THSI DAILY NEWS AST OTHXa PAPKB HI THJ STATS. WASHINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY" ATTEKKOOX, APRIL l#, me. NUMBER JO. STILL TIME FOII CUnSTMTSTO SET UP ICEUBS OFFER WIlL CLOSE TONIGHT AT KIKE O'CLOCK. MANY VOTES FOB SUBSCRIPTIONS. FRIENDS CAN HELP TO GET UP CLUBS After Nine O'Clock Tonight, Offer for Extra Votes Will Be With drawn. Work Now Will Count Big M. the Close of the Race. ' f ? CONTEST DEPARTMENT ? ? at the Dally News will he open ? j ? until nine o'clock tonight to ? ? take subscriptions and coat eat- *j ? ants* reports over the telephone ? After reading this article there will still be plenty of time to get up one or two clubs which earn the ISO, 000 extra votes. The importance of this grept offer wf^ragts each candidate working "right up to Jthe dot of the closing flour. Never again in the contest will an opportunity of this kind b? ^presented. Nothing should be left undone that would help toward mak ing your campaign a success. ? >?? TWs. is tbs logical time te.pre^ upon your relatives and close friends for a big subscription. This is the time when It will count for the most vote#, i Work as though the contest ended tonight and you *(111 then have rea son to feel gratified when the end is reached. " . ; . . To Subscribers. Pay up yeur subscription while you can assist one of the young la dles to win one of the big summer vacation trips. It costs you nothing to help as the votes are given free with each subscription payment whether for renewal of back dues. Hand the amount due on your subscription to one of the contest ants, or Bend It to the office and the votes will be credited to the lady you name. Conestants are authorised col lectors and irlll give receipts. The Offer and Its Guaranty. Each twelve dollars worth of sub scriptions thst are credited AO a con :~r. testant wfll earn one hundred and fifty thousand votes In addition to the echedule below. The offer ends at nine o'clock in the evening pf Wednesday, April 19^ (tonight), and it Is positively guar anteed that this is the best offer of; any kind of the remainder of tho contest. J Vote Tabto. ; , | 9 Months..f t.ll..., 8.000 Votes 1 Tear 1.00 U.000 Votes 9 Tears | ?.00 ... .18,000 Votes t Tears....! i. 00 ... .45.000 Votes ? Tears 111.00 ?0.000 Votes t Tears... .til. 00 SO.OOO Votes CALLS WASHINGTON MOST PROSFEftOrfl CITY IN THIS SECTION OF TOE STATE Philadelphia Mam Comment* on Growth of City and Blgna of Prosperity. C. W. Dal#, a prominent travelling man of Philadelphia, who It in the eity today, stated this morning that lie had Tlslted all of the towns in this part of the State during the last two #eeks but that nowhere had he found any flgflft -of prosperity that could equal thoee Id evidence In Waahlugtou. "I was here about two yeare ago." aald Mr. Dale, "and the growth of. your city is little short of remark- 1 ?bio. A large number of new bae?-| aeee houses hare been erected and mora ere In the course of con struction. Evidently Washington do^ao't bother much about the w$g\ but tendi to Ite owe affaire, en* goea rf(tat *fcM# j?M tli* ???? U '<$r Ulalr 1? ? Mrottf comparison, fiojpfr ?r.r. te Man ot th? town 1 TMW4 r?c??tl7 atNAIL LUutH DECLARES U.5 ^ MUST END ANARCHY JN MEED By JACOB H. OALLINGER. United States Senator Qjom New Hampshire and. Republican Leader of the Senate. Washington, April 19.-r-"It seems to me that having entered upon the Mexican expedition, the purpose hav ing been declared to be the capture of Villa, no compromise ought to be entered into with Carrama in the matter. "We ought either to oontlnue the effort until what we started out to do has been accomplished, or else we should confess our Inability to accomplish It and withdraw the troops from Mexican soil. "I say this, upon the assumption that there is no purpose on the part of the Administration to Intervene j In Mexico, with the idea of keeping | our troops there until the lives and j property of American cltiaena are Cully safeguarded. No Confidence In Carrum. "For my part, I have not the least confidence in Carranza, and would have little confidence that, If tho I troops were withdrawn upon prom ise, hg would in good faith use the forces at his command to capture Villa. "It seems to me that Carranza's chief desire Is so to conduct himself that he will be able to continue in the Presidency and that he will do HO WPS it LEFT TO GUARD ONTNE HRDED CAM, FOR EXTRA MEN I?J MEX ICO HAS DEPLETED THE BORDER GUARD. 2,300 MORE MEN ARE j .SENT TO PERSHING, Twm Adjutant General GItm Out Word Hi at Texas National Guard Ready to Leave for llorder at Moment's Notice. (By United Press) San Antonio, April 19. ? Twenty three hundred additional troops, concentrated at Columbus, have been sent to aid Parahlng In his hunt for Villa. The guard o( TJ. 8. forces along the border has been depleted. The Texas a djutant general has given out word that all of the com panies of the /Texas National Guard are ready to ldave for the. border at1 a moment's notice. }f their presence there Is required. PPIIILADEIiPHIA WOMAN POUND DEAD Willi HKR BODY BADLY MUTILATED (By United Press) Philadelphia, Aprn -19. ? Mrs. Nel-| lie Sweeney, a widow, wai found dead today, her body badly mutilat ed. The police ara seeking a nfegro tenant, who la suspected to having I committed the crime. i KTLLKT> IN AtTTO ACCIDENT. (By United Pre??) PatersoD, N. J., April If .^Harold Smith, 'age II, wm ktlf#d and Albert Reeae was Injured la an automobile accident near here today, their ma* chine turning over Into a "dfteh "? HELP THE F1RHMBS! MAHQTTRRADE AN1? TitC*Y HKATK TOMORROW JHGHf.0 lltwHIt of Firm I>pp?rt?rt?t. Everyone do yoor bent to |M i Kood make-up and turn out to Jielp the flrem?n. TOMOlTROW NIOHT AT THE 8KATWQ RINK. 4-lMto-tp. or say pretty much anything to ac complish that result. "The events of the last month have strengthened the conviction In my mind that however muH we may try to avoid It, we will be forced to intervene sooner or later, as even the capture of Villa will do very little toward securing a peaceful condition of things In that disturb ed and unhappy country. "I believe that Intervention soon er or later will become absolutely necessary. "We sent troops and warships to Vera Crui and, without accomplish ing anything deflntte, withdrew them. We abandoned our people at Tam plco and allowed warships of for eign nations to care for them while our ships were out at sea. "These Incidents have led those In authority In Mexico to look upon us as a nation of cowards. If we now abandon the country at the dic tation of Carranza, there will be ev ery reason why that feeling should be accentuated. "From the knowledge that I have of the country, in my judgment they will never have a stable government !n Mexico until we establish it for them. "Their ejections are a farce. an 3 their ideas of constitutional govern ment are nothing short of a joke." ??*!" NF.WK ARRANGES TO PROTECT READERS IN NEWS EVENTS < OP TODAY. ? < The Dally News lias made ar rang?nenta to fully cover to day's news developments for Its readers. A message was sent this afternoon to the United Press Association, requesting protection on all matters per taining to the German and Mex ican situations. This news, If it ij of sufficient Importance, will he published in an extra edition late this after noon, or else will be bulletined in some of the store windows. Man Drowned at Belhaven |l>ave Sermon* Fell Overboard From Boat and Never Came Up to the Surface. Word was received her? today of! teh drowning of Dave Sermons, who' resides near Swan Quarter, at Bel- ! havon yesterday. It Is etated that Sermons and an other inftn were scuffling on board a boat and both of them fell otorboari. J Sermons npver came up. The other man waa rescued. 2ALLS FOR MILITIA TO 8UBDUB STRIKERS AT HASTINGS, X. Y. rwo Thousand Men Are on Strike.' Several Shots Rem Fired. None Injured. (fey United Press) Hastings. N. Y., April 19? 8her ff Wlnnendanger hat asked for three companies of State militia, follow icg the claeh of two thousand ntrik ira; Bereral shots hare been fired, tmuno casualties are reported. RIO SALE. wni aen the stock of A. C. War-1 rfcon At the* M. T. Arehbell old itaad. Purpose of aelllfcg this stock It to make room 'for new stock of heavy and fancy groceries, hay. corn, meat feed, molasaes. Will buy all HMtntry prod a o*. Don't fall tp briny yonr rhiekens and eggs, hams and Bhonlders. Ruslnees will be contin ued by W. 8. William's and A. C. Harrison. ^ 4-M-l#* * a. ,*?, ^ "Unless Germany Gives Up Present Methods of Warfare, Will Break off pDiplomatic Relations'" - v&Zfiaent Wilson I LT I.WAT CM TO GERMANY. (By United Press) Washington, April 10. ? IVesldent Wilson's note to "(icrcnony serves notice on that country that the submarine campaign must be stopped or else diplomatic relations uLU be broken. The situation was mn<1e known following a conference between the President and Con prtsK leaders. ? The note. It is said, is couched in the strong est Cf terms. No time limit, it is understood, has been men tioned us to when the subma rine** must cease their activi ties. By R. J. iJrXDKK, I'niled l'rt*a Stall Correspondent. ? Washington, April 18. ? America's place in the history of the world Is likely to bo determined, when Presl Jent Wilson apmtfa before a Joint ession of Congress this afternoon? ")nly Wilson knows beforehand what FLOKO PEW SKIPPED BOND ^ Floyd Perry. chnrged with operat ing an Illicit still a few miles from '.own, and who wasto have been tried , at tlie session of the United States i rourt here yesterday, failed to tnake , his appearance. His bond of >300 has been forfeited. Perry's where abouts are unknown and It la gener- , al*y believed that he has gone for good, fearing to take his chance* In court. Ralph Pern', hi* brother, appear ed for trial yesterday. His case has been continued until next term of court. Walter Taylor. al?o charged with Illicit stilling, plead guilty of the charge against him His case will not be tried until the next term, how ever. Richard Johnson's case haB also boon held over Doefr Newspaper Ad vertising Pay? A lance paint nmnnfnc tttrer wk?l this qnmtiw of retailer* throughout the country : NO. 2 8 AID: "Your advertisement should show a customer definite arti cles that yon havA that fllla a need he has and should be in snch a spirit that back of your words he will know thefe Is the auff to make good what yoti say. That's half the bat tle. Oet one article that yon neM to be commonly spoken of throughout your country as the Tery highest quality for any specific purpose; or get a number of articles you thns handle to bs common house holds words throughout your section as Handing for satis faction and utility, and yon win your battle for trade. "Wflte your advertisements with this purpofc In view and we ?annot <*e why thsy will not be sffen|lve. development* will take place and he has given out no advance Informa tion. The galleries of Ambassador Von Bernstorff is hopeful for a peace ful settlement of th? relationship between his country and the United States. Some be'.lef has been ex pressed that Germany will be given another chance. The Mexican situation *ls also acute. Both "Wilson and Secretary Baker have been informed through official reports from Funston that the Carranzistas failed to aid in the Villa hunt. The disagreement of the ' House and Senate over the array and | sugar bills Is also up to Wilson to| sett'e. He has hla hands full. The passage of the army bill in the Sen ate is considered as an Indication that CongreHR and the whole country are ready to back the President in what ever is undertaken. Ranking members of the foreign relations committees conferred with Wilson this morn'.ng. A serious calm prevails through Washington this ^morning and it U generally consid ered improbable that the President will break relations with Germany without an ultimatum first. Washington, B, CM Apr, 10. ? t_ "Unless the Imperial German government should immediately declare to elTeet the abandon- * I men i of the present methods of warfare against passenger and \ frdght-cMTj'lng Teasels, this government will have no rrw course except to sever diplomat ic reloiU/ns with the government of the German empire," Presi dent Wilson told Congress today, concluding a flfteei/mlnute ad dress before a Joint ^ss Ion of the House and the Senate. "We N arrive at this decision with k?en "fegret over the possible action contemplated and I am sure that thoughtful Americans will look forward with unaffected reluc tance to it." This is President Wilson's ultimatum to Germany and la considered final. He cited the German announcement of Feb ruary 15. declaring her Intention of destroying the shipping of the ecemy. American protests charged Germany with "ruthless disregard of assurances and wantom, unjustified and whr>le sacrlflce of the lives of non coinbants, passenger And crews of the Sussex, Climax, LuslUnla, Arabic sn^ other vossels. "No Hmlt^of any kind has been set on the indiscriminate pursuit and destruction of mer chantmen of all nationalities," said the president. "The roll of Americans, who lost their llvoa In ships thus attacked and dea stmved, has grown until the om nious toll has mounted into the ' hundreds. The latest and most j WITNEH8KH TO TEATTFY ON SATURDAY R BOARDING KILLING OF JOB BLACK Klnrton BoHrltor Hm ftnhpornMd a Number of New WltrnvwrK to Appear In Cowl. ?% (By Eaatern Pre**) Klnaton, April 19. ? Solicitor H. E. Shaw, of the local Judiciary dis trict, stated today that he had *up poenaed several more witneanes to appear at the court hotue here Sat urday and sire evidence lo the kill ing of the ne*ro. Joe Black, which occurred in this city week before ' last, Shaw refused to state whether he had secured any new evidence. bat the Impression Is that some I thine new fete developed in the cam. shocking instance Is the destruc tion of the Sussex, which, like the Lusitania, Is singularly tragical and unjustifiable, con stituting a terrible example of the inhumanity of the subma rine warfare, which he comman ders of he German vessels con ducted. We have hoped against hope that the German govern ment would prove our assur ances of good faith. Thin faith, however, is now susceptible to but one Interpretation. It _ ia palnfu ly evident that the use of submarines to destroy the en emy la incompatible to the prin ciples of humanity, long estab lished. "The incontrovertible rights of neutrals and the Racred Im munity of non-combatants, makes It my duty to inform the government that if this policy continues, the United S:ates must break off diplomatic rela tions with Germany." n krxbtor ft confers WITH RECY. LANSINr; OVER VON ICEL C.%81 KniboMHjr Requests Iteleaxe of Igel and Return of Paiterit Taken From Him. (By United Press) Washington. April 19. ? Amhassa dor Von BeroBtorff today conferred with Lansing. Lansing was ordered to return the papers seized from Wolf Von Igel, former secretary of Captain Von Fapen. who ha* been arrested In connection with the Wel land canal plot The emha^y also requests the release of Igel. The cane la considered of equal importance to that of the Sussex. ? LaRcau in Good Trim L. LaRean, the Plymouth wrest ler who Is to meet Joe Willi* at (he armory tonight, arrived in the city thla morning. LaReau appears to be In Rood trim and stated that he ?*x pects to win tonight's match. He ha* met several good men *lnce his last contest with Willis. The match %i!| be held at the ar mory tonight, starting at about nine o'clock. Kevpral good preliminaries will be put on at 8:30 KINRTON corri.E, WHO ARK WKMi KNOWN IIFRF., MARRIKT) THIS MORN1NO (By Eastern Pre**) K Innton. April 19. ? Wilt Hood, a prominent local druRRlRt and M'.m Martha A. Whlttaker. daughter of Dr. and Mrx. R. A. Whlttaker, were married here thla morning. They have left on their bridal toar and upon their return will make their I home In thla city. ANOTHER RTAR NmiRK NKW THKATRK TONIGHT I Mary Plckford wsk at the New I Theatre lent nlRht In that beautiful photoplay "Such a little Queen" and | everybody left the theatre comment-: , Inf on the quality of this picture. It j wan ?s good a picture *? any one should want to nee and upheld the record of this popular playhouse, which la noted for the quatlty of It* pictures. Tonight will be shown Bmlly Stevens the uroat dramatic Wr In "Cora." This Is a picture that erery picture lover will appre ciate ' ' DEMAND THE IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWAL U. S. TROOPS MEXICAN AMRA8SA DOR Ap WASIQ N CiTO N' BEEN INSTRUCT ED TO THAT EFFECT. CLAIM VILLA BANDS BEEN BROKEN UP I'wmce of American Soldier* Is No Lunger Dceired. General ftcou Le?r?? Today for Ran Antonio to Confer With Fun* ton. (By United Press) Mexico City. April 19.? The Mex ican ambassador at Washington has be? n instructed to demand the Imme diate withdrawal of American troops according to an official statement, Is sued today. It is cJaimod that Villa'* bands have been broken up and that the presence of American soldiers is no longer desired Scott to San Antonio. Washington, April 19. ? Chief of the Army Staff, General Scott. leav?a tflday for San Antonio to confer with Funston on the Mexican situation. R*or?l?rjr Bfekoe Scolt to g:i and secure accurate Information. KITCHENER AND LLOYD GEORGE MAY RESIGN (Ry Unl'ed PreuM ! I.onrlon. April 19?? The crislH in, the cafoluel la the gravest sinre the formation of the coalition cabinet. Humors have It that Kitchener, Uoyd Jonc* and oihern will rcBlgi| tmlfBH A s'j u 1 1 h consents to ImraedU ate conscription plane. WKILANO CANAL PIX)T ASSl'MKH INTERNATIONAL COMPLICATIONS, SAID ? If Von Igel W M Attarlir c?f Ormui IKmlMiHsy \Vli?*n Alleged Crime Wu Committal, Ho Im ltmnun?> < By United Press) New York, April 19. ? The arreqfc of Wo f von Igel, former serretanr of Captain Von Pnpen, and the seizure of the paper* which are al leged to reveal the Wetland eanal dynamiting plot, have assumed Inter national complica'[ons. If Igel was attached to the Ger man embassy when the alleged crime was commuted, he roust he consid ered Immune. The Justice Depart ment. however, a'legpd that the crime was committed in 1914 and I*el wa^ not an attache of the embassy until 1915.