? WASHINGTON uAILY NEWb PUBLISHED EVEKY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAYS. Entered m ?eoond-daaa matter, August 6, 1909, at the portoAot ftf Washington, N. C., under the met of March 8, 1870. -.i ? BTTB8CBIPTI0N RATES: x<( T wr 8.00 vt" bui)r? rtpiioiu :r, attired in a bath robo and a bright ?nile, and run into a lot of "company" that you didn't know wag there. ^ Some people errtainly have peculiar ideas about "luck." Here conns tin Xew !k.n Sun-.)oiirnal with the following: ^ "Our Mui , f real hard luck, is to be stranded ten iiiih.-s u? -where with a "busted' 'auto lire and v?>u r I iri rl < n your hands, :md with the hands of yinv wat-'h sl"\vly revolving toward the mid-night ltuirk Hard luck. d > y. u -:iv ? Men, we'd give the last cen( wo have in tho world t" 1?" in lis like that. WITHDRAWAL FROM MEXICO. Carrnrwa has requested tli? United States to withdraw its troops from Mexican *oi|. So far, this government has refused to pay any heed to Carran/.a's proposals and American soldiers are continuing their pursuit of the bandit. Tf the I'nit d States continues to follow along this course, what will lxi the re suit ? Only one answer sounds plausible. Carrunza will join forces with Villa and their united forces will lx? pitted ajrainst the U. S. t ;\>ops. Of course. that would result only in lengthy warfare between America and Mexico. * On the other -hand, if President Wilson and his cabinet decide that our troops should be recalled, what would follow then? Oarranza would tfnd himself unable to cop^- with the outlaws as he was In fore the \merieans closscd the border. There would than follow similar incidents to that which occurred at. Columbus, N. M. The qu'spon that faces I lie President is a difficult one to solve, fie will iind nbi:illv K> criticised, no matter which stand he takes. However, jvi* are .?-,h i?iicd that with eool deliberation and thorough investigation. Ii ? will decide upon the right course of action to follow. ANoTIlEH TEST OF SPIRIT. W !>--'L i be fi t * iw of Wasbinsrton will ho afraid to ?r> down into |1:? ir j?. : k< r- :si;.I lipr up tht-ir share of the eo*t for -improvements to Tli 1 ll;]l in.-.. ?. vSii tlivr th? spirit of 1 istlcssness, indifference and 4Jtuo.*?sd :?? ki.-it!** ha* i :*? n forever i-ruslird find forced to pivo wnv tr> tnn? pr in'--" ?;hI ;i desire for advancement. will be foamed iti tin* noxl l'- vv day- uli 11 it l*vomcs known with what response tliOj appeal i :li cjiniunffc for fund' f"r the road work are nu?t. - If we are ir< i;ur :*? move ahead in the proeession and keep apn-e, with otjj?r count if* >.f the State. f< r Heaven's sak?; lrt's do it. If wo are too lazy or loo miserly to help in a work of this nature, a work whirl) will mean inn oh to the business interest? of Washington, ihtn lets' atop trying to ?r<> ahead and give up all claims of be i tig a pn?irr^-riv - romn: n i? ; t v. Wo d - !'? * bcliovo that tho 1 n-ines* men of Washington want to ?fitop. Wo h'?lirvf 1 1?st ? tlmy arc as cair r for tho advancement of tho eit.y and ? ? ni:r\ a- ;i v are for their own private business enterprises. If ?!?/? : tl; i; : r tlx in respond laterally to the appral of (ha eomniiUv. ^ ) ? * "iirSHAXDS ARK MADE." "W!. t? ;> v. . hi ?? . Iks 1.i mr. prcttv and alintv and fnffy. aft~r 1 aviinr fiJ'.l "r> f- r divorce from the hi an shn had lived with for fnxtcui v s? r- . ? .1 ii' " what sort of a tunn be Was m thrtir weddin*? day. Mo wa- th?? fi??^*t, s^uare^t man in tho world, sho said. I c?>;iivd 1-rr ^li- had made a bundling; job in the years; she had chang ed a nifti' 'iii a bad one, instead of making him a wonder for fl.r. !?' ;? a infill is the creator of her own matrimonial hap piww." This wi? the of Mrs. T,. T? racket*. Bishop rrf Chicago, who has I'-en ?ivin:* ri .-?!? li-m?.? to prove ;hat working pi rjq can be fed on 33 cents a day. ??VWmii*' niHi are afraid to make proposals because they think all F Springer Lumber Co.'s land to o stump, about 175 yards; thence > southwest course to a small maplv then eastward wtthUhe new Borkie> Road to a corner, thence ? south ? west course to E. W. Ives' northwest corner, and with said Ives line ti the Main Road and with the M?1r Road to the beginning, containing three acres of land, more or less, being the lands conveyed- to said Whilldin Sprjnger, Jr., by John H Harris and wife and W. P. Murder and wife and P. H. Nichols and W H. Mayo. Terms of sale, cash. This Mareh 14th. 1918. LUTHER B. TUTHILL. Mortgagee WARD A GRIMES, Attorneys. 8-14-4 wc. NOTICE. A Convention of the Deinocr&U of Beaufort County la hereby called tt meet Id the Court House at Wash ington on Saturday, April 22. lvlfi at 11 a. to. o'clock. v. The purpose of this convention )> to solecl delegate* to the Democrat! State Convention, nnd to tranaa< oiber hnalnea* '__* On behalf of the Democratic E> motive Committee of Beaafor> County. 1 cordially and earneatl) >ir?te ??verjr |>t>mocr>M In B?ai?tor< <*ount yto at1.; nd thla Convention. This Apr! I lat. 1316 UY ORDER DEMOCRATIC 3TATE 1 KXKCtrri.VB COMM 1TTKE, MND8AT C. WARRKN, Chairman County Exec. Com. ?| 4-1-7-10-11-1 4-17-1 ?-!! NOTICE OP HA I.E. By virtue of the power of sale con I talned la the mortgage from John ! Watklns and wife to the undersigned dated April 27. 1912, and recorded In the Register's office of Beaufort County in Book 190* at pago 38, which Is hereby referred to, said I Mortgagee, will sell at public auction I for ca*h, to the highest bidder, at the Court House door of Beaufort County, on Friday, April 28, 1916. at nooir, that tract or parcel of land 'situated In Pantego Township, Beau-! , fort Coanty. described as follows: Beginning In Mrs. A. K. Clark's Hoe at a, branch ktaown as Deep R?n, | at a point where the Pnbllc Koadi leading from , Pantego to Bishop I Crossing intersects said Run, snd| | running with the Northern boundaiy. ! of sa'i road W%*twsrd1y about 300 feet to Thomas Morton'e Southeast; corner: thence with his fine about North 84 East, ta the. l!na of right of way of the Norfolk Southern Rall rosd: tb*nne with tha' tine- of said right of way Bouth 38 1-4 Kist to t$e Pnn *bo*e referred to (Mr?. A. B. Cork's line): thence with her line; 9oiifhw?stw*Mty to the beginning, content** 3 ?? srr?s. more or laaa. r*?. vr+rrh *9 1919. Pantego A Belharen Re*f?* fin. ' Mortgagee. miw < Moow, WW!*, Maori. Jrue. Moore, Jesse, Moon. A. B. act. wit* Reed, A Uriah. Smith, James. i Smith. James, i* - Sanders, W. O., Simpson, Noah. 'Wiggins, 'Henry. *sr . 3 ;? u 3 ? to at <8 1 acre Wooda 1 ??? Cot Aarort RICHLAND TOWNSHIP ? EDWARDS SCHOOL DIST. ' ;V? (WHITB) Caytqn, J. B.. 1 ?Cre Lot Edwards Cayton, Seth., 11 acres Horn* Cay ton. Beth., 12 acres , Swamp 10.84 Jones, W. H., 1 lot Kdwards Bal doe 7.01 Rodtaan 6 Cohn (Cohns tat. only) 60 acres 8.84 >.?? Mt Stewart, Mrs. J. W., Stewart, Mrs. J. W., Stewart. Mra. J. W., Stewart, Mrs. J. W., Smith, Gilbert P., Warren, Grace, StlUe/ V. Murray r. Pender Williams Hubbard 6 acres ??- 14 acres ' ^ 81 acres IS acres 5 acres 1 lot RICHLAND TOWNSHIP ? EDWARDS SCHOOL 1 I (COLORHD) Bryant, Gorfleld. S acres ^ Home Moore, Sam, \ 6 acres Home Minor. Winnie, _ ? .1 acre# 'AW B. H. Roberson. Maroellus, SI acres Home Stir.ey, Ed. Thomason; Geo., - 5 acres .8. H. RICHLAND TOWNSHIP ? CAYTON SCHOOL DIST. (WHITE) Cayton, Joseph, . 6 acres Home Edwards, H. T-, 8 acres 8. H. Edwards. H. T., 5 acres " " Homo , yj-g Flowers, W. R., 2 acres Si H. St e watt, Mrs. J. W., " V- Tuten -Stewart. Mrs. J. W., ? Watson Xr'; Stewart, Mrs. J. W., . Bennett 8tewart, Mrs. *J. W., ' Jones Stewart, MrB. J. W., Moore RICHLAND TOWNSHIP ? SMALL SCHOOL DIST. (WHITE) Beacham. T. R., 65 acres Wooda *' Boyd, R. X (L. W. 8. agt.) 4 acres 8. H. Edwards, W. H? ^ 2 acres 8. H. - Hardy. P. M.* 1 acre Home Lane, M. 8.. 6 acres Home RICHLAND TOWNSHIP ? 1DALLA SCHOOL DIST. " .. (WHITE) Gasklas, J. F., 60 acres Sparrow RICHLAND TOWNSHIP ? IDA LI A SCHOOL DIST. (COLORED) 4.50 1X1 S.64 r t.SS IS. OS ?.Ti SSI 178 4.71 T.1S 8 26 10.82 , 2.82 6.76 , 8.9 J 8.18 IS IS. II Byrvm, John, Cobb, Robt. W., Ham, Ben, agt. Hamilton, Geo., Hamilton. Thomas, Hamilton, Thomas, Mldyette, G. W., M.oore, James, fJCjMl Yancy, 1. 58 8 acres . Farm ^ 4.61 8 acres Homo 8.05 6 acres Home . ,r.4.88 8 acres Ho-?ker 10 acres Homo Bal.Due 4.68 . 1 acre Home " i' ' 9.65 7 acres Homo. -10.50 1 acre Homo BaLDue 6.16 RICHLAND TOWNSHIP ? nOYAL SCHOOL DIST. (WHITE) 6 lots 5 acres 10 acres 40 acres 10 acres RICHLAND TOWNSnn* ? ROYAL SCHOOL DIST. (COIiORED) Flowers, Ned.. ? 87 acres Harris, May Moore, 1 acre Jordan, Henry, acre Moore, Fred, 1-4 aero Rodman, Albert, ' Warren,- Joseph, 18 acres Home Atlantic Coitst Reafty Co. Barker, J. T., Rice. A. H., Smith wick," J. F.. Smithwlck, A. T., Royal Homo Swamp Daniels Home Home Lot Roy?l R.T.B. X P.A.M. S.7S 4.91 19.02 10.12 16.68 Bal Due 4.27 2.64 Bal. Due "8,42 8 86 10.51 2.86 RICHLAND TOWNSHIP ? CAMPBELL'S CREEK SCHOOL DIST. Aldrldge. J. D , Mayo, Irvln, Mixon, R. H-, iSm!thwlck. J. F., Smijhwick, J^F., Smithwlck. J. F.. Smithwlck, J. F., (WHITE) 2 acres 65 acres 15 acres 97 acres '2 'acres 1 acre 20 scrss BP Woods Mayo yc Hoc* .' Cyprees Swamp Cypreas Swamp C. C. Road Swamp 8.27 ,;f.06 \-r-T* ;t?47 RICHLAND TOWNSHIP ? SPRINGS CRERK SCHOOL DIST. (WHITE) Hrothers. Mra. Jamea, 17 acres V Woods' . Smithwlck, J. F., 10 acres Wheal ton RICHLAND TOWNSHIP ? OREGON SCHOOL DIST. Oavta. Su?an Ann. Fulford, Emellns, Jones, Jesse, Peed. Julls F., Henries, i. a, Jone*, Lsura, ? 1 ?tfome '1 acre rt h: .Home 1 acre 1 ace* 822 acroh (COLORHD) Barrow. Sam. 1-4 acre Beat. Bright (F. Brown agt.) 100 acres Darts, Susan Ann, " 4 acres Warner, Joseph. *? 76 acres Yeetes, John B., 6 I Home Home Old Horn" Home Oeek Yt V -. Woods . tM 888 ; 4.8i 4.61 7.44 ; xs S6 8 50 | 27 ? ? V-, %f9 6.76 2.88 flradelenn, Amarlah, Co*. J. F.t ? Brown, J. M., Brown. J. M.. Carrowan. D. T. ? B. O.. con?M. W. n.. . . Roden, A. J.v Bowen, J. L. M , Bowen, J. M.. Rlddlck, Harriott (col.) B^ncsr. W. T. Bat.. White, Thoa. E., Wilson, Major, PANTBGO DRAIN AlaR ? 1014 TAJTR8. 27 65-100 acres Homestead 17-87 Part of J. R. Bisk op Estate 17.95 11 88-100 seres - AfllJ.AJkH A.DowM 18 acres . AdJ J A .*H A.Bowso 11.81 1 MO acres Kelson 8lflimdtlR land ? Ml 10 f0-100 acres Bra!th Land J i ? ' 1.87 " jfca'rt' est Wonfesteatf 81.70 ;*4UXvmL'S if. Ri?l??iic? l*t ? B? 141 *0100 ?rr?? It 11 Town lot (J?e Wrk? T.ol) r ?.?? 1 10-100 acre. Hnmr.t.ad til I A 006l> FAMILY COtXJg muBP. Can be mad? by mixing Plne-T?r. Aconite. 9uf*r. Hyoaeramna, Baaaa? fraa. P^wralnt, Iwnr. Rhobarh. Mandrake. Capftlmm Muriate Am monia. Hon-r and OlrreMne. It la pleaeent, healing and aoothtnr. faiwn lha phlegm, and (lr*a almoal Inatant relief. For eonrealenoa Bf thnee who prefer not to toaa. It la ?unplled readr made In ISc fco'Mee nndrf name or Df. Ball'a PlneTar Honer. Can be had at ronr rtrng -tfat ln?|pt on Celling Dr. Be'Pa Pt*e-Tar-Wnti?? and- fee that the la on the package. - A VOID" HPIIINCJ COI.DB. Sudd*n chan*A*. hliVwInd*. ihlttW on ? caum fnl<|? end rrino*. And th?*? fprlnffVcridH ere nnnoylnr and daneeroo* Mod ire likely to turn In to a chronic summer couch. In Aweh ?*k? ? trnatm^nt ?r Dr. K!n?*? Dmftorrry. a plecfiint t,a*a?I?a T?r flrrnp. Tt woothe* the rough, check* fhn nofd end hetp* br**k iy? ?n Attack of rrlpnA. Iw ulr^ndy p r* p?f?d. no rnlRlnn or fn??lnv. J*i?t nek your drnrrlnt for n bntfe of nr. K'nc'e Vrw T)i?"ororT Toted and trlM for over 40 yearn.