eign support for the bardit. I i Horst Vondergo'.u Ir being brought t from England to testify in the bomb { >lot case. He was formerly with V .Ua In Mexli '* and has been ques Llomd along :.(.a line. He la b> llevcd to hu\t- valuable ln'oqpatlon ?pgardlng the large t -ida rilla. 'J Tho de.-r.rtiuont tfUread y hp lt nce Junti'y np the airest of aeTartt ' KTHcnn but wants ' to wait !n order o prevent tb "htgher-upa" from '!ud:ng the net. MEXICAN DANGER BEEN REMOVED Officlnla .V ow Ucllcvc There U No l>?ngtr of Any llrcak With Carranza. (By United Press) San Antonio. Texas, March 30. ? Unofficial reports from army head uuuriers declare that Villa is now in the Guerrero mountain.-* and that General Dodd's cavalry has reached the railroad which swings southwest from Chihuahua City. No Danger of Complication*. Washington. Mar. 30. ? The Villa! expedition will continue to be mere-', "y a "man hunt." The last fear o? any complications are believed to have teen removed by Carranza's agreement to let the Americans u*e the railways for supplies. BULLETINS fBv United ProsiO NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified an adm.nis'.rator of P. P. Parker, deceased, la'.o of Beaufort County, North Carolina, this Is to notify a'.l persons having claims against the estate of said d?- . ceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before March 30, 1917, or this notice will be pleaded In bar' of their recovery. All persons in- 1 debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This March 30th, 1916 P. H. PARKER, Administrator. 3-30-6we. Vpw Submarine Campaign. London, March 30.- -The view is being taken that German submarines have entered upon a a*?w campaign statements ronenrniug the reported attacks upon four vesiels with Amcr cana on board are n )w en route to Washington. R. R. MEN MAKE DEMANDS. Cleveland, March 30. ? 360.000 employees today sul.mltfd drmands upon 4B8 railroads for a baslo e!ght hour day and time and a half for all overiime. The roads have glv*n nntlro ths* a wrl"r?n in*wpr may be HOLD CONFERENCE. Washington, March 30. ? German Ambassador Bernst^lT sprnt a few minutes with Counrellor Polk of the State departmpnt at noon today. They merely discussed commercial ques tions. The latest submarine activ ities were not brought up. CANDY AXH TOBACCO RKXT PKR8HIX(J'fi MEN I Columbus, N. M.. March 80. ? ? Candy In much lo demand by sol diers at the front. Almost ercry motor train going forward carrlM, chocolate or other sweets. ordered by| private soldiers. Local stores have had their stocks depleted frequently and have been obllfed to keep stand In* orders at factor!es to rep'enlah them. Oeneral Peyshlng hat ordered a ton of Miokipg tobaeco rathed to - a* front. , 1 -r' BATTLE RAGES ANEW ALQN6 WEST FRONT (By United Press) London. March 30. ? Having ga'n ed u foothold in Ma ancourt, tho Germans are driving forward furious ly to capture the whole village and two ItJipnr'.uir. highways Intersecting the town. The French position Is ex tremely per.luus. German artillery 's pouring a terrific fire into the French works The French are re plying from Dead Man's hill and other points which command the Malancourt highways. French Repulse Enemy. Paris. March 30. ? The repulse of the German attempts to again con quer the French positions In Avon court are reported by the war office. The Germans are also completely checked at Malancourt. RESOLUTIONS OF REHPTOT. Whereas, the great and fltfpreme P.uler of- the universe has tntfis In finite wisdom removed from amocg us. one of our worthy and esteemed fellow-laborers, William T. Cherry; and whereas, the long and Intimate re'at'on held with h'.m in tlie faith ful discharge of his duties In the Daraca class of :he Christian church makes It eminently beflttlrg that we record our appreciation of him; therefore, Rseolved, that the wisdom and ability which he has exercised in the a.d nf our c!|ti by service, contribu tions. and cnaneVl. will be held in graceful remembrance; Peso ved. That tfce sadden removal or such ft life from among oar midst leaves a vacancy and ? that ?' ? . 4-.. 1 -v.: I :? e ?-? ? SC to (he community and the public; Resolved. That with d??ep sympa'hy with the bpreavpti relatives of the deceased we express our hope ^hat even ro great a loss to us all may be overruled f >r good by Him who doeth all things well; Re-olved. Thai a ropy of these reso'utions be recorded upon the minutes nf this class, a copy printed In the locnl paper and a ropy for warded to 'he bereaved family. r it pnwri,T(< J 11. M Committee,