Our New June Victor Records on SALE TODAY. MACHINES FROM 118 TO OOC OX EASY PAYMENTS Bar from u aad Mn InUL GOOD JEWELRY IS TOO IMPORTANT AN ITEM TO TRUST TO THE MAIL ORDER HOUSES Yoh've got to KNOW and TRUST jour jeweler. He most have your confidence u living up to bit word and claims for hig goods. (fluj It At E. ' We carry the largest and mo?t complete line of Floor Cover lng ot every description, ever shown In this city. Oar parchas ? In# power enabled as to secure some rare values, which we axe -offering oar trade the benefit of. Our every department, of La dies Suits. Coats, Dresses, and Men's and .Boys' Palm Beach and Cool Cloth 'Salts are shown in all styles and colors. Priced from (2.08 to ftMMM. We Sell FURNITURE. J. F. Buckman &l Son - WASHINGTON'S fcAROKST DEPARTMENT STORK Rusts Bros. Variety Store - VTCTROIAg ON EASY PAYMENTS WE mow YOUR WOTS AND WANT YOUR BUSINESS. ONE DOLLAR STARTS ** ACCOUNT. .4 Per Cent Paid am Ttmr, ~ | i "I Bank of Washington Washington, n. o. Put Money in the fba&k . 'By Avoiding Mail Order Houm? . and Pattoni ring Merchants. -DEPOSIT WITH TheFirst National Bank WASHINGTON, N. C. -i Anything in Hardware AT PRICES THAT 1*0 MAIL ORDER HOUSE CAN DUPLICATE ( Buy It At Home ) Pegpam-Watso^Hdw. Co. Phone 190. F. G. PAUL & BRO. Wholesale and Retail Grocers ?Highest Prices Paid For ? EGGS, CHICKENS, BEESWAX, TALLOW, GREEN HIDES AND ANYTHING YOU HAVE TO SELL. GREEN HIDES, 15o per lb. ~ Money Spent At Home Drift* Back to Yon Again. Mail Order Trade in Clothing In Nine Cases Out of Ten, Means " MISFITS When ordering yonr Suit from us, you are guaranteed a perfect fit and absolute satisfaction. ( Buy It At Home) ? THE HUB SUSKIN V BERRY Save a Penny! Save a Dime! Save a Dollar! Anybody cati save a penny, a dime, or a dollar by trading at our store. Onr GROCERIES are excellent. Get in the dollar class and keep in ? it'a easy. ^ (Trad* al Home) a W. BERGERON & SON Try Electric Light COOL CHEAP CLEAN SAFE AB 80 If BH I If B Let as wire your home to yon can enjoy this comfort this summer. Municipal Light & Water Co. Washington's Greatest .Store RED CROSS SHOES FOR WOMEN KUPPENHEIMER CR088ETT CLOTHES SHOES ' FOB - FOB MEN & YOUNG MEN MEN - TRY J. K. HOYT wmt ? ??UN WJBprwTm ITT7I 'I'M .>1.1 ? . f, = Keep Our Dollars at Home . li Every Dollar, Spent in Washington indirectly [Benefits Every Citizen of the Community. Once your, money gets sent o# to tKe Mail Order houses, it's gone for good. Ton never eee it again. Your community can now*, bo benefitted by it. But by spending your money, at home, different results are^Doal ixed. That money i* kept in circulation. It goes from one to the other. It is used for publio .improvements, for new homes, for streets, for storm, for the tobaqp* market and for every other in dustry. Suppose ??ery person in Wajjsgton did his trading through mail ord^r houses! , It wou]4b^ a befof^.Wwy local merchant *vmld be out of buginwe, before there would hundred* of men work and before the. eitv would be entirely- twined. THE FOLLY IN BUYING BLINDFOLDED How many men and women in this community do their shop ping blindfolded ? Funny when you think of it that thinking men n's Buff" With their money. You and women will play "Blind Ma don't have to ahop blindfolded unless you want to. The Oufcof Town Houses started the BigGtme of "Blind Man's Buff." But, it's a dangerous frame for us to p ay in our town. It isn't a fair game. It isn't fair to ourselves. It isn't fair to our community. It isn't fair to our home merchant. He is helpiug co-operating with uf, working with. us to upbu Id and improve all our home in stitutions. ' Then, let us play fair with ourselves and with him. Let us give the home merch nt the first chance. That is all he asks. KEEP YdWR POKCH COOL WITH Vudor Porch Shades and tfc? Kitchen Cool wilt A BOSS OH, STOVE. ' 8*? Our Htm Adjustable Oven. McKeel?Rlehardaon Hdw. Co. C* A. TURNAGE SELZ ROYAL BLUB SHOBS Free Shines to CtuMomera LADIES SUITS DRESSES, 6KIRTS AND SHIRT WAISTS FOR SUMMER WEAR at prices less than you can buy them by catalogue. 98c to ?9.95 (All Sizes and Colors ) JAMES E. CLARK BEST AND CHEAPEST FLOUR, CORN MEAL, RICE, POTATOES, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, LARD, BOTTLED GOODS, CANNED GOODS, CURED MEATS, and Everything Good to Eat. ( Trade at Home) CLAUD A. LITTLE THE STORE AROUND THE CORNER. It Will Give You Pleasure TO SELECT FROM OUR STOCK. Courteous salespeople will cheerfully serve you; and the fact that all our good* are guaranteed will give you a feel ing of security that will add greatly to y^ur satisfaction. J. S. CAMPBELL PHONE 3 83- J. SEE OUR LINE OF BOYS' Keep Kool Suits 2 Pair of Pants with each suit. PRICE, $6. Lewis & Calais, Marfcct Street Store HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT SAVING? Some money at work for youf If not it is time you did if you have any regard for your future comfort, or for the well being of those dependent on you. NOW IS THE TIME TO BEGIN TO 8AVE. COME AND TALK WITH US ABOUT it. Savings & Trust Company THE OPEN DOOR To the most delicious products of Nature's gardens. We carry the Finest Fruits and Purest and Best Groceries that money can buy. ADAMS SUPPLY CO. Phone 07. SAYS BAKER: You can't send jour face to a mail order bouse and havo your picture taken ; tlio rest of your body might object. Better let us take that picture of you now, before you forget it By the way, do you like to take pictures yourself? We have all kinds of Cameras and Films. Let us show yon. Baker's Studio A. J. COX cfr COMPANY ? ? Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Heavy and Fancy Groceries ROPE, RUBBER GOODS AND SHOES, NET TWINE and Fisherman's Outfits. Hay, Corn and Feed Staff, WASHINGTON, N. C. SUMMER MERCHANDISE Tho host values in PALM BEACH SUITS for Men. Ladies and Children's Summer Wearing Apparel. Hats and Shoes for All tho Family. PRICES TfIAT Nf ATT. ORDER HOUSES CANNOT COMPETE WITH. SPENCER BROS. Chiis. M. Little BETTER GROCERIES FOR THE SAME MONET. PHONES 12 ?: 78 JUST RECEIVED FANCY LOT COUNTRY HAMS. " The Shopping Center" YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND WHAT YOU WANT HERE. OITR STOCKS ARE OOMPLEtE. LET US FILL YOUR ORDERS. YOU'LL FIND j THE QUALITY BETTER. BOWERS BROS. COMP it ANY