A Want Ad In THE DAILY NEWS Brings Sure Roulti. WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS "WASHINGTON : FIR8T IN HEALTH; FIRST IN WEAL TH, AND FIBS* IN THE WEA Fair tonight and Thur?A?y. Fresh vest wind*. VOLUME t. THB RANKS OF THE BEST CITIES TO 1,1 VE IN." NUMBER 182. LONDON WANTS AIL ALIENS TO BE INTERNED AT ONCE OVER 160 HAVE LOST THEIR LIVES IN CYCLONES DEATH LIST OF STORM VICTIMS IS OVER 1 60 MANY SECTIONS OF TENNESSEE, MISSISSIPPI AND KENTUCKY SUFFER. TOWNS SWEPT AWAY Many Drowned When Steamer Cap sized in Mississippi Kiver. Two Towns in Arkansas I*ractlcally Completely DeKtrojrd. (Dy United Press) Memphis. Tenn., June 7. ? Over 160 persons have been killed in a series of cyclones that swept sec tions of Tennessee, Mississippi, Mis souri and Kentucky Monday and yesterday. Present available reports include thirty persons, who are mfsaing since the capsizing of the steamer, Eleanor, on the Mississippi, north of Memphis. Thirty deaths have oc curred in Missouri, seventy-eight in Arkansas and fifteen in Mississippi. Heber Springs. Ark., with a sum mer population of 2,000, has liter ally been blown away. Very few buildings are left standing. Judsonla, Ark., was totally wrecked. Tho list of Injured exceeds a thousand. LARGEST CROP OF POTATOES BEIUra 47 Carloads I.eft Aurora Yesterday. Price at Present Is The largest crop of Irish potatoes ever raised in the Aurora section is being prepared for shipment and many carloads are being sent out dally. Forty-seven cars left over the Washington & Vandemera yester day. It Is expected that as many morn will be Bent out dally for the next week'or so. The price at present la $3.85. f. o. b. Aurora atyl the prlco Is said to be growing stronger dally. CASES BEFORE RECORDER Recorder Vaughan 'handled a heavy docket of cases yesterday af ternoon. Tho following were dip posed of: J. O. Swannor. speeding; not guilty. A. W. Oray, speeding; costs. Tom Cutler. Tom Cutler. Jr., Dave Latham, Jim' Kelly, Richard Morgan and Frank Holmes, colored, gambling; $3 and coats. Mollle flprulll, colored; assault, $3 and costs. Aleck Capps, colored, intoxicated and disorderly; $2 and costs. Ephralm Wood, colored; assault, not guilty. Dick Latham, colored, assault; $3 and costs. V Henry Keyes, colored; having too much whiskey. Nol proa taken as wltnesse were not present. Spencer Reddlck. colored, same case. Dsnle] Webster Ooss, who was ar rested /ome time ago, charged with stealing shoes from P. Orleans' store, was released upon condition that he leave town. He returned recently and was rearrested. He was sen tenced yesterday to six months on tt>* roads. MEXICAN CROWD THREATENS AMERICAN AEROPLANE a curious and threatening crowd of Mexicans gathered about the aeroplane piloted by Lieutenant D' Argue of the United States aero squadron. The aircraft was attacked by the crowd on Its arrival at Chihuahua, where this photo grr.ph was made. The Mexican in the foreground is a Carranzlsta lieutenant colonel, commander of the guard which was placed over the plane by order of General Gutierrez. GUARANTORS ARE TO HOLD MEETING J TOMORROW NIGHT An important meeting of the Chautauqua guarantors will be held in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce tomorrow niglit at 8 o' clock. President B. G. Moss has issued an urgent request for every guarantor to be present. A number of important matters are to be brought up for discussion and It is important that a large attendance be present. ' NEW MM ARE APPOINTED Bonrd Elected New Mm at Meetly This Work. Tax Kate To Be 81.50. At the meeting of the Board of Aldermen this week, one of the moat important matte? brought up for action was the election of the police! force for the ensuing year. The force will be as follows: Dick Roberta, chief; Hodges. Har-, dison, Traylor and Berry, patrol-' men. The board also discussed the city fax rate. The rate this year will bo the same as that of previous years $1.50. T he report of the finance commit tee was accepted POSTAL GUIDE REDUCED Government Him Cot the Price from fti.AO to ?.?0, Local Office Is Notified. Postmaster N. Henry Moore today received notlflcktlon of a big reduc tion in price of The Postal Guide. The former price of the Oulde was $3.50. It has been reduced to $ 30, jin order that it may reach the hands | of all the merchants and business men. | The Guide contains much valuable | information regarding postofllces. , names of postmasters, the money order business, various classifica tions. etc. A supplement, giving all | changes that have taken place, is Issued monthly TO GIVE DANCE TONIGHT GrrtnAn Club to Hold The4r Second Dane** of the N?wka at tlie I Elk# Hall. The German Club will give a dance at tho Elks' Hatl tonight. The affair promises to?be an enjoyable one and will be attended by many of the young men who have been off to college, in addition to the members. Music will be furnished by Forbes' j orchestra Dancing will ?tart at 1 9:30 o'clock. SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY NBW8 BUILDING AND LOAN 10 HOU) ANNUAL HEETINC Win Bn made for the en tertainment of all who attend Rev. J. A. Sullivan. Wilmington, will an swer all Inquiries aa to entertain ment and E I?. Mlddleton. Raleigh, will mall Illustrated programs to any address * ? - ?? 1 ? y ' ?????? ????-?!? Ufco *R?ldM tk* two ?* MltlM IMlDda four MlOMlS, right major*, twontr-ono oagOlM ud ?Ixtr-ibt UaaUSMH. Republicans and Progressives Are In Session Tocuy REPUBLICANS PROCEEDINGS OF THE REPUBLIC A N CON VENTION (By United Press) Met at 11 o'clock. Temporary chairman. Senator Hardin*, of Ohio, who will make the keynote speech. Resolution? committee opens hearing on platform planks. Senator Borah announces withdrawal from the race. Favorite tons, allied, claim they can outnumber Hughes votes. Hitchcock claims that Hughes outnumber the allied votes. (By United Press) ; Chicago, June 7. ? The Republi can national convention was called : to order by Charles D. Hllles, chair man of the national committee, at 11:20 this morning. Hundreds were i waiting when the ball opened at 9 o'clock. ! Roosevelt is being made the fav orite in betting by sporting .men. ' Hughes is looked upon at a "6 to 5 shot." Root's chances are placed at 6 to 1. I The crowds pouring Into the col lUeurn delayed the opening half an hour The weather Is rainy and chilly. i Rev. John T. Stone, of Chicago, pronounced 'the invocation. The fol lowing temporary officers were an nounced: Senator Harding, chairman. William F. Stone, sergeant a*, arms. James E. Reynolds, secretary. Delegates on the Job are Impa tiently awaiting the flrBt show of rtrength. Americanism and party unit formed the keynote or Senator Harding's formal opening speech Reynolds read the official call. A spasm of applause broke out when the bands played Dixie and Ken lucky Home. Hills presented Senator Harding to the convention. He was barely audible at first because of the noise, j BOOK CLUB MEETINGS O. Henry Club to Me*t With Mr*. Hathaway. Xo Meeting of Addlacoa. The O. Honry Book Club will meet tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'rlock with Mrs. A. C. Hathaway The Addlaco Club was to have met with Mrs. Morton tomorrow, but owing to Mrs. Morton's illness, the meeting haa been cancelled. SEVERE STORM USE NIGHT A ??vWo rain and wind storm vln Ited Washington last night, doing | some slight damage in the way of, tearing d^wn limbs from tree*, blow Ing off sHuttnra from windowR. and! pnMIng down wires. The utorm last ?d but a short while but was excep tionally violent. SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAII.Y NEWS PROGRESSIVES II) H. L. KKXX1CK, V tilted I'rvw stair L'onv?|K)n(le^it . Chicago. June T. ? The Hull Moose tramped through ram an:! g!.?om i.? the auditorium today for their sec ond convention, ready for either war or peace a: their own terras with the Republican?.. Fireworks are expected to start as soon as Roose velt'* name U mentioned. Hasty conferences preced the op ening. Perkins, chairman of the national committee and peace delegate, is pre pared to block any premature nomi nation of Rosevelt before the Pro gressives can get '.ngetiier with I lie Republicans. The convention was called to or der shortly after one o'clock. The delegates evinced considerable more enthusiasm than ihe Republicans. SUFFRAGETTES ARE GROWING IN CHICAGO (By United Prers) Chicago. June 7. ? Harked by pledges of half a million votes and with over half a million dollar? with which to overthrow enemies of Wo man Suffrage, the National Women's' Party this afternoon will demand the Republicans to include suffrage in their platform plank. The women ar?* planning to dem onstrate their strength in this af ternoon's parade. Thirty thousand marchers are expected. The Repub licans aro paying considerable at tention to the new party ASKS DAMAGE OF $100, 000 Suil Ik Ilffiprnwl l?y William A . 1 Rutin AgaiiiHt tin* Const Line. ( By Flnsiern Pres") Rocky Mount. June 7. ? Asking for damage* to the amount of 8100, 000 for personal injuries. William A Bonn's hi i t against 'he Atlantic Coast Line, which ha? Just been fil ed. reopens a ease which Is or ron Blderable interest to residents of this sprtion and which is probably Hie :Bre"!M suit for damages "ver brought. In Edgecombe or any other county in Cnl* part of ihe State Thn raae has i?een draped through the courts of the State The finding of add itknial evidence na t? defec tive track* Is given as the cause for asking for n new trial The engineer s'llfe hung In the balance for several week* following an accident In which a car fell upon him. He has bcr?n paralv/ed from the waist down J. H. i'ou and J. W Keel are his attorneys Send Marines T o Santo Domingo Wa*hln*ton. Jun? 7. ? R*cr?> tary DulaU toddy ordered 1000 marine* from Pacific roaat port* to Banto Domingo, whara Amor lean tlv?ft and propartf ara tbraatonad by activity of ravolo WIU tha MTtvai or thaaa ra loforoatQttnU Raar Admiral Cm porlnn will have S.OftO marine for Aervlce In Santo Domingo and Haiti, both *i?at* of revolu tlnnary activity. Th? Navy Department has aaked Admiral Caperton for a more complete report of the fl*ht at Paerta Plata on May ? 1. In which Captain Herbert J. Hirs inger wu killed. WNM'NT i uT ALIENS IS URGED IN WON ii:i:ij\<; against foreigners IS EXCEPTIONALLY HITTER IX IIHlTISn CAPITAL. STIMULUS IN RECRUITING Heath of Kitchener Ilns Aroused London. Political Struggle 1a Itrgnrding Successor MluiMer of War. (By United Press) Ixmdon, J urn- ? A marked stim ulus In recruittr.g and an urgent de mand for the Interment of all enemy al.ens. regardless of sex, age or naturalization, are the results of the death of Lord Kitchener and his staff. The feeling in London la ex tremely hitter, especially go against all Germans and those of German descent. A political struggle Is possible concerning the appointment of Kit cheners' suc of ihp war ofTic*. It wni? announrprl today.