Friday & Saturday WAIST DAYS BIG NEW SHIPMENT BY TODAY'S EXPRESS All ihe new wash Silks and Lingeries in Ro?e, Blue, Flesh, \\ hite, Stripes, Blacks and beauti tiful color combinations If you rivet your mind on the price and quality jou can't get away from them. They fasc rate you. All the new leading numbers. Prices range 98c to $2.50 Others 50c to $1.00 See Our East Window J. K. HOYT MK I \ I l l.utSl.ATlOV TO \ll> I NKMI'LOYKIX i I'y I'mtcJ Frvw) Waah'.apton. Apr 1 6 ? A mam moth ;n-'.ira:i. e fuad. *o draw fr>:u wliseh the osiiy rv ju!r ai-.-ut* ar> taat o:.? :.?? :r. *i?o o!J to wyrk or l;r:u-s!ly tan's P"* a Job, ;> u!h!?t consideration by the Hou>o Jal>or ' cornmi'M-e to-day Representative M->yer I.oixl ?:?. \". *v Yf>rk Sor.a' <?:. :< *y?n?er f >r ? h .. Turd He wi-it.i it to piiarim:- o "A ' *??;*?' :? ':c i.: i''. uneaip'.o> ni-.T.t. Mr Lsr.dcn'* propoeal. the tlrri < f t* iktn i . . < en con*;-! r. * y in.t ruot* . . .a ra.aa. The c?c;;oa t& ir*?' a pc:i? - . - .utu'jnec act a.-:.? tlie ? l#j li ed aaj report w; h.a a year ic the Prcs d.-s: a pii :o re duce '-scajpioyr^esi by I'jrr'.stlr.g work oa pablic Improvements and . - 'i' natural r?.-four?.Ts on pub ;:it. ;? T l.nailon'i r? i Glutton 4?>*. a j j J r??lu<-? :I.u calisi on the ! r I \J. U'.iMr.nvr, of Now York, uu'.l.'-r if .1 yuok .>t? Social lusur .?!: ?< wa>i an ".irlv witrt*^* before at it* orcr.,::s session to-lay C r*v 'i Was In P?v*n. In U-r'.r'. r icjiiriph rro*<vn ?<? b* i mo w.i:. ..f r-ltint motley . a: ? r. a! to b.- m |m* n i ' IL0 .I.ue At tbe tlmo of tl.e V'urctuulot> of C,fOT -f> [\* :fj.. ,.1 u.,n II, p?Wr aJ|4j I was tire J out :? r u.e ei'fam^n ai ? ' T!i?? V.':i #; maii'.**>] to I b iy I?. b!jt Lord Ltv*ry .oi ih^ujrUt 1 l*. un .in:i?r<"*%.iry ?xir?i'.'ajCBn? ?. . Fi nally th^v brr?wv.'.i; t:.<* j?oor pn*n trok??r dfv-a to | r al-ho-i?') rr-j crown ni> Uim r;ii :c-d a: mil i:i clt-brai'.rn Jvo-ce IV bad to jnaxeb t] rough tLe nrcrto for tailes wearlLu a pound ;Lt on tu Uai It Always Helps says Airs. Sywur.ij Woods, ol Cliiton Mills, Ky., in cf !L^r jrperlence with Cardui, the woman's tonic. She says further: "Before 1 began to use Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would kill me. 1 was hardly able to do any of my housework. Alter taking three bottles of Cartful, I began to feel like a new woman. 1 soon gained 33 pounds, and now, I do all my housework, as well as run a big water mill I wish every suffering woman would give CARDUI The Woman's Tonic a frfaL I still use Cardul when I feci a little bad, and It ai.vays does me good." Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman's tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, aiiing women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today! 1M THE NATIONAL FASHION. Country Correspondence' HAWKINS NOTES. Miss Matt'e I' Woo'arJ, who ha* : :i ii j h::;g a*. Kv- r-'Hs ii;v i>a \ n c-. r..'-uii!f| l:o:n? W--dae*day. \er *i-hoo! having do-' d M.irch 2 4. Qu a nuu:it-r of our pv-opie a: ? ecur.ty I'-aiou-tiivni'.at :u >n Friday. Mrs. A. Woa'ard ard children *;.trn*. several days iu Washington .a-; weak. Whitley, of Surry, was In our m:d st Wednesday. II. T Hawkins was a Washington visitor Wednesday. ' Misses Eva, Acine and Mingle Swam were geusts o! Miss A'.;ce , Wooiard Sunday of ".an week. Miss Paw Wooiard spent Sunday r. 't-riioon with Mr3 Isaiah Pinkham. Will Everett, of Evere'-ts, was here Sunday afi?rnoon. Mr. ar.d Mrs. George Pinkhairi ar.d ?hjld wore guests of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Prnkham Tut-s rlav. Mr*. J H. Wooiard still con'inu > very sick. This nenhe is watching wi*h in? :r''*t the names of the contestant1 in the voting contort and their sfa '1 ir.j? in the list. Srmi' of^lhem ar ? making rapid strides in :h*? number of votes they are securing. It's in i creating to watch the various chang es in the ? inn her of vote* from lime to rime. PIXF.TOU V TWH'TE 2. Miss l.on Ayr*, of Plvmou'h, is ppr-ndinrr th*? week with hT cou? n, Mr*. O" ?. T(. lioyd. and her aunt. Mr* 1.. P 3 ' nrri Flder N" H. Marr.aon. of Route N"r? 1. f:i>d r'eu'.ir appointment at Whi'e P!r>in? Saturday John. Fr'"J nr-'l T|*rm*'n Boyd spent Saturday richt and Sunday When You Hate iVloney You Have Friertds H ive you ever in t:ced that whe i :i man is known to Iiiiv mon'-v in Mi i- hunk lie invariably has friends, ii ; n> friends? Not ny "-sarily because lie lias money, hut because the possession of a hanking account is a strung indication of his success in life and successful men are always admired. *? We Invite you to open an account with us today, SAVINGS & TRUSr COMPANY . their sister, Mrs. Wilmer Modlin, at Jaznc&ville. Mrs. James R. Boyd and children and Mrs. Samuel Doyd and children s;?at Saturdaj evening with their rarnnts. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Water?. Miss Ann'.e Mae Wilkinson and M ss Doyd, or eVar.esviiie, are the t of Mis* Emma Hardison for the week. Rcss Carrow made a business trip i to Boyd's m:'.l Tuesday. i William Boyd took Miss Lou Ayers. Mrs. Geo R Boyd and the down to Hunters Bridge Sun day In his automobile. Rev. Mr. Tvndall preached at the Cshcr&e school houso Saturday night. Ml?s Lacy Harris, of Pucgo, is spending Hie week with her grand mother. Mrs. Mary Harris. i Miss Pearl Jefferson haa returned home from Hawkins wh^re sbo has bet n ttafhing. C.f-o. V Boyd was a business visi tor '?> Washington Saturday. " M'.?s I-ou Ayers, who is visiting j fr:? ::sd at this place and who resides r.Vr-ut r.-r. tnile and a half from the hom* of <Jeorge Bowen of WaiSTflfc ton county, who was recently beaten in l?v n 'ernes states that his condi tion ?tlll serious when she left home Saturday last and his people wer*? i-xpftlng him to die at any t'lne. but his daughter was setting : on n'rely and it is thought would re cover Wr>?ra Cll??? Ha? ViHtj*. P?o{il? in Tibet TkJa? highly tS* ?pwtAclM of smoked or colored |1m th n* ?ra rold to th?m by the CklnoM. toaDs* of bl/ndln* hiirhtcMj w ifc* ?ud on Lb* i now. PERSONALS ? I John Gray Hodgee, who has been confined to his homo with a had at tach of rhoamatism fox some time, J? abl* to bo ovt again. He. was 1 a pwq^^jpprniaf.^ l-lpa?omh, of Tarboro, gpeat rmuvtmy- la,; M city attending to I?um raatthre ? ? ? ? [_ Tho Women's Missionary 8oclety !of the eMthodist church will meet tomorrow ufteraoon at four o'clock with Mrs. W. M. Hear on East Main street. ? ? ? ? J. T. Mallard, of New Bern, was a local visitor this morning. ? ? ? ? I Frank Hart, of Tarboro, was seen on the streets of the city today. ? ? ? ? Clyde Perrltt. a former resident of Wilson, now of tills city, and Miss Ethel Perry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L?. Perry of Wilson, were married here last night. They will make their home in Washington. ? ? ? ? Mrs. W. iJ. Roberts, of Greenville, who has been visiting friend? here returned to her homo thla afternoon. ? ? ?- ? A number of Belgian flags have I been, received by the local D. A. R. organization and are being sold for the relief of tiie Belgian sufferers. ? ? ? ? C. L Green, of New Bern, was fl local visitor today. ? ? ? ? William "wanner, formerly of this] city, but who is now a resklent of Norfolk, 1b visiting at the home of Jordan Swanner, abou: five miles from town. Prof. Samuel I, J, Pence PRAISES HIGHLY REAR'S EMUL SION. Sur?? Remedy for Courtis, Colds and Weak L lines ? He Tried It And He Knows. Prof. Samuel T. J. Police, of the Jr. O. U. A. M.. writes as follows: John D. Bear, Elkton, Va. D^ar Sir: ? Last winter my sister in-law recommended Dear's Emul ' sion to me as a fine tonic and a sure remedy for coughs, colds and wak lungs, I have used several bottle? iu my family since that time, and believe by experience it is one of the best remedies made for coughs, cold? bronchitis and weak lungs. At the ?*ame time it builds up the system, gives strength and health to the body. This year I took a bottle Just before Btarting my daily walk of four miles to teach school, and 1 have-not felt betfr and stronger for ypars. I weigh ten pounds more than I have for years. Very respectfully. S. T. J. PENCE. Bear'# Kmul9lon strengthen^ thai rwak. rundown, nervous syMem. Improves the appetlto and builds up the weak lungs. Hundreds of peo ple are using it and saying it is the best thing they ever trlrd. But lf it doesn't benefit you after taking a bottle it will not cost you a cent. One dollar a bottle at Worthy ft Etherldg? drug store. Daddy's Bedtime Story " HA I.I, we have a fairy tale or little Squeegee?" asked daddy "Little Squeegee la n fairy boy," Evelyn grinned. VjF So daddy begun: "When little Squeegee Invited o little boy, Dirk, to visit Jeeboolnnd, on the moon, Dick cried, 'Hut I can't OyP ?"Did y?m ever try?" asked the Squeegee sharply. " replied Dick. " "W?ll. Mien bow do you know you can't fly? Now do an I tell you The main thing Is to get (be right kind of o start. _ Fraud up on the bed-so. Nlw bike my hand and Jump itp aud down on the aprluga? easy, now baider. That'a the way!' 80 Dick found himself bouncing up and down on tbe bed. and each time he seemed to go higher in the air and then found It harder to come down. Ilighrr and higher they bounced. Hide by aide. At laat it seemed Just an if tbey must hit the ceiling, but when Dick looked up he could aeo no celling. Wblte fleecy clouds were floating above. Bnddenlj tbey went shooting up, up at the rati- of a mile a minute. 'Now we're off!' chuckled little Squeegee. 'Hold on to my hand tight!' > "With hjs other hand Dick rubbed hla eyea and looked about with huge surprise. And no wonder, for he found hlmaelf altting on the ground under n moKt rurlouN tree, and opposite him wai tbe Squeegee. " In 1 1:1a Jeeboolandf aaked Dick. " *Pre-< iselyl' said littlv Squeegee. "Dick looked at tbe trfe carefully tnd found that in place of leaves and buds and fruit it seemed to grow all ktnd?of-^*ta Jl suppose that's a bat tree.' ho remarked thoughtfully to the Squeegee.-. r '?'Precisely!' said his friend the second time. " 'We have a bat tree home.' Dick went_on4 'but dgddy bought It at a Btore and then put the hats on it.' .>-?>. "'The Ideality of this J ee boo tree la,' ilatd fWHqtfeegee, with a graceful ^flourish of his tiny hand, 'that you buy the tree and takp the hata off. Which Is much more sensible than your way. Juat now it Is growing a fine crop of derbies, silk hats and skating caps. I>ater It will grow a lot of straw hats for the au mruer season.' "'flow Interesting!* cried Dick. "(tut Ix-fore tbey got any further In tbelr talk there was heard the distent rumbling of a mighty basa voice," finished daddy. "Oh, bedtime comea so aoonP' Jack mourned. "But daddy will tell ug tomorrow night. Jack," Evelyn comforted Hm. THE SHOPPING CENTER BOWERSBROS. COMPANY IS THE CLOTHING STORE OF WASHINGTON. We are not on* of a crowd, but something 'separate and distant and apart. Because Bowers Bros. Co. clothes are individual, made for no other Washington store. W herever Bowers Bros. Co. clothes cir culate. their identity goes with them and sticks. Priced at $15, $17. 50. $20. $2*Muid Up MEN'S FURNISHINGS THE "WILSON BROS." KIND No where else in this city will you find such a complete line of Men's Furnishing. Drop in, let us show you. HATS ?eady to she trie, all sizes $4.00. We are now ready to show you that Stetson Hat. Every new style, all sizes. Price Bowers Bros. Company Washington's Best Store FOR REPRESENTATIVE. To the Democratic Voter* of Beaufort County : 1 hereby myself a can didate for Representative for Beau fort County In the next General Vs*embly subject to the action of ".he Democratic primaries. I.' nominated and elected I sha'.l endeavor to merit the confidence bus reposed in me. ' A' Respectful!?, 1 P. H. JOHTfSON, Panteso. N. C. 1-5-16 Flowers! Flowers! For All Ooraoioaa Rosea, Valllea, Orchlda, Violet? and Carnation* a specialty. Wadding Bouquets and Decor ation*. Floral Offerfnga ar ranged in lateet art. Write na for prlee Hat of your needs In Cut Flower* or Planta ot all fclndi. All com muni cation i proln t?ny?<*cut?d by "Ott1 BtudnoM la GrowlafH PLooe 149. J. L O'Quinn & Co. RAJ.B1GH, N. C. Advertisements In the Dally News bring good result*. The Best Material, Cut and Style In Men's Clothing Suits that appeal to both young and old, correctly tailored in every detail. Prices Are Right. THE HUB Chevrolet Automobiles The Famous Valve in Head AUTO With t>4 Less Parte. Beit Electric Lights and Starter. Free demonstration to prospective purchasers. E.V. Ma l li son COR. THIRD V MARKET STS. Agent For Beaufort. Hyde and Pitt Counttee i

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