.35 ' m ; >g 1.60 8.00 On? Year Subscriptions must be paid for in advanfj. If paper is not re layed promptly, telephone or write this offoe. Subscribers desiring die paper discontinued, will please notify this office, otherwise it will be continued at regular subscription rates. JAMES L. MAYO Pbopbiktob CARL GOERCH Ej>itob WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, MAY 29, 1916. ^ Hurry up am] pay your poll tax unless you want to pay double tax and times as dull as thev are. "And Washington is going to have a Clean-Up Week. Well, Well. Well." ? News ami Observer. Well, what about it. Surely our friend Brittou has no serious objection. With Greenville, our *Vld-timo" rivals, here tomorrow and the strong Plyomuth team on the ground Thursday, things should be livelv in baseballdom this week. Washington again on yesterday demonstrated the fact that she is , an entertainer of entertainers. The Men's Bible Class of A y den ? sixty-five strong, were gmMs of the Baraea Class of the First Meth odist Church. The visitor* enjoyed the day immensely as we knew] they would, coming to Washington, the Best Place on Earth in which to soj urn. According to the Green*l?ro Daily News, the nominating speeches at Chicago will be limited to ten minutes each. At that rate, says the News, they ought to get tin* favorite sons all presented in a couple of days. Perhaps the would-be orators will so arrange things as to have clocks and watches eliminated from the hall, for when a fellowj has prepared his '"little say" yon can depend upon it its got to come out. At Chicago the (?. O. P.'* will not allow an exception. i COMMON SENSE. WE THINK. Says an exchange: It is said that the production of whiskey in the United States menaced Ten million gallons last year, despite the spread of prohibition. If these figures mean what the distillers claim they do mean, the wonder is that the distillers do uot b;nd their ef forts in making the whole country "dry." This is the common sense view to take of it. HATES TO TALK. The Colonel states that he has been very reluctant to make speeches! just before the national conventions. The Colonel also states that this is the third great crisis in our national life. The first he says' was in 1776. the second the Civil war. Just what the crisis of to day is he does not state. Changing his words just a bit, we presume that the fourth calamity to face this country of ours will be his fail ure to get the Republican nomination at Chicago. This would be more than a "crisis" to him. RIGHT. BROTHER If the United States should cut in too big a hurry to make peace in Europe, it might all have to bo done over again within the next few years. So it might be better in the long run to lot. them fight along until all are fully satisfied and perfectly willing to quit. There is a strong suspicion that some of them might, like to lot loose just at this time in order to spit in their hands and get a better hold for a bigger and final struggle a few years hence. While the present carnage is awful to contemplate, it might, be even worse when the struggle is renewed. We have been thinking along the same line quite awhile. They started the row over there among themselves and now we for one say let them tight it out for in the end the whole world might be better off. THE ELKS. The Elks have held fVioir animal mooting anrl Washington treated them as an Elk should Ik- trea'ed ? in a most royal manner. Raleigh will entertain them next year. The Lodge of Elks is one of the best of the secret orders. It is composed of men of the world who feel for their brothers ? men of the world who understand that human natnro is weak and prone to err- men of that groat Brotherhood of Man which makes the music. of the world. There are thousands of Elks in this sad world who never wore an antl r and who never "jined." Men are horn Elks? pome men are- and no initiation is necessary. ? Greensboro Everything. We are now more convinced than ever that the "quill driver" on Everything is a level-headed fellow and we think the readers of this paper will acquiesce upon p msine 'he alfove. N". t only are the Elks treated royally in Washington but everyone else who chances to come this way. We are grateful to Everything and its versatile editor for the kind word*. We hope we ran always merit them and if trying will do the triek we are on our job from now on. WANTED JUS BABY REGISTERED. "I want, to know if my babv has a birth certificate in this office, and if he has I'd like ?o *ec it." said a caller at the State Hoard of Health offices recently. It. developed that, the man was in doubt as to the physician's having sent the baby's correct name, and ho considered it worth his time and the necessary expense to investigate the matter. He said: "I don't want mv boy handicapped when he becomes of1 age, because his birth was not registered. T wanted to make sure that the doctor had not neglected it. for I believe in twenty years a birth cer tificate will be necessary for most everything you do." That people are paying more attention to the registering of births and deaths is encouraging, as it rm>ans .more accurate and valuable vital statistics and more reliable facts upon which to do health work. "Then tfhere am the advantages that come directly to the people themselves, says the State Board of Health. "Recently, an instance eame to light in which a physician's failure to report a birth cost a little girl a legacy of $12,000. In another case a mother was unablej to produce the child's birth certificate. Americans have lost inheri tances and large fortunes because of no birth certificates to identify them as heirs. In fact, we believe the man was not far wrong when be said that in twenty years a birtk certificate wonld he necessary for meat everything want to da" Mot*} : Don't fail to ragieter the beby. A ft itch is time save* nine. THEOEMQGRRTIG .PBpU No PUot far RepaltUciM Nor Thoie Who W tab * Chance t? Cootj ?11 persons are urged to keep away from the Democratic primary June 3rd. if you are la favor ot electing the Republican nominee this tall. Tills primary Is a Demo cratic fight (or nomination to offlce and Is no place* for persona who ex poet to vote for the epubllcan nom inee this fall. Stay away from the primary. You do not have to rote In the primary lu order to vote thla fall aa It has been stated by Dem ocratic Registrars. Thla is a dis honest method to deceive the henest voter. The Republicans will nom inate a full county ticket In open convention -to be held In Washing ton, N. C., in June. (Date of con vention will be given soon.) All voters who expect to support the Republican ticket are cordially In vited to attend this convention. HUGH PAUL, Ch'n. Rep. Co. Ex. Com. ( Advertisement) 1916 CROP OF SEA IMS NOW READY FOR SEA ( By United Press) I Annapolis, Md., May 29. ? June I week at Uncle Sam-s rJaval Academy began today. The receptions, drills and dances ? three days ahead of June itself and two days behind the informal opening Saturday, when army and navy nines met in their annual baseball game, marks the In | troduction to the practical work a day world of Uncle Sam's 1916 class of future naval commanders. Exercises in honor of the graduat ing class that will go forth from the Academy as ensigns, started this morning with a reception to ? the board of visitors and a regimental infantry drill. This afternoon there i. an inspection and a dresa parade I.) the midshipmen and the award 'of annual prizes. This evening there I will be an informal hop for grad I uates and a masqueraders' perform I unce for underclassmen. A general I reception will be given at the super intendent's headquarters. Tomorrow night there will be a tig masqueraders' performance. Wednesday's program commence* ecrly with a competitive drill. A meeting of the board of visitors, seameuship drills ? with boats under s:?'am. oars and sails ? a dresB pa raJe and a garden party for mem bers of graduating class and their friends fill the day and evening, l he drills will reach their climax Thurs day. when there will be a competi tive Infantry drill, a torpedo and gun drill, practical engineering and ex ercises, a dress parade and the pre sentation of colors. Sandwiched with these is a meet ing of the board. At night, there is an alumni dinner and the usual [dances? this time an informal hop I to underclassmen and the first class Gf rman. Friday the program will be closed. In the morning the graduation exer cl?os will be held. At night. In a big farewell ball, Annapolis will say goodbye to the new enBlgns. DXftBIW OF DRAFT Drafts feel best when wer^are hot 1 and perspiring. Just when they aro most dangerous and the result Is Neuralgia, Stiff Neck, Sore Muscles or sometimes an attack of Rheuma tism. In such cases apply Sloan's I Liniment. It stimulates circulation lo th" sore and painful part. The blood flows freely and In a short time the stiffness and pain leaves. Those suffering from Neuralgia or j Neuralgic Headache will lnd one or I two applications of Sloan's Liniment will give grateful relief. The agon izing pain gives way to a tingling sensation of comfort and warmth and quiet rest and sleep Is possible. Qood for Neuritis too. Price 25c at youi Druggist HTOCK HOLDERS MEKT1NO. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Bank of Washington will be held at Its banking house It o'clock, noon, Thursday. June I, 1916, for the election of directors snd any other business properly coming before the meeting. JE8SB B. ROSS. Cashier. I-1-4WC. ANNOUNCEMENT, To the Democratic Voter* of Bean fort Cooniy : I hereby announce myself a can dldste for County Commissioner from Rlohland Township, subject to the action of the Democratic prl mdrim M?r 14, l?i?. B. 8 THOWrUON. 5 " . -rat & CLEW WEEK During next week I earnestly re quest every citizen of Washington to make an effort to clean up their premises and property ? front and back yards ? to abolish all places that might breed flies and moBqul toes and to clean all vacant lots of weeds. Citizens should put their rubbish In some kind of receptacle boxes. cans or bags, and not on the street and fcldewa'.k wnen it can bo avoided. The city carts will collect all rub I dish and if same is not removed promptly, the city hall should be telephoned so that U can be imme diately attended to. If the refuse is placed in such manner so that It can bo easily loaded and carted away, I Washington will be easily cleaned. I No city can be attractive If It is [dirty and strewn with litter. All should be willing to co-operate in cleaning up not only their own premises, but In 'helping others where it is convenient aad necessary to do so. E. T. STEWART. Mayor. 5-23-6tc. to tU? l?*Ur OOME TO OCRACOKE. Pamlico Inn now open. Prices to salt everybody. Good fishing and bathing. Rates $1.00 to 12.00 per, day. Write (or special ratee per month. W. D. GASKILL. Proprietor. 6-11-lmo-c COLDS QUICKLY RELIEVED Many people coagb and cough ? from the beginning of fall right through to spring. Others get cold after cold. Take Dr. King's New Discovery and yoa will get almost immediate relief. It checks your cold, stops the racking, rasping, tis sue-tearing cougb, heals the Inflam mation. soothes the raw tubes. Easy to take. Antiseptic and Healing. Get a 60c bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery and keep It In the house. "It Is certainly a great medicine and I keep a bottle of It continually on hand." writes W. C. Jesseman. Fran conim N. H. Money back If not sat iated but It nearly always helps. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a can didate for renominatioD for the of fice of Recorder for Washington, Long Acre and Cbocowinlty Town ships. subject te the action of the Democratic Primary to be held on June 3, 1916. If renominated and elected I will endeavor to administer the office with the same degree of falrneaa and impartiality which have tried to fol low In the past. Respectfully. W. L. VAUGHAN. p R-6 to 6-3 f THE SPIRIT OF HELPFULNESS Is an important part of this bank's service.? While it is conservative in princi ples, it is also progressive In its methods and reaches out for new business. Your account Is cordially invited. The First National Bank WASHINGTON, N. C. THE UNIVERS AL. CAW Over a milll/c i and a quarter Ford car* in um today. If each bne of these errs wasn't an active demon Rtratlon of Ford qualities ? strength, simplicity, light weight, economy and dependability ? the orders wouldn't come In so fast. Most men llks to judge a motor car by what It can really do. Touring Car $4*0; Run about 9890; Ooupelet $690; Town Car $64 0; Sedan $740. All pricey (. o. b. Detroit; On display and sale at , Washington Motor Car Co. Established 1911. NATIONAL 5c & 10c BISCUIT pSm COMPANY FOR SHERIFF To My Frieada and Fellow ?> Iff Hodges and I am as good a Dem ocrat as either of the two mention ed names, who were both men of the highest type of cltisenshlp. Second: ? I have three political enemies in the city of Waahlngtfm who are against me now, and were when J was Recorder and they will 'continue to be against me as long | as 1 am in office, because they can not rule me as they wish to. Third: I am In hopes the next Legislature will settle the sheriff's salary and fee bill ao I, or the next sheriff will know what salary he Is drawing. Fourth: 1 have been in office long enough to learn to take advan tage of my work, both for myself and county. 1 saved the county of Beaufort $350.00 the other day by knowing how to do my work. I have reference to my requisition papers when I went to Chicago a few days ago. I ask all of my friends to rally to me for one more term which I am entitled to honestly and politically. Respectfully. W B WINDLBY, Sheriff. 6-18 to 6-2c. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for renomlnatlon for the office of Register of Deeds of Beau fort County. In doing thla I wish to thank my friende for the hearty support they have given me in the past, and ask that you turn out on June 3rd and aupport me at the primariea. I hereby pledge myaelf to give you the aame brand of ser vice In the future that 1 have always given In the paat. Respectfully, OILBHJRT RUMLBY, j 6-1 to 6-l-c. For County Com To the Democratic Voters of Beau fort County: We hereby innounc* our candi dacy for re-nominatton as members of the Bosrd of County Commls pioners. If nominated and elected we will endeavor to economically administer the affairs of the county, as we have tried to do In the past. Respectfully, W. E. 8WINDELL. H. C. BRAQAW. W. 8. D. EBORN. C. P. AYCOCK. W. H. WHITLEY. S-SS-tfc. iRlfOVlVOB(IMT. To Um Dime is aHi Voters or Um Second tastorW Ptefll: 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination as one of ths Bute Senators from this district In the a sat General Assembly, subject to the action of Uie Democratic Pri mary to be belt on Juae S. 1114. If nominated and elected, I prom ise to fairly and impartially repre sent the wtebee of the people of the district I will peas am tajsrlos* legislation. I will five notice of all loq^J meesares la the public prees. and If any cltlses deetree e bearing on any measure. I ?IU guarantee that be feu one. I earnestly ask. the support of all damoeraU. j Respectfully. I.TNDflAT C. WARREN washlaf ton. N. C.. Marsh ITth. Ull l"to" ? ? , ? t ? ? ? ? I A. KKMQUOM to the t?4 H. W. OABTEB, K. D. Taottoa IHM UlIMm 1 Br?wa"a Drag Blank ? oats lull ia.| I to Ija. WASHINGTON, X. a. ? ??<>???? M. 8. Ward Julia D. (Mm* WARD * GRIMES Attot aa f all Taw WASHINGTON, If. 0. Wa mctka ta tka anna of (ha Vtrat Jadlrfal Olatrtat ia4 tka Fadaaal aouta. y.^C.- RODMAN WABHJNUTUH. M. ?. HARRY McMtnXAN ATTOBNBT-AT-I^AW Laulitazboaaa EulVJlna. Conar Baeaad aid Markat Ma. I ? ??????'?a K. 8. SUGG B.8~D,V.M. WASHINGTON. l47 0. Tatariaarr Barvaon PhnieUa and Daatlat oaaa Wlaflald'a BUMa l?l HUM It OW Pkona II. NUht Phoaa (?l aaaaaaaa a aaaaaaasa ?- A. Daatal, Jr. J. ?. Maallns L. e. Warns W. W. KJUskta DANIEL * WARREN. MANNING * KITOHIN AttorwMt-Lc* Practlca In Baparlor, ftadKal and Baprama eoorta of Ikla Mata aaaaaaaaa AJ>. MaaT^aa, WaiHapni.W.C. w A. Tbompaoa. Aurora.N.C. McLean a Thompson Attotnara at- Law Aurora and Waaklactoa. N. ?. ? aaaaaaaa ?- U Btawart r. ?. Bma BTEWABT k BRYAN ?ttorn?7>?t-Uv WASHINGTON. N. C. ? ???????? N. L*. Btznmoas W. L V??|hu SIMMONS 4VAUGHAN uwrni Rooms 1B-14-1B, L*i|hli|hMM BnUdlng. WMhln?t on, M. ?. ???????!? ????????? G. A. PHILLIPS * HTOr rrRM inbuhAwc* WASHINGTON, N. 8. JOHN H. BONNES AMmaniHA* WASHINGTON. N. O. CANDIDATE FOR SOTROPP. I hereby udoqbm myself a eu oldaU for thO offlce of Sheriff of Beaafort County, North Carolina, for (ho ensuing term beginning 1?1?, subject to tho Democratic primary. If nominated I pledge my boat afforta to discharge tho dutlee of tba offloa folly and impartially. April SO, 191?. J. ?. HODOB8 _ ' - '?*. AM WEAL tfPRINO IiAXATlVR. A good and time tried remedy- It Dr. King's New Life Pills. Tba flr?t doeo will mora tha sluggish bowels, stimulate tha Urer and dear tba ays torn of watt? and blood Impuritloa Yoo owo It to yourself to eloar the system of body poisons, accumulated during tba winter Dr. King's Now Life Pills will do It. 26o At your Druggist. . . . - .1 , : TCai