FOB RENT: OFFICES FORMERLY occupied b7 Ward ft Orlm.i on Mala street, OTer Davenport's Dm* Store. C. M. Brown: S-ll-ltp. FOR REST OR MLS: DWELLING ob Bonner street, oppoC.e Epis copal church, formerly occupied bjr C. II. Brown. Jr., C. H. Brown. 1-1 J-6tc. BOARD A*ND ROOMS FOR A LIM Ited number. Conveniently located on. Second street. Hot and cold water, bath * with shower. PJione J4JL at 481 Weat Seoond street, l-ll-ltc. IF YOU WANT BOARD DI "A OOK renlailt location, nloe tool rooms, with bath, phone 34SL at BIX West Second street. M-Ue. ASMBY2MIN LEXICON 2M IN ARROW COLLARS FOR BIG TUCKEP-IN-END BOWS blANT C. 8. RADIO REACHING CANAL ZONE OPENED SEPT. 1 I (By United Press) San Diego, C*L, May 12. ? The Slant $200,000 natal radio station at Cholla Heights east of this city, ? the great strategic link in the radio communication with the Canal Zone, will not be put into commission un til September 1, It was learned to day. Accrodinp to civil engineer Sam uel Gordon, U. S. N. ip charge, a delay in fulfilling electrical appara tus contract will hold up work on the station for tho time being. *<>- < M'fm i mrr gctng r?- ??<*?? np tor a hrtsy 4a y. don't ?? ?? ,..??* ;b?. Paris, May II.?' Wanted. 1600 BUgfen war orphans. This la Amer ica's latest appeal to b*t tie- scarred Flanders v Rev. J aha B. de VliW of Cbicago today Is heralding It throughout Albert's tiny kingdom. The Belgian American alliance commissioned tho Illinois" clergyman to the task. Re ports of his progress have reached the French capital. Father de Vllle personally is rounding up the great throng of youngsters. Boys and flrls. rang ing from 2 and 3 to 18 years', are his quests. Belgians fcod Belgian Americans living in the states, have supplied him with the names and ptobable whereabouts of orphaned nephews, nieces and grandchildren'. All now are waiting to gather the little motherless and fatherless chicks under the peaceful shelter of their own wings. Not a few "unhyphenated" Amer icans arc also .parties to the chari table enterprise. The clergyman's searches are tak ing him into city and hamlet. Ev erywhere he is forced to foot his way into avenue and byroad. War denies him the luxury of either horse or automobile. Fifteen, six teen and even twenty miles he covers In a single day. Very short and vejy stout, he puffs a'.ong with much ef fort; but with good old Yankee cheerfulness he makes the best of ItJ Railroad and ship tickets for the brood' already are provided. Father) de Vllle in person will escort the 1F.000 children to America. After ward, he will supervise their adop tion, for the mcst part in the south and west. Wartime works of qaercy are not new to Father, de "VUle. Some months ago he place5* o p diij en H > ??? W Sh "PI CD o o o 3 a> O o a> orq &> ?-t & cd 8 C TJ H V) o rD A FE W DOLLARS A month will not strike the average man or woman as being important and they are often thrown away on useless expenditures and un necessary luxuries. Now lets just these dollars which, if saved and deposited u'ith this bank, will grow into a fund which will not only keep you ,ln comfort and freedom f i om want in time of misfortune but will also earn interest and be a big factor in increasing your income. The First National Bank WASHINGTON, N. C. GOOD CRYSTAL ICE -AND ICE CREAM Always Ready. CRYSTAL IPE COMPANY P.ione 83. Washington, N. C. LOOK INTO THIS Something New. Like a Gas Oil Stove. Cast iron top, new feature lighting de vice. Also our new BO-LO, Big Oven ? Little Ov en, in one. Come Let Us Show These New Things McKeel-Richardson Hardware Company Daily News Classified Ads Bring Quick Results MONEY TO LOAN OV APPROVED SECURITY. A little additional working cap ital will often increase your busi ness, and likewise your profits SEE US ABOUT IT Savings & Trust Go. J. IJBON WOOD M?r?b?r? Nm Tork Oonoa J AM KM W. OpUi J. LEON WOOD & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS Mont*. Bonds. Cotton* Omin and PrortaloM, tl PI ohm Itmt, g Cnrpontor BaUdlng. Norfolk, ?*- * Primto w 1/r? to Now Tork Btook ftich*o?*. entonco Iim? Tim and ottaor flnnnotol rat?n