Triple Strap In Patent Colt. Also a complete line of canraa aod outing shoe* for yoor va cation trip. Red Cross Shoes $3.00, 83.50, 84.00 Canvass and Outing Shoes SI. 25 to 83.00 ti*y J. K. HOYT first Ships Carry Anchors In fair weather. WHY? Foi the same reason that >ou should insure your house before the fire comes. Wm. Bragaw & Company, First Insurance Agents in Washington, N. C SHERIFF GIVES STATEMENT I (Continued from page 1) Sheriff Ricks advertised me on one occasion and I did not pot mad be cause 1 had not paid tuy luxes, and 1 have through error advertised few men wlvj had paid their taxes and as soon as 1 f>ianrt it out. I took their names out of t ie paper and did not sell and wrote each party. We have a small crowded opce and have to wait on ladies, gentlemen, prisoners In Jail and the telephone sometime* all at the time and is there a man living under such circumstances who would not make a mistake? To the taxpayers of Beaufort county: I want to give you an idea as to the progress of your county and the increase of work on the Sheriff In 1913 the total taxes col lected by Sheriff Ricks was $S5, 095.24. In 1914 the total tax col lected by Sheriff H'.oks axul Windley was ?86,030.43 In 1915 the total tax that I am to collect and have collected most of it is 2 154, 234.76. I had $27,00" draiuage tax to col lect. 1 had to fell the drainage tax this year in February, when hereto fore it was advertised right along with the S:ate and county taxes, which necessitated my hiring extra help I had io hire an extra man to get up our State and county ad vertisement, as our tax books do not show the number of acres, or who it adjoins ar.d I wished to keep the peo ple satisfied about their taxes in ordei4 to do this I had to go to the Registers' office and get the de scription from the abstract book. Now in regards to the office: 1 es pecially want It one more term and that will- give me ample time to collect In lots of little accounts ow ing me personally. 1 have done a? much for my friends and the party as any man in the county of Beau fort for the past four years; and 1 hope my friends will nominate mo for one more term as your Sheriff. With best wishes, W. B WIXDLBY, Sheriff. i Advertisement) l.l.OYD (itOKdB TO HANDLE TILE IRISH SITUATION* (By United Press) J London, May 25. ? David Lloyd .Ceorpe. minister of munitions, has Won given full charge :n the Irish $Uu&ti3i). Premier Asquitb today I to :d Commons. All: THOSE WEDDING PRESENTS Don't worry. Stewart has them. Another big assortment of Glass wire received this morning. Beau tiful and the prices are right. Dont forget the place, Savings Baaic Bldg. C-25-ltc. A N NOt* N C EXE NT. To the Democratic Voters of Beau fort County: I hereby announce myself a can for County Commissioner from !<:chland Township, subject to, | the action of the Democratic prl- , rr.aries May 24. 1 9 1 ?' W.OO IJ.00 MILAN STRAWS .......... *1.60 RBOULAR 8TRAW8 - 11.00 REOUl*AR STRAWS Positively Nothing Charged or Sent on Approval At These Prices. LEWIS & CALAIS The Men's and Boys' Store ? - . ? . ' Market Street Washington, N. C.