WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS! PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON ?XCEPT SUNDAYS. Entered u seoond-olasa matter, Aujmst 5, 1009, at lie poatoAer J of Waahington, N. 0., under the act of March 3, 1870. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: O? YcT 8.00 Subscriptions moat be paid for ill advance. Tf paper is not re ceived promptly, telephone or write this office. Subecribera deairing the paper diaoootinned. will please notify thia office, otherwise it will be continued at regular subscription rate*. JAMES I* MAYO PiopkiiTOR CARL QOERCH WASHINGTON, XOltTH C AROLINA, MARCH 30. in 1(1. "PIIOOLISH FEELINGS." When a lady walks into the tailorshop and you're standing around waiting; for the tailor to press the trousers you've just taken off. Kinston certainly has a liiii't opinion of herself. She attempted t-> join the baseball league in order to "lend dignity" to that organiza tion. Now her papers contain items to the effect that '*Gold>l>oro will trt ideas for her fair from Ivinston." The candidates who have been lingering iii the woods will ?ooo have te well to mention that tin* county commissioners are expected to t>e lil>cral in helping j>ut the Red Hill road in shape. SI'FFRAOE AND PROHIBITION. The ITouse committee of the judiciary lias decided to indefinitely postpone all notion on resolutions looking to the amendment of the constitution. Prominent atiw ns these are the suffrage and prohibi tion issues. " ?W:'j In taking thi< -.top the committee unquestionably proee?ded alonir the eorrift liti1"4. Both of t ho above issues are questions that deserve1; much i'1'ti'i-icrati- n and thought. This cannot b e given them at the' present time. There are ii>. many 3%her measures that are too vital i to the welfare of the nation and the people. With foreign relations strained and the prcnarodness program to be consid -red during this session, congress xv ill have i\* hand?* full until the time for adjourn ment. Should the sulTrnsr" ?v>) pr. hibition questions have l?ren brought up at tikis session. l>otli ..i' L in would undoubtedly have met with ?!e feat. Tn-tead of being diseon raced at the aetion of congress. advo eft-rsj of the two issues should feel eon ten4, nnd bide their time until a luvre i .pp. rtune time comes to present their cases. C< )M M K N r E M F. X T TU Y Th e. v-if - 'h--0 commencement exercises will be hebl in \Va?:i T'r day will lie nn important one fop Wushingto t at . . '? ?* ?" ?'?:/??!! wil! i] ? liis i?r h.r part in making the -fay ? f the visitors In r?* a pleasant one. Tt is occasions of th5- kind which 1 ring the eitv nnd country ifi clo-er tench with each other at"! which make them understand eaeli other letter. There should !*? a el ise co-operation between both. f?r hr.fh have n? d nend im ? n ?he other to a large extent. The farmer I'K-ks i" tho r?v -reliant rfN -oippiv hirn with neee*?ary food and cloth ing and the merchant attempts to secure nil the linon^-* from th" farmer that lie can gcr. At timr* eaeh feel* that he is not brine treated justly or fairlv by tlie other. When that occurs, the farmer proceed* fo do hi- trading elsewhere. eitv had gone over to tlie neitdib ring town without fund- and unal 1 ? feeling has been eliminated anil that the city and rural districts are in closer accord with each other than ever before. Tt is sincerely hoped that this condition will continue to exist. Tomorrow will afford an excellent opportunity for a still closer relationship. The residents of 'he city can make the visitors fed that thev are welcome and that their presence is appreciated. It will nr?t take much trouble to do this. We sincerely hope that as many of tin? visitors as can, will visit the Daily New a nflfiee tomorrow and allow us the opportunity of forming their acquaintance. F.XTKRT ALVMK XT' AT NEW BERN. We ar" r?M>. r surprised at tlif Washington Xew? for urtfing pi'i/rn- nut to or>nif? to Xow T?cm to hop u Tho Birth of it Nation." Xcw Horn woulfl have boon tirkled ?o dnath to have entertained them and as there i* hardly any possibility that fliis pirtnre will b^ pro svnted in Washington ir? many years, fhofln who hew|pf n largo metropolis never travel to the smaller suburbs do thir shopping, Xew York's pop illation, for example, doesn't- visit Yonkers, White Plains, New Roehelle or any of the other Hfrwdler town** nearby fo secure bar gains. On the other hand, flu* people in the?v? tmvns usually do nil their purchasing in New York. The same ought to hold good here. Tt is up to the residents of Xew Bern to eomo to Ihe larger and better-storked stores of Washington. ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE DAILY NEWS GIVE RESULTS You Need a Tonic There are times In every woman's life when she needs a tonic to help ber over the hard places. When that Hims comes to you, you know what tonic to take ? Cardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui Is com posed o! purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, nn the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its post half century of wonderful succ. ss, and it will do the same for you. You can't make a mistake in taking bui' The Woman's Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Art, says: "1 think Cardui is the greatest medicine 011 earth, for women. Before 1 began to take Cardui, 1 was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as siront as I ever did, and can eat most anything." Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. Has Helped Thousands. IMPORTANT NEWS i FOR-CONTESTANTS The Offer. Ton dollars worth of subscriptions will be known as a "club." In mak ing up the ton dollars, subscriptions of al ! lengths may be counted. Just ?o they make a total of $10. Each club will tarn ONE HUN DRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND VOTES. The big votes are la add ition to the uumbor of votes that will IF BACKACHY OR KIDNEYS BOTHER Eat 1ms meat and take a guus of Salts to flash oat Kidneys? Drink plenty water. Uric arid in treat excites the kid pys, \ they become overworked; p.-t slugciah, ' ache, and fro! like hiuip* of lead. The urine beronu'D cloudy; the bladder is irri* ; tatdl, and you may be cblh'ed to seek ro- j lief two or three tmics during tj-c ni;jht. i When the kiJnrys clog *vu must help I them flush ciT the lily's ur:r.?>us wa^te i I or you'll he a real .-id: ft-won shortly. j At firet vou feel a dull mi:ciy in the r'Jd j ney region, you suifor from backache, eick headache, di.viuu**, .Momach ge*s ' uoui, tongue coated and you firel rliou- . 1 marie twinges when the weather is had. . Eat less meat, drink Jots of water j n! a source r-f irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad S-'alts is inexpensive, cnnr.ot in {"lire; makes n delightful effervescent ithia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active. Dniiitji-ta here fay they sell lots of .Tad Salts to folks w';"o believe in overcoming kidney trouble while it is o;?ly trouble. ge given on each subscription as shown by the vote table. Do not held subscriptions back un til you col'ect a total of ten dollar*, but send them In as fast as you pro cure them. We keep a record *o determine when you have turned in enough to make a total of ten dol lars and earn the extra 160,000 votes. GET AS MANY CLUBS AS YOU CAN. DON' T STOP WITH ONE. GET EVERY AVAILABLE SUB SCRIPTION WHILE THE OFFER IS IN EFFECT. IT WILL BE GREATLY TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. When you turn in subscriptions we will glvo ycu vote ballots, and you may hold the vote bal'ot back to vote it a later time If you wish. You may also hold back the extra votes given for the club. Publish only what you desire. All subscriptions turned In since she beg'nninp of the contest wll! count toward meV.ing up the cluba. The ofT?r ends at nlno o'clock In ? he evening of Saturday, April 8th, *nd It Is absolutely guaranteed to bo 'be bl^cest and best offer of any kind that will be made a*, any time during the content. The Si:l!seMpti?in Ballot. The big ballot which is printed In this paper will run but a few days longer. It Is worth twenty-five thousand votes when accompanied by one * n \>y crl pi ion. The object of this ballot 's to enable t-!i entrant 10 "?euro a nice start with her first subscription. Only on* of the big coupons will be credited to each contestant, and only to those who take advantage of ft during the next few day*. The subscription that pirn* flic hlg coupon may a'so be counted toward making up the club which Is explained above. Vote Table. n Mentha.. S 2.25.... 8.000 Votes 1 Y -nr . ....? 3. OA. .. .12,000 Votes 2 Y'-ars. . . . $ 6 00 28 000 Votes 3 Year*. . . . $ 9. no .... 15,000 Votes 4 Y?nrs. .. .$12.00. .. .60,000 Votes : Years. ... fl. -.00 80.000 Votes' NOMINATION BLANK To enter The Washington Daihf News Tour Parti/ and Prize Content fill in this blank And send it to the ofBcc of Tho Washington Daily News Contest Department. You may nominate yourself or a friend. The fir.-t one of these coupons received for a contestant will be counted for 5,000 VOTES THE DAILY NEWS TOUR PARTY AND PRIZE CONTEST NOMINATION COUPON I Nominate M th. or Miss District R. F. I) Nominated by Address THIS NOMINATION COFNTS FOR 5,000 VOTES. Only the first nomination received will be credited lo each eont'vtarif. Fiulcr lio circumstance* will tho nominator's name be divulged. Nf Town or City IO DAILY 1 '/ Vote? Coupon (iOOD FOR 10 VOTES IN THE DAILY NEWS TOUR PARI V Ac PRIZE CONTEST I' fir Miss for Mrs.) District No Address. In order to lie counted. Votes must be neatly trimmed and ginned together and correctly labeled as to number of votes contained in bundle. .NOT fJOOD CNI.KHH KIAT l\ nV M \IICII 81, lOlfl. 'I t\P> LI) .00 28,000 Votes ?- Years $'J.00 46,000 Votes 4 Years $12.00 60,0$) Votes | t Years $15.00 .80,000 Vote? There is no advantage in holding back subscriptions. It if guaranteed that they will aertef Miss Minnie Hodges, Mackeys 6,900 vote Miss Bernlce Fagan, Roper 6,900 voter Miss A. C. Carstarpben, Roper 6,080 votet Miss Hat tie E. Sixer, Bath 25,120 voter Miss Ora Benson, Swan Quarter... 5.000 vot*? Miss Blanchc Cox, Lake Landing... 10,320 vote; Miss Maytne Adams, Bath . 6,230 votes DISTRICT XWIBM FOUR This district embraced all terrl10'/ In Washington township except the city of Washington, Long Acre Township and adjoining territory. One Big Tour. One Diamond L*V?U?re and One Gold Watch must go to this district Miss Benlah Starling, Washington ? ? 8,300 votes Miss Nona Rogers, Washington RFD 6,300 votes Mrs. J. E. Wall, Washington RFD.. 6,110 votes Mtea Hattte Webster. Plnetown R-2 6,100 votee M:?? lithe Woolard, Piuefcown RFD. 6,340 rote* Mitsa Ella Keech, Pinetown R-2 6,160 votes Miss Pearl Jefferson, Pinetown RFD 6,000 vote* Mih? Eva Paul, Pinetown RFD 31,360 vote) Miss Lillian Hodges, Washington R 6,680 vote; Mlsa Mae Cherry. Washington RFD 8.210 votei Mrs A. D. Woolard, Washington, R 10,390 vote Mm. Lizzie Woolard, Washington R J, 220 vote Miss Kathleen Woolard, Washington 6,060 voter , Miss Mary Ella Jackson, Washington 6,390 votei 1 Mm. Geo. B. Hardlson, Washington R-3 6,000 vote MUa Ruth Hodges. Washington R-3 6,260 votet Mrs. S. E. Perkins, Washington R-3 6,100 vote* Miss Louise Satterthwaite, Pactolus 8,030 votei Miss Mae Little. Pactolus 6,260 voter M'ss Janie Webb, Pactolus 8,230 vote Miss Helen Hodges, -Washington R-l 9,610 vote Miss Anna Be'.le Clark, Washington RFD 3 6,000 vote; DISTRICT NtMBER FIVE Thin district embraces the towUBhipa of Chocowlnlty and Richland and adjoining territory. Ono Big Tour, One Diamond Lfcvallere and One Gold Watch must go to this district. Miss Besslo Mae Bell, Aurora 8,890 votes Mrs. W. S. Tyson, Blounta Creek 9,320 votei Miss Nancy McLawhorn, Vanceboro 6,410 vote: Miss Margaret Dunbar Royal- 6,210 votei MiBs Lor* Lane, Edward RFD 6,490 votei Mrs. T. W. Bonnor, Bonnerton 6,260 vote: Miss Fannie Price, Aurora 6,200 rote! Miss Katie Tolen, Blounta Creek 6,800 vote: Miss Neva Warren, Vanceboro 6,120 voter | Miss Charity Swindell, Aurora 8,120 votei Miss Edna Duguld, Vanceboro 6,080 votei Mrs. J. B. Harvey, Vanceboro 6,680 votei Miss Eleanor Cuthrell, Aurora 7,-f60 vote* Mrs. L. E. Smith, Vanceboro 6,420 votei Mrs K. 8. Bonner, South Creek 6,990 votei Miss Lucy Ross, Bonnerton 6,170 votoe Miss Lillian Rowe, Edward RFD . 6,470 vote* Miss Fanny Allen, Royal 6,190 vote Mips Ruth Stephens, Aurora 6,600 votes Miss Mildred Johnson, South Creek. 6,260 vote Miss Dora Daniels, Blounta Creek 6,410 votef Miss 01!le Austin, 8outh Creek 6,490 vote Miss Maud Hollowell, Aurora 6,860 votei Miss Molllo Stiller, Blounta Creek 8,460 voter Miss Myra Smith, Vanceboro ^ * 6,100 vote MIsh Emma Rolllnson, Caah Corner 6,200 vote Miss Mildred McCotter, Caah Corner 6,360 vote Miss Charlotte Muse. Cash Corner ^ 6,480 voter Miss Rownna Fu'.cher, Edward 6,670 votef Miss Grace Warr-n. Blounta Creek..; 6,890 vote? Miss Ethel Phelps, Orlmealand 6.000 vote* Miss Syble Martin, 8outh Creek . 16,240 vote. CUT THIS OUT? It l? Worth Mm??-y j I DON'T MI88 THIS. Cut out this i n1?p, encloso with 60 mull It to . Fol?r * Co., Cblc**o, lit., wtlting [ ynnr nim* and irtflnw fll#irly. Tou will raoalra la ratnrn a trial pack nce containing Foloy'i Honor and Tar Compound, for. la?rlt>j>?. eoojbti, coldi and croup; Fol*7 Kldnej Pill", i tor i?id? back, waak kldaara, rb?u matlam. bladdar tronblc?, and Kolar Catbartle Tablet, a wbotaaoma ao1 I tboroacblr claanilnf cathartic, for constipation, blllonram. haadaotia ?ad iloMlrt bowala. Daranpart'a I Pbarmaoy. I?AHT NOTTCK TO TAXPAYKR8. I Am now inAldiR ap the ltd ver ti?ed Hat of iMlnqvcnt taxpayer* which will bo given to the nswapa P?r?ri Monday, March 27?h la ordc? that they mmy **. up end pnbHul Mune by April let f* rcqnlred hj Uw. All thoae who have ant paid by Monday, March 87th, will he paly I In hod. Pay now and hare yew name eraeed from llat and eare eoet. I caaaot show any partiality. , W. B. WINDLHY, Hherlf . 3-S3-I te. , . Professional an; Business Cards ? J no. ?L BmaU A. D. UtlJkm ? 8. C. Brsgsxr W. B. Bod man. Jr. ? Offlcee OB Market St., Opposite ? City BftlL Washington, M. C. ? H. W. CARTER, M. D. ? Practloe 11ml tod to dlmm IX * BYB, BAR, NOSE * THROAT ? and the FITTING Of GL?A88JC8 ? Office orer Brown'e Drag Store. ? Honrs ItolUm.; t to ? p.m. ? except Mondays. ? WA8H1NOTON. N. C. ? ????*???? ? H- 8. Ward Junius D. Orlmee ? WARD ft GRIMES ? Attorneys-* t-l*aw ? WASHINGTON, N. 0. ? We practice 1b the courts of the ? First Judicial District and Iks ? Federal courts. ? W. 0. RODMAN ? Attorney-at-Law ? WASHINGTON, N. a ?????????? ? HARRY McMUIXAN ? ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ? Laafblnchotu BolMlng, ? Corur Saoond and Market eta. ? R S. SUGG, B.S.JXV.M. ? WASHINGTON, N. 0. ? Veterinary Surgeon ? Physician sad Dentist ? Office Wlnfleld'a Stable ? 141 Market St. ? Day Phono S5. Night Phone 188 ? B. A. Daniel, Jr. J. 8. Manning s L. C. Warren W. W. Kit oh 1b ? DANIEL & WARREN, ? MANNING & KITCHIN ? Attorneye-aULaw ? Practice in Superior, Federal ? and Supreme courts of this stats ? ????????? *?????????? ? A.D. MacLeAn, Washlngton.N.G. ? ? W. A. Thompson, Aurora,N.C. ? ? Mclean & Thompson ? ? Attorneys-at-Law ? ? Anrora and Washington, N. C. ? ???????###? E, L. Stewart F. U. Bryan * STEWART & BRVAN ? Attorney8-at-L>aw ? WASHINGTON, N. 0. ? N. L Simmons W. L Vaugban ? SIALM0N8 & VAUOHAN ? LAWYERS ? Rooms 18-14-16, Laugbinghouae ? Building. Washington, N. 0. ? ??????? ???? ? O. Aj, PHILLIPS k BT.O. ? ? FIRB IN8URANCB ? ? WASHINGTON. N. O, ? ???????. ? f ? ? ??????# ?? ? JOHN H. BONNEB ? ? Attorney-at-L*w ? ? WASHINGTON, N. C. ? ? ? ??????#?? HAS EIGHT CHILDREN. Mrs. P. Rehkamp. >404 Herman St.. Covington, Ky.. writes: "I have been using Foley's Honer and Tar for nearly two years and ckn find no better cough syrup. I have eight children and give It to all of them. They all were subject to cronp from babies on." It la a aafe and reliable medicine for men aild women as well aa children. Don't let the cough that follows grippe hang on and weaken you. it |B easier to get rid of a cough or cold than of Ita consequences. Davenport Pharmacy. NOTICE OF BALK. By virtue of power of sale con alned In a certain mortgage deed executed by James Borrow and wife to the undersigned, dated on- the 18 day of December, 1914, and recorded En the Register's ofllce of Beaufort County in Book 183, page 816. 1 will beer for sale to the highest bid' der for cash at the Court House door of Beaufort County on Monday, the 8d day of April, 1918, at 18 o' clock noon, the following described property: Beginning at a corner in the line of J. F. Smlthwlck 82 Vi polis from the main road and running North 18 to West with J. F. Smith wick's tine 85% poles to a corner, Whence N. 87 ft B. to a ditch in .the.Ield at a cart road, thence S 1 r, % Fast 15 H poles to the Gordon line, thrnce 8. 8 7 % W. to the beginning, containing six aero* excepting a cart rfcad on Bast side of the above land described. Dated and posted this the 2nd day Of March. 1818. t. G. MlYO. 8-2*4 W* I