A Want Ad In THE DAILY NEWS Brings Sure Results. WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS THE WEATHER Fair tonight and Saturday Continued warmtr. ' HE DAILY HEWS PRINT8 MORS LOCAL NEWS THAN A.N' V OTETETl PAPER IN THE STATS. VOLUME 8. WASftl^^TQN. N. C., MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 3, 1916. NOEBIR 78. CLOSE RACE FOR PRIZES PREDICTED ?BCOND WEEK OF REAL WORK / COMMENCED TODAY IX THE DAILY NEWS CONTEST. LIBERAL OFFERS By, Taking Adrauutge of InuMjjtl Offer* Now, C'ontwtanU Are In a Po#dtion"to Sccnre b Good Lc?l In the Race. Today marks the start of the sec ond week sot the big voting offer, ?which l? equivalent to the second week of the contest. Last week was largely devoted to the work of laying a foundation for a successful begin * ning, and to procuring promises of subscriptions. This week must show results. Promises of assistance are good, but unless the pledge is liept they are worse than useless, as they are misleading. At this time you cannot afford to stop to plan. You must procure re sults. Al' the promises In the coun try will not get a tingle vote on the big clubbing offer. Appeals jo the common sense of your friends when they promise you support for the later part of the con test. Explain to them how three dollars pai^ on a subscription this ?: week W/1 net you as many votes as *-dke dollars will earn a Itttle later. <*They wont refuse -whencthey under stand the Tslue'of their subscription now, 'ss compared with what K will bo worth la vptes a llU'.e later. ^ 'Extensions. Contestants will receive the best vote vnluos qtv extensions they may get on subscriptions. For example7 If you t,ecure a yearly subscription you \vill receiAk^twelve thousand votes for 51. If you secure a second year from the same subscriber a 11 1 . tie later in uie contest you will b<? given s'.xietu thousand voies ou the seend year. This Is due to th* fact, that iwenty-eight tlvuj^nd votes are "" glv??n f'ir h iwo-y?ar subscription* and you gej the benefit of the best vote value qn the extension ('nil One of the hlr.nk ballots, which is worth rwenty-Ave thousand votes if accompanied by one subscription was mailed io you. If you hav* not tak- 1 en advantage of its offer, by sending in the n<-i:e?Hary subscription better do so without delay or you will bel too late ?o b* entitled to it. Secure | one subscription today and send It j in on the first mall. LOCAL POST T. P. A. | rr organized! iwwity ?f ir? Men jolnnl Orcini/A- 1 lion At Hold I!er?* Saturday N inht A lorn'. branch of the Travellers'! *" Protective Association wan success fully organlied In Washington Sat urday night, with 11 member*. Allen! Ij. Hyrd. pr??ider? of the North Car i* |>lln:i dlvl?fnn; <?onr;e 8. Edwards, i I). C. Cri::<-Uf e'd and A. ('. Hardin Were prnscni ami porfei ted tho or-' Ionization. It will he known as "Post X" Tho following ofllc rs ????ere e'ected: L. E. Kldd. president; W. J. Pippin. 1st V. P ; F H. Rollins, 2nd V. P.; H. P. Brlrlgeman, 9<cy-treas. : James Ellison, E. R. Mixon, C- H. Rlchard t ton, J. T. Ross ai l Jamoa Hackney, directors. The following were appointed , 14 chairmen of tho varloun committees given helow: R. C. SSdnner, railroad; F. B. Lewis. pr<?s^. J E. Mat thews, hotel; C. A. F*>',n' legislative; C. O. Morris, employment; J. W. Smith," sick and rellff; W. II. Ellison, good roads; H. G. Bonner. membership; Rev. E. M 8nlpea, cliaplaia. The member* of the organization K we C. W. r>*v|s, J. T. Rosb, Jamen < Blllson, L. JS. Kldd. Jam*? A. Hack If ney, C. O, MprrK R. O. Skinner, J. ' M. Alllgoftd. H. P. Brldgeman, J. M. ffodges. H. <3. Bonner, C. A. Flynn, p "W. O. Williams. R. E. Crutchfleld, ^ "Sr. D. Daniels, W. J. Pippin, E. R. * Mlxon, r. B. Lew la, A. B. White, J. fi E. Matthews, W. H. Elllfon, J. W. g*nlih. M. R. Mitchell, C. B. Sterling bv frr., W. J. Spencer, F. H. Rollins, L if. Richardson (transferred) and M. J? Curtla. BONO ISSUE COMMITTEE WAS APPOINTED TODM Will Consist of Daniel, Morris and Stancill. Advisory Committee Was Also Appointed. ' At the session of the county commissioners tod&>. E. A. Dan iel. Jr., C. O. Morris and W. 0. StanciU were appointed to act an a bond Issue commission, to supervise the spending of the * bond Issue for the building of roads In Washington township. It Is understood that the three men have accepted. The board alfo appointed th^ non-partisan advisory commit tee. consisting of the following men: W. H. Stanclll. W. H. El lison. C. T. Hardlson, W. M. Cooper, J. A. Hodges, O. B. Raw lea, C C. Williams. W. O. Ellis. O. B. Wynne and T. R. Hodges. COUNTY COAIISSIONIRS - ASKED FOR APPROPRIATION Large Delegation Appeared Before the Board This Morning in Interest of Red Hill Road Project | A delegation of more than fifty i prominent residents from all parts of the county appeared before the board of county commissioners this' morning for tiie purpose of inducing* the board to make an appropriation lor building the Red Hill road. Brief talks were made by a large number of those present and all expressed themselves as heartily in favor of the project. E. L. Stewart opened the discus sion with a forcible address in which ho tuade mention of the necossi'.y of having th* roaj improved and of the value- that it Is to the county as % Whole. He slated that the Issue was one of public' Improvement that would Justify tfre commissioners in making an appropriation to cover the entire c>ost of building the road. ? ? We tre not a?k1n? you to do this, However, If you do not s?e fit to do 30, '* he continued. "The citizens of Washington are willing to become responsible for one-third of the cost and will raise this amount by pri vate subscription 1: 1? estimated' that It will take at least ll^.ouu 10 put' r1ii? road in good condition. We, i!.i r.i? b^iVvr - V. rt ? yoti will b" sub ject to aro criticism - 1 -? e??r- ? 'ly hope that In the of j: u 1 - lie service, good mora s and goo'li sense, you will see fit to give us the] WILL APPOINT T lt< ?ni of Aldermen to Select New] City OHiriitl to Hucceod 1". (?. KuRler. | At tlie meeting of the IJn^rd of Aldermen tonight ,a new mayor for Washington wilt be appointed to i succeed F. C. Kugler, who tendered |U!s resignation at the laHt meeting of the hoard, to take effect tonight. The Dal!y News endeavored to ob tain Homo advance information the subject today, but in ?plte every effor'. wn? unable to learn] anything fr ?in any of the aldermen. The query met . the ?atne answer in practically every case: "Walt until after tonight." There have been a number of ru inor?> afloat aa to the appointment, b"t nothing definite could be learn ed. WRESTLING MATCH WEDNESDAY NIGHT Joe Willis to Mo ct Writer- Weight ' Champion of Ktiglnnd at the | Armory. Wrestling fans of Washington will have another opportunity of witness- | Ing a good match when Herbert! Hartley, welter-weight champion of! England, meeta Joe Wlllta, the local hoy. at the old armory Wednesday night. Wt'.lla la hard at work train log for the bout and will be ta the bent of condition by the time he ?t?pt on 'he mat. A good preliminary match by local talent will be pulled Th?? match with Kaiser: M cancelled, owing to Injuries received i toy him In a recent bout at Plymouth. Bobarrlb* to tb. D.ll, N?Wi help which we ask you for." Mr. Stewart was followed by W. A. Thompson of Aurora. He stated that It was hardly fair for Washing ton to pay one-third oi the cost by private subscription and tben be taxed for forty per cent of the rest of tbo amount and urged the com missioners to appropriate the entire sum. He also stated that many peo ple from Aurora were doing their trading ia New Bern because they | could not get to Washington. W. H. Dowen, of Surry, also ex presi^d himself as favoring the building of the road. He stated that there might be somo criticism if the board mailt the appropriation but that this would come from those who kicked at every matter that was brought i*|'. ? tboao who paid the smallest a:nou;;t of taxes. lie add ed that in hit opinion the boat J' would be entirely j9Utifled in appro priating the entire amount. Surry Parker, of Pinetown. when called upon. said that be felt sure :i?ai most every person in his section of the county would be greatly poased if The board paid for the i t ri i-;- . r 1 *!,r road. ? U. TiM'.a^soo, of Aurora, made :uc-nt ion of the tobacco market and added that Washington could never hope to get any tobacco from across the river and make the local market a success until the Bed Hill road was put lu good shape. "If I were on the board, " he said, "I would say. 'go ahead and build the road.' " F. H. VonEberstein made mention of the work that had been done on this road in the past. He spoke of She project a;: being one for the ben efit of the councy as a whole. W. W. Hiooker, Bonner Thompson, W. T. Hudnell, T. It. Hodges, E W. Ayers, Dr. John Blount, A. M. Du may. J. B. Sparrow, Mayor F. C. Kuglor. S. F. Freeman, Harry Mc Mullan and J. D. Grimes also made brief talks, heartily favoring the commissioners making an appropria-, tion for building the road. County Attorney Lindsay Warren j stated that Chocowinlty could not handle the road by itBelf and that assistance from the outside was nec essary. He als*> said that he had ad-: vised the commissioners that they; had f'i"! '? r r!f?M in making an! ??'nrx tliis road in . ??; . .? After hearing the various argu ments that were mado In favor of the project, Chairman Swindell stat ed that the hoard would probably decide upon the matter in their ses B'-on tomorrow. One of the commis sioners. Mr. Whitley, was not pres ent at the session today and the^ de sired to confer with him before tak jlng action. STRONG MAN AT NEW THEATRE I F n. Frank*. world's strongest man. will apepar at the Now Theatre tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday In an exhibition of some marvelous rests of strength. Among the fea tures of his program will he allow ing a horse to walk over htm. per mitting an automobile to pass over bis body, breaking Iron bars w!th his paws, wrestling a bull and many othet stunts Mr Fraatttpam* fcere from Green ville, whlg? made a big impre* NE6HQ IS KILLED ATSOUIHCREEK SATUHDAYIIGHT SILAS ANDERSON DIED INSTANT. LY FROM SHOT GIN WOUND. MURDERED ESCAPED. ARREST BEEN MADE !'?<?? D ranch Held on Charge of Bo ins Implicated in the Murder. ItliKKlhounils Trailed Harvey t? Illfl Home. Silas Anderson, colored, was kill ed in front of .H. C. Mayo's store a*. Sourh Creek Saturday night at nlur o'clock. Ed. Harvey, also colored, la charged with the shooting. Ik made his escape. P?ter Branch, an other negro, whose gun Harvey is alleged to have used, has been ar rested on the charge of being Im plicated in the murder. Trouble over each other'? wives Is given a= the cause of the shooting. I)r. Josh Ttiyloe. coroner, was no tified of thf murder and arrived o:i the scene late that night. lie wa* accompanied by Mr. Harman and h'. bloodhounds. The dogs took up Ilarveys' trail and went straight as an arrow to the negro's house. Some of the residents of that section then Burmlsed that he had gone from there to Vandcmerc. They securcd an automobl'e and drove to where they supposed he was hiding. Ac cording to latest reports, however, they were unsuccessful In their search. Had the dogs been allowed to follow the trail, they m'ght havo effected the murderer's capturo. BRINGS CHARGES OF "LOBBYIST Senator Undtpwood Accuses riupont Interest of Defeat ing Bill in the Hou.m*. (By United Press i Washington, April 3. ?Senator Underwood today renewed hi* charg es that DuPont powder imprest lob bied npalnst and defeatel the H'.-j-e proposals for a government nltrare plant as an auxil.ary to government munitions concerns. He nam-:d Hugh Cooper ani Charles B. hand's as Jobbyi? * who succeeded in blocking! i ho Ho'.isf action iu ord*r that the monoprly of their company might! no: be imperilled. He doQed DuPont! and Iheir agents to deny the'actlvl-! tics he alleged NO FOUNDATION FOR RUMOIt. , I. onion. April 3. ? The British foreign otlice today r.Tnii-.T.^d the United Press dispatch <if ?;.!.? rr'tcr noon that there Is no fotir.dat i- :i f.ir the rumor that 1 1 t?l l:t ict ' ~ warlike preparations are due to a"}* threat by tlio allies t.o violate the neutrality . of the Dutch. GRAVE CHARGES AGAINST DANIELS I (By United Prcw) I Washington. April S ? Accua l:i?c his administration of having furnished speclflcatlons and lnti suate details of fourtecn-'.nch and other offensiev and do I feus: ve parts of United States j warship* to the German Krupps I acd the Russian govern* ,<j "Big navy" mpicbe- .ue House naval today subjected Secretary of the Navy Daniels to a terrific grilling. Representative Duller of Penn sylvania. made the c.l-.arRo?. Daniels denied tl:? m absolutely NEW EVIDENCE IN SUSSEX SINKING ? i:i:r monky Wll.l. t.ikk Ml. I. A WITHIN TKN DAYS ? < My Ciutt-d Presf) ? " 1" *?" ?1 !.? adquarters. r.?"-ar ? ? ! u! an, Mex., April ? Army ? a:e b??:ting evoa ru:?ni>y ? ? ? .<? ' .i wj"| i:r tak? n within ? ? tt-n days, dead or alive. The ? ? pursuit Js believed to be n?ar- ? ? ing & climax. Large reinforce- ? ? ;tic.ud!u'; infantry, are ? ? Ic scst lor the f;oa'. round- ? r up. ? CIVIC CLUB WILL MEET TOMORROW Tl.c Civic Club wl" hold an impor tant rceeiicg tomorrow afternoon -t o'clock with Mrs H. W. Car .c v Iit Inme on Harvey street. Several Important matters will be jJi'.'.t up. among them being a dis ru**lnn ol work to be taken up this 'prir.c. the appointment of dclegatt-s m n i ; ? ::i th?; ronveat'en of the S:a?.e Federal C!*Jbs at High Point and the bi-annual convention of clubs that I? to b** held in New York City. a:: numbers ire urgc.l to be present. | meeting tonight. Thi*r ? will b<* a njeptlng of Orr Lodge ?.or i g!: i- Work In the third: dejrrco. VIoit'r.g brethren cordialyj invited W??en Crzwri V/?? In f'nwn. In forrr.np ee:.turira the crown vned to bo the !?ip'ori(? way of rtlalnfc money, ar r. the royal JgwoJs used to be In pawn most cf t!.? uint. At tho time of the coronation of CJcorco lv' thu rrown was in pawr. and was hlrfd out for the occasion at a cost of 135.000. The hi ng wanted to buy it, but Lord Liverpool thought It an .intiecfesary extravar.an?\ Fi nally they browb"?t the j.oor iav*a j broker down to al'hoiuh ttia ' crown was then raided at S'jO.noo, ) rnd In celebration C.oorjre IV had to ?arch through tho streets for mliea ! wearing a pound weight oa Lit bead. I n> it. j. j l*r?*s Si air <<irrcN|H.n<l<nt. Washington. Apri: -Pr?ij.-nt I W:Uon is rapidly nn-unnilat ::u ??*?-' I ?!?*:: co i.nJ 2ik to nl:?. C. r::<:?ny f. r 1 tho rcconr vulniar'm* a'turj*.- 0:1 i!t?* ,ftuvs.x an.i f;.-. KnglisOirnan. . atfldai !ts roach**] Wa-hir.pTuti toilav. j AddlVonul rvi.Knii- rr.at-r.a iy I . --irorci '!>c op;:i:<-n c.f the a-j ' I mi: U'ratiuu that O-rtun snbma-' jriiu" w?iv fi>r the *iuk :nir of both Tin- situation '? j;ir*a:a dc?rribcd as "v? ry p*t:ous." . Th?? cabinet tomorrow will converge . aJ Jj'.ioiia! evidence. U. S. AVIATORS ARRIVED SAFE -- I Been Missing Since Friday. WYro Cuu^ht In Ficrco Rain nud Snow Storm. (By United Press) i F:eU! headquarters near Dublan.: Mex . April 3 ? The two aviators' who have been missing since Friday, i arrived hero yesterday. They were i-auglit in a rain and snow storm near rhooilate Pass, e- route from Nam- ! ; qui pa. A nutixe rancher gave tlx m food when they were forced to d?.-? : r d I HALL GAME RAINED Ol'T. ri:e P->?ton Brave.* were unable 1.0 play Rocky Mount today. owing ij Thj ra:n. The gum- wilt b?* played |:omorrc.w, l^vovtr, and *T.I start a: 1 2: Ho o'clock. Bn.srnn [s a 'ho sche duled to play |{ dim and tomorrow aywever. and will ran a' 2: Urt o' clock. Boston Is al?o srhtdul J fo play Rlchmo: d tomorrow but wil leave a number of first string mr n behind to play in Korky Mount. WOT1IER ZKITEI.1X RAID. I'aris. April 3. A Zepp? Ha raid' il the Fast French coa?t tr?wn of I>un kirk Sunday nlpht. dropplnc bombs. Two person* wr-re k!l!-d find four were wou:.ri?-d. Aimflicr RoIm lll??n in ( liiiui. Anny. April 3 riianp Chow Fi>. *? !tv r\ * 'i" i Aft ft Th?* olfW-ialx ut Arii'?y l?;tv?- - *-i?t .1 the A hit Von cr>t?*ul. a-k iiiK Hint an Aniorlr-.m u\ir?irp 1??* s?rnf 10 this port. <\vrl??m* Swpt|w Thrnuuli Alnbnnm. Motollp. A'..n . April 3 S?'V*?r;il poj*^n* ?? ?tp injurr-fl. 12 hour* an-l a school t> u I ' <1 ! n c 4l Tn r?l i ? * 1 r? rl and mnry cai'lr k l>d wVn a cyrtone S.'?0 1,1 nor Achllle* Sank. ! London. April 3- The nrl*1?h iln^r Achilla* mink Friday. Four momherR of hor cr?w ?ro mlsflinR Th? captain Jinrt 6 2 o'hrr p??r'on* from the Rtonmpr havp been landed Only (HtP Survivor. I.ohdon. April 3 IJoyd'* r?*por?? thnt the Norwegian ?tram*hip P<?'or Wa?nr? nunk Saturday n!*ht whilo at nnrhor On*? man. tho n?ol?? survivor of th<> rrpw of 15. ha? n^n landed from the Rpntlflh Knock liffhUhip. HIKVCH GAIN OHOl'ND. Pari*. April 3. ? By aucceaflful counterattack*. the French today galnod 'ground in the Caillettr wood* flout haast of Fort Douaumont, tha war office report* BELIEVE THAT VILLA ELUDED - U.S. CAVALRY IF NOT LOCATED SOON, NEW DISTRICTS WILL RE IN V A DIP BV THE AMERICANS. WOUNDS ARE LIGHT Scm.- Doulit I> E\|?ro*i?od Regarding the Si-rii iiisnoMM of ih? Bjuxtit'* W ouihU, A* Wert* 1- irnt l^xjttcd 11} I Arninzioias, ( Hy rrr.Torj Pr^ss) Ki f'i- ? \; r ' :? Army men fear til a*. Villa :h? American ?;na ry. -wc-jnnp down '.he Guerrero ilStrirt since Wfi!iit'?(la}'? fight. If a fur: ht *?-arch does not soon lo ? a*- i St.- M-xiran "\V;!I-o-tho-\Vl?p," ?: ? I'iirra! d:?*r i<* t will be Invaded. Tli' i'i* is doubt regarding the -?? s :?us>vpss of Villa*-* wounds, as re ported bv the CarranslBtas. CurranzA's Men With Villa. Wa^'.ilnsiun, April 3. ? Many of :h<? V; Una*, rnu'ed Wednesday toy cavalry were farmer Carran bw und'-r Cylonel Cano. according to !?> ml-oflklal advices, which reach ? J Washington today. The admlDis ?ra*:on sees no r?>al significance ?n :hla to cause any worry !n the seom '.sip d.sloyalty of Cano. with less th*n a hundred men. s'.r.ce Cano has *1 ways been more or less Independent af leaders. SPECIAL FEATTKE TO HE SHOWN AT NEW THEATRE Th ? World Film Corporation wUl present at the New Theatre todiy Le 3-part Brady feature "The Pit" n pho:opiav farm. The atory lends tself :o lavlslincss of production ? very advantage of the opportunity ha# been talcrn. Chicago '.!fe ?wenty years ago was pretty much what It i? today. Speculation and ? h?? ^nproji^ic^ cares of moneymak Inp are the foes of domestic pea^e n* mi^h n^w an they were then. Jad w'n. the young broker, wins a beaj t ful foeiety girl for h!s wife, btt th" sr ! rl scon finds that she 1b out : I vailed in h<r husband's affcctioni )y 1:!k pa#!?1^n f ^r moneymaklog. Hf r.,!'ai;?t!! to maV.e a corner in whe|i r.<! brohen on the wheel In tM and rl n i ?=? that all is lost save tfet of ii!? wife, whom, by his ne? ''f, h" marly threw Into the arms i f a ?? rhi'T. Thl? strong but Mm ;?> fory :? worked nut against a 1 iif it around typical, in It s details of '.i*l:l'inal.le and fevered buaineta life In Chicago. U. S. MAY ENTER OIL BUSINESS c onsr^v^timn I'nllry IntriKhne* Bill lo Tl??t Kffi'ft In Order to Lower Price*. I Fly T"ni1?*f1 rrPBB) fluff* prjf^n of pe'rr?l?um ?nd e.i- ilino. Th?? bill d>r*?rt? f%orret?ry l.:m" t'? ?:! nk wp Is In land* owned h\?1 hfld l?y th?> Rf)V?>rnmpnt. miMJK IN' It ATKH. \Vn?1tfnpton, April 3 Tlip tnt*r ffinimirrc f'ommlMlnn rnd?jr Jiivfnod ih" cinrMJa* Ion of rnl'rond uTt from fii'"rn *f*nport point* to f .tIiMa. \ f , and othf?r point* ? ? T*"? ralr? will Uofk Hill And Charlotte, not Includ ing Ftofk lli I Itself.

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