?OR SALE? TWO* 4 ft. COUNTER cases, Cwo 6 ft. counter ea??a. one 4 ft. flo^ cue, one SO ft. wall rollftc. Call ua up. Phone 69. Win. Bragaw & Co., WashlngtQn, N, J5?v 4-14-tfc. J a KJH BOX WANTHDi' WOULD Ex change alee White Mountain re frigerator. Adams Supply Co. * 4-1 5-2 tc. iH U SKATES, SKATES. SKATKB, Mo Keel-Richardson Hardware Co. ? 4-14-ltc. > I WILI> 8ELL OR TRADE FOR A pair of well tjred pigs, a very ftne Collie dog. H. H. Broome, Aurora, N. C. * 4-1 3-3 tc. ? SKATE WHILE THE SKAT1NO IS gQod. Get your skate* at McKeel Rlchardson Hardware Co. 4-X4-2tc, BOOMS AND HOARD IN HOUSE ..centrally located. All modern 4toaven fences. Cafl^59. 4-10-8tc. FOR SALE: RHODE ISLAND RED eggs 60 cents per setting of 15. Address Mrs. J. O. Mlxon. Wash ington, N. C.. R. P. D. 4. 4-8-lwc. WILL SELL PORTIONS OF MY 80 acre farm to snlt buyer. Three and a half ml!es below town on the Pamlico River. John M. Barney, Washington, 71. C. 4-10-dtp. - WASHINGTON PARK LOTS KOR sa!e. Casb or Installments. Induce ments to ballders. -A. C. Hathaway 4-4-tf*. WANTKp TO BENT AT ONCE. ..About six or seven rooms wlrti ; marched through that wide region 1 without causing friction with a pop ulace whose more ignorant and law less elements are kno ike Mly Mm Best Goods ?AT? POPULAR PRICES Stationery, Rubber Goodtt, Toilet Ar ticles. A complete line of Patent Medicines. Cigar*, Tobacco. Beet Ice Cream aud Fountain Drtake The Palms .y ACROSS" FROM P08TOFFICE ^ Petrocrad. April 15. ? A bill per manently prohibiting tho sale of bev erages, containing moro than 1*4 per cent of alcohol will be prepared ?hortly by the Ministry of Finance. The Agricultural Committee of the Dum* has approved the bill rentric: Ing the consumption of meat. It has recommendrd that the slaughter of cattle be rpohiblted on Tuesdays arid Thursdays and the sale of meats !n restaurants ot? Mondays; Wednesdays and Fridays. She Grows Net-tous at Nightfall. More dreaded than an alarm of flro by night is the hoarse, brassy ooush of croup to the nervous mother who ;ear^ mis terror' of childhood. Why Torry, when a few timely doH*>B of Foley's Honey and Tar will ward or croup and clear the throat of chokinc phlegm. It will give you confidence to face nightfall without fear 01 croup. Mrs. Hon Meyer Ink. Clym^r N. Y.; saya: "Our Utile girl would . Kuropo. The contract was I awarded by the Canadian govern-' mcnL Tho first half million cans should be ready by the middle of M*y. I Feel All Used Up \ Lot* of Washington People. Do. Does ylur back ache constantly? Do you have Bbarp twinges whert stooping or lifting? Feel all used up? aa If you could Juat go no further? *4^hy not look to your kidneys? Why not use Doan'a Kidney Pills? Read tbe.statdhent of this nearby resident: Mrs. P. B. Buck, R. F. D., Grimes land. N. C.. sayfc "I had a nagging pa!n In my back, which caused a lot of worry. In the morning I was sore and stiff ?nd tired easily. Head ache* and dizzy spella were freouent and the kidney secretions parsed too often. I had other symptom* of. kidney trouble. Finally I began using Dosn's Kidney Pills and they cured me." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't elmp y a?k for a kidney romsdy ? get Dean's Kidney Pills ? Hp same that Mr#. Rnck had. -Foster-MUburn Col, Props., Buffalo, N. T. Get That Insurance Today Four alarms in two days. You may be next. Phone uSi 59 or 266. We'll fix it lo light. Wm. Bcagaw & C ompany, , First Insurance Agents In Washington, N. C J. LHUN WOOD JAMKM W COLI M?nb?rt Hew fork l?Ooa Rxchmog*. J. LEON WOOD & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS Stocka. Bonds, Cotton. Qr*ln and Provision?, T9 Plum* ritr^et. Carpenter Building, Norfolk, Va. Private wire* to New York Stock ExcHang#, Chicago Board Tradn and other financial centers. CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Investment ar.d marginal aocounta glvon careful attentlou Screens for t/jo uj/r/c'&u/s anc/ cf -)ors mcrAe //fc? UJO/'f/? //v/s7? got my running *xp?nav I alo??d down to a walk." Wiclmv of Spell Allowed Her Dowrr. Jury CouJiln't A{Ke Votes ? Year* JB\ *V?.oO 45.000 Vote* 4 Years ifa $l*.00 60,000 Votes 6 Years Jg*. $15.00 80.000 Votes There advantage in holding bark subscriptions. It it fniaradtaii^ thai thoy will turn* earu a greater uUiuber oi vote* * A. '