MEN'S CLOTHING Fresh Nineteen Sixteen , SPRING STYLES Dozens of suits that fit, your fancy ? Browns. Greys, Stripes, fancy mixtures. -Coats with soft roll lapels, all clev er models Better fabrics, richer colors and a perfec tion of fit tnat will open your eyes to the serving power of this store. Also a complete line of Palm Beaches and Cool Cloths. $5.98 to $27.50 THE HOMfc OFKUPlJEN HEIMER CLOTHES ?y J. K. HOYT LOOK AT OUR WINDOW YOU WILL SEE WITT PEOPLE NEED ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE EVERY DAY? EVERY HDIR? EVERY MINUTE. YOU NEED IT. WE WRITE IT. ASK L'S Wm. Bragaw & C ompany, First Insurance Agents In Washington, N. C TELLS WHAT SHK THINKS. Anna .Hawn, Cedar Grove. Mo., writes: "We think Foley Cathartic Tablets are the best Jjver pill we ever got hold of. aa they do no: nauseate or Krlpe, but act freely on the liver. Any one 5n need of a liver pill. If he on re them, would not be without them." Rec ommended for lndige.?!:on. constipa tion. bloating, aour stomach, gas on the stomach, bad brearti or other condition caused by c'ogc-d cr ir regular bowels. Stout persons like the light, easy, buoyant feeling they give. Davenport Pharmucy. WVter* Im' wi Ckiwn* mm / h ? Nopl? t* Tlhml raJu* a'.jliii if*, cpectaolee of imckri or ?clorw! that ar? ?old to th?in br *l>e >?can?? at Ifca blinder -?** < BETTER THAN SPANKING. Spanking docs not care children of bed wetting. There is a cons;: tut tonal cauio (or this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers. Box W, Notre Dame. I-d.. will scr.d free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instructions. Send no money, but write her today if your children trouble you i? this way. Don't blame the child, tho chances are it can't help ft. This treatment a!*o cures adult* and a?ed people tjoublcd with urine difiiculties t?y uay or eight. ci?:kdv. comkdv, comedy AT NEW THEATRE TOXIGIIT Are chickens your ambition? This ouory covers the feathered variety! "Jane" had an ambition to own a chicken farm and thereby hangs a laie. Charles Shackeiton needs the money w'.ilch would rotr.e to hint fiL?m his uiir'.e provided he is mar ried. However, his sweetheart's fa:hcr raises an objection and it is th* incidents that follow Charley's ! trying to find a temporary wife dur inc the time that his Uncle will be in town that cause the many laugh' able situations' in this production. Charlotte Greenwood and Sydney Graxt l.ave been known for many moons !n ' big time" vaudeville and | appeared in several of the yearly 1 musical reviews. They do some o; t''.e clcvercs: work in iheir career in this production and If you wish a poo dgrouch chaser without siap stick. ilon't fail to see "Jane" at the N'few Theatre tonight. Dfll\K "ItlS-MAC** From the Bottle. ? 5-1-1 wc. THE SHOPPING CENTER Men's Straw Hats How About that Straw Hat It's Time to Change You are sure to find one here to suit you. We are showing every new style; we have a shape to suit every face and a size to fit every head. Let us serve you. Prices $2.00 to $4.00 Men's Panamas Guaranteed to be a one plecc Panama, will last 8 or 4 seasons; in fact its the best you can buy. Afttr looking at the Panama you'll agree with us that they are cheaper it) pi'ce than elsewhere. All Size* $6.00 Bowers Bros. Company Washington's Best Store PERSONALS The M. E. B&rmca elu* baseball team Is playing a picked nine * of Belharen players at Belhaven UU afternoon. The local boys left here at non la automobiles. ? ? ? ? Mr*. B. M. Bar bee. of Qhapel Hill, la viettlng her daughter, Mrs. E. T. Stewart. ? ? e ? L. C. Davidson of New* Bern, la among tbe out of town visitors In the city today. i ? t ? ? > Misses Ethel and Mary Fowle are In Raleigh, attending the Musical Festival. While Id that city they will be the guests of Mrs. R. L. Lewis. ? ? ? ? Mrs. S. R. Clary Is In High Point, attending the convention of Women't Federated C'.ubs. ? ? ? The Women's Missionary Soclety of.the M. E. Church will meet wtih Mrs. J. F. Powell on West Main street tomorrow afternoon at four o'clock. ? ? ? ? Mrs. T. J. Mann, of Lake Landing, was In the city yesterday, the guest of friends. S. T. Brooks, of B&th, spent the day In the city attending to business | matters. P. H. Johnston, one of Pantego's progressive citizens and also candi date for the Legislature, spent th< day here. v ? ? ? ? Col. W. B. Rodman, of Norfolk, Is in the city attending to profes sional matters. ? ? ? ? S. H. Gay. of Surry, who Is wel' known locally, was seen on . the streets this morning. ? ? ? ? Mrs. Greely Rrinn, of Swan Quar ters. Is the guest of her Bister, Mrs H. M. Stilly, on East Second street. t'onf rensman John H. Small left this afternoon for Washington City. Mrs. L. Hendren and Mrs. L. H Scott, of New Born, spent yesterday '.n the city and were the guests of Mrs. M. T. Archbell. troubled at night. Pinful. nnoying bladder weakness usually Indicates kidney trouble and kidney trouble never should be neg lected. Backache, rheumatism, tore, swollen or stiff muscles or joints ? all these have been relieved by Fo ley Kidney Pills. They act prompt ly an^ eiTlclently and help to health. Henry Rudolph. Qarnil. 111., writes: 'I was bothered fith hurt'.ng In back, ar.d was troubled at niglit and had, to get up several times. Since tak-| ing Foley Kidney Pills I sleep all; n'cht without getting up." Daven-' port Pharmacy. I ononis 10 mm 9 . Bern. May 4. ? Chairman Thomas D. Warren has Issued the following call for a meeting of the 3tato Democratic Executive Commit-! :ee at Ralefgh on May 9: j Pursuant to Section S of the Plan of Organisation of' the Democratlo ' Party of 'North Carolina, a meeting of the State Democratic Executive '"o mum tee la hereby called to meet n the city of Raleigh, In the Senate "h amber, on Tuesday night. May 9, n t p. m., for the purpose of elect n ga chairman and a secretary of aid committee, and for such other business as may come before the .'orqjplttee. / This the 29th day of April, 1916. THOS. D. WARREN, Chairman State Democratic Execu tive Committee. J. R- COLLIE. Secretary. "BI8-MAC" 18 PURE. .iULLETIN OF IMPORTANT EXCURSION FARES FROM WASHINGTON 927.45 to Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Vccount General Conference. Metha llst Church. Tickets will be sold 4 ay 9th and ICth, limited to return intll June 6th. $11.40 to Aftherllle, N. C. Account >outhern Baptist Convention. Tick is will be sold May 13 to 17, in* lusive, limited returning until May 11. but limit may be extended until une %15 by depositing tickets and laying $1.00. 980.73 to Orlando, Florida. Ac count General Assembly, Presbyter an Church. Tickets will be sold May 15 to 19, Inclusive, limited return ng until June 3. 920.15 to Nor York City, Account leneral Federation of Women's '!ubs. Tickets will be sold May 21. 22 and 23, limited returning until* June 8. For further particulars regarding he above ard other reduced fare ex- ; ^ursions, apply to S. R. CLARY, ' Ticket Agent, Washington, N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE, ( The Standard Railroad of the South. NOTICE: ALL ORDERS FOR PIC toftal Review patterns to be sent out of town must be cash with postage added. J. K. HOYT. 5-4-ltc. Thing* to Worry About. Tears' do not accompany a cries until tt Is three Bonths old. ? ('jni'lnnntl Rnqulrwr "HIS-MAC" IS BENEFICIAL. 5-1-1 we. LIST OF CANDIDATES For the next published count no candidate may publish a greater number of votes than twenty thousand above the highest vote in the pa#er of today. DISTRICT NUMBER ONB One Big Tour. One Diamond Lavallere and One Gold Watch mnst ' ? ? ? ? ? 158,640 votes HIbb Helen Hodges, Washington R-l 168,470 votes Minn Lynds Leggette, Wash. R-i 120,01.0 votes vilss Effle Woolard, Plnetown RFD 109,620 voUs Gwendolyn Wilkinson, Wash. R-2 101,140 votes Mrs. A. D. Woolard, Wanhlngton R-l 100,810 votes Mlsa Lillian Hpdges, Wash. RFD 60.070 votes Miss Mae Chart?. Washington R-l..... -. 60,080 votes Miss Mary Ella Jackson, Wash. RFD 61,660 votea DISTRICT VUMBKU FIVB One Big Tour. Ona Diamond Lavallere and, One Gold Watch must go to this district. Mlaa Maud Hoilowell, Aurora 158.980 votes Miss Eleanor Cuthrell, Aurora 168,090 votes Miss Grace Warren, Blounts Creek. 156,460 'votes Miss Mollis Btilley, Blounts Craek ?. 183,119 votea Miss oille Austin, South Creak 188,360 votes Mlsa Byhle Martin, Boat h Creek - . 118,660 votes Mlsa Mildred Johnson, Booth Creak. 90,370 votes Mlu L41IU. How., JEdw.rrt RPD . . ?0,>10 fwn, IJ# *?'" him Ckcrltjr *vl?4?ll. A or or. .............. StUM. ' ? /??????? '<*? WHO NEED TOBAOOO PLANTERS TOBACCO TRUCKS PE^ HARVESTERS THRKSHBR8 MOWING MACHINES HAY RAKES HAY BALERS Hiding * WADda? Cultivators ENGINES BUGGIES AND SURRYS Cannot do hotter than examine our largo ttOck of all those and many other farming implement* before baying elsewhere. Hassell Supply Co. Watch Fii[ Hat ' Weak Spot A OOCGH OR COLD HITS IT EVERY TIME. It May Bring on Tuberculous? For tify Yourself by Taking Bear's Kmulsloo. How are we to keep from getting consumption if our lungs are weak? By taking good care of yourself. Never let your system get In a run down, weak, nervous condition. Nev er let a cough linger on from day to day no matter how little it may both er you. Try to get rid of getting a cold and allowing It to attack one spt^t every time on a little exposure. Get a remedy that will build up that spot, strengthen it and make It as strong as any other 'part of the body. The tuberculosis germ only attacks I the weak places and if we have no ' weak spots The germ is thrown out of the body again. Bear's Emulsion sold by Worthy A Etherldge. It is recommended to build up the system and lungs so as to fortify us against this germ. And as I have read so many testimonials from dif ferent people of Rockingham county 1 believe this remedy is one of the j best Cor a run down system and weak lungs. DRIXK "BIS- MAC"- AS A TONIC. K-l-lwc. ' ** TO-NIGHT AT THE OLD ARMORY 8:30 O'clock v Joe Willis OP WASHINGTON ' srm. Fritz Hansen Biggest and Best Match of the Sea son. Bout goes to a Finish DON'T FAIL TO SEE IT Admission - 50c Ringside Seats 75c W ash Skirts FAMOUS " NEVER SHRINK* Styles. Priced $2.95 to, $6*50 Jas.' E . Clark ATTENTION PHYSICIANS. Account Cob crew of American Physicians and Surgeons Jbe Atlan tic Coast Line have Announced an exourslon fare of ft.50 from Wash ington to Washington, I). C. Ticheta will be sold for all trains on May 7 and S. 'limits* retaining to reach Washington fi