"WASHINGTON JLDin 8. WASHINGTON, N. C., SATURDjU' AFTEHNOQN, MAY IS, 1918. NUMJ3ER ill. YOU CAN SAVE FREIGHT BT BUYING VICTROLAS ? And records Ef WASHINGTON, X. C. Russ Bros. Variety Store BUY YOUR JEWELRY AT HOME WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN THAT LINE AND OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. ) Bring the Catalogue with you and we ititll prifve it. STEWART'S JEWELRY STORE FLOOR COVERINGS Art Square*. Cnrpota, Rugs, Matting, Matting Druggets. We carry the largest and most complete Une of Floor Cover ing of every description, ever 'shown in this city. Our purchas ing power enabled us' to ee:ure some rare values, which we are offering onr trade the bene3t of. Our, every department, of La Mies Suits, Coatfc, Dresftes. and Hen's and Boys' Palm Beach and jfcool Cloth Suits aro shown In all styfes and colors. Priced from 9298 00 *10.00. We Sell FURNITURE. J. F\ Buckman & Sort. WASHINGTON'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE WE KNOW YOUR WANTS v ' AND WANT YOUR BUSINESS. * ,, ON?"!?J?fcLAR ^STARTS AN ACCOUNT X*-\ ? . ? > 4 Per Cent Paid on Time Deposits BANK OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, N. C. r Put Money in the "Rank By Avoiding Hail Order Houses and Patronizing Home Merchants. DEPOSIT WITH The First National Bank WASHINGTON, N. C. You've Gat to ' Take What the Mai? Order Houses Send You. Inspect your purchases at local stores before buying and guaranteo satisfaction. PORCH SWINGS, HAMMOCKS, WATER COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS. Pegram-Watson Hdw. Co. Phone 190. F. G. PAUL & BRO. Wholesale and Retail Grocers ?Highest Prices Paid For ? EGGS, CHICKENS, BEESWAX, TALLOW, GREEN HIDES AND ANYTHING YOU HAVE TO SELL. GREEN HIDES, 15e per lb. Money Spent At Home Drifts Back to You Again. Every Article of Weiring Apparel For Men. Women V Children A Special Showing of Light-Weight Summer Clothing. "BUY IT AT HOME" and buy it at THE HUB SUSKIN V BERRY Save a Penny! Save a Dime! Save a Dollar! Anybody can aavo a penny, a dime, or a dollar by trading at our store. Our GROCERIES are excellent. Get in the dollar clans and keep in ? it's easy. ( Trade at Home ) B. W. BERGERON & SON Try Electric Light CCOL- CHEAP CLEAN SAFE A8 8UNSUINB Let ns wire your home a? you can enjoy this comfort this ? summer. ^ Municipal Light & Water Co. Cool Clothing For Men The House of Kopprahcimw Clothes. COOL CLOTH? PALM BEACHES. SS.98 to SIO.OO TRY a. K. HOYT ?*?? Boost For Washington BY DOING YOUR SIPPING WITH LOCAL MERCHANTS This is a summons in which every man. woman and child in this community should be interested. It is :i rail for CO-OPE I^ATION ? an appeal to our COMMUNITY SPIRIT ? a plea for us "to pull together." Each week we will show in cartoon and tell in story iho needs of our community ? what i* folding it back ? the things we must overcome to progress and luNf this can be accomplished by CO-OPERATION. We will "Knot*k the Knocker", and "Boost the Booster." ' We may hit some of joop pretty hard ? the truth always hurts ? bnt it's our most powerful ? ally for advancement. If you are interested in the progress and futurr of our home town you can help by reading these editorials and these advertisements each wrek ? and co-operating with us in making this a BIGGER ? BETTER ? HAPPIER ? MORE PROSPEROUS COMMUNITY GOOD-BY, DOLLAR. EVERY dollar you send out of town flies away with a value that rightfully -belongs to your community. Spend it at homo, with your home merchants, where its value stays with you and helps to buiid up your interests. When you come to think of it, there are only two kinds of dollars ? the "Dollar with Wings" and the "Development Dollar." The "Dollar with Wing*" goes to build up the Far Dis tant City, the Big Metropolis, with its vice and crime and low wagej and poverty. The "Development Dollar" goes to build up the ITome Town. It helps build up a nation of real men and women. Then, let us make the dollars we spend ''Development Dollars." home-town builders, building for us and our neighbors and our children, making our community more prosperous, more happy, more contented. KEEP YOUR PORCH COOL WITH Vudor Porch Shades and tho 'Kitrhen Cool with A BOSS OH 8TOVE. See Our New Adjustable Oven. McKeel-Rlchardson Hdw. Co. C.'/<T.- TURNAGE SELZ ROYAL BLUB SHOES Free Shines to Cuatomen A GUARANTEE We guarantee <Wr price* oniany piece of HARDWARE we carry to be equal or 1?M to that of any mail order home in ?h#r,tJnited State* for the same quality of good* and on the' *ame terms, delivered in North Carolina, ju. v>> HARRIS HDW. CO. Two Great Specials 1 Without an' Ftfual LADIES WAISTS AND WASH SKIRTS AT AN UNUSUAL LOW PRICE. The quantity that we am selling of these great value* enables us to offer them at* 98c Each All sizes for Ladies and Misses. JAMES E. CLARK pr.^:' AND CHEAPEST -""?y vv \5tTR, CORN MEAL. RICE, POTATOES, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, LARI). MOTTLED GOODS, CANNED GOODS, CURED MEATS, and Everything Good to Eat.. ( Trade at Home) CLAUD A. LITTLE THE STORE AROUND THE CORNER It Will Give You Pleasure TO SELECT FROM OUR STOCK. Courteous salespeople will cheerfully serve you; *nd the fact that all our poods are Guaranteed will give you a feel ing of security that will add greatly to your satisfaction. J. S. CAMPBELL PHONE 3S3-J. See Our Line of Palm Beach V KEEP KOOL SUITS GENUINE PALM BEACII SUITS tG.95 PALM BEACH KEEP KOOL SUITS <7.25 BELTED BACK KEEP KOOL SUITS ?8.00 Lewis ?? Calais , Market Street Store HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT SATOK? Some money af work- for you f If not it is time you did if you have any regard for your future comfort, or for the well being of (hose dependent on you. NOW IS THE TIME TO BEGIN TO SAVE. COME AND TALK WITH US ABOUT IT. Savings & Trust Company THE OPEN DOOR To the most delicious products of Nature's gardens. Wo earn,- the Finest Fruits and Purest and Best Groceries that money can buy. Look for our ad Monday if you want the best at the lowest price. ADAMS SUPPLY CO. Phone 07. SAYS BAKER: You can't send your fare to a mail order house and have your picture taken; the rest of your bndv might object. Botter let us take that picture of you now, before you forg.it it. By the way. do you like to take pictures yourself? We have all kinds of Cameras and Films. Let us show you. Baker's Studio A. J. COX d- COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Heavy and Fancy Groceries ROPE, RUBBER GOODS AND SHOES, NET TWINE and Fisherman's Outfits, Hav, Corn and Fee*! Stuff. WASHINGTON, N. C. SUMMER MERCHANDISE The best values in PALM BEACH SUITS for Men. Ladies arid Children's Summer Wearing Apparel. Ilats and Shoes for AH the Family. PRICES THAT MAIL ORDER HOUSES CANNOT COMPETE WITH. SPENCER BROS. Chas. M. Little BETTER GROCERIES FOR THE SAME MONEY. PHONES 12 & 78 JUST RECEIVED FANCY LOT COUNTRY HAMS. "The Shopping Center" Spend your money at Bowers-Bros, Co. You get better results. High grade Wearables for the Whole Family. Visit our store before buying. BOWERS BROS. COMPANY > WASHINGTON'S BEST STORE

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