A Want Ad In THE DAILY NEWS Brings Sure Results. WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS nrg I>A1LV N*W8 PRINTS MOKE LOCAL NKWS THAIS' ANY OTHER PAPER IN TUB STAT* THE WEA1HKI rmlr tonlfht *n4 | Som?vh*t cooler Friday. VOLUME 8. WASHINGTON, N. C., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 7, 1916. NTMBEB 80. hard fight ISr WAGED FOR PRIZES EACH CONTESTANT 18 DETER. M1XII) TO WIN ONE OF THE r FREE TRIPS THIS SIMMER. VOTES PILE IN Rooo I, Getting CWr Dally. cap) "?*?!? In Country Are Staking I P*pecUll> Big GlUnj Ah?? F?. The Mm, brtl0)1 of coo ?1CZ'V? mik0 ?'?" Bl? Horn should bo on tap ?0d ay. Cooimunt, competing for! XT" "" VrL LIZ ri i ?;- ?"d "llect every subscript Ion, and realise upon every promise. I The remaining time of the big of fer 1. now reduced to a matter nf :rTrd?:? ?? With your friend*, expoin to them the value Of turning the subscription In this week. Explain to them how yon are trying to make every prec oma minute count for something, that 1/ yOU haVe t0 makc seTcl-al tr| - "T!' "Jb,cr!pl,on *111 prob ?My fall to collect other support you *?? in view. dn. t0 th. ? , ?t a Ter7 al">rt time is loft ot the M vote oner. Tlie Offer. wniT/v "?rth ""Elision, will be known as a "club." i? mik. Lfe.lU|PJ!e.i? d0llar*' ""Ascriptions 1 ? L S h" ""T """l- Just *? t"?r mako a Ifcial of ?lj. Bach club will earn PNK Bun 52S AN'D P,PTV thousand VOTES. The big votes are In addi tion to the number of votes that will ge given on cach subscription as shown by the vote table. Dtf n&t hOld subscriptions back un-l '? you collect a total- or ten dollars, but send thorn to as fast as you pro- ' ?jure ,,,e?. Wo ke,p , r<.C()rd .o determine when you have turned in enough to make a total of ten dol vou. "" "'r* 160 <><"> GET AS MANY CLUBS AS YOU STOP W'TH ONE GET EVERY AVA1I.ABI.E SU^ O PTION W"?-E THE OFPPlt IW KFPEf'T. IT WILL HE GREATLY TO YOUR ADVANTAGE w?r.:?'OU ,aT" subscription, we Will give you Ttlt. b.Ilotl mna 70u may h.-.ld the vole ballot hack to vote ' la,er time if you wish. You may also hold hack tbe extra votes given for the club Publish only what you desire All subscription, turned In .incc the beginning of co?(p,t , coont toward making np the clubs The offer ends at oVloc> lid ::r"f or s,,"dw- ?th. and It Is absolutely guaranteed to he the biggest and best offer of any """ wl" he made at any time during the contest. Mall Subscriptions. If you cannot coroo to the office Saturday night. Just mall your sub scriptions at yonr home postofflre. ro the envelope will bear a postmark I of not later than nine o'clock In th.1 evening of Saturday. April 8th. Thei subscriptions will be counted . PEACE NO NEARER German Chancellor' * Speech I* Ik 11c ved to Hiiro Been Frultleaa as For a? Bringing About Peace Is Concerned. (By Coiled Press) Berlin. April 7. ? The papers are generally interpreting \f the Republican national convention. A unanimous vote in his favor was, given at the meeting of the commit-; tee on arrangements at the meeting of the Republican national commit tee here today. Harding Is In Chicago at the present time. Republican leader, Representative Mann, was slated. Whether he was unacceptable to Roosevelt la not stated. RKST A KODAK FOR H1NDAY. Try your luck for the first time In verfr life. Take the picture of your home. Picture of the family or some lived you you will probably call upon. Kodak* for rent every F\|Mvted at Any TlllMV II) E. T. CONKLE, United Press Stuff ("orrwpondrtjt, E! Paso, April 7. ? Villa has gath ered 2,i?ti0 men at Parral for a stand against tlit* Americans, according to nformatiua reaching here from Mex ican sources. Dodd's advance cav a'ry Is reported to be nearing there. Tlie reported number of Villa's followers is somewhat uf a surprise to officials here, who believe, how ever. that there may be some exag geration of the true facts. Americans Further Southward* San Antonio, April 7. ? American advanced detachments are believ.ed to be near Satevon, forty miles south of Chihuahua City and hot on VlU*'t trail. L BATTLE Sink Turkish Steamer and El ttrrm Other Vest*el*. Cruiser la Put to Flight. (By United Prdss) Petrograd. April 7. ? Official dis patches today state that the Russians Hre advancing on Treblzond, the Turkish Black Sea port, from the east and south. In a naval battle early today Rtn sian submarines sank a Turkiah steamer, under protection of a tor pedo bft, and eleven sailing ves sels. laden with coa!. A Russian bat tleship bombarded the former Ger man cruiser. Breslau, now used by the Turks. The cruiser was forced to flee. FRENCH POSITION IS IMPERILLED tnptnre of Hnnrr>urt by the (irnssns Pulx French In a New Hanger. (By United Press) London. April 7. ? The French [ position at Ilethlncourt is greatly [Imperilled by the surrender of Hau against this p.a'lent ax the next iuuvu In the New Verdun drive from the Northwest. 1WANT COTTON EXCH \NOR TO RE INVESTIGATED (By United Pre**) Washington. April 7. Represen tative Heflln today Introduced * bill asking for an Investigation of the %? ... vnpV rrtton "xrhanfe and to - -r^-ke* Is ?>n . trolled .it a cubbp.racy to lower prices.