IT'S SLIPPER TIME # j* * * " No matter jrour slse. no matter >our laat ? we have what you want. Ewry pair of Red Cross Shoo? ha? the style, the tit, the Horkmanshtp and are wholly c3infor:abie. Dull Kid. Patent Colt. White Popt'n All the new and stylish ones. fet.OO, 93.30 and 94. OO Other Quality Shoes $1.25 to3.00 Children s Shoes - 50cto2.00 / ?Y J. K. HOYT MAGNOLIA ITEMS. The little son of Jack Alllgood fell from his btcrr'e a few day >? nci anJ ?>: <? hi* arm He v.*m rarr: \l to vgton for purs'.'-al alieui.oc. Tin-'rer" r?-e busy now with tbc'.r tobacro bt-ds. IJ. .Sheppards little daughter is I'.l with whooping cough. Miss Augustus \ lli good has re turned from Washington where ahf visited friend* MINSTREL **fcen a ro&n uaj, "1 ^ A ?vmpUln." tt Die;?n? 'hat i. plain* most of tL* Ulofc* Chevrolet Automobiles ft-* The Famous Valve in Head AUTO W'th h.f r Parts. Bc'sr Eleccric Lights and ? ? ? tK"ti 'f3'r<:ii^n to prospective pwchutn. ra . E. G. MA L LI SON COR. THIRD y MARKET STS. Agent For [3 -aufor:, Hyde and Pitt Cojntise Wire Your This Month KvcrvKrtly knows Ih^ comfort iirnl r*onvr*nicner? of Hrw-tricity in the lio'iso. Not cvitvImxIv knows how inexpensive it is. Tl?r* est. hii-i l*'-n bniiijrlit down ro within almost anybo 'v's poekotliook. Tho wirinsf is not oxponsivo oirhor and fan !>;? ' rpiir-kly ami without nm=s or lift r. May we. nithmil a fi'fitrfi on Ihr iririnq of your ft ovsr ? Washington Municipal Electric Department PERSONALS W. D. Morrison, of Belhaven, was seen on the btreets of the city yes terday. f ? ? ? ? W. J. McWHUams. of Aurora, was In town y??iurday attending to bu*l? nees matters. | ? e ? ? S. T. Broo':!, of Bath, was a local visitor yeste. i?y. . . ^ ? ? ? ? J, H. Lettoy. a prominent resident jf El z,;r:ilh City, spent today in town ou La-'n?.?j. .... I W. Collins, manager of the Roper Lumber Co. at Belhaven, was among 'the out of town visitors here yester I day. ! Miss Emily Guilford, county agent 'of home demonHtratiou work is in the i ? city today. She has Just returned j from Greensboro where she took a special course in her work. | ? ? 4 m Mr;. M. A. Gib!)#. at Bath. Is the ritest nf her daughter. Mrs. A. 11. Yates, of East Main street. ? ? ?? ? Mrs. T. A. llrooks, of Bath. wa3 In towu today on a short shopping visit. Miss Nancy Marsh, of Bath, is the puest of her sister. Mrs. E. L. Hop T. | Bo'liiive-. N C? Mar. 25, 1916. jMr. Carl Gacrch. i Dear Editor: Just us I began to look forward to the editorials each day, you are now going to ask some one else to write them for you. A doctor knows no uiort' at out writing an editorial than pou know about stitching a wound, j His editorial* would be ?o full of i|;ti*es, l;?*ff'nni:c with I writ is and !j ?r.d:?i* with UefrightL'i that most of -I your reuUrs won'd have to '>e treat ijvd fjr apiKiudcl:i3 bef >re the end ?t j I * !: e year. And the lawyers would I n>e so n;u? h rod tape that thev would ' K.n ail liallvd lip. You stay rlgiit tli c-re and we'll be tickled to death I 'n read what you have to say. For J *ome one el?? tr> write a lino In lhat | column would be like retting a let ter addressed by a special friend :i~d cn c~T!n? !t. find it written by . on*- t >,v nr.N T no it. When you grt the Red Hill road rncrnrt. p'.ra*e aeitate a movement' fur a few rood pati/liws on the road v? Relhaven. I v -:y slncr^ly. A DAILY NFIV.'S READER. | : S \ I . T ' : t?\E m:\\ Ill USOX x cheap. c. B. PELL. .;o-2t. A NO THE D&f.lE LAJYS r ? : r or of i 'Uiabiiit n. La. |i Vl'|{ 1CKXT: I'OI Kr: \V?T!I MOJ?. crn rr?riven'pn?c?. Apply 32:5 Eav HO- I'p. TTfF.V I.KT HIM HLEI7P. H. T. 8traynjref Caln??? . !!'e, Oa cl. R. No. 3. wa* una Mo tr? sleep a!' Hjrht without pp'tinjf up. "Fr,r,i lm"9 only a f??w Tnlnu'p? n#? r :* ' o b*?d. I would ha vo to ff' >? ?. trlrd everythln* I hfnrd of for lh* j rouble. Finally I tr!?'d Foley Kid i*y Pills and aft'T laklnjr one bott>| bpl! 'vo I am entlrpjy cur#?d. and I ? leop -mindly al> nfRht." Fol^y Kirf i??y Pillw tone up wpjik. Rluggi'di kld-i T?ys. r!d tlin b"dy of poir-onn. Rlv l ipppflte. en?"-ey and r<fr?*iiinr ?'ppp Davpnporl riiaitnaey. RAPS WOMEN WHO { ATTEND FIGHTS By JAMBS J. MONTAGUE. Whore la oar wandering daughter I tonight? Seated right up bj the ring And her young eyes aflame vlth the joy of the game | Am she watches 'om wallop and swing! The flush of excitement' grows hot In her cheeks And hark to her gay little shout. When a flat like a ham lands a fin ishing slam ' And a big fo'low groans and goes out! Tho girls aro all fighting fans lately. Just go to the Garden some night. You'll seo 'cm in bunches applaud ing the punches And shouting "Aw! stand up and fight'" It's an out'et for innocent spirits, A way to let youth hare its fling. And a slam on the snoot is "just perfectly cute" Since the ladies uplifted the ring. Baby. dear, mother can't rock you to sleep, She must dress herself up and go oil t. For Young Harlem McQuldd and the: Idaho Kid Arc. due for a twenty-round bout! She wants to put several beta down ? She'll n^ake 'em in any amount. And baby and she will be rich as can be If the Idaho Kid takes the count. Thoy all are Just ccazy about It! It's a rport that they simply adore! With rapture they're filled when the claret Is spilled And loose teeth spai around on the fioor. Let father object all he wants to? He's Just a du'l, horrid old thing There's 110 Joy like the crunch of a punch to the lunch Since the ladies uplifted the ring! LOit Letters of Wagti?r. The fln>t tenor wlio won Wacner'i admlrutlou. TkbaUcbek. left io bl. duiiKlKei* alien be cliotl a number o letters wrliti-u to blm by tlie irn* coiaiwwr. who*e itlrnzl be created On her OemSi tl??? ilaiizbter bequeathe* these letter* to iLe WiiKiier niusoui 1 m Elxcn.'iili. but on the way from Drus sela the <oni:iluiti); tbem wn> opened. auJ ibe o.fieuis were stolon. EE I S FIRST FOR EITHER NEW or sceon.1 hand car*. Waxhingtot: Motor Car Co. 2-3U-3t. Notice of Sale UbcI.t Mortgage, L'nder and by virtue of the powet of sale contained in a certain doei! of trust executed September 20, 191f ty \Y I). I.iverman to Junius D Grime?. Trustee, which aabl Instru ment 3s registered in Book 178. pngr 44 1. of the Beaufort County Records; dt fault having been made in th' payment of the notes secured there by. and written demand having been made on me as Trustee to a el! sn'r* n*onerty. the undersigned Trustee will, on Monday, the first doy o' May. irii6, ni 12 o'clock roon, a' the Court House door of Bftaufor' County, sell for cn*h. to the hiehes* i rf Vr. the following descrrbed real cs*ote: f.'ua'e. JvJng and being in tic "oun*y of Beaufort. Stsite of* North nnd n Rath Township, anr' ?no-e part!cu*arly described a9 fol ?'? nt the corner of Fran'' \j pjvlf; on Ph'Fllo's Mre fwh'eh orn'-r !? nor'h 22 oast 54 1-4 pol"* , '-'?pi th* irterse^Mon of said la-e ! i th? Y"afeevire and Woodcock, ''otd). thenee running with ?a!d lac ! ???'si 1 22 ?>a--t about 120 oo'eq to .T r '.'onrn'i; iin'1: thence with J. C i "'?-rr*- about north 66 went p l':-!nnri? of epnrox'mMely 26 no'? ?r> ??,? "nf> 0f fhe lands of the Job*" ' . Ro^r I umber Co : theice w'fh t!ie!r line about south 39 west 137 V ? tr? t^e hn? reserved In tho deed 'cm SutVIn ft R"rry to Frunk M r ,i fh^ree with the north side o' nil lar?<* to PavKs line: thenre w'tb lnv!?'? "ne ?o?i1 h 72 '?fc ea.?t 66 nole? "* PVH'n's l?n? et tho point of be ? ?*. '-ontiininR: by estimation r r I *o.inn acr^s. more or le??. / : iho riirht to use. together sr|'h 'tie Raid Frank M. Davis, his h^ir* nod assigns, the latie reserved n the deed from Suskln & Berry to Frank M. Pavis. dated June 5. 1912. Terms of rale. cash. This Marrh 28. 1915. .TCNIU8 D OR I MRS. Trustee. 1 29-4 wc. Spring Wearing Apparel With the advent of Spring \'ou will naturally want a NEW SUIT, A .SPRING HAT. NEW SHOES and other Wearing Apparel Which We Can Supply. If you will take the trouble to call at our store we can demonstrate the economy of buying from ua. THE HUB JAS. E. CLARK'S Sale of Ladies and Misses Coat Suits For Friday & Saturday Only Ninety-five of the season's most wanted styles in cluding combination silk and wool garments. Colors are assorted. Sizes run 16 to 42. /K rare opportunity to secure a handsome garment at a small cost. Positively on sale for two days only. - The Regular Price of These Garments Are $25.00 We offer you your choice of any su.t in the house for $14.95 fJOlTH SEA ISLAND COLONY IN AMKRICA Salt Lake City. ? Discovered ? the ?trnngent community Id the Unit*! Slates. It Is a community of south sea Islanders. A tWuxand In number, they arc now settled in the Skull valley in Utal), between the Croat Salt lake am) tbe Nevada Hue. There arc Maoris. Sn moans nnd Ha wallans living nud farming In perfect harmony. intermarrying und raising children. Twenty -live or thirty years ago the older men of thia strange colony came' from across the Pacific. some uh auil ore. some as stowaway**. They wandcreil in sum ll group* aboui California, and some of iliem curnc across the Slc'Tiis into Idaho and Utah. They were starving when a group of business men decided to help them. They securet. lo.OOfl acres of land In the Skull valley, collected nil the sou*!t sea natives that th- v com id And a: i established thorn In a colony will i they call l.seppa. | An American farmer was selected m i superintendent. -Iuj i li man was puM i good wattes M tbe start, and as soAu i as they were capable they were allow ed to buy half uere lot* and cottage* ut actual cost. Now there is a new ceuemilon grow ing S-tne of ibc boys Imve gum A'o;u the trade si.hoi-1 and taken full courses at the State Agricultural col lege. Several of the girls have become ttenographer* in Suit Lake City. A ?umber have graduated from the Uni versity of Utah. Get the Habit of Drinking Hot Water | Before Breakfast |! Says we can't look or feel rtght , with the systerri full of poliont. I Millions of folks batbo internally I now instead of loading their system with drugs. "What's an inside bath?" you say. Well. It is guaranteed to per form miracles if you could believe | these hot water enthusiasts. There are vast numbers of men and | women who. Immediately upon arising In the morning, drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of lime stone phosphate in It. This Is a very excellent health measure. Ct Is in tended to flush the stomacn, lTver. kid neys and the thirty feet of Intestine* of the previous day's waste, sour bllo and indigestible material left over in the body which If not eliminated every day, become food for the millions of bacteria which Infest the bowels, the quick result 1b poisons and toxins which are then ubsorbed Into the blood causing hradache, bilious attacks, foul breath, bad taste, colds, stomach trou ble, kidney misery, sleeplessness, im pure blood and oil sorts of ailments. People who feel good one day and badly the next, but who simply can not get feeling right aro urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store. This will cost very nttle but Is sufficient to make anyone a real crank on tho Bubiect of internal eanltatlon. Just as soap and hot water act on the skin, cleansing, sweetening and freshening, so limestone phosphate and hot water act on the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. It to vastly more Important to baths on the inside than on the outside, because the akta pores do not absorb Impurities into tho blood while the bowel pores do. l;onchitis and | Cough Cured | J. R. EARLY WRITES OP DEAR'S EMULSION. j Undoubtedly One of the Be*t Prep aration* Ever Made to Tone Up the System. 'John D. Bear, Klkton, Va. ! Dear Sir: ? I have used and rec ommended Bear** Emulsion for 3 j years and before or since I purchased ( be first bottle 1 have never seen any thing that would relieve the bron chitis for my little girl so pcomptly as it does. 1 have used for myself and oiltvr children. Before getting the Emulsion I Save stayed away from church on crount of a dry hacking cough that had. Now I take a dose before tariing to church and am never bothered during preaching. | I will in good faith recommend '.t 'o any one needing anything for isoughs, cold*. or bronchitis. J. R. EARLY. At on* dollar a bottle or oix for Ive dollar*; can be supplied by any druggist or will be sent direct. For sale by Worthy & Etheridge. FOR SALE: BARGAIN ? NEW MAX WELL, used very little. C. B. Bell. 3-30-3t. SEVERAL SECOND HANI) CARS at bargain prices. C- B. BELL. 3-30-3t. Flowers! Flowers! For All OccaaloM Rose?, Vallie*, Orchid#, Violets and Carnation* a *peclalty. Wedding Bouquets and Decor ation*. Floral Offering* ar ranged in lateet arL-Writa ti for prlac U*t of jonr need* In Cat Flower* or Plant* of ajl kind*. All communication* promptly executed bj "Ow Barfne** la Growing*1 PLone 149. J. L. O'Quinn & Co. RALEIGH, N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Democratic Voter* of the Second Senatorial Dtatrlct: 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination as one of the .State Senators from thia district :n the next General Assembly, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri mary to be held on June 3, 1916. If nominated and elected, I prom ise to fairly and impartially repre sent the wishes of the people of the district. I will pass no Injurious legislation. I will give notice of all local measures in the public press, and if any citizen deslrea a hearing on any measure. I will guarantee that be gets one. I earnestly aek the support of all democrats. Respectfully, LINDSAY C. WARREN. Washington, N. C., March 27tfc, 1916. l-27-3aw-c SPRING TIME NEEDS LET tfS KNOW YOUR WAN1S FIRE THE SHOT NOW Don't VVait. Get Busy ___ Garden Tools, Wheel Barrou>s, Lawn Moul ders, Rubber Hose. Poultry Netting, Roofing, Oil Cook Stoves, Enameled Ware, Polishing Mops, Tin Ware. Polishing Oi's, Aluminum Ware, Wax Polish, Klectric Lamps, ELctric ?, Smoothing Irons. Don't Forgel. Paint Up. DEVOE'S Buy now while pric? s are low. They will he ' higher later on. ?> McKeel-Richardson Hardware Company After this Ballot ha* been signed by the contest manure* it may be held | back and voted later. Subscription Ballot M IN DAILY NEWS TOUR PARTY AND PRIZE CONTEST When Signed by Contest Manager, TTit? Ballot is Worth 2S,ooo Votes This ballot accompanied by one subscription of at least nlno months In length will bo counted for . twenty-five thousand votes. The Hubscriptions will also earn votes o? shown by the rote table \ | I 'wMlldsio AtMce** . . * rf /'l 5- > J , w . f. 'i District No \ Content Mgr. (Not food tmlow ?l*ned br tit Contort Manager) ' j jOjn-V ORB or T^RKR HAIJ-OT8 WILL Bit CRKDITKD TO BACH OONTBOTAHtT '

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